
The skinny on treadmills



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    Nick LNick L ✭✭✭
    crazyD - missed ypour post....will have to print that out and do some sums!
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    someone posted this a few days ago and it works lots out for youimage

    pace convertor

    it does Km to m etc and pace to speed etc.

    D2D.did I read right that you put the treadmill faster at the end of the run..........do you not do a cool down mile slower.

    if not warming up or cooling down properely you might find yourself getting more injuries than average

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    Nick LNick L ✭✭✭

    Seren - thanks for that...however, i now have a post-it note with conversions from 15kmh upto 18.5 in min/mil.

    Must bookmark that one though for future use.

    I dont mind sums anyway!

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    From Moraghans post :

    "The University of Texas found that running at 50% of your maximum heart rate burned 7 cals per minute while the same group at 75% of their mhr burned twice that."

    If I ran at 50% of my MHR I'd be walking. I walk at 3 or 4 miles an hour tops.

    At 75% of my MHR = thats a gentle run - probably about 6 miles an hour.

    So roughly - I'd go twice as far in a minute running as walking - so this backs up the old theory of it doesnt make much difference if you run or walk a mile - it burns up 100 calories. (assuming 10stone person).
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    He does seem to have that stereotypical aspergers/internet tough guy thing going on.

    I've no idea what you did/didn't do to rile him up D2D, but it's amazing for someone who "isn't talking to you" the frequency that he appears in your threads to attack you personally.

    Either the two of you have a massive history going on here or one/both of you are trolling.

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    Nick L wrote (see)

    I dont mind sums anyway!

    I spend my treadmill runs doing these converts in my head. It stops me going insane with boredom!
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    Mr Darcy........not sure i tie in your internet tough guy/ stereotypical aspergers connection.......

    I have never heard of the link between aspergers and internet bullying..........especially as aspergers are usually the ones getting bullied ...........

    can you give me a link to where you got this info as its got me interested.

    I think people with attention seeking disorders are more likely to frequent these forums........

    there again i think Jokerman gets frustrated with people who in his opinion asks questions without listening to the answers......but i suppose thats their right.............he doesn't understand D2D because her main reason to run is nothing to do with running faster and getting PB's....she might enjoy this when it happens but it isn't her main focus...........something which a really competitive person would find hard to understand.

    D2D knows the reasons she runs which no doubt is linked to things in her past...........some people get frustrated because with her natural ability and age she could run so much faster if she trained smarter but then again when she is ready to do this and wants to do this I'm sure she will ask for suggestions

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    OMG!  Just reading this i cannot believe someone can run 10 miles on a treadmill!  How long does it take?  Even with music in my ear/tv, i get so bored, the most i can do is 35 mins and that is just speedwork!

    what with this crappy weather its not a good start to the marathon training year!

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    seren nos: thanks, that explains the history a bit!!!

    I'm at work, so i'll have to hold on till i can get home tonight to try and dig out what i've read. Off the top of my head i've seen it used a lot regarding people who. will. not. leave. a. subject. alone. until. They. Have. Beaten. It. Into. The. Ground. And will go to great lengths to prove their point. For a good example, look at some of the fights on wikipedia - especially if anime is involved.

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     on an anime website I can imagine that now that you mention itimage


    .thinking about it i can see them argueing about intellectual facts as well......

    If you find anything else let me know thanks......

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    I did 13 miles on a tready on sunday.yes, i'm a muppet.

    But just an obs on the "running burns twice as many cals as walking" thing.

    Typical walking speed is 3 mph,which is about half the speed you'd do a 60min 10k in. 

    If you ran a 10k in 30 mins then you'd be covering 4 times the distance as walking in the same time frame. So you'd be burning 4 times the cals in the same time but covering a heck of a lot more distance.

    just sayin

    JB - Emeritus Professor in Quantum Mechanics, St Pansy's School for Boys

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    Anyways how come you managed 10 miles on a treadmill !!! does your Gym not operate a maximum of 30 minutes policy??
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    You need to go on sunday afernoon...

     I would also think that a decent treadmills would have algorithms which can give a good approximation of calories burnt - that's why it asks you to put your weight in, innit?

    I'd also imagine most calorie burn experiments are carried out on...


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    I think it usually depends on how busy they are, Brad... our gym says max 15 minutes at busy times, but the treadmills are rarely all being used so it hasn't affected me so far.
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    I couldn't get on one at all last night. The January mob were in and I had to wait for 10minutes image
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    And I'd always look for the science articles on t'interweb rather than rely on some of the half baked opinions round ere... (me included).
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    Saturday night is the time to go... I was the only person sad enough to be in the gym last Sat evening while everyone else was out enjoying themselves.
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    Do you have rest days from running, D2D?
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    In that case, may I suggest a small change to your profile, D2D?

    How does that fit in with 'serious competitive runner'?

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭
    She's definitely got you conversing though!
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