
2012 Marathon thread



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    Sounds like your on the right road Fiona...

    A 10 min 1/2M pb today on a hilly muddy cross country course. Legs were zapped on the main hill... But pleased the fitness is coming back. 1:37:59. Nice to update a yr old pb.

    Ran without watch too as I forgot it ... Doh !!
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    TeknikTeknik ✭✭✭

    Fantastic AGF! What a great time, in the mud and hills too !imageimageimage

    F thanks - knee a little better today...nice 14 milerimage


    Finally dragged myself out today in the dark...5.6m easy

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    AGF - Great running. Fantastic new PBimage

    Fiona - Nice training

    Tek - Well done


    7.5 miles inc 20.55 parkrun for me today. Only my 2nd run of the week, and probably my last!

    Hillwalking tomorrow, early start and our proposed route has, as near as makes no difference, a mile of ascent... So likely won't run tomorrow. 

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    Tks Chaps. Am doing Silverstein half in march and would be good to PB again after winter training image

    Nice easy run Tek... Pleased knee a little better..

    Another sub 21 Stuart.... You are knocking them out with ease now image
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    Fiona sounds like a great weights session well done on the 14 mile run it was bloody cold here.

    AGF fantastic result on the half marathon PB that a great result sub 1:30 on a road next image

    SM6 nice park run.

    Teknik nice run nice to hear the knee is on the mend.

    Well I think I left a bit to much in the interval session last Monday as the 10k didn't go any where near to plan, I forgot my Garmin so ran on feel, I went off a little too hard I knew that when a rival informally run close with passed me after after 2.5 miles and I was running through treacle. Very cold with a strong head wind for a good part of the run didn't help came home in 39:22 nearly two minutes off what I thought was on... But a PB for running with the arm in plaster. image
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    Fiona- I'm exhausted reading your post! Lol! Well done!

    AGF- WOW!! That's a helluva PB, mister! Well done!

    Tek- glad the knee's getting better image Nice running!

    Stuart- well done on the Parkrun image

    Elan Valley 10 done and dusted here! I'd forgotten how hilly it was- lol! But around 1 min and several positions better than last year, finishing in 65.45 and 2nd M40 ( although no 2nd prize, despite 140 runners....)

    Just found out about a local 15k tomorrow..... Hmmm.... image
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Well done guys

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    Jason great running.
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    That's good going AGF
    You too Jason

    Planned slack day today (and on call)

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    12.61 Miles this morning all nice and easy this is the pre base building Stage for VLM image.

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    TeknikTeknik ✭✭✭

    Stuart another good parkrun - well done. Enjoy the hills!

    NP - I'd blame the extra weight for the 10kimage  Well done on the easy run today

    Jason great running at Elan Valley

    OH hope you enjoyed the easy day


    Terrible run this morning. Knee hurt, HR elevated (although I could blame the two bottle evening on Saturday). 12.68 miles, now back on the roller.


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    NP- nice running

    Tek- take a break and get the knee properly sorted, mate.... image

    Hope recovery is swift, Mr Rex

    Bill McFarlane memorial 15k for me today, raising funds for the RNLI. Only a small field and despite yesterday's Elan Valley 10m in my legs managed to win fairly comfortably. First prize was ??100!! But seeing it was for charity and the size of the field, I just kept petrol and entry money and donated ??80 back.

    A good run and one that is worthy of more support, so I said that I'd do my bit to raise the profile. this was the third running and it will be back same time next year. Entry is a donation to the RNLI. Race is long however- everyone clocked it at at least 9.5m. I ran 1.00.03 ( D'oh!) image
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    Jason - Great running, Well doneimage Nice touch donating the majority of the prize money tooimage

    NP and Tek - Nice runs!


    Woke up stupidly early, so got a wee 3 mile run in at 7am. Pretty slippy outside.

    Hillwalking later on, our original plan fell apart when we saw the extent of the snow on our proposed climb. A good 15 inches, possibly more, in places. So just climbed one of the 2 planned and came home. Just over 3000ft ascent in there I think.

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    Fantastic PB AGF!! imageimage

    Careful with that knee Teknik, might be worth a bit of rest. What Gobi said is so true, a bit of rest can keep you running in the long term.

    Stuart the snow here is getting a bit too low on the hills! A biting wind chill too. Where were you walking?

    NP amazing to get sub 40 in plaster - wish I could do that now!!

    Well done on the win jason and very generous donation.

    Did my weights session this morning (had the room to myself as Scottish Institute of Sport do not use it at weekends image) then gym work for 30 minutes followed by a 4 mile run. A nice easy day washing the car (brrr), baking and setting mouse traps.



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    macemace ✭✭✭

    Blimey, cracking 10 min pb AGF image

    jason - thought you was taking it easy image great running and a nice touch with the winnings, fair play.

    Tek - time to nail that knee for good. If it's spoiling your runs something has to give image good luck with it mate

    My plan was to build base for the rest of the year and i've averaged 50M per week the last month so happy with that. But a 10M race on 2nd December is tempting me more and more as it gets closer so i think i'm going to go for it .... i'm very tempted to set a fairly ambitious target and ignore HR as well to push myself.

    17M this morning for a 51M week.


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    Mace- well done on the miles. Enjoy the 10k image

    Time for me to start to build the miles again after my rest period- not too much yet though- And introduce twice weekly tempo runs ( or 10m races!)
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    Thanks guys for congrats.

    Super racing Jason and am sure they appreciated the give back...

    Nice racing under circumstances too NP.

    Look after yourself Tek... Roll roll roll

    Nice training too Fiona/Stuart/Oh.... Keep warm

    (OH... Slack is rest=important part of training;)

    Go for it mace... Nice consistent mileage..
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    Mace - Nice mileage

    Fiona - Nice training. We were walking at Ben Vorlich (at Lochearnhead) yesterday, we really had no idea how snowy it would be, ah well it was good fun, despite affecting our plans.


    LSR should be today, but I think rest day is more likely due to the weather. It looks ridiculously windy outside. I might try tomorrow morning.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Well done guys.

    Looks like I'll be starting back running in a couple of weeks.  I want to start with some stretching first.

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    Gosh, quiet in here tonight! Hope everyone's not out running, it's blowing a gale here. image

    Sounds like a nice walk Stuart. Cairngorm has a bit of snow now - hope it stays on the hills!

    Since yesterday was an easy run day I did 10 400's tonight at 16k/hr off 100s recoveries. 6 miles in total. Have not done 400's since August and certainly not that pace! image


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    Nice and Speedy Fiona - Well done.

    Good luck with the come back HM4

    Hope you enjoyed the rest day stuart.

    ...its a rest day for me today image

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    Jason that was very good of you, we'll done on the run.

    Fiona great session.

    HM4 that's good news.

    Maserati enjoy the 10k

    Like AGF I sort of had a rest day, went for a swim ( bought a runner sleeve that covers the arm) but only managed 22 lengths but nice to be in the water then had a massage so my legs feel a little beat up this morning. Will get out later for an easy 6 miles.
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    Only 22 lenghtsimage Don't think I could do 1!!image

    Glad your injury isnt hindering your training too much NP!image

    Crikey Fiona thats fast. I can only dream.......

    AGF - Congrats on the PB,  canna mind if I said that already!

    Jason - Well done, and very generous of you donating the prize back!

    HM4 - Hope the recovery is going well, good luck with getting back running.

    Stuart - Jealous that you get to that places on a weekly basis....Lochearnhead is lovely. Slightly concerned at the moment about BF's parents who stay in Comrie.

    Nothing much happening here, slowly building the miles up again. Still got a few health problems so taking it easy.  Time is on my side........just now!

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    Lol Kaz1 neither did I two years ago but i was doing 3 miles a week in the summer.

    6 miles recovery this afternoon legs feel battered after the massage yesterday.....

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    Legs feeling battere here too, NPimage Just an easy 8m jog for me this evening cruising around different parts of the townimage

    Fiona- nice sessionimage

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    Very easy 10 miles this morning legs still a bit sore.


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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Well done.

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    Bright starry night and 5.25 done with Elspeth

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    NP- well done on the 10. Hope the legs recover soonimage

    OH- well doneimage

    Nice track session tonight with clubmate for a change- could still feel the weekend's 2 races in my legs, but the company definitely helped!. I did: 2.02m warm up (6.32, 5.54) 3.01m tempo (5.56, 6.00, 5.58) 1 min off, 2m tempo (5.56, 6.00) 1.03m warm down (7.18, 13)imageimage

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    TeknikTeknik ✭✭✭

    Knee a little better - 8.56m tonight with the club.

    Well done everyone on their training.image

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