
benign parathyroid tumour...



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    Yay for the scan date.

    Kwilter - you should have a look to see if the trust has annual awards, they somtetimes do. Alternatively, just write a letter to the hospital you've been going to. I'm sure your sentiments would be appreciated.
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    Kwilter it's like that for you 'cos you're fab and lovely and deserve it x
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    All scanned, just waiting for results now. The technician said 2 weeks, but dedicated as they are, I doubt there'll be anyone in on Christmas Day. I can't make my mind up if I'd rather know before Christmas or afterwards.
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    As it turns out, it was waaaay after Christmas. I had an appointment with the surgeon today. Turns out the MRI results were slightly different to the PET/CT results, but there's a lymph node that looks like it's got secondaries in.

    Because of the position, my surgeon wants to share me with an ENT oncology specialist, so I'm now waiting for that referral. My specialist nurse works with him, and is going to try and get me seen ASAP. The decision to be made is whether to remove just the affected lymph node or whether to remove all of the nodes on the right side of my neck.

     I'm beginning to get pished off with all the faffing about, everything I'd read when I was first diagnosed said thyroidectomy, RAI, thyroxine for the rest of your life. Then I found that up to 30% need repeat RAI. Now I find out it's not uncommon to need further surgery after a second RAI, but there's nothing in the cancer support leaflets to tell patients this from the outset. I was waiting in the breast cancer clinic today and there's literally dozens of support groups and different leaflets there.

    <selfish rant coming up, no offence intended and it's the only tiime I'll mention it>

    If you have a breast removed or a lumpectomy, your scar isn't on public display or fully visible every time you look in a mirror. There's also prosthetics available. So far I have two scars, and am now anticipating a third going halfway up the right hand side of my neck. Am I supposed to wear a polo neck for the rest of my life? People now talk to my scars not to my face.

    <plasters on smile for when the family get home>

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    Way hey... going for a threesome with a surgeon and an ENT specialist image

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    Bummer about the possibility of another scar and in such a visible place image
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    It's been a long time since I was offered a threesome with a couple of doctors. image
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    well done on managing a smiley.

    I have been lurking on here for about six months and am amazed at your bravery. It can be a bit annoying that breast cancer gets the majority of the publicity and charity funding and other minority cancers and other ailments appear to get overlooked.

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    kwilter...waddling less wrote (see)
    It's been a long time since I was offered a threesome with a couple of doctors. image
    That suggests that it has happened in the past.  I'm shocked image
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    What do you expect? You've not forgotten I was a nurse have you? image
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    Kwilter poo, willy, bum image

    and a big hug 

    and if you need a fourth to make up numbers..........

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    BB ✭✭✭

    *walks into thread with hand in the air* another volunteer for the orgyimage

    Crap news about another scar kwilts, I hope you have a clear way forward and an end in sight soon, big hugs x

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    Kwilter - that is utter crap.

    The lack of control over your life and the repeated  changes must cause a complete loss of confidence. I wish I could say more that is comforting. Rant away because I'd be really hacked if I were you. Don't feel you have to hide it from us

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    Kwilter hon, say whatever you like, you're among friends. We're all here for you and we understand your need to let your feelings out.


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    I thought  the hotel was booked for the orgy. Travelodge Amesbury - March 6 - no?

    Seriously, sorry to hear about the problems and a future scar. Is there no way plastics can get involved?

    You don't have to put on a happy face here.
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    I really feel for you, Not just the scars but the draging out of the proceedure.

    I was very lucky when I had kidney cancer, It got diagnosed, operated on, tests back from lab... all clear. Ok I have to have a scan every couple of years but thats nothing and because it all happened over a shortish space in time I couldn`t dwell on it.

    Try to keep strong, and positive

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    Sorry to read this, kwilter. Can't add more to what the others have said except to say that the first thing I always notice about you is your bright eyes and your happy, friendly smile.
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    Kwilter - please rant as much as you like!  Getting to know what could happen via a drip drip approach just isn't on and I wouldn't have blamed you for having a rant in the middle of the boob cancer clinic. image

    You know we are all here ready to soak up anything you throw at us, especially when you are sticking on the plastic smile elsewhere.

    Now ................. about that orgy image

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    I'm only popping in because someone mentioned an orgy...sorry, am I in the wrong place? image

    Kwilter, just to echo what everyone else has said, that's a shit way to find out vital information and you rant away as much as you like honey - you're not being selfish, I doubt that any one of us would react differently in your position.

    Big big big hugs xxxxx

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    MadameOMadameO ✭✭✭

    I'm just here to second what everyone else has said - orgy included image

    And to add more hugs xxxxx

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    Thinking of you. You're a special person, keep smiling. image

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    I really feel for you.  The first time I had my cancer I felt like my life (or possible death) wasn't my own.  When it came back again I stood up for myself TOLD the doctors what I WANTED to happen and to my surprise I was in control.

    I know that they know best with regards to most medical things but this is your body.  I have scars on my front back and middle and although I can cover them up in the winter, in the summer some are pretty obvious.  I used to stand in front of the mirror and stare at my body and think "My god, what a mess" who is ever going to want me" (I had just divorced) but now I look at my body and think these are the scars of someone who has had a battle and WON.  And that is what you will see in time.

    If things frustrate you and annoy you then tell someone, maybe things will change because of what you say to people.

    Good luck and (((((((((())))))))))

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    slo shoslo sho ✭✭✭
    (((Kwilter))) you are totally entitled to be pissed off, and this is a good place to vent it - we'd all love to be able to help you, and if we can't do that, the very least we can do is listen and sympathise.

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    Thank you everyone for not shooting me down in flames and for the lovely comments.

    I've got my ENT appointment for next Thursday so not too long to wait. I think I remember the nuclear med consultant saying something about having to operate within a certain time limit from referral.

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    All these targets we have to meet!
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    Belatedly popping in with more hugs.

    (((Kwilter))) I have't been around properly for most of this week so didn't fully realise what the ENT appointment was about.  As everyone else has said, you're among friends, you'll have good days and bad days, and whatever's happening, whatever you're feeling, we want to know and to support you as much as we possibly can.

    You're an amazing woman, you've been so strong through all this, but there will be days when the superwoman outfit needs a wash, and that's fine.  You don't have to wear it in here, or in the Kitchen.

    All the very best, and we'll all be thinking of you on Thursday.  Hang in there hon xx

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    slo shoslo sho ✭✭✭
    very well said Hashette.
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    Good luck for Thursday Kwilter.

    Looking forward to seeing you at Plymouth Half this year???  image 

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    Thank you all again. Tiggers, I'm not running this year, I'll be at the finish supporting everyone. See you there!
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