
ASICS Super Six: Peter (Sub-3:00)



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    I do recommend different surfaces - sadly concrete is the very worst surface to run on so would advise using the grass track or local track occasionally.

    good run today and after your missed training over last week, probably a good idea to go quicker if you felt able to.

     Well hills are quite a bit different from the scheduled session but after the Tuesday/Wednesday runs you've done, it may actually be a better option for you.

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    Pete, Nice run today.  I'm always looking out for new places to run (I hate running on the seafront).  Is the grass track that you're talking about kings park?  I run there in the summer but it's a struggle to find somewhere good to run during the winter.  I've even been thinking about getting a head torch!  The other problem with the seafront is that there's a not insignificant camber.  That said Marigold did most of his training there for his 2:19 so it can't be all bad!

    I know that the club do their Sunday runs over the Purbecks.  I've never made it but I think that the first three miles are on sand and most of the rest in trail type conditions. If you do go along to the session tomorrow you can ask them about it.  You're also welcome to come out to the New Forest with me on Sunday mornings.  The route I usually follow is a mixture of tarmac and off road.  I'll be doing 17 this weekend.

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    Yeah the seafront does get a bit boring after a while clearly, although when the suns out in the summer i wouldnt be anywhere else. That track i was talking about was littledown although it does get a bit boggy when it rains but you could always take your wellies. Not sure where im going to head to on sunday but i'll let you know about heading to the new forest.

    I will try and take your advice steve and mix up the surfaces a bit more. Im sure it can only help with injury prevention and its always good to keep things fresh. I went out with BAC again today for there hill session. The session overall was around 10 miles with 1.5 mile warm up and down and then alternateing between 6 x 1min and 6 x 2min hills.

    Although it is a tough session its one i enjoy a makes me feel like a real marathon runner! I chased another guy up the hill for most of the splits as really enjoy having a target to aim and dont think he minded me chasing his shaddow for an hour. Finding that having someone to push you further and faster makes the session a lot more enjoyable as well as benifical. I'll catch him one day!

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    Sounds a very good beneficial session and yes helps to have someone to train with who is slightly quicker.
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    Sounds like a nice session Pete.  I had forgotten about Littledown mainly because they ban dogs and my wife's mutt enjoys a run out whenever I can take him.  Is there enough light to run there at night?  IIRC that's where Marigold ran 26.2 in 2:37 as a training run prior to London last year. 
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    Yeah theres enough light from the floodlight pitches to get round and the tracks marked out every quarter mile. Whats llRC? youve lost me with the abriviationsimage.

    Steve - Thes a half marathon in bournemouth the week before paris. I know it has 10 miles at 7:30 pace as my last longish run that day but do you think it'd be alright to do that event as a sort of seaside dress rehearsel. Ive got a few friends doing it as well as firsttimers so be good to support them on the way round.

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    I don't see a problem if you can run no faster than 7:30-7:45 pace but any quicker would be a risk not worth taking.

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    I'll sign myself up then! Dont worry i dont plan on going at any pace, certainly wont be getting inside 7:30's. Hows your injury anyways? hope its getting better and your back out on pounding the streets.
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    IIRC - If I remember correctly.

    You're a brave man to take on a half the week before.  I uses races as training tools for marathon pace and tempo runs but I'm not sure I'd have the discipline to do an easyish run in one. I'll be doing the 10k that day as my final tune up race for London.

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    Clearly wrote (see)

    IIRC - If I remember correctly.

    You're a brave man to take on a half the week before.  I uses races as training tools for marathon pace and tempo runs but I'm not sure I'd have the discipline to do an easyish run in one. I'll be doing the 10k that day as my final tune up race for London.

    I think you need to start near the back so not to get drawn into the fast pace - just in case! image.

    What's the planned run for this Sunday - pace/distance?

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    Steve, Peter's question about pacing Brighton half made me think of a similar dilemma I have.  Not ideal I know, but for various reasons I'm entered into Rome marathon on 20 March.  London on 17 April is my main goal & so my aim for running in Rome is only to help my London training as much as possible and definitely not to upset it.  What would your advice be for how to tackle this eg few miles at marathon pace (how many & where?), long run slowly, stop and walk/ stop completely & leave the course after x number of miles?
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    No maybe not ideal - I would think the better option is to run it as a slow to steady training run to build endurance if your aim is sub 3 at London run 7:30s to 8s for the first 20 and then ease back even more in the last 6 unless you feel very easy.

    Running marathon pace will take too much out of you and best you do that in a half marathon a few weeks before

    Agree with Knight Rider - where you want to run slower than your normal race pace, go a lot further back than normal and then you don't see the people you would normally race against and might be tempted to run with and being further back you will have less space to run quickly at first and the people around you will be running slower.

    On paper I think this week was a very hard Sunday session of 18 miles with the second 9 at marathon pace.


    it seems that age and 35 years of marathoning have taken their toll and I have already missed more days this year in my marathon build up than the other 34 put together. I rested for around 3 weeks but my foot's no better. I managed a slow 10k race on Sunday and a 12 on wednesday but am also having problems with calf and hamstrings and may have to manage on just 2 runs a week.

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    Thanks Steve, that sounds a very sensible plan. I like the point about running with a different group to normal too - I did that on another event I needed to take easy & it worked well.
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    Pete - i think the Club nights are having a good effect on you. I think there is only so much you can do on your own. Being able to hang on to some of the good runners is a positive thing to have in training.

    Steve - bad luck with the injury lay off, must be tough with your history of running and finding it hard to not run. Is there hope on the horizon - have you seen a physio?

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     I agree far better to train with runners of a similar ability than to do it on your own but you have to be careful not to do other people schedules rather than what's right for you.

    I've seen a physio, osteo, chiros, sports therapist, podiatrist, and had acupuncture, MRI scan and ultrasound scan and spent well over 4 figures and had loads of rest and am no better!

    But actually  far easier being injured being 30 years past my best and having done it so many  times than it would be if I was doing my first. and in PB shape!

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    True words Steve. It's a fine line I guess and how you approach sessions with a Club like that?

    Blimey - you've seen a lot of specialists and spent a fair bit of dosh - hope it's not too long before you sort yourself out. From an injury point of view, is this something that has brewing for a while under the surface, or come long quickly?

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    Sorry to hear about the injury probloms steve hopefully the foot problom will start to ease soon, sounds like youve tried most things. Think thats a good plan Knightrider i'll head to the back for the start but honestly will take it very easy. I plan to pace my friend around at 8 mile ish pace anyway i think so that should stop any temptation to kick into race mode. Good luck for the marathons Dodge 2 in a month is good going but im sure if you take it easy in rome your achieve your goals in London image.

     Tommorows session is: 18M in approx 2 hrs 14 (first 9M easy in 72 mins, last 9M at marathon pace in 62 mins)

    What time are your heading to the new forest tommorow Clealry?

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    I'll be leaving the house at about 8:45am. 

    The loop I follow is 1 mile out and then a 7.5 mile loop which I'll repeat.  To get your 18 it will be straightforward to add on an extra mile.  I'll happily run the first half with you but not the second as I plan to do the Lytchett 10 at marathon pace effort next weekend (doubt I could handle your pace anyway!). 

    A word of warning too is that the route is definitely not flat.  I'm not sure what it costs but would guesstimate 15 seconds per mile.

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    I'll be there, be good to have the company and find a new route in the forest. Seems silly not to make use of it seeing as its so close.
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    Good luck with the run Peter - agree best to have the company but might be difficult picking it up hafway and heading off on your own
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    Other than half 10 days before, have you got any other races which you can do a run through of eating in lead up to race including race day itself. You probably have most things in place but any queries do let me know.

    Happy training...

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    Hope run went well Peter. Probably worth now having a relook at your coming races in build up as you missed Watford.

    Being a week behind, the schedule said 18 miles in 2:15 today which looked unlikely after just one training run and one race in the last 4 weeks but to accompany my marathon debutante, did it in 2:14:40 (5 minutes quicker 2nd half on out and back but more uphill into wind on first half) and foot, hamstring, calf were bearable though as relatively unfit (especially compared to the 2 I was with), hard work!. 

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    Good work Steve pleased you managed to put in 18 miles with your injury probs, Maybe that money you invested is starting to pay off.

    Did the same run today in pretty much the exact time spooky! Went out with clearly to the new forset which was really good actually. Nice to have some comapny and also find a new route away from the seafront. Set off on the first 9 miles and went through just over the 8 min mile pace in 73 mins. I then pushed on for the second half completeing it in 62 mins pretty much in marathon pace image! Altogether was a really good run as it was quite an up and down route.  We even managed to just avoid gettin caught up in a race that was going on, although i was tempted to cross the finish line and grab a medal.

    I havent got any other race planned apart from the bournemouth bay half the week before. When do you think would be a good time to try and fit one in steve? Would also be a good point to test out the nutrition stratogy Ruth so theres no suprises on the big day.

     Bit of a downer in that i can feel my calf again a bit tonight but hopefully will be alrite in the morn. Ive got a physio session booked for tues anyway so fingers crossed that will fix me up!

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    Peter - great run.Very encouraging apart from the calf - ice it stretch it gently and day off tomorrow.

    Yes you definitely need another race really - probably a half marathon in early to Mid March

    Fleet or Hastings?

    and yes you need to try the nutrition strategy - a race or one of the 20 mile training runs

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    Thanks steve, yeah i'll rest it tommorow if i can still feel it at all. I'll have a look and see what races on about but fleet or hastings woul be good possibiities. Need to test run my asics vest and shorts to, its been a bit to cold for vests and shorts of late!

     Next weeks scedule:

    WEEK NINE (Feb 21-27): approx 54-58M

    5M easy (approx 40 mins)
    Tue 1M jog, then 8 x 1000m at 10K speed (or 4 mins), with 200m (or 1-min) jog recoveries, then 1M jog
    Wed 10M steady (approx 75 mins)
    Thu 5M hills or hilly circuit
    Fri Rest or 4M easy (approx 32 mins)
    Sat Parkrun 5km or 45 mins fartlek (approx 6M total)
    Sun 20M steady (approx 2hrs 30)

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    Well done on the run today Pete (and Steve too!)

    That looks like an interesting schedule for the coming week. What kind of pace would you be doing the Thursday hills/hilly curcuit?

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    Ran the first 9 miles with Pete at which point he just padded softly away into the distance.  Was thinking of renaming him Peetah the Cheetah but that could be misunderstood. He really did knock the second half of his run off very quickly.  On a marathon course those 62 mins are probably worth 60 or perhaps even less. Very impressive.

    Very happy with my own outing of 17 miles as I've had shin pain all week and was a bit worried about how it would go.  Aside from forgetting to think about my shin having Peter there pushed me on a little faster that I might have done on my own.  Unfortunately there was then the rugby to watch (I'm Irish).

    Nice going on your run Steve.  Glad to hear that the body held together.  Are you going to actually plan to run on 2 runs a week or do you think your various niggles will let you fit in a bit more?

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    The hill circuit shouldn't be too hard as important to save energy for Sunday's run

    Clearly well done on your run and helping Pete.

    Having run twice a day in the past, running just twice a week will be worrying but all I can manage at the moment but hoping for improvement but looks like Wednesday before I can try again.

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    i known you have a fartlek day before 20miler but try eating one day carb load on the saturday and eat  what you are going to do on the monring of the race (before 20miler) and practise eating stategies on this 20mile run??

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