
Any brand new runners out there?



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    hi everyone. the website that i was talking about for mapping runs is the same one that jennik mentioned, mapmyrun. i have found it really useful.
    havent done any running today but have decided that on my days off i will cycle instead. did 15 miles of that today. plan to run again tomorrow. only doing short runs at the moment. have managed to run a mile so far so going to stick to that distance for a couple of weeks then up it a bit at a time. hoping to lose a little weight as well so going to keep a check on that to see how well i do.
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    welcome to the thread norfolkbroad and well done for losing all of that weight! now you have the perfect excuse to go and do some more clothes shopping (not that us girls need much of an excuse to do that!)

    you're right jennifer - that website if definitely a good one! and well done for cycling 15 miles - that is very impressive!

    im hopefully going to go for a long run tonight but will depend on when i can get out of this office i think :-(
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    Right then, gears on a bike, hope this helps.

    the simple way to remember is that the faster you pedal at the same speed, the easier you can go up a hill. most bikes nowadays have a gear changer on the handle bars. You want to use the right-hand changer and change it to a low number 1,2,3, etc. This will change the cogs on the back wheel. If you have more than 1 chainring (the bit that that the chain goes round on the pedals), mountain bikes normally have 3, you want to have the smallest to pedal quickly. Use the left hand changer to drop the chain to 1 or two on the crank.

    remember to always pedal when changing gear, as this helps.

    The beauty of multi-geared bikes is to search for the right pedalling speed that suits your fitness. Pedal fast (ish)and it will help to recover from sore legs.

    hope that helps, too tell you the truth I found hard to explain myself!!!

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    Godders83 sorry to hear that to took a tumble on the bike. Don't let this put you off. The roads in this country are getting worse for potholes, you could write to the local council and complain, even sue them for damages. In some cases it's the only way to get them to fill the holes in.

    I'm finishing work soon, so I am going to get out for a run. Did 5 miles on sunday, which was nice.

    me thinks I need a little picture to decorate my postings. any ideas anyone?
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    good advice pilotlight - might get back on the bike but at the moment we are still ignoring one another!! as for pictures, i typed in 'clip art' on google and there are lots of web pages that contain literally thousands of pictures to choose from!

    i missed my run tonight as only just got home from work but seeing as how i had to run for my train in a pencil skirt and high heels i feel that this qualifies as almost a half marathon in effort terms! might try and get up early for once and give this early morning running lark a go!!
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    3 miles, sore legs, overcooking it a bit. I think the honeymoon period is over.

    need to take a longer break between runs me thinks??
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    lol pilotlight - at least you went out! just think - that's 3 miles more than what you would have run just a couple of weeks ago!
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    Hi Norfolkbroad, I’ve never met a rector’s wife before, so don’t know what conventional would be - you are now the benchmark by which all rectors’ wives will be measured!! Well done on the weight loss so far, wish I could shift some more of my excess. I lost 2 stone last year, another this year, still have 4 more to go, but along with the running the weightloss seems to have ground to a halt at the moment.

    Pilotlight - thanks for the explanation, think I’m with you, basically lower gears for hills. I’ll have a play tomorrow (if no joy I’ll just have to find a flatter route!!)

    Had a session with PT tonight, great fun, v hard work though, think my arms and abs are going to know about it tomorrow. Surprisingly, my legs were not too bad after last night’s bike ride so will go out again tomorrow. Still not quite up to running although I did have my first pain free day today re the Achilles, so fingers crossed I'll be back pounding the pavements again soon.
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    Morning guys - had a fairly energetic day yesterday. My car needed its MOT, and husband not available to ferry me back, so drove car to garage and walked home (it's 2.5 miles down mostly single-track, no-pavement roads!). Then went out with friend for a run round the streets of Wymondham (about 2 miles) in the evening and was pleased with keeping a gentle pace but still being able to chat.

    Thanks for welcome jennik. Most real rector's wives are unconventional, it's the fictitious view that we don't line up with! (well-behaved, twin-set-and-pearls, no makeup, runs parish coffee mornings etc. etc. This one is more likely to be telling rude jokes, performinging on stage and exhibiting questionable taste in earrings.)

    jennik - glad the achilles is feeling better - my hamstring has been a bit naggy for a couple of weeks now.

    pilotlight, I find that any time I do "serious" exercise two days on the trot, or even twice in one day (by which I mean a 2-3 mile run or a 90-minute gym session) my body screams "but only five months ago you were a couch potato - don't push your luck!" Oh, and as for a little picture: also try the Image Search on Google, save the resulting image you like and crop it to the required size. Shout if you need help.

    godders83, love the idea of running in a pencil skirt & high heels... good spectator sport...

    In this corner of Norfolk it's now a beautiful day after torrential rain and thunderstorms last night.

    Have a good day, everybody.
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    Hi folks, took the day off work to go for a very long ride, 70-80 miles, but the rain storms up this way (Northumberland) stopped that.

    Fixing things around house now and the weather is lovely and sunny.

    My nice postie, brought me my new toy Nike+ ipod sports kit. it looks fun and I want to try it out. promised to give myself a few days rest and only cycling, so i'll have to wait.

    looks funky though!

    still having trouble with my piccy, i think RW need to verify it??
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    pilotlight - i think RW always verify the pictures to ensure no erm, inappropriate ones shall we say, make their way onto the site!

    very envious of you having a day off - shame about the rain calling off your bike ride - how long would 70-80 miles take you?? i cannot even comprehend cycling that kind of distance!!

    norfolkbroad - you sound like you had a very energetic day yest - keep up the good work!! im sure the weight is falling off!

    glad to hear your achillies is clearing up jen - i bet you cannot wait to get those running shoes back on! your PT sounds good - hope you can move your arms etc today tho!
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    Hi to Jennifer and Norfolkbroad.

    Had another bad session this morning; thought I'd try the early morning run but went before I ate and really struggled. My legs just felt like lead and I stopped twice to walk. Felt like a complete failure. Seem to be going backwards with my progress at the moment. After Sunday's pathetic excuse for a 5K "run" and today's effort, I really am doubting my ability to run the R4L all the way. It wouldn't be so bad if it was a flat route but it's hilly apparently.

    Everyone else seems to be doing so well. I wonder how A Spencer is doing after their crisis?

    And pilotlight, 70 miles? Cor blimey. My bottom is aching just thinking about it.

    Jo x
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    jo - of course you will be able to run the R4L all the way - we still have a couple of weeks left of training and everyone goes through quiet weeks (i refuse to use the term bad as considering how far you have come and how far you can run now without stopping, bad is entirely the wrong word to use!!). keep at it and try not to stress about it as this will stop you from enjoying the running! and i second the motion of bum hurting just thinking about cycling 70 miles!
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    the ride would take about 5-6 hours depending on whether i want to stop for a bite to eat and my state of mind.

    I decided to go out later with a friend.

    painting hall at mo'

    I supppose everthing aches when you first start something new. just been married 15 years, and that still hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    And godders, it isn't really a running club I go with. It's a beginners group run by a local woman who is part of the Women's Running Network; it's an 8 week course but I think we will just carry on after the 8 weeks. £2 a session. I assume they want you to join up with them eventually and there will be people locally who you can run with. But of course, the group I meet up with is made up of ladies just starting running so some are of a similar standard so there's always someone you can go out with in the week which is great. We all exchanged mobile nos so we can text to see who is going out that night, etc.

    Our group has kind of split into 2 sections with a front group who could run straight away without having to do the walking breaks, and then about 3 of us at the back! I'm actually still behind the other 2!!!

    There's a website which will tell you who is running groups in your area: www.womensrunningnetwork.co.uk It's a way of running with others without actually joining a "running club" which I would rather die than do at present!!!!
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    Thanks for the pep talk godders.
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    5-6 hours!!!! my god i would actually die! you could try and turn your hall painting into an exercise - do some squats when painting near the skirting board etc!

    i think marriage is one of those aches that never quite leaves you - a fond, almost companion like ache mostly, but other times, it's an excruciating experience where the thought of amputation can be quite appealing!!!
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    Jo: no question, you'll be able to run the R4L. I didn't believe I would ever manage the whole thing in one hit; the trick was to keep going at such a slow pace that speed-walkers were overtaking me! This was partly because I'd pulled a muscle in the top of my left calf a couple of weeks before the race, and was totally traumatised at the thought of not running it at all. That was what made me take it very, very slowly, and that was what probably ensured I got round it without stopping. I let masses of people overtake me, especially at the start; I just kept breathing and concentrating; Kim (my PT) took it at a pace that was painfully slow for her; and I was able to put on a final spurt of speed to the finish line (because my husband and a friend were waiting there to see me!).

    It's interesting to look at the photos of the run - taken by Kim's dad - you can see my strides getting shorter and my facial expressions getting more tired as the race goes on...

    And if you do need to walk-run-walk-run - nothing wrong with that. When I started working towards R4L, I reasoned that I was capable of walking 5K, so any jogging or running at all would be an achievement.

    And you can't drive the car if it ain't got no petrol in it - have fuel!

    godders - I love the term "quiet week". Absolutely right - there are no bad weeks when you actually run - the fact that I've got off my backside at all makes it a good week...

    Oh, and thanks for the women's runners network - nothing near here yet (nearest is Cambs) but will keep an eye out.

    You go, girl. Do it for you first.

    nb xx
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    17th run up the stairs
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    Ah! my little man has appeared. he not running like in clip art.

    bit like me?
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    loving your little man pilotlight - so are we going to be seeing you carrying the torch in 2012??!
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    let me see, ummmh????

    2012, that's 5 years, times km ran, divided by pork pies, subtract 2 children, add a hint of desire, about .0005, equates too......

    let me get my calculator......
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    That is a seriously useful calculation.

    How do you divide by a pork pie?

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    i think we need to throw some cheesecake into that equation too...
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    bannofi pie at least every other tuesday

    forgot about that

    kids are home so got to get tea on go

    see you all later
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    Having spent all day at the PC, I had to get out for a bit, so have just done my regular one-mile-there-one-mile-back (with pause for a couple of minutes and the halfway). Deliberately kept the pace slow - although I was amused to see that when I try to go faster on the mile coming home (slightly uphill) it usually takes just under 10 minutes; when I relax and step it down, it took, ooh, at least 30 seconds longer.

    It's a glorious evening, seriously warm. (Does anybody else find that this running lark bumps up the washing-and-ironing routine big time?!) Skylarks, confused pheasants, mildly interested cattle. A good place to be.

    But I wish that ruddy hamstring would stop reminding me of its presence. Been a mild annoyance - not exactly painful, but just there - for three weeks or so now. Had a session with sports masseur, not much difference. I stretch religiously halfway through and at end of every run. Anybody else got any suggestions?
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    got out onthe bike 36 miles in 2 hours, not bad for me, this running has seriously improved my cycling form.

    beautiful evening up this way as well.
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    ok, I've changed my name. Now I need a little picture too!!!!
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    Hi Everyone

    pilotlight spark1it
    You can create your own little pictures.
    Including moving ones.
    Or look for animated gifs on the net.
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