
GULP just entered my first half marathon



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    B&T sorry i had to chuckle about you falling of the bike sounds like some thing i'd do

    EM-68 sounds nasty some bike riders seem to think they own the road and paths

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    Thanks for making me laugh B&T, are you in cleats, Toby being a runner and now getting into cycling it really is 6 of one and half a dozen of another.

    EM - don't give up on your route a few years back iwas bitten by a Rottweiler but forced myself back around the same course, sometimes it's not about fitness your mind can play se awful tricks.

    Got upto 10 miles running found it quite easy if a little slow but that is not an issue of yet.
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    Well thank goodness the wind dropped today for the Bristol 10km, if it was like it was yesterday then that wouldn't of been pleasant.. Pleased to report a shiny new pb of 52:39 that's 8:22 min mile pace image

    Now need to train and get it down to a sub 50 , will aim for brighton 10km as my goal race for that although it's not until April!! So may find one or two before then and practice ...

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    Afternoon all

    well Bristol 10k done and dusted no PB for me got around in 47:05 missing out by 48 seconds Oh well there’s always the Bradley stoke 10k net month  Poohbear did it again though taking another 3 minutes off her time coming home in just over  1:03:00

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    Morning all

    Well the gym session for me yesterday consisted of mainly weights and stretching with a 10 minute go on our rowing machine Snowmaiden went out with Poohbear’s running club last night and did 4.5 miles apparently she ran the first 4 miles before she needed a walk so good progress there will do 3 with her today and Friday

    when she up to 6 miles will get her to do 3 on a Monday 4 on a Tuesday 3 again Wednesday rest up Thursday then just increase the distance on a Friday until we reach 13 and then depending on how far from the start of our training plan go no higher

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    Well I've booked my place in the mudfest that is sodbury slog ....9 miles of water,roads,mud (knee deep!!) Hay bales where gates should be, oh and lots of very steep hills!!  Can't wait...I've started my man press up challenge already!!

    Toby give snowmaiden my congrats, her running is coming on in leaps and bounds....

    B&T hope you've recovered from your fall from bike grace ....stick to two legs me,far safer, unless you lose your balance that is ..

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    HATE it when I write a reply, and then my computer does something stupid and I lose it. Grr!

    Anyway, I think I was saying:-

    Yvonne - well done on entering the Slog. If this weather keeps up there won't be much slogging! Oh and WOO HOO to the nw PB! image

    Toby - sorry you didn't get another Pb as well - so close! And YAY!! to Poohbear image

    CW - not cleats yet - just old fashioned toe straps. Mr B&T reckons I should get some clipless pedals & shoes so I get used to them straight away rather than  going through th epain (literally!) twice. I just think he likes seeing me falling over!

    Bit more runing (and cycling!) from me. I've been struggling with a high HR every time I run, which of course make sit feel really hard. My chest has been tight and I've had horrible kay fever. Ar last I think the anti-histamines are working because this morning's run, only 3 miles, but it felt good image Phew! 

    How's everyone else finding this weather to run in? Just makes me feel drained!

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    Morning all

    were now into week 3 of Snowmaiden training and at the end of last week she decided she need to repeat week 2 so were running 3 miles again this week her pace is good having a 10:38 and a 10:04 m/m over the first 2 miles the second mile today was done as a fartlek jogging to one lamppost then pushing the pace to the next i then left her to jog home and went on to do a 10 mile run and yes B&T it was a tad warm i had to have a nap on the settee before i went to work

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone - apologies for being awol - had a week in Paris with Mrs WM. Just been reading back through the posts I've missed ..

    Yvonne - good luck with the Sodbury slog. Never done it but heard about it from people who lived to tell the tale!image Well done re shiny nooo PB at Bristol 10K - great pace!

    CW - glad to hear training is progressing well and you've managed 10ml run.

    B&T - ah go on, go on, go on .. post the other Leia so we can be catty along with youimage Oops re falling off new bike while stationary.

    Em68 - sorry to hear about elbow being bashed by cyclist on towpath. Don't know about the rest of you but when it's (adult) cyclists on pavements I make a point of NOT moving out of the way and am always ready to stand my ground - they should know better.

    Toby - good Bristol 10K result even if not PB. And congrats to Poohbear.

    Did plenty of walking in Paris while we were sightseeing - am tempted to plot the routes we followed on Fetch to see exactly how many miles we walked! image

    Not got back into my walk/run training just yet but will be remedying that in the next day or two.

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    Wtn Mel ,Paris sounds lovely it's on my things and places to visit in the world,it's so near but so far,when you havnt got no money 

    Have been tempted by my Parkinson's activities letter to do an abseil down the Avon gorge 150ft, down the cliff side with views of the suspension bridge, Jenny my daughter is up to doing it too 

    I'm still running every morning to with my boys, I've got up to 5.5 miles with them will go to 6 this weekend 

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     Morning all

     3 miles with Snowmaiden yesterday will do 4 with her today again the pace was good with an Avg of 10:20 m/m i may well have to forgo a pop at the 3:30:00 next year as i think training Snowmaiden may not allow me to get the training in i would need to get use to running at the pace i would need to break the 3:30:00

     and if I’m honest i really don’t think i have a 3:30:00 time in me anyway

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    Oh toby I think you do!! 

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    Yvonne - unfortunately you DO need some cash available to visit Paris but keep it on your bucket list because it's well worth a visit. An abseil? - if I told you I recorded the "Vertigo Road Trip" programme a week or two ago to see how others cope, you can probably guess why I would think twice of doing something like that! 

    Toby - I'm with Yvonne .. bet you do have a 3:30 in you with a focused, uninterrupted training regime.

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    Yvonne meant to say double marathons; abseil you’re turning into a little dare devil good luck to you and jenny if you decided to go ahead with it more guts than me would never do anything like that mind you i do hate heights

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    well we got out for our run didn’t think we were going to get it done as we had torrential down pour so we were sat in the car for 20minutes waiting for it to go off did eventually stop though and really proud of Snowmaiden as not only did she managed to run what turn out to be 6.2 miles (10k) but she beat her own personal best time over that distance

    So now we decided that she’s going to do 3 on Monday and Tuesday 4 miles with my wife with the running club on Wednesday have a rest day Thursday and 6 on Friday and repeat that until the end of July then build the mile up on a Friday to 10 miles by the end of September then up to 13 on Friday by the end of November that way were only have 2 weeks before our training plan for Brighton 2015 starts

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    Morning all

    went out with Poohbear and Snowmaiden today did 2 miles with them before leaving them to run home and went on and did another 8 good pace over the first 2 miles of 10:20 m/m then i up it a bit doing a couple of 7:58m/m but mostly they were between 8:19 and 8:40m/m

    so happy with that as the more 7somethings i can get the better

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    *waves* to everyone ..

    Toby - I don't like heights either - did you see the "Vertigo Road Trip" programme recently by any chance? Well done to Snowmaiden on her improving times and good luck with the future training. Great pace from you on your solo training run.

    I was on call on Saturday so ran on my treadmill. I now have a tv/dvd recorder installed in the garage so managed 5mls while watching Julia Bradbury's "Coast To Coast" programme. So much easier running on the treadmill when you have a tv to watch to take your mind off things and stop you staring at the wall. Speaking of the C2C (which I was watching for inspiration) I did a 14ml walk yesterday as part of my training. I had a bit of fun while I was out ..


     (it's difficult to see but I 'wrote' my name using my Garmin Etrex) 


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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    You will be able to see it easier if you follow the link here and zoom in a few times. Well, it keeps me out of mischief! image

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    Mel - that's excellent!

    Toby - all done to Snowmaiden for her training. And week done to you as well. Takes a special person to have the patience to help someone else.

    Yvonne - I've done abseiling. The worst part is getting started and going 'over the top'. Best of luck of you do decide to do it!

    I've been running 3 times a week, and cycling once or twice. Enjoying doing something different! 8 miles on Friday-I was pleased it was feeling easier than it has lately. I've been full of Hay fever and feeling quite chesty and wheezy -it was good to feel bank to normal again. Shall I whisper "it was good to run in cooler weather again!"
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    did another fartlek session with Snowmaiden Yesterday ran the first mile then did the pushing the pace between lampposts for the next mile then jogged the last mile home fast time to date today just under 31 minutes

    Mel loved the fact you wrote you name i fined watching a filmhelps when using the treadmill

    B&T do say a change is as good as a rest

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    B&T - I see the predictive text was working overtime and doing it's best to mangle your last posting. But I still understood what you had written! image Glad you liked my silliness in the park. Glad to hear training (and cross-training) has been going well. No need to whisper about preferring to run in cooler conditions - think we all prefer it and I remember doing a run on my treadmill last summer to keep me out of the worst of the heat.

    Toby - well done re fartlek session. I have loads of old tv programmes I've burnt to dvd so I won't be running out of things to watch any time soon. 

    One of my work colleagues found it really funny to see I had written my name. He was suggesting I try writing other things. Then being a schoolboy at heart he started sniggering and said I should try drawing a .... Well, I won't say what he actually suggested but I may try next time I am out in the park just for fun and to give him a good laugh. I just don't think the result will be suitable for public consumption!image


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    Hi guys, good to see we are all keeping out of mischief and still training in one form or another...running,cycling and walking...

    B&T yes going over the top is the thing that people say is the worst bit but Jenny is printing off forms today so I'm gonna be doing it with Jenny....

    I've been running most days, at least 3:5 miles every morning, I've missed 3 days in the last three weeks!! Go with the boys every day I got them up to 7 miles on Saturday morning, did 5 this morning,and I must admit it was good to splash in the muddy puddles again in the rain around the meadow..sodbury slog here I come, I can't wait ..also I'm doing the press up challenge still and the DVD from hell....I got my copy of woman's running a few days ago and the 100 top races are in there and obstacle races in the mud have all of a sudden been appealing to me ...I would still like to do an ultra run too one day ...

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    Yvonne - you're on a real 'streak' if you've run 18 days out of 21. I've never tried running every day so don't know how I would get on (can't see me having time to try until I'm retired or working part-time). And doing the press-up challenge and dvd from hell too? Respect! image Good luck with the charity abseil - as I mentioned, its not something I would fancy doing. Though I wouldn't mind betting actually doing it isn't half as bad as you think it will be. Bet I would still have jelly legs and be feeling a bit queasy though if it was me! image I'll stick to my charity walks and charity skinny-dips .. even if I've whipped my kit off and run down the beach at least I still have my feet on the ground! image

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    Wtn mel, I think it's cos I'm not actually training for anything just yet, I'm just running to keep ticking over, but yes I go out every morning at 6:45 on a school day and a bit later on a weekend, I tend to try and do at least 6 on a weekend day, I've got the dogs to 7 so far, this Saturday I'll try for 8 with them!! But it's at least 3:5 of a morning , last two mornings I've done 5 miles...I only missed Tuesday this week cos I had to much falling down drink on Monday after work!! 

    Putting in the base work for sodbury slog in November, have done 350 plus press ups in the last 3 weeks, it's a good plan it's free on the phone one of those app things 100 press up challenge, have filled out forms for absiel and payment and forms are now in an envelope ready to post in an hour's time when I go to work ....

    I'm loving this running in the rain lark again, last two mornings have been refreshing, legs caked in mud, trainers soaking wet and socks all muddy too, loving it ...

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    Good news - I managed a 16ml walk in Cirencester Park on Sunday (it is a very BIG park!) in around 5.5hrs. I still need to look for a hillier route to try (maybe another day in Malvern Hills is needed?) but distance training for C2C is going well.

    Bad news - I did a 3ml treadmill run on Thu evening and tried to do the same tonight - but my legs didn't want to know and I was gasping for breath and bailed out before I had done 2mls. A run to forget!!

    Not sure news - I have a new phone. Cue some head scratching, tutting and cussing as I find my way around itimage 

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    Morning all

    have the Bradley stoke 10k on Sunday will have another pop at my PB but not holding my breath training with Snowmaiden going well did 10mile with her last Friday but have had to miss a couple of runs this week as her ankle started playing up will do a gym session today

    Training for the Great North Run kicked of this week as well that’s only 12 weeks away now

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    Morning all! Sounds like everyone's doing well.

    Mel - some runs just are ones to forget - probably after your long walk??

    Toby - Good luck on Sunday - yous always have something to train for!

    Yvonne - I'm feeling quite tired just reading about what you've been up to! Your stamina must be amazing, running 6 - 7 - 8 everyday with your dogs.

    Not so much running last week for me (it was half term, and we had a loft to clear in preparation for builders turning up to start our loft conversion eek!!) However we did get out for a 25 mile bike ride which had lunch in the middle. Cycling is very civilised like that - couldn't do that on a big run!

    I've signed up for 'Juneathon' again, where you have to exercise everyday and blog about it. So far I've run on Sunday (3 miles) & Monday (5 miles), cycled yesterday (18 miles) and have cycled to the allotment & worked in the rain for 2 hours. I'm also suposed to be taking part in a relay Duathalon tonight. I twisted Mr B&T's arm and I get to run for 2 miles, then he cycles for 10, then I run again for another 2. It was all sounding good fun until I saw the weather for today - I think waiting around for nearly 30 mins whilst he cycles is going to be hard. Also he foolishly looked up results from the last event like this. Put it this way - if the same people are there tonight I'm going to be last in the running by quite some way. However there were some slow cyclists so maybe Mr B&T will be able to overtake lots of people before I slow us down again. sigh. If the weather's as bad as it is now, maybe I won't be able to persuade him to go so I won't have to be last(silverlinings and all that)

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    Toby - I work in Bradley Stoke Business Park so have seen the posters about the run around the area. Good luck with your run and fingers crossed for a PB. Hope Snowmaiden's ankle is okay .. sounds like training is going okay otherwise.

    B&T - yes, I think Sunday's 16ml walk was why last night's run was so bad. I did start off a bit fast but even so, I was surprised how quickly I felt so worn out. Good luck with the duathlon and with Juneathon (seen your latest blogs). That reminds me - I must update my blog soon as the last entry was at the end of April when I reported I was 'slightly broken'.

    I'm slowly getting the new phone sorted out. It's been busily updating various apps (it still is) and I've managed to import all my contacts from my sim card, set up my email and install Facebook. Annoyingly, although I saved all my text messages to my sim card, there doesn't seem to be any way of importing them onto the new phone .. Grrrr. The main thing I need to do tonight is get the software loaded that synchronises contacts etc. with Outlook 

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    B&T how did the Duathalon go last night

    Mel good luck with the phone I'm afraid that if a phone has more than 2 buttons I'm lost

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭

    You would probably hate my new phone then Toby! It only has 3 buttons .. on-off, home, volume .. everything else is done via the touch-screen. I've managed to install some software called "Kies" (keys .. geddit!) and have synchronised all my contact and calendar info with Outlook. I'm currently looking through the text messages on the old phone and so far it has all been old stuff I don't need. So I'll take back my Grrrr above image

    I've not run since Tuesday. I did toy with the idea of running after work tonight but having seen the weekend weather I'll probably walk tomorrow and do the lawns on Sunday. So will save my energy and enjoy a glass of wine instead image

    B&T's duathlon went okay last night - there's a write-up on her blog here

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