
sub 4 hour group,if anyone wants to get together



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    don't panic, sounds you've got loads of miles in. If you've got 3 19.5/20's in that sounds more than enough.

    I keep having panic attacks about it to, I've got a book that says you crack up 2/3 weeks before....all part of the build up!!
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    Diet information anyone? I read that you should cut down on your intake of protien because it blocks the absorbtion of Carbohydrates..a bit like the Atkins diet in reverse...if this is true when should i start?

    I was also reading that during the race you can drink too much liquid, in fact a number of runners each year end up in hospital because of this...

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    I'm also thinking about the liquid intake. On my long runs I consumed 500ml of lucozade and that's just enough. Also 3 high five gels. I'm tempted to carry my own drink bottle during the race just to ensure I don't over do and have to end missing out on a sub 4 due to many p*ss stops!!

    Also are you running with your heart rate monitor on, assuming you use one?
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    Everyones liquid intake will be different...I tend not to need much, but have actively trying to drink more.

    Probably an important point will be before the start...I ran a half marathon a few weeks ago and due to being a bit nervous, I started the race thirsty and I suffered.
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    Thanks FB & Higo,

    My obsessive compulsive pre FLM disorder coming to the fore!

    Good luck all.

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    That's a bummer about the cold - hope you recover quickly.

    On the drinking front I drink a pouch of lucozade sport every half an hour? That seems to be an awful lot more than other people on the thread. How far apart / how many drinks stations are there at the FLM?


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    there is water every mile - in bottles -
    from 2 miles onwards . . .

    there is lucozade - in pouches - every 5
    miles from 5 miles onwards. . .

    before a mrathon I try to drink a litre or
    more of water - but none (apart from a few sips)
    in the last hour in order to allow it all to
    flow through before the start. A cup of tea,
    which is available at the red start helps.

    I always carry my own bottle as I like to drink
    when I want to - and also to get through
    the ater stations faster.
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    there are water stations every mile from the 3 mile mark. There are then 5 lucozade stations at 4.6, 9.8, 15.3, 19.7 & 23.7 mile marks. The information is on page 21 of Marathon News.
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    Sorry i didnt spot natnifs answer before writing.
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    I noticed this on the FLM website. Lucozade have withdrawn support of the event due to contractual problems...luckily Budweiser have stepped in and will now provide 330ml cans of Bud Light every 5 miles. I suggest we use the next couple of weeks to get used to running with this stuff. Personally i will stick with water.

    Keep up the good work.

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    Water probably tastes better !
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    a bit late, but thanks very much for the advice. will try to stick to 9min miles and enjoy rather than stressing.

    definitely starting to look forward to it now. good luck to everyone!
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    I would imagine the water stations being the busiest part of the race....."no, i'm not leaving..what race?"

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    Read someone getting a cold.......dont wanna worry you but i have had a perma-cold for 6 weeks now. Doesnt stop me running but every time i do long run it feels fine for a day then comes back. Obviously i am sapping energy stores and the virus keeps returning, coz body not shaking it off.

    Gonna rest till Sunday and try and shake it off, that and shin splints and general last minute panic.......i'm falling apart!

    But i'm still gonna make it, sub 4 or else!
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    One thing for the guys to think about...

    I was out last night and I had shaved earlier in the day, when I finished the sweat was stinging my neck and face were I had shaved.

    On the big day I will refrain from shaving
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    Morning from an April Fool!

    Been out to do a STEADY 7.5 miles round Carsington Resevoir and beat my pb by ONE second (which i set last week). Think I'm over the 23 on last sunday now, legs feel back to normal.

    Feeling fit and going to do 13.1 Sunday.

    It's starting to get close and exciting.
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    A steady 8.5 miles last night on a treadmill so not too enjoyable but felt good apart from the heat! Anyone started to look out for weather forecasts yet?! If its hot my chances of a sub 4 go straight out the window!!

    Also anyone who has been there, done it and got the medal!! before know when the quiet times for registration are?

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    TetleyTetley ✭✭✭
    I always register mid morning on the saturday - its usually alright - just enough people to give atmosphere -

    Then as I am leaving a couple of hours later - lots of people who have travelled that day start to arrive and it starts to get busy -

    p.s. - I think you deserve a medal for doing 8.5 miles on a treddie - my limit is 3 before I dissolve into a puddle of sweat!
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    A friend of mine was on a tread mill for over an hour and his fantastic state of the art GPS watch indicated he had only run 37cm, i cant understand?
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    Can someone tell me how the electronic chips work? I thought they would activate when you crossed the line, but the RW Ultimate Marathon What If...? section says that my official time will start when the gun goes off at 9.30am? What's the point of the chip if it doesn't just measure the elapsed time between start and finish?...and another thing, I thought the men's race started at 9.45am this year...?
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    I think your time is taken from when you cross the start line, (page 9 in Marathon News) and the start is at 9:45am.
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    dazza b, the chip will give you the time as you cross the start line and all the 'slit' mats en route as weel as the finish.

    The FLM clock starts when the gun goes off and is the time you will see on all the clocks on the way round as well as the one on the finiosh line. When you log on to the FLM site to check on your times you will see the clock time rather than your chip time for a day or so until they sort it all out.
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    ..at this rate I'm going to find myself starting with the elite women instead of the clapped out blokes...
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    Let's just do this 26.2......

    We deserve it.3 Months since we started.....2 weeks 2 days and we finish.

    We deserve this............keep it up guys.
    I'm proud just to have the b*llocks to get to the start, and so should all of you.

    The achievment just to do this immense.

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    I appreciate that some people dislike the warm weather, it might be a good idea to get some runs in at between 12pm and 2pm, as this will be time period when we will be running the second half of the FLM.
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    I apologise for my mock Churchilian rouse..............lager induced after a session on Friday night!!

    But hey, I'm feeling ready and determined.

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    When are you all registering? I'd like to meet up with the regulars now I know you all!!
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    Higo x

    There must be pub nearby? I'm going Friday to register, probably late morning. We have something in common, we both have our pants showing on the outside, should be able to spot one another easy?

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    How is everyone feeling, this thread seems to have gone a bit quiet? Anyone nervous yet? Just found a great carbo food. Percy Pig sweets from Mark and Spencer 78% carbohydrate + a liitle protien.

    I dont know about you lot but my friends, family and work colleagues will be glad when i have got this run out of the way. I cant help it, but i find my self stretching my calf and quad muscles at every avialable moment, at home, shopping or at work, can be a bit embarassing for them a suppose.
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    I don't feel nervous, my first goal is to enjoy the day, my second goal is to finish (even if it's by piggy back) my last goal is to finish, enjoy it and be sub 4, I'm feeling confident because I can't ever remember feeling fitter and that 23 last week has convinced me I'll do it, suppose feeling strong mentally and physically.

    In some ways I'll be glad too get it out of the way.......it's becoming obessive.

    I'm from Derbyshire and coming down Saturday, also on the red start, how about you?
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