
Inspire "Elders"



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     morning all

     hope you ok s'berry

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    Morning all.

    I'm currently *screaming*. Who closes for a refurb over new year??? image
    I need a dog sitter and everywhere is chocker because of the time of year. *wonders if I could bribe parents* image
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    Send him over Cabbey.... although he might get fed up with all the cuddles from the Berries... and might be a few inches shorter with all the walks..... slightly bald with the brushing (I have two animal mad Berries, especially the older one)...... maybe you'd be better bribing your parents!!!

    Min - I'm fine, just a sore foot again mixed with a dose of CBA (not just confined to running, but everything else too)

    Hi Q

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    Lol S'berry image
    Well my dad said yes then my mam said they can't because they are invited out this year. There's still 2 more kennels to try though so all is not lost yet. I know one thing, I class home new years as the worst!!! Watching fireworks on tv in places you aren't at image

    Hope your cba's pass soon S'berry. I hate it when I have them. I'm up to the dizzy heights of 3 miles now image
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    Hi everyone - sounds like there are a few ((())) needed around here just now. 

    UI - have you asked how much it would be to go privately to the consultant?  I was 6months on a waiting list a few years back and ended up paying to go private instead.  2.5 weeks later I'd had all of the tests, the op I needed and was back on the road to recovery.  It was £4k but it got it over and done with and cost a lot less than I thought it was going to be.

    Sberry - sorry to hear you're not so motivated right now.  I'm in the same boat since Amsterdam, but I'm piling the weight on so M has agreed to kick me out of the door a bit more.  I did one 3miler last week, 1mile last night as a warm up for a pt session and another 4miles this morning...fingers crossed I can keep up the momentum now I've got going again.  I hope you find a way to turn it around again soon.

    Great prizes Bex image well done

    Well done RWM for getting started again - I couldn't fit my treadmill in my office when I tried the other week, but I've had a rethink about the layout, and might just about be able to do it - then things should be a lot easier!

    I never thought I'd see the day when I was running longer runs than Cabbey - woohoo!

    Hi to everyone else... *waves*

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    S'berry theres plenty of room, come on in and join me. Although after next week, I won't be there as my 30 wk training plan starts.

    Cabbey any luck yet? 

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     morning all

     just back from a 3 mile run, a bit better than tuesday's run

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    Morning all

    Cabbey have you found anywhere yet?  I'm not even at the dizzy heights of 3 miles yet image

    Pegg - well done for getting back out there, there'll be no stopping you when you get your treadmill set up.

    Well done on the run Q

    *brings plate of chocolate brownies and settles down with RP*

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    Oooh chocolate.  My favourite.  I got weighed yesterday and am exactly the same as last time I was weighed (which was a week before Edinburgh) on the plus side at least I haven't put on weight, on the down side my post-marathon diet hasn't exactly been a success (in fairness it hasn't exactly happened!)  Giving up now until after the festive period then when I restart marathon training in the New Year I am going to not diet but make a concerted effort not to eat even more!

    Well done to everyone running (dizzy heights of any miles at all count!) and sending cures for the CBAs (for those that want them). Ran with my beginners last night and they did a whole 30 minutes so feeling a proud coach!  Trying to tak them all into coming to parkrun with me now...

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    I registered with Parkrun today. I'm still not sure the 1.5hr round trip for a 5km run will exactly motivate me but money is tight so races are out of the question at the moment and I'm hoping if I can go once a month it'll make me keep up the training.

    You're right to feel proud BecX, you're obviously doing a great job of motivating them.

    On another note, can anyone recommend a reasonable hotel in Richmond on Thames?
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    Congratulations mrs coach, that's great image

    Wow... Park runs scare me Pegg. I think you're very brave to run a lung buster like that

    Well done on all of the running everyone.

    Pooch sitting sorted image I get to go New year partying after all. Now... What to wear????
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    Ah thanks guys - I'm really enjoying the coaching. My clubmate says it's because I'm naturally bossy!

    Parkrun is fabulous Pegg - although I am lucky that I have 11 of them near me now!  New ones seem to be springing up all the time so hopefully you'll get a local one soon.  I run most weeks but mainly treat it as a tempo session with the odd attempt at my PB if I feel good - down to 23.50 now and getting hard to budge it!

    Outfit dilemas are my favourite Cabbey - always think New Years warrants a frock myself!

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    Pegg, I can't afford to go private. In fairness to the sports clinic, they did offer me a slot on 22 December, but as it's about a 90-min drive on the Autobahn and going by previous years there will be a lot of snow and ice about, I turned that one down. I don't drive in winter conditions unless a matter of life or death! 6 March was the next available appointment.

    My brother had open-heart surgery yesterday morning in the London Heart Hospital, and the ICU staff tell me he had a good night and is already out of bed sitting in a chair, hooked up of course to a lot of telemetry and tubes. Visitors are allowed now, and he should be ready to leave the hozzie in 10 days, all being well. So great news!


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    image UI it looks like you beother is made of the right stuff!

    Autobahn?! do you live in Germany?

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    Indeed I do - with husband, White Shepherd Oz,  and black German Shepherd Nemo. We are on the German Weinstrasse (Wine Road) halfway between Mannheim and Kaiserslautern, surrounded by wine fields!
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    I'd like some advice please - something that I think MWW might have been asking about some time ago, but I can't find the answers despite trawling through a load of old posts!  I'm wanting to get a medicine ball, but I'm not sure what weight to get to start with.  Any advice on how to work out what weight I need without the option of going to a gym to try them?

    UI - great news about your brother...sorry you've got other options for your appt.

    Cabbey - parkruns = lungbusters?  I just read the bit about "you can run at any speed, all fitness levels are welcome".  I figured an opportunity to maybe 'race' once a month for free might be good for me - and I'll only be racing against myself...

    Come up here and shout at me BecX - I need it!

    How are you getting on this week Sberry?

    Hi RP - how's the turbo trainer?

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    I think all races shorter than a marathon are lung busters Pegg image

    Wasn't it Happy Bunny who asked on Facebook about the medicine ball. I can't advise as although I have a 4KG one I don't use it.
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    Pegg medicine ball weight depends what your going to use it for and how many reps etc etc (sorry I know this is off no help). The turbo sessions are going o.k, just ticking over until a week on Monday, then training starts properly.

    UI I see your  south of Rhein/mosel(spent many a weekend in Cochem). I have been to Kaiserslaughtern, due to the fact that there is a rather big american airbase there. image I used to live near Monchengladbach and miss Germany very much.

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    Hi guys.  Hope everyone's had a good weekend?

    Pegg - any chance you can buy a set of medicine balls?  I've bought my sister some kettlebells for Christmas and managed to get a starter set of 2,4,6 and 8kgs.  You're in the north east aren't you?  I can always pop over on a parkrun holiday if you want some encouragement (plus I often act as pacer!)

    Great to hear your brother's doing well UI.  Are those your doggies in your profile pic?  They look lovely.

    RP I've been trying to think of team names.  They're all fairly rubbish but I'll email you a list later in case they help you think of something better.

    Feeling very chuffed as I've got two new PBs this weekend!  Amazed myself with a 5km PB of 23.34 on Saturday - a whole 16 seconds quicker!  Today's race was not as good as I'd hoped.  It's an odd distance of 5.25 miles so only one chance a year to better the time.  I had hoped for sub 41 this year based on other races and training but the gale force winds in mile 5 killed my pace and I eventually finished in 41.27.  Still it was a little quicker than last year and I improved my finishing position to 27th (it's ladies only, I'd never be this high up the field normally!)  At least I stand a chance of a PB next year now if conditions are better!

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     morning all

     good news about your brother UI

     well done on the running bec and on the 2 PB's

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone,

    Cabbey - managed to catch up with your 'ultra' blog over the weekend - amazing stuff. See you are back up to 3mls already! image Glad to hear pooch-sitting is sorted.

    S'Berry - hope that sore foot recovers soon and the general CBA's go away as well.

    Pegg - loving the fact you've had to arrange to be kicked out of the door so you get your running done image My treadmill is too big and heavy to have in the house - putting mine in the garage was the only option. My nearest parkrun would be a 60min round trip which is why I don't bother.

    Bec - pleased to see your beginner's group are going great guns and well done re your two PB's.

    UI - reading you and Pegg's comments makes me realise how lucky I am to get private medical cover through my job. Glad to hear your brother's op went okay and he is up and out of bed already.

    Q - glad to see you're getting back into your running.

    *waves* to anyone I've missed

    Had a good weekend - I was on call on Saturday but the phone stayed quiet. We went to a concert in the evening - Kathyrn Tickell (Northumbrian pipes + fiddles). Our friend C came to the concert and has invited us round for NYE - so that's that sorted (and no need for Mrs Wm to worry about which posh frock to wear). C and I are off to our running club's xmas party/disco & awards dinner on Saturday. Apparently C has been discussing with the other ladies and they are all going to wear their posh frocks. So it appears I will be dressing up on Saturday (well, according to C and Mrs Wm I will be!).

    I went for a run yesterday morning and did 4.6mls - I had to walk twice but as it is only my second week back running I'm not bothered about that. In the afternoon I swept up the leaves on the back lawn and my shoulders seem fine today - phew! Then yesterday evening I cooked Mrs Wm's Sunday roast and we sat down and watched ep. 3 of The Killing II (ep. 4 tonight).

    Being on 'lates' this coming week means it's unlikely I'll make it along in time for the club runs. If not, I shall do my own thing and will probably see them out and about.

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    Mel the return is coming along nicely

    Becx well done on the peebees, nice one. You have mailimage

    Im a bit tired at the mo, I went to work at 3am today and finished at 3p.m and have just done a turbo session. The study where my bike is set up, looks like santa's grotto. If the OH puts any more stuff in there, then i'm moving out and will set up the bike in the loungeimage

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     morning all

     well done on the run mel

     a good reason to be tired after that day RP

     got the fizz this morning followed by the dentist

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    Morning all. Hope everyone is well image

    I've been up early doing my squat session today. I have to work late tonight doing last minute end of month stuff, so I didn't have a choice really.

    Hope the fizz went well yesterday Q?
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    It must be the morning for early starts! I was up super early to drive to Oxford...after 2 hours of climbing last night I'm aching all over and halfway through this mornings presentations I was sneezing and my eyes and nose are streaming image. I hope it clears up as quickly as it came. But after driving back home tonight I doubt I'll be in the mood for a run.

    Glad to hear you're getting back into it okay RWM.

    Lol re the grotto RP!

    I hope your year end is a good one Cabbey? Our sales were down against budget for November but still up against last year-I can't decide if it's things slowing down or just rubbish forecasting...

    Right, off to face the afternoon session "measuring the ROI of online advertising" anyone else fancy it?!
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      fizz went ok, they decided that i don't need another appointment unless i have any problems, i just got to keep the exercises going

     well done on the early squat seesion cabbey, have fun tonight image

     well done on the climbing pegg, hope you're feeling better soon

     nothing much to do today as my friend's daughter is not at college today so no driving to do

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    Q sounds like good news

    Pegg good luck with the task ahead, thank dog my job is easy, I don't really have to think about it!

    I have been a training goddess today, 2 sessions in one day, things must be improving and I have completed 1000 miles runnning this yearimage

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     morning all

     friend's daughter's back at college today so will run a bit later

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    Just stopped by to explain we have the 'lean' people here in the office checking on how we do everything and advising on how to work more efficiently (we already think we do!!). At the moment they are gathering data and we are having to fill out a spreadsheet accounting for each 10 minute chunk during the day. To stop there being any 'questions' it means I won't have time to log on to the forum (or FB) as I would have to categorise it under something or the other! image So bear with me for the time being!!

    Also, I am not at work next week so my visits here may be fairly intermittent - normal service should be resumed from Mon 12th! But will try and remember to pop on here some evenings in the meantime.

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