
Mental illness and running



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    what was it about bos1?

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    BBC blurb:

    Voices in the Head


    Writer and documentary maker Jon Ronson returns for another 5 part series of fascinating stories shedding light on the human condition.

    Eleanor Longden started to hear voices in her head when she was at university and was diagnosed as a schizophrenic - a label she totally rejects. Now she is a high achieving academic. What started the voices and how did she get to a point where she not only lives happily with the voices that still exist but also works with others who have the same experience? With contributions from writer Graham Linehan and comedian Josie Long.

    Available on iplayer


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    I'll make time to listen to that. None of my family have the schizophrenia label so it's something i don't know much about
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    So excited to see you all *waves happily*

    Sorry I was quiet yesterday.

    By 'eck what a lovely, brave, inspiring answer. It made my eyes leak! I feel honoured to be surrounded by you all.

    Dragon you are always welcome to post (and ask questions) in your work or personal persona. I'm as honest here as decency allows (so keep some of the really disturbing stuff back) if I can answer I will, no inappropriate questions here but not necessarily any profound answers either.

    Thank you for the link bos1, my computer is poorly but I'll find a way to listen.

    Towner, I'm so glad you said hi. We can still care whether or not you feel like talking. I know it was tough of you to write but I'm so glad you did

    I wrote a big post yesterday but my phone lost it so I'm not sure what I've already said. Sorry if I've misses anyone.

    I'm still feeling pretty positive on the surface bits but I'm covering up the acute struggle on Sunday and its poisoning my mood at intervals. I don't really mind, its nice to feel positive even if its not quite real.

    Hoping everyone is ok.


    Oh and I was thinking in the car yesterday, I need happy music any suggestions?
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    Happy music? The wheels on the bus.

    I didn't mean to make anyone leak, or intend to be inspiring.
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    hmmm not a clue about happy music...I stick the radio on and thats about it.

    I should go for a toddle today, I need to. But I'm very tired after only 4 hours sleep after the crises of yesterday. Taking older child into town so I could go to the gym and have a dreadmill session - least I'll have done something. And I'm hungry again too...bugger.

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    *looks ashamed*

    I don't know the words by eck.

    Mima you are very hard on yourself duck.

    I've just been to the docs. My lungs are being good again, lucky really cos I'd already been for a quick jog this morning. Felt really good and I actually enjoyed it instead of it being a test of endurance. I'm happy about the oral steroids now (fickle SOLB) everything seems more controlled.

    Doc is upping anti d's to be reviewed next week. The therapist had a chat with her about silly solbs and the re-traumatising stuff with peak flows and stuff. Doc had forgotten all about it so I still had to do it all.

    Am focussing on the lovely positives, fabby news about running and more anti-d's. I am pretending I didn't eat a whole tub of icecream today!

    Did you dreadmill it duck? I'm impressed I'm rubbish on treadies.

    How are you all faring? X
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    Happy music? Remember 'I was made for sunny days?' image SOLB, The Weepies have so many happy songs, I'll burn you a CD when I get the chance...

    Ok, I'll bugger off now. Big love to all of you xx
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    Please stay divine sossidge. I like running to lady Gaga. I don't always agree with the words, and it's not one I let my daughter listen to, but the beat makes me run faster and longer
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    probably the  best tips i was given to motivate my self for any major run / race were set your self an incentive or a treat for completing use and ipod/ mp3 for some focus and the one from my army days was it pays to be a winner and theres no glory in not finishing !!!

    but we all get ill and have off days probaly the easiest thing to suceed is to visualise your self crossing the line at the end it doesnt matter how you cross it its about crossing it 

    good luck 

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    Ok...I'm Sossidge and I don't have MH issues to the extent of you lovely guys, but I've recently had a miscarriage which affected me deeply. SOLB has been a great support. I probably won't post on here very often, but I really admire all of you and your coping strategies. Big love to you all xx
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    Hello all....

    I have been productive today, sort of. Went and had lunch with old friend at my old uni, got jealous of the gorgeous new union they have. Then I went to see another friend for a cup of tea and a natter after dropping eldest child of friend into town.

    I did make it to the gym, for a 20 minute dreadmill session - picked up eldest child as planned. I've had a Mars ice cream, would kill for another one..but I know that is greedy. Can't stop eating though!

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    You don't need a mental health diagnosis to post special Sossidge, I'm glad by 'eck asked you to stay, she's right all welcome here.

    Thanks for the music suggestions, gonna push forward with that. I think I need to feel a bit more empowered.

    I'm a bit too excited about running again, one good run and I've kicked my hopes sky high - there's a half coming up next month I don't have time to train properly but I'm tempted to make walk running that or doing the 10k if that's more appropriate my running goal. I wouldn't normally cut it so fine but some friends will also be running and it's mean so much to join them after its all looked so impossible.

    I don't feel too bad about docs, have stayed deliberately busy this evening. I don't usually mind missing therapy sessions over bank holidays but I wish we hadn't missed this one. Hope I'm not burying more monsters.

    How's little Moo by eck? How's the new program at the gym working out by the way. Are you falling in love with free weights after all?

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    Mmmmm icecream image

    Sounds impressively social duck image has the holiday helped you feel any more relaxed?

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    Guess it depends on taste but here's some happy/energetic stuff wot I like image



    Boo Radleys


    Before the Saturdays, there were the Sundays






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    Thank you little Bear image
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    I'm only going to snigger a little bear ... click the first link!!

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    My psych's secretary has just e-mailed my medical report to my husband without my permission. Very very upset
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    Erm, nope. But she has also failed to call to make appointments or pass on a message when I was wanting to kill myself
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    by 'eck, it's hilly wrote (see)
    My psych's secretary has just e-mailed my medical report to my husband without my permission. Very very upset

    that's unacceptable! Is it likely to cause problems by 'eck?

    by 'eck, it's hilly wrote (see)
    My psych's secretary has just e-mailed my medical report to my husband without my permission. Very very upset


    by 'eck, it's hilly wrote (see)
    Erm, nope. But she has also failed to call to make appointments or pass on a message when I was wanting to kill myself

    shoddy at best! could have been a disaster!

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    There's some stuff I would have preferred him not to know and the treatment plan/prognosis wasn't something I really knew. He does come to some sessions with me but that is my choice. I am waiting for the psych to call before I decide whether to report them. I try to be understanding and not overreact but I feel like someone has decided something without my consent. The whole mental health thing takes that away so frequently so I liked to hang onto the little bit of dignity and control I have.
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    (and I'm not subject to a protection and haven't been sectioned).

    I've contacted my therapist to ask her advice. The complicating factor is my husband is also his patient but we are individual patients for separate treatments. If I make an official complaint he might not be able to treat Mr by 'eck who really does need it, and would find it near impossible to start a new relationship with someone else.

    Anyway, sorry for completely taking over this afternoon.
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    TownerTowner ✭✭✭
    Just popping in to say, hope that doesnt cause you too much grief by eck....thought I was having a bad day today, but nothing like that so, thinking of you.
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    Oops daft Bear, it was meant to be this

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    No worries bear. It made me laugh image
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    Bloody hell by 'eck, I think the secretary needs sacking! That's utterly shocking. Patient confidentiality is one of the most important aspects of her duty. It is her that has caused the potential for complications with both of your therapuetic relationships not the question of whether you report her. 
    I can see why you don't want to cause a fuss but I am livid, it's disgraceful treatment and as you've mentioned it's not just the seretary having a bad day. She obviously isn't up to the responsibilities inherent in her job. 
    Confidentiality aside you must be feeling horrible; I'd feel all sorts of <distorted> things if that had happened to me. Are you OK?
    ((((((By 'eck)))))) xxxxx

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    Are you OK Towner? I'm a firm believer that in mental health all things are kind of relative. You can't place objective measures of how sad/bad/afraid someone should be feeling in a given situation (otherwise it wouldn't be an illness but a natural reaction to cicumstances.) The only way you can judge it is in relation to how it usually feels to  you. Comparing circumstances and therefore the amount of pain generated doesn't work because the emotions are not rational products of the circumstances. It would be like saying that having a broken leg would have no bearing on how much pain someone feels when the leg is tapped. Equal amounts of pressure can be applied in equal ways but amount of pain caused is different. 

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