
Mundane thread



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    Sorry you are feeling so carp SCaz, we'll be here whenever you're ready xxx

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    image Caz throught for you it's a bit of a trek but there are a few cool kids going to SA's house this weekend for some mischief I'm sure you would be more than welcome to come and say hello if you want to get away for a weekend. People there you will know over than Q and Jo is me and Tom you met before. ((((hugs))))

    KatieJane wrote (see)

    I'm covered in bites, I don't know what decided to munch on me overnight but I hope it doesn't do it again tonight.

    We've bought a house.


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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    Thanks Cake.  That is really lovely but I have some stuff to do at home this weekend, including a 2.5 hour OW swim that I can't afford to pass up on.

    I'm up visiting SA in a few weeks I think, so maybe we can meet up then.

    SOLB, I need to work out a time when we can meet up and have a good gossip.  I really need it.

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    Are you feeling up to agreeing on a time to meet up or are things a bit up and down at the moment? We could pencil in a meeting in the day around my rubbish appointments or we could meet up any evening next week.  

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    ((Caz)) - chin up my lovely...it WILL get betterer. Of that you can be sure. And we are all here for you xx

    SOLBYsolb - that cookbook looks awesome! Hope the nurse was nice to you.

    I feel asleep on the sofa in the breakout room...one of the boys decided to see if I was really asleep and started fiddling with my hair...he was treated to a full "duck wakes up in a panic" show...he won't be doing that again in a hurry!

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    Ugs for ((SC)) and anyone else who needs them.

    I've been running round the town like a BAF getting stuff ready to leave tomorrow...I'm all sweaty now (*nice*) 

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    It is awesome - I will post some recipies for you all image

    The nurse was nice to me, she is swapping one of the inhalers. I asked her what percentage of my best score we were aiming with the medication - she said stuff the percentage we're aiming at getting you back running image I love her (she's a runner too, can you tell?!) 

    Aww sleepy duck that sounds cute, up until the point where the eejit discovered what a cross duck looks like.

    I still love you all sweaty GFB, I vote blue flavoured baby this time image  

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    LOL - I obviously meant HUGS for SC - not sure her opinion of Australian fuzzy boots image

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    I don't think she likes them, she doesn't even love socks image

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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    Thanks guys.

    Boots are generally a no no for me as my arch is too high and my calves too big to find any that fit me.

    Hugs are a big yes yes for me.  I need lots at the moment.

    Sleepy duck does sound cute.

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    ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz)))) ((((SCaz))))

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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    Solb, don't wear your arms out image

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    Thanks guys.

    It would seem my work fears were correct, Just been told I'm under threat of the R word. Got a meeting at 3.30. *pulls on the big girl pants*.

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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    (((Duck)))  I know its crap now, but this could very well be the push that you need to move you on.  Looking for another job is a wise thing to do, but if things work out right then you could pocket the redundancy money and have something else lined up to move straight in to.

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    I got made redundant, was the best thing that ever happened at that place ... I got shoved out of a rut and paid the credit card off!

    That said the process is a bit wibble inducing ... hope the big girl pants stay up. (Or notimage )

    I've still got more hugs if you need them SCaz.

    I'm wondering if I could make changes to my diet to help with the perpetual knackardness - what do you think Bookie, feasible?

    I love you mundanies x
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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    SOLB, knowing what little variety you eat, I am almost certain that getting a more balanced diet would help your energy levels.

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    Hog-mouseHog-mouse ✭✭✭

    Hope that whatever happens today mima that you can ride the storm or whatever.

    Glad the book finally arrived SOLB. I couldn't not buy it when I saw the title.

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    I loved it, absolutley perfect title little mouse. I am going to keep it on the kitchen windowsill ... will build up a little cookbook library (with more variety in it!) 

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    They have been saying the R word around here for a couple of years but they never let me leg it into the sunset. IF you get it treat it as an opertunity to spend a week eating toach in front of the telly and then get a much better job. image


    Bookie is at the dentist so she might not see your post for a bit.

    In mundane news Bookie is down south in her cockney homeland for a few days so I will have to fend for myself for a bit. image

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    I'm officially under threat...on garden leave. See the gardening thread!

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    BookyBooky ✭✭✭

    Hello from down south!

    (((duck))) from the sounds of it, you'll be well shot of the place. And if you can get a redundancy package rather than just having to leave then all the better for it. Good luck image

    What's your diet like SOLB?

    I've been to the dentist - the anaesthetic is wearing off and I'm a bit ouchy image

    My family have given me birthday presents! My Mummy has got me a Wii, and Wii fit balance board. Now I can tone my booty from the comfort of my own home image

    I need to read back properly...

    Just in case (((everyone)))

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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    I'm making toad in the hole tonight.  Comfort food to cheer me up.

    Went for my first ever swim in a proper river today.  Usually I swim in tidal rivers which aren't that different to the sea, but this one was 100% fresh water.

    It was er... interesting.  Firstly the people I was swimming with started telling me stories of how the Wardens of the park don't like us swimming there and have tried to tell us that it is illegal (it's not).  They have been getting more and more agressive recently and had threatened to throw our clothes in the water.  Luckily we didn't meet any wardens today, but it didn't really put my mind at rest.

    Then there was the reeds.  The water was shallow so I could see the reeds on the bottom.  Not keen on reeds.

    Then there was the swans.  They wouldn't let us past so we had to climb the bank (cue muddy legs and hands) and walk past them.  Luckily they were gone when we came back.

    But over all I enjoyed it and came out of the water in a better mood than I went in.

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    SC sorry to hear things are tough.  Big hugs Hon xx

    Yay to Baby Mango as a name image.  On balance I'm going for pink too.

    Fab news on the bimbling Small.  Small steps - literally! - and here's to more and more of them.

    SOLB boo hiss to asthma but good stuff re the nice nurse and meds swap

    Have a fab time in Portugal GFB

    Hope it's not to ouchy when the anaesthetic wears off Bookie

    Oh feck (((Duck))).  It happened to me and Blouse simultaneously last year (we worked at the same place).  On balance we're now still scared, happier overall, and free of a place that was dragging us down to the extent that I was on antidepressants, but a gilded cage and all that.  Everything crossed for you.

    Got a brilliant b'day card for a mate we're spending the weekend with.  What do you think of http://athousandshades.typepad.com/.a/6a00e5532ea7118834010536892a60970b-400wi

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    *gives up and pours a large glass of red*

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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    Thanks Hash.  With all the things going on it your life I appreciate it when you take time out for me, or others.

    Toad in the hole cheered me up a bit, but not as much as when Hubby went to bed as I now know that I don't need to speak to him again today.

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    Sorry to hear about the necessity for gardening Duck.

    Hope you're feeling ok Bookie.

    Good news about the meds swap SOLB.

    How are you doing Caz?

    I'm in a stinky mood today, Mini yet again wouldn't go to sleep so I really ought to log off and go to bed myself. I'm not thinking too straight about stuff at the mo.

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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    I'm trying not to be too self centred on here KJ as it would be too easy for me to wallow in it.  But the basic story is that I have nothing to anchor me - no house, no job, no partner...  So I am finding myself out of my depth and overwhelmed.  There are too many things to sort out, but none of them I can do yet as they all depend on me getting a job.

    My mood seems to be swinging from extremely happy to extremely down and can change from one to the other within half an hour.

    I need something I can focus on and control.  Only time is going to give that to me.

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    Oh SC I really can't comprehend your emotions/feelings but I'm here for a hug for you. X
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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    I can't get enough hugs.  I've turned into a proper floozy who will do anything for a hug image

    Or enough swimming.  That seems to be one of the few things that lifts my mood.  Luckily I need to do lots of it at the moment image

    Somehow I am managing not to compensate with food at the moment.  Not sure why that is as comfort eating is a big problem for me normally.

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