
The skinny on treadmills



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    Just wanting to go out running doesnt compute for the vast majority of people in our world. Everyones different.
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    Nick LNick L ✭✭✭

    ...just enjoying running is fine, and not being too fussed about times is too. I am for the most part, as if you are constantly chasing PBs you will more often be disappointed.

    That isnt to say I dont chase PBs....I do, very occassionally.

    I certainly dont consider myself a serious competitive athlete though....even though last 2 weeks I have put in 70 and 110 miles. I am very much a 'regular recreational runner'. This however is subjective.

    To be a 'serious competitive athlete' I think you need to be at the very sharp end of things.....certainly in the top 5% or so.....which (with a couple of exceptions) I certainly am not.

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    I can sort of see where D2D is coming from here.

    While I don’t not want to get faster, it isn’t really my primary concern. I’m not sure whether this is just because I’m not very fast to begin with or just that I’m not very competitive. I certainly don’t consider myself a “serious competitive athlete”.

    I go through phases when I am more bothered and I work more on my pace. But ultimately I find it takes the joy out of running for me.

    Getting faster is hard work and can result in injuries which could stop me from doing the activity I love (that’s running, btw).

    Call me lazy, maybe I am, but running is my pleasure, not my job, and I don’t always want it to be hard work.

    I suspect my point of view doesn’t make sense at all to anyone who really is a serious competitive athlete.

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    To me “serious competitive athlete” is more of a mindset. Although I would expect anyone who describes themselves as such to be more than a little concerned with improving their speed.

    I could be completely wrong here though. I am, after all, so far removed from the very sharp end of things that I may as well be in a different sport image

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    There's definitely a blurring between the regular recreational runner and seriously competitive athlete classifications that we're asked to choose from.  (Not that it keeps me awake at night!)  I've gone for the latter, mainly because I regularly compete in races and I am genuinely interested in improving not just my own performance but also rankings, performances against club mates, etc.  Even manage to bag a prize now and then!  I disagree with the idea that you need to be at the sharp end to consider yourself a serious competitive athlete though. 

    But yes, it's all subjective (with some semantics thrown in).  Best not to get too hung up on the 'serious' bit since I guess none of us would do it if it wasn't actually fun.  In an occasionally masochistic kind of way.  image

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    Nick LNick L ✭✭✭

    Lisa K - I think it is perhaps a bit of both.

    However, the serious aspect of how they approach their running may not be reflected in their performances....(i.e. top of grouping etc etc).....

    .....or if you say you are serious, but dont strive for improvements....are you really serious?

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    To run that hard daily with no interest in getting faster suggests 'issues' to me, that's why I asked if you had a rest day. I see exercise dependant people in my work, so alarm bells ring.

    I run for enjoyment, don't race, but I like to improve on my times. A bit like Nick L and Lisa K's comments, it doesn't dominate my running. I keep it at a certain level and have no desire to push it beyond that.

    Probably sound like a lazy bones, it's the reverse - I'm competitive with myself and if I did get into that mindset it would be all-consuming and destructive (for me). Been there, done that with other sports.

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    Devoted2Distance wrote (see)
    Love how everyone else is having a healthy debate, whereas JM comes right back to me. I really am flattered, JM. It's like my very own fan club. 

    Just the sort of debate you would expect on a running forum! image

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    I think what JM means is that there are both more fun and more effective ways to train, and he can't understand why you don't try them. I'm not sure why he cares so much, maybe he fancies you D2D.
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    WilkieWilkie ✭✭✭

    I agree with Lisa K - I run because I enjoy it, it keeps me fit.

    I feel a bit proud when I do manage a new PB, but I don't go all out for it.  I expect I could run faster if I was willing to put the effort in, but realistically I'm just not that bothered.

    I'm never going to break and records, not even get into the top half of my age category, but that's not why I run.

    From time to time I do get more "serious" about it, and find that it starts taking over - have to eat this or that (or not!), HAVE to go for a run of X distance on Sunday, so don't drink to much Saturday night, and so on. 

    But I usually get over it soon enough. image

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    Nick LNick L ✭✭✭

    without wanting to engage too much with you D2D.

    the term 'serious.......' i conjurs up in my mind, adn I suspect that of others too, someone who is serious about what they do (and I think you are to a point), competitive (is that with themselves or other runners?).....in which case I think neither is the case for you (again my opinion)....as you admit you dont 'race' you enjoy the challege of completion...and also you dont kill yourself when training. You are certainly not at the sharp end of things.

    Athlete? Irrelevant.

    Now I agree that as there are only 3 options, choice is limited. I would pigeonhole myself as a serious recreational runner. But that isnt there.

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    I'm bored too, but you guys are fun.
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    Devoted2Distance wrote (see)

    So it's evident that we need more options...

    And that JM is in love with his dog.

    I wonder if it's a serious competitive dog or a regular recreational dog. 

    You're just not trying hard enough to conform D2D. You'll have to arrange all your training around fitting one of RW's vague descriptions.

    I imagine it's quite a serious dog if it lives with JM.

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    Nick LNick L ✭✭✭
    Jokerman wrote (see)

    You are welcome to ask questions regarding training D2D. You never have asked me, or anyone else to my knowledge. You seem fairly content in your ignorance.

    My training is simple - I start of sprinting, and just keep going until I fall over. Sometimes I even reach the end of our street!

    Any questions that have been answered tend to have been ignored anyway.
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    I sit at my desk thinking like a serious competitive athlete, pondering how I'm gonna be at the sharp end of things once I start training like a madman.

    Problem is, I actually train like a leisurely jogger.

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    whether you are a recreational runner, competitive runner etc etc ,most of you have missed the other category "obsessed" 
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    Hey JM, ever since you told me off for chatting during races, I've stopped doing that!  image

    I've done 3 races since then.

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