
Mums Running Club



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    JG you can keep expressed breast milk in the fridge for 4-5 days.  If I remember rightly it's 5 hrs at room temp, 5 days in the fridge and 5 wks in the freezer.  If my freezer bags burst and I had to throw milk away I was distraught after all the effort taken to produce and pump it!  I think you're doing great, and I would try and keep persevering.  After my mastitis my right side was cr*p compared to my left, so I think the uneven thing is pretty common.  I never went more than 2 hrs between feeds during the day until M was 6m old and I weaned her, so I really did feel like a milking machine, but fortunately she slept through the night from about 10 wks old, so I felt if she needed to catch up with the feeding during the day then that was fine as long as I got a good nights sleep! 

    Did a speedy 3.2 miles tonight, 7.40 pace, really enjoyed it.

    Working tomorrow so will no doubt be on here, bored!

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    ((((JG)))) I am sure you're instinct that he is doing fine is right. If the hospital tests are ok, and he is pooing and weeing then surely there is nothing to worry about. He was a bigger baby to start with, and I guess if he was born at 7lbs and lost over 10% then it would be more of a concern. When he feeds 4 hourly, do you feel like he is emptying your good boob? I am sure if he wasn't feeding then your boobs would feel uncomfortable.

    I remember when my milk was settling down and Leila wasn't fussed about feeding, going into meltdown in Mothercare as they didn't have the breast pump I wanted as my boobs felt like they were about to explode.

    Hope things get better for you soon.

    CC - your pictures are great on FB. Is that scout camp or similar, looks like you had an amazing time.

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    Oh yes, Leila was on the 2nd centile for most of her 1st 6 months. Then I gave up getting her weighed! image
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    My slightly annoying doctor friend who swears blind that she was potty trained at 18m (and therefore her son will be the same) then told me she was barely mobile until she was nearly 2.  Well if you can't get yourself to the potty, how the hell can you be potty trained??  I look forward to her telling her son's nursery (she works fulltime) that he's ready for potty training at 18m.  I think they may have different ideas..........

    I don't think we'll even consider it till the loft work's done now.  There are tarpaulins flapping all over the place, a random cable coming down from the 'scary' ceiling to the landing, and obviously lots of noises when we are home.

    Next wk I am driving up with M to nr Newcastle to see a friend from Mon-Wed.  Maybe I'm mad but she's a good friend and about to pop no 3.  She lives in Dublin but is staying with her folks for a wk, so if I don't make the effort who knows when I'll see her again, as I have no plans to go to Dublin anytime soon.  We have borrowed a car DVD player and some DVDs so hopefully that will do the trick!

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    Thanks, you people are great image.

    Well I tried him with another bit of EBM that I expressed earlier and...he drank it!  Hurrah.  But then I got over-excited and defrosted some that I expressed last week and he doesn't want it image.  Ho hum.  Now I don't know if he'll feed again in 3 hours or be too full...!

    In fact 3 hours is 1am so I should at least be in bed by then.  I'm soooo tired image.

    Caro - I remember you talking about all your expressing to build up a supply.  Yes there are annoying people out there when it comes to potty training, why do people feel it has to be some sort of competition?!  My mum seems to think what a terrible inconvenience it is to still have Sophie in nappies, but I don't really care - I'm used to it, after all!

    Right, bed.  Who knows if I'll get in the 8-9 feeds the MW wants me to do by tomorrow morning, got 3 to go...no sleep for me if so image!

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    ((JG)) - hopefully you will turn the corner soon - I certainly had a friend who's little one lost too much to start off with but she persevered and bf for ages once it was sorted. I think she found her local nct breastfeeding counsellor helpful.

    Finally - everyone in our house slept and I didn't have to get out of bed until 5.45am. Now, I wonder if they can do it two nights in a row??
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    We are wondering about starting potty training soon although in the last day or two Keana hasn't wanted to sit on the toilet at all so may have to leave it a bit longer. Am with you guys on there being no rush though despite my mother in law telling us that her four boys and another grandchild were all dry by 2 as well....grrr. We have also had poos in the bath the last two nights -yeuch! Was planning on starting the potty training by just putting her on the toilet regularly to start with but am wondering whether they should start wearing pants. Would that be later once they've started actually doing something in the toilet? And did anyone here use training those pants?

    Anjelicals -  #2 is due on October 7th.

    TB - nice to hear you were thinking of me image. Forgot to say, I love the name Elliot. How are you getting on with your house being on the market?

    JG- are you having to feed every 3 hours through the night too? I remember having to do that when I was in hospital and Keana was in the phototherapy machine. They wanted her to be bottle fed every 3 hours so they could see how much she was  getting so I was in a 3 hour cycle of expressing, bottle feeding and bf-ing (as I wanted her to remember how t do that too). I remember it left little time for anything else in between - exhausting. Hope Nicholasputs on weight soon and you can then relax a bit. 

    Kinsey - good news on getting a good nights sleep! 

    Right, got to go. Got four houses to see later on today so hoping one will be for us!

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    Yve - we had some 'feel & learn' pampers which didn't seem to do anything at all. I bought them as they were half price and then Martha insisted on wearing them as they were pink.
    We chose some Disney Princess pants in Marks this morning and she is currently wearing a pair so we will see how we get on.
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    JG - thats the frustrating thing. Feeding should be that simple but it so doesn't help when the health professionals start all this obsessing about stupid charts and percentiles instead of using common sense. And then they wonder why mothers end up bottle feeding.  Trust your instincts, if you think he is doing fine he will be. If he is happy an not dehydrated, pooing and peeing, then surely that is all that matters. Perhaps his birthweight was not his true natural weight and he will settle and continue to maintain what is his natural weight progression. Kids don't all follow one chart which was devised on bottlefed babies. In a time when there are such major concerns about overwieght children I wonder why it is so commonplace to want to pump babies full of formula to keep themn at a weight which obviously is not natural to them. I'm not suggesting there is anything wrong with mothers choosing to bottlefeed for a variety of reasons but I do think it is a shame you are feeling like this and it is spoiling those precious new baby days. (())

    My Reece gradually dropped from the 50th when he was born to the shaded bit between the 0.4th and the 2nd when he was 8 months. We were referred to the paediatrician and then the dietician but no one could fin/suggest anything. He was clearly healthy and well, very energetic and has always  eaten well. He is still titchy but that is just the way he is made! At age 5 he wears age 1.5 - 2 year pants and age 3/4 trousers always with a belt. Age 2/3 clothes fit him fine on the waist but are too short. 

     I b/fed the twins exclusively and they only had one side each per feed. My SIL fed all 3 of her kids from one breast because she had problems with the other side. If you want to continue to feed him then just hang in there. It will get easier.

    Sorry didn't mean to post an epic there!

    Haven't thought about potty training the twins yet and they are almost 2.5 now.

    Did a 2 hour pilates bootcamp last night using the gym balls. I really enjoyed it but hurt a bit today. Which isn't great before my 10k tomorrow. Rest day today with a bit of stretching I think!.

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    Thanks CragChick, I am doing well so far...not been running since Tuesday...and I managed a PB in the pool yesterday so not feeling as awful as I could be!  Doesn't help that hubby has gone out to do 18m this morning, which is what I should be doing in an ideal world ;-(

    CragChick, your location sounds fantastic, love the thought of being able to cycle 1m from the beach and jump in, on a daily basis.  We're right in the middle of Poland here so a good 7 hours from the coast, poor little Jacob (4 months) hasn't seen the sea yet!  But we're going to sort that out at the end of the month on a trip home.

    Kinsey, hope your lurgies are now better, great news on the sleep front image

    JoggerGirl, please don't let the HVs put you off breastfeeding.  I had much the same response when J lost 18% of his bodyweight in the first week (3.2kg to 2.6kg).  I knew that it wasn't good, but I was doing the best I could, it took a while for my milk to come in and for him  (and I) to get the hang of it.  The nurses in hospital didn't want to know and tried to give him formula, the paediatrician "joked" that we were bad parents - we didn't go back. We were lucky in that we were able to borrow some baby scales and weighed J religiously at the same time every couple of days, so we knew he was putting on weight again, but if I hadn't had the support of my hubby I would have given up and gone to formula - you're in such an emotional state at the time that the fight sometimes doesn't feel worth it.   Now he's a real little beast, you would think he's about 6 months to look at him, pretty much top of the percentiles for height and weight.  I'm not saying that bfis now easy easy, but he has really thrived.  I read yesterday that only 1/100 ladies bf to 6 months exclusively int he UK (12/100 in the US).  I'm sure that has something to do with the support received to do it.  Oh, and in the early days we were syringing expressed milk into the side of his cheek, just to get more into him.  SOunds like you're getting milk in though so I think you're doing great.  It is stressful, but if you want to carry on then go for it.  Big hugs (((())))

     Yve, hope you find the house you're looking for today!!

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    Thanks Yve, JoBo and Lotte (and anyone else I've missed!).  Yve - yes it is totally time consuming isn't it?  I can't even seem to get much out of the left side (sitting pumping as I type!) and then who knows if he'll want it anyway! 

    Lotte - my sister said a similar thing as her youngets (now nearly 4) suddenly dropped from the 75th to the 25th and the HV got all concerned, but he has stayed at that level since and she was never worried about him.  You're right about it spoiling the newborn days, he is so cute I just want to be happy about him sleeping peacefully not worrying whether he'll wake up in time for his next feed...

    Amd thank you so much for all your support, it really does help image.

    JohBo - chin up with the training, it must be so frustrating especially when hubby is off out doing the run you wanted to do.

    Have good weekends all, needless to say I will be back on here with regular feeding updates!

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    I weighed M the other day for the 1st time in at least 6m, as we were at my uncle's house and he had scales.  I keep meaning to look it up on the chart thingy for a 2 yr old just for my own interest but keep forgetting.

    JohBo I'm sure you've told us already but why are you in Poland?

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    Not read back but wanted to say  'HANG ON IN THERE JG IT WILL GET BETTER'

    I know a little about centile charts (including the new ones which are for bf babies so you aren't comparing with bottle fed babes). My eldest was consistantly off the bottom of the chart  even when I swapped from breast to bottle- not everyone fits the mould. Also worth remembering birth weight should be seen as a sign of maternal health and not necessarily a predicator of child size. He'll need to find his place so if he drops a bit don't panic!  Only thing I would recommend (having spent hours pumping for Arch after he went into ICU) is to make sure you get stuff prepared before you sit down to pump/ feed. Drink, mag, TV remote, toddlers bribed etc then feet up and really relax for the half an hour before chaos reins again! 

    Shame people are so hung up on weights instead of looking at the person- plenty of athletes are 'obese' by their weight so it isn't the only sign of well being.

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    Hello! I have been trying to keep up with reading but not posting much as life has felt a bit busy and chaotic, and there are others on here with real issues at the moment, so didn't feel my ramblings would be appropriate!

    Before I forget - Caro - we didn't end up going to the chilli festival as the friends we were going to go with weren't well, but it looked like there would be lots to look at and taste, with plenty of space for running around!

    JG - lots of good advice already. Hope you're feeling a bit better today - getting some sleep always makes the world seem a bit more manageable - but tough to achieve with 2 small ones working against you! It's worth remembering that a babies weight will vary by several ounces depending on whether they've been fed recently or filled a nappy, so if he was weighed very soon after a feed he'd probably have an extra 4-5oz worth of milk in his tummy, whereas if he was approaching 3 hours since the last feed and had done a couple of wet nappies he'd likely be that much less. So, as long as your happy that he's doing well, try and feed him shortly before he's due to get weighed so that he's got every ounce possible on board!!

    CC - your pics are fab. I'm sure once the unpacking is done you'll be loving your new lifestyle - quite a change from Farnham!!

    Oh Lordy, I can't remember anything else without going back pages, so will finish now and go back and do some more reading! Hope everyone is having a good weekend - feels more like October weather here than august!
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    Thanks Vixo - we've decided not to go because it's about a 2 hr drive each way, and I am already subjecting M to a 4 1/2 hr drive on Mon and again on Wed.  Hopefully next yr, as I'd really like to learn more about growing chillis.

    Getting bored now......roll on 6pm.

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    CM- hope everything went well for you. You should be very proud of yourself for taking the time to really try and make sure you are making the right decision for you and your kids, you have gone through a lot in the last year and in my opinon you will be able to hold your head up high and tell your kids in the future that you tried really hard to make things work. I hope Mr CM comes to terms with it all soon and gets on with the business of making life easy for the kids so that you can be happy in your new home and not be having to cope with a tug of war over the kids.

    TT ;0)

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    Good point Vixo and thanks Camlo image.  MW is coming back tomorrow afternoon...  His poo is turning more yellow (that lovely mustard seed stuff!) so that's a good sign - the MW said if it was more yellow she wouldn't be so worried.    He's actually demanded feeds more often today mostly so fingers crossed...I just don't want to feel like a naughty schoolgirl if he hasn't been feeding often enough and I have to tell the MW!

    I guess he must need more if he's not getting much out of one side, must he?  If the MW is telling me to top him up...but then he doesn't always seem to want any more.  It's hard to know and I don't want to waste the EBM.

    Had lovely morning at playcentre with some friends, then more friends came round this afternoon.  I like showing him off image.  Got a bit of a nap in but must try to get to bed earlier tonight.

    Oh and I can fit into my early-pregnancy jeans, hurrah!  They're a size 16 instead of my usual 14 but I'm happy, and I seem to be losing weight without even trying image (quite the opposite in fact image)

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    JG - I'm certainly no expert but I would have thought that if you're trying to increase your milk supply you shouldn't try to 'top him up' with expressed milk (or formula). My understanding is that if you feed when they need/want, it helps to regulate your supply, so that when they feed more you start producing more. I think it's much less important later on when feeding is well established, but does make a difference in the early days. Remember that he will be much more efficient at getting milk than the pump, so what you can express doesn't necessarily correspond with what he's getting. I don't think it's unusual to have one side that doesn't seem to be as good as the other, but if I were in your position I think I'd forget the expressing for now and just make sure that he feeds from the 'bad' side at every feed to try and encourage it to work better! Great news on the jeans front - all that feeding is obviously doing you both good!
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    Vixo - I think the idea is that he's not sucking on the left side properly so not stimulating the milk, therefore expressing will do this instead.  Saying that though, I've only expressed twice today when I've felt he hasn't been sucking very well, so I just hope he was the other times!  I've managed to express 40mls each time and hubby got him to take one of the bottles just now after his feed - he'd had a go on both sides already so it shouldn't affect supply.

    Thanks for your thoughts though, I'm going to see what the MW says tomorrow.

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    What a difference 24 hours make!  I am now in the throes of mastitis again.  Not good.  The whole of one side of the R side is red and very very tender, L red and tender at the top, shivers and sweats, all of my muscles ache, bad headache and sore eyes...why does this have to be so difficult!!!?

     Tried expressing in the bath last night, massage with shower head in bath again this morning, but feel absolutely awful.  Anyone got any sure-fire ways to beat this?

    Do you ladies take ibruprofen when bf?  Been told not to here, but advice on web per UK and US seems to be that it's ok (ish).  I'm trying to hold out until after the next feed.  No temp as such so hoping I can get rid of this without a trip to A&E on a Sunday - the medics here are not very sympathetic, let alone gentle and I don't think I could bear anyone to touch me.

     Sorry for me post, feeling very sorry for myself image  I haven't even been running so can't blame it on that!!!

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    (((JohBo))) I have no experience of mastitis but I know Carovet had it bad so she could offer some advice - I think she said massage the lumps out, however painful image.  MW told me I could take ibuprofen or paracetamol.  Hope it gets better soon.
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    Johbo I took ibuprofen last weekend when I had bad lumps and was feeling rough. I took it after I'd expressed the 10pm feed so that it would then be 8 hours before the next feed. Took full dose of 400mg. It helped so much as they were so tender and swollen. If its really bad and you feel like that you probably need some antibiotics so I would get to your GP asap. Keep aware of any lumps, check at every feed is all I can suggest to avoid it getting so bad. Keep massaging it out. Its so painful I know but thats why I took the ibuprofen at night.

    In wales just now. Glorious weather today so just trying to figure out which beach to go to. Sadly its peak surfing season and the big beach whitesands is going to be mad. So not sure which to try. Boys can't walk too far and obviously have S to think about. Arrhh!

    Ran 9 miles this morning, was very slow as half was on the coastal path, cue 10 minute miling plus for large sections, and boy do my calves know I have been running here. Ouch!! Was fab though. Haven't run on the coastal path for over a year, was glorious.

    Very funny moment though, was running along and suddenly a naked woman pops up in front of me clutching a wash bag. Then I spotted the tent on the headland. Hee Hee! She looked more shocked than me image!!

    I do feel very lucky with S. Big hugs JG. I have no advice really, as S lost only 4oz and is now following the 25th. Think she must be around 12lbs now.

    Right need to get lunch sorted...

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    Thanks MM, great that you've had no problems with Sophie.

    Well it was bad news again from the MW, he's lost weight again image.  We've decided it's not necessarily a case of me not having enough milk, although obviously one side is not working so well, but more him not waking up enough and being eager enough to get it down him.  So we've agreed on a plan of top-ups with formula when he doesn't feed very well, or EBM if I've got some.  It means stripping him off every feed and really waking him up, and trying to get him to have both sides more than once if possible, and then possibly having to sort out a bottle too...image  Still I'd rather do it this way and keep bf than just give up and resort to bottles.  It's what I ended up doing with Sophie and that worked ok.  He's down to 8lbs 11oz from his 9lbs 14oz birthweight image.  Fingers crossed (again) that there is some improvement when she comes back tomorrow.  All this stress is doing me in, and I'm completely knackered.  It's so hard to know when he's just not hungry and when he just can't be bothered!

    Oh and he's got thrush in his mouth - the horrible thing is thinking where he might have caught it from, and all I can think is that I'm quite prone to thrush and that I haven't washed my hands properly or something, horrible as it sounds!  And he might pass it on to me and make me sore...oh the joys!

    The saga continues...

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    Oh JG, sounds like you're really going through it at the moment. You shouldn't let the MW weigh him tomorrow - it's too soon for there to have been any real difference from today and will just make things more stressful for you. I'm sorry, but I still don't understand the logic of the top ups. Surely if the problem is that he's too sleepy to feed then it won't make much difference where it comes from - except that maybe it's easier to force feed a baby with a bottle?! I can sort of understand the expressing if you feel one boob isn't working as well, but what's the evidence that it isn't working? I still feel that if you start adding formula you're not allowing your body to adapt to the feeds he needs - unless you want to be adding in formula of course, but from your posts it sounds as though you want to brerastfeed! Anyway, I hope that you manage to get him awake and feeding more and that the next weigh-in is positive!
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    JG (()) Hang in there. Must say I agree with Vixo's thinking.

    MM - run sounds nice.

    Johbo - I took ibroprofen when I was feeding. Tried to take it straight after a feed so less in the system by the next feed. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    10k for me today. It is a hilly course throughout but on my doorstep so it is a route I am used to. There is  a huge long steep killer hill at about 4.5 miles. Many people walk this hill. I didn't but don't think it gained me anything by running it. Winning lady power walked it and I think I might try that next year. Got a bit of a sitter when I started running and realised my GPS on my watch wasn't working. I felt a bit lost without any pace or mile splits as I am so used to looking at this when I run and the course was marked in K's not miles which meant nothing to me.  I ended up running with two guys and we kept together until I kicked for home after the killer hill. Anyway finished in 42.40 which got me second lady. Pleased with that as I have had 3 hefty weeks training beforehand.

    Older 4 kids did the 5k run in about 30 minutes for the older two - they had the killer hill to negotiate too! Grandma loooked after the twins at the playpark where the start was so a nice day out for all.

    Enjoying a huge glass of wine and fully intend to follow it with another image 

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    Great running Lotte!

    Ahhh, Daddy is doing bath time and I have just been clearing up after Isabelle 'helped' me make a cake! It's for my granny's 90th birthday party so a big fruitcake - I turned round to get something and turned back to see Isabelle with a mouth stuffed full of rum soaked dried fruit!!

    Ugh, don't feel like going to work tomorrow. I'm sure it can't be Sunday night already!!
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    ((JG)) I must admit I agree with Vixo and Lotte. Not sure the top ups will do much really? How about stripping him right off to his nappy. We did have to do this with Sophie actually and Daddy even gave her some cold baths to wake her up for feeds sometimes image, probably get a knock on the door for child cruelty now. I used to blow on her face and all sorts. I would go down that route first if you're keen to keep up the BF.

    Fab running Lotte especially on a hilly route, well done you.

    OMG Vixo, did she like it??

    Fab afternoon on the beach with the boys. Shame S didn't enjoy it she screamed the whole 3 hours we were there, everyone kept coming to see what was making so much noise image!! Anyway, 3 sleeping kids, full tummy's for us all and I'm ready for my bed too. Off home tomorrow to see what state my husband is after a long stag weekend in Brum!!

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    MM - no - luckily!! She spat it all out and then tried to furiously wipe her tongue with her fingers. It was very entertaining, but didn't stop her trying to get to the mixture when it went in the tin to try some more!
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