
Sub 3h15



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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I used today's virtual race to pace junior. She was the fastest lady and broke the course record. I also gave it some festive atire;
    Great miles and achievement Gul- it's beyond me!
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    Birch  - should have been 2621.875 :)
    DT - strong tempo run.
    OO - congrats to jnr OO. Good pacing and nice outfit.
    Sorry, but I'm pressing on with the miles. 15 easy today. So no long run this week, but 7 MLRs and 96 miles. Should pass my 2016 total in the next couple of days and will try to make it 2750. Next week will be a cut-back with 2 rest days :)
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    16 for me and 57 for the week, my highest for a couple of months.
    Not surprising you need some rest days Gul, crikey.
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    OO - nicely done.
    I had some shopping this morning, so just time for 11 miles with strides. I slipped over at one point and badly grazed my elbows but no other damage done fortunately.
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    And 14 slow miles today.
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Cracking HM from DT. Well done mate, marvelous way to finish the year.

    Love the outfit, OO.

    Not been on here much as I sulk a bit when carrying an injury. Looking at running stuff makes me want to go out and then I do and then I make the problem worse.

    Having said that, I did get out for just under 13 on Saturday in the deep mud with a small group before tier 4 was announced. Our last gathering in the hills of the year. Some brought Prosecco and mince pies to have alongside a coffee from the van in the car park at the end as we stood there covered in mud.

    That run hurt all the way but seemed to release something in the glute area and it's not been so bad. A 4 mile recovery on Sunday put my annual total to 1640 which equals my second biggest, so just a one miler before the new year will see me beat it.

    Hip feels better today so may try something tomorrow. Apart from that, I'll concentrate on injury recovery and focus on the new year with a weight loss initiative and strength building for a trail HM race I have booked for February.
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    Morning all.

    I did a 5,000m time-trial on Saturday organised by my club (the privileges tier 2 life brings!) and my time was so-so, although highly appropriate for the year: 20.20.  I felt aerobically strong, but being in the middle of base-building does not produce great 5k times!  17 on Sunday and a rest day yesterday (although I did some strength stuff in the evening).  A steady 10 over an undulating route today.

    Glad the glute is improving a bit, G-Dawg.  Sounds like the glute might have gone into some sort of protective spasm, and so a bit of gentle running could help.  I hope so, for your sake, anyway!  Life is lousy enough at the moment, and so I'm sure we all need running that bit more than usual.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about the injury GD, hopefully no a serious one.
    That's a decent 5k Jools. I'm at a similar level and as you say understandable.
    A Christmas without parkrun or races will be sad but hopefully get a few family runs in.
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    GD - frustrating, but sounds a bit more promising. You seem to be getting into running in the mud! I would be tempted to just do the 1 mile and then take a break till the New Year. Going by DT's form the rest will do you good and you will come back flying!
    Jools - solid 5k in the middle of base-building, as you say.
    OO - enjoy the family runs :)
    Pyramid intervals today (2x400m to 1M in 400m steps and back down again off 400m recoveries) and 12 miles in total. The rest of my virtual office seem to have been saving their holidays up and I'll be on my "own" after lunchtime. A good chance to catch-up with stuff that always gets shoved to the bottom of the priority list.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Nice look, oo and well done junior.

    Gdawg, hope things ease for you so as, as per jules said we need our running right now. I fear most of the rest of us will be entering tier 4 in the coming days. 

    It's too difficult to manage now regionally. We border on Herefordshire in tier 1. Last Saturday groups of drinkers descended on Hereford from surrounding regions. We have an hour direct train there coming from Birmingham and via Worcester. 

    Decent TT and outcome, Jules for right now. 

    Still going strong, gul!

    I was horribly hungover Sunday so had to pass over my 16 miler. Did it Monday instead. Supposed to do 10 x 1k today but I can't be arsed so going to do tomorrow's 8m trot instead. I might do some level of session Boxing day instead. I just want to commence the over indulgence now for a few days. 
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    Bristol going back into tier 3 on Boxing Day. 6 steady this morning.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    I'm surprised Worcestershire survived that given we border right on Birmingham,Solihull and black country as well as Gloucestershire and Warwickshire in various corners.  

    8m hilly but easy for me. 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I know how you feel DT, I'm also cutting back pre Xmas. It seems appropriate to let things slip a bit and make the most of family time, especially with a lockdown after Xmas seeming inevitable. 3 miles today plus an easy swim before tucking into a takeaway Chinese. We will have to rely on Gul to keep the group mileage up 😉😇

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    My streak of 7 days running over today. Oh well. Shutting down my work life for a bit. My xmas wish is to get sleep. Lots of it. And to get some nice runs in. I'm 40 miles from a new yearly miles record. Pending a disaster, should be doable.

    The vaccine looks very good. Maybe we'll all be able to run autumn marathons. That's how I'm looking at it now. 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Great work VT, enjoy the rest 👍
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    DT - good MLR and hilly run.
    Jools  - nice steady miles.
    VTr - a very well earned and deserved rest, thank you. Enjoy the sleep and notch up those last odd miles.
    OO - sorry to disappoint but no run today :(. Yesterday Mrs GD had her temperature checked on arrival at work (as usual) and it was 38, so they sent her home. So it's a self-isolating Christmas for us :) Fortunately she feels fine ( doesn't even feel like she has a high temperature), so now waiting for test result....
    Have as good a Christmas as circumstances allow folks. All the best.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Oo, I feel like I've done the work, got my reward at MK half and now just need a couple of unstructured weeks before the next phase. 

    Hope it's negative, Gul. 

    Vt, good work, hope you get the rest! 

    Up for spin first thing to get it done now a nice day in the crisp sunshine. I was 10,8 yesterday so even if I put on half a stone in next week or so, I'll still kick off January about 6lb lighter than last January. 

    Have a good Christmas all!
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Rest day here.
    Hope the missus is ok Gul.
    Best Christmas wishes to all on the thread. Its a holiday at least 👍🎄🙏
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    Good to see so many of you still here - Christmas greetings from me, and may you all achieve your targets in 2021.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Lovely to hear from you Poacher....
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    Exercise or simply being outdoors has been a saviour for so many this year. How lucky we are, in don’t ways. Long may that  continue. 
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    Hi Poacher!!
    Merry Christmas one and all :)
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    All the best thread friends. True words Poacher 😇
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    I hope everyone had the best Christmas possible under the circumstances. I treated myself to a hilly half marathon (the furthest I've run since I broke my ankle in July) followed by an hour in the gym. The actual gym, as opposed to my home gym. I really know how to live it up! 
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    Afternoon all. A quiet day yesterday: 6 miles through the frost in the morning and then a few Zoom & Skype calls ahead of dinner. The cats ignored my nut roast and focused on my partner's guinea fowl!

    A steady 12 this morning through the drizzle to burn off at least some of yesterday's food and booze.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I'm feeling very plump this morning so also did a decent 14 at a snail's pace, catching up on all the lost miles this week. 
    We experimented with mushroom Wellington Jools instead of the nut roast. Very enjoyable.
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    No result yet for Mrs GD, so no running for me. Usual aches and pains in the legs following all the inactivity. However Mrs GD bought me some magnesium bath flakes for Christmas so they might help :)
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    Sorry to hear that, GD.

    A steady 17 for me to make 60 for the week.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Tell us though Gul, did you have a lie in😉 Hope the uncertainty ends soon.
    I caught up on an easy week with 14 Saturday and 16 Sunday to reach 45. My annual record fell on Sunday and now stands at 2563, and should end up about 25 miles above the previous mark.
    2 kilos gained over Christmas so far. Hope you all had a good one....
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    Jools- thanks, nice weekly mileage.
    OO - good weekend's running to reach your new record :) Yes, I've been lying in till about 7:30.
    Mrs GD's result came back as negative yesterday thankfully. Thought about a run this morning but she's back to work tomorrow so one more rest day it is.
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