
2012 Marathon thread



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    TeknikTeknik ✭✭✭

    Another 5.59m this morning, muddy, hilly, HR all over the place, meh...

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Well done guys.


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    Car's MOT tomorrow, so took the car to garage this evening and ran 4.3 m home through flooded roads! image
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    Fiona - Nice intervals

    NP - Good running and swimming. Not a great fan of the swimmimg myself, then again that's probably because I'm rubbish at it...

    kaz - Hope you're ok, and hope your BF's parents are too. Comrie looks a bit wild, nothing like what it was when I was through a few weeks ago

    OH - Well done

    Jason - 5.54 is warm up pace?image Thats some mighty running!

    Tek - Good stuff

    HM - Are you close to starting to run again?


    LSR has been hit on the head, forgot I was working 13 hour nights the past 2 days.

    Wednesday am - Planned to do ~7.5 miles with 5-6x800, ended up with 3.5 slow (with 400 fast). Felt exhausted as soon as I started running fast, I think the long night at work was to blame.

    Tonight - 2.1 mile warm up, 3 mile tempo (7.11, 6.55, 6.55) and 1.5 mile w/d. That was much better.

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    Fiona great tempo session.

    OH nice running, great on a clear night or morning.

    Jason nice running great tempo session, I have no speed at all at the moment not 100% sure why..... I seemed ok two weeks ago and was getting some good sessions in but the legs are starting to feel ok again. Fingers crossed with the car

    Nice running Teknik

    SM6 Nice tempo session.






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    No run tonight. image

    Been down to Inverness for development day and plane was 1h late getting back.

    Jason - fast

    Tek - sounds err funimage

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    That must have been a good massage NP, hope the legs are recovered and the speed will soon come back.

    Good that you are taking it easy kaz, lots of time in the New Year to build the miles again and come back stronger.

    Nice track session jason and hope you are not flooded! Some scary pictures on the news.

    Teknik, glad to hear the knee is improving.

    Stuart work sometimes floors me too but I tell myself an easy run is always better than no run. image

    OH shame about the late flight and Inverness airport not very entertaining for any delays!

    An easy 5m run for me Tuesday (tired) then a tempo run last night, 8 miles with 6 at 7:07mm pace and an easy 4m tonight. Can't stop eating now, been eating lots this week and still feel hungry. image


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    Rest day for me today and out tonight with a couple of running buddies we have a run planned for tomorrow which should be fun after a night on the grog.

    Fiona that was a very good Tempo session.

    Out of interest what is everyone's tempo pace compared to MP? I would like to get my Tempo pace up to MP less 40 seconds (MP = 6:45 Tempo 6:05 or better still 6:00) Which on comparison with the pace of my PB's for the marathon and half are 6:48 and 6:08 (40 seconds).

    I know that I'm not in that shape right now and the VLM is 21 weeks away, training for 2011 marathon involved 3 or 4 sets of Tempo runs a week and not only did this get me a PB in the half marathon but also in the marathon. For 2012 I cut back on the Tempo runs and did only 1 a week but also included .5 mile intervals which I managed to get up to 6x.5 miles at 5:10 pace

    So what is best for me, as I never made the start line last year due to the stress fracture I don't know but what I do plan this time around is 2 lots of Tempo runs and 1 interval session, I also plan on slowing the speed of my midweek long run but keep in the running of the last few miles of my long runs at MP on alternate weeks. I also plan on adding a little more core work and strength work in the base period.
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    I have 2 paces - slow and stopped! image


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    TeknikTeknik ✭✭✭

    OH LOL

    HM thanks

    Stuart good speedy run y'day

    Jason hope the car's ok

    Fiona nice tempo pace!

    NP: OK "tempo" for me is 7:20, or MP - 82 secs!! Or HM -30...Still a long way for me on that curve flattening, methinks


    3.83m recovery, feeling a little easier today.image

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    NP- tempo pace is supposed to be between 10m and half marathon race pace. My half pace is 6.04 and I suspect I can do a flat 10 in around an hour (6.00pace). This is the pace in Daniels up to 20 mins, but then pace should be slightly slower for longer tempo runs. My marathon pace will be below 6.15 by April 21stimage As I've done nothing apart from train for one marathon or another (except for the odd ultra) for the last 2 years and have got stamina in aces as a result, my plan is to concentrate on reducing my LT threshold and  run weekly tempo session for next few months while running around 60-70m per week. Then build mileage in a 12 week P &D plan for VLM, but keep the tempo runs in the initial base period.  

    Tek- car IS ok for another 12 monthsimage

    Fiona- no floods here thankfully. Enjoy the foodimage

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Depending on the weather I'm planning on getting out either tomorrow or Sunday.


    Well done on everyone's training.

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    6.8 moonlit miles tonight
    No floods here and weather relatively clement image

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    That sounds a delightful run.

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    Love the talk about paces and planning. If only we knew the magic formula! I guess when we look back at the diaries perhaps there were other changes like diet, rest etc that could have a big effect on the body.

    My last marathon (a year ago) was 7:42mm pace, PB 7:39mm but I aspire to 7:26mm! For tempo runs I go by Daniels pace chart based on my 10k time (VDOT between 49 and 50)  tempo pace is 6:53mm adjusted for longer runs (per jason's post) gave 7:07mm for a 40 minute tempo and that felt ok! image So if true tempo pace is around 7mm then marathon pace should be faster. image All the charts say it should be so maybe I need to believe that.

    I think I will be concentrating on much the same as you NP; I'll do more tempo runs - a tempo interval sesion, a longer tempo run and an interval session to keep the legs moving. Easy runs will be slower as the charts show based on above they should be 8:30 - 8:40mm and also MP in the long runs from the P & D schedules.

    Last night went to the gym for my strength and conditioning work - squats, deadlifts and some lunges (they were just with the 15kg bar!!). The glutes and quads knew they were being worked!

    Hope today's run not too tough NP! image

    Teknik good news on the knee.

    Stunning day here, better get going on a nice slow run.


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    Fiona- sounds like a good plan to meimage

    Nothing like a morning track session to blow away the cobwebsimage 1m warm up, 5k with 20 secs recovery after mile 1 and mile 2 (hard and hurt!) and 1 m warm down. 5k was in 17.33- happy I could have held that in a race, which would have given me a shiny new PBimage Breakfast now! More slow miles later

    Have a great day everyone- don't get blown away or washed away!!!


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    Impressive run jason, a well earned breakfast - just heading out, need the sunglasses! image


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    More chance of been frozen here Jason nice session bit of a late start here, heads a bit sore and swear ill never drink again....... But was a good night the others are coming here for 10:30 for our run up my hill want to take a few photos a video for Marathon talk.

    Fiona sound like the gym bunny in you has been let loose, funny how we are all so different when it comes to the sessions and time difference between each pace/PB but that's why I love running. What other sport could a 50 year old push and beat people in there 20's.... image
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    TeknikTeknik ✭✭✭

    NP: Bowls? Good luck with hangover hillimage

    Fiona - enjoy the run in the sunimage

    jason -wow that was some track sesion - well done

    OH nice night run

    HM I think you might drown out there this week-end


    9.26m this morning, including a XC club run. Cold wet muddy but nice to see everyone, and I got given some "sub-4" cufflinksimage


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    NP- darts? Dominoes? image Hop the head's getting better!

    Tek- nice running! Like the cuff links, you'll have to post a picture image
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    hi Guys....Sorry I have not been around much. 

    So whats Tempo paceimage I tend to do all by running at 70% + one session a week at 80% + 1-2 shorter races each month ( eg parkrun or similar). Just trying to do that and manage 40-50 Miles each week is tough !!!

    This week I Joined a running club ( spa striders). Today I ran 16 miles slow ( I am always slow)  and now I am off for fish and chips lunch !! image

    Happy Days !!

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    Lovely morning here too short swim followed by 6 mile warm up in very pleasant soft sun.

    AGF - sounds like you've earned the F+C

    Teknik - yes cufflink photos obligatory

    Jason that's fast

    HM4 hope you get a good run in over weekend

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    TeknikTeknik ✭✭✭

    nice running AGF!

    Here's the prezzie from the clubimage



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    TeknikTeknik ✭✭✭

    OH cross post, sorry - good morning's training!!

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    Nice one Teknik!!!
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    Nice Tek! image

    OH- you've definitely got the best of the weather again. Not very nice at all in We(s)t Wales....
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    OH - brrr,I take it that was an open water swim? The ground is white here where the sun has not reached it.

    Nice pressie Teknik! image

    AGF a long run, hope the fish & chips were good!

    NP I'm sure you'll feel better after the run.

    14m for me, a few miles of it were really muddy (cattle had been there) and my poor Kayanos did not do well and look a bit green! image Then a few miles on a narrow path that bikes had churned up. Suppose it's all good training for something!

    Shame about the rain there jason, hope it clears up.


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    You Scottish lasses are made of stern stuff Fiona. Good tough running. I went out early to avoid this rain that is hitting England. Got back 3mins before it started...... What a southern softie !!!
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    I'm the biggest softie out AGF but needs must etc image Had 2 pairs of gloves on!

    Nice timing on the rain.


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    Good running guys!


    Bit of a packed day for me today. Didn't do parkrun, went hillwalking instead early this morning. Climbed Meall nan Tarmachan which is 1043m, albeit the start of the walk is at 400 or so metres. Now, I'm not very tall, but the snow was well beyond my knees in places!image Walking was very difficult for most of it, but it was great funimage Just under 3 and a half hours up and down.

    And then just in from the gym, 3.1 miles on the treadmill and then some quick weights. Watched the F1 qualifying while running, otherwise I'd have got bored in a few minutes.

    Fast run of some sort tomorrow, providing I'm not too hungover in the morning.

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