
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    good so see you out and about again - looks like the weather is set fair for quite a few days as well now.
    No play Wordle here!

    Went big this morning and ran a whole 4.1 miles in 44:50 (10:54m/m) cunningly extending my normal route on the level area thus adding only a few metres to overall ascent.

    Knee just stabbed briefly as I passed the 4 mile mark but home was in sight.

    I see one liar has been sent packing by Oz - just one to get rid of here!!

    My bit finger nails were well founded as the final whistle blew yesterday:/

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    Wordle is good, WP. Have done it the last 8 days and done well: beginner's luck I suspect!

    44+ minutes is good, TS! 35 letters in to Graham Brady so far: 19 more needed. 

    Fitness suite followed by 35 minutes run brought up 34+k for the week...without a long run which I really should have got in somehow, i.e. an hour plus. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Ale and TS - thanks. Even better was that a rival (he's my rival, but I don't think he had a clue who I am!) turned up. I've never beaten him in a head to head and he is just about the best in the county. My first thought  was 'bugger, I'm running for 2nd place' but then I decided to simply concentrate on him, trail him for 3-4 km and then go for it. This is pretty much what happened and I went past him at 3k and simply hoped I could hang on. I waited for him to overtake but it never happened - but he pretty much finished up my backside (as it were!).
    At least I think he knows who I am now............
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    Wordle I have been playing since November and I do enjoy it some days are better than others as some days the brain just can't think  as it should and others i get it in 2 rows but they are few and far between.

    Ale: nice running well done on distance.

    TS:I also ran similar distance  :) well done.

    Yep he was sent away with flee in his ear!

    Boot Camp today first one in two weeks I bet I will ache tomorrow:-) then a post BC run which normally is 3 miles oh no today it was 4.1 miles.Not as fast as TS 48.20 but great for post BC as legs were not aching.

    I just need the milder weather to stay with us.We did have a freezing fog whilst at BC and all my clothes stared on so that will tell you how cold it was.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    good work, folks - and heartened that WP is on the road again !  Not familiar with "wordle" - I'll investigate.
    trumped by alehouse in the miles/k's this week - this morning's trundle took me to 20 miles. Was a bit of a penance, as I over-imbibed slightly last evening;  I was so pleased with the Owls beating the Pilgrims 4-2 (not so much the victory, than the fact it was a really good game),  that celebratory refreshments took place ! 
    On my return today, after showering and food, I settled down to watch the recorded cricket - 56-0 when I left home - you'll know the rest !!  
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    never have so many collapsed so often for so few ..............

    You deserved a good celebration at last!  

    I also scraped into >20 mile country this week (20.59 thanks to the double shift on Tuesday)  - it must be the January effect.

    good legs today after BC :) - well done
    I shall investigate Wordle - I need another source of distraction in order to prolong my procrastination periods!!

    good mileage for the week - looks like January is going to pan out like last year for us - hope it progresses better!!

    It's getting closer but he has escaped so often before....

    haha a rival that knows nothing about the rivalry :)
    I see now why you want to improve your showboating finish - 2K to go is too far out if you are looking to just beat one person - too much can go wrong!!

    Reminds me of a HM race many years ago when another runner spent the last 5 or 6 miles trying to get away from me and I finally nailed him with my inimitable sprint finish over the last 200 yards.
    He tapped me on the shoulder in the finish tunnel and gasped out - "are you over forty?" 
    "No" said I  -" only 38".
     "Great - I thought you must be over 40 with that grey hair and I was running for the first over 40 spot" he gasped.

    I was indeed prematurely grey ....

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Wordle, I gave it a try for the last two days. What word do you start with? I though of starting with tears, as each letter is in the top ten of the most frequently letters used in English.

    love the story as I would always look for known competitors in races and it is always good to beat them.

    over 4 miles? Isn't it better to keep the distance down but get out more frequently. I have found that even though I can run 10k without any issues I seem to feel better if I keep it down around 7k and try and get out as often as I can.

    -26c this morning and a major snow storm on its way. I will be on the treadmill later, there is no way I can handle those temperatures anymore. Snow blower is primed and ready to go, I just need to add more petrol as we are going to get a large dump.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Just noticed your post, great story, reminds me of one of my own.
    A while back Ottawa had a National Capital Runners Association that put on regular races and annual championship races.
    There was an event, a combined half and quarter marathon championship race. As I was preparing for a big 10k race I thought I would do the quarter.
    Off we went and as usual, I tagged on at the back of the fast guys. I knew who I could beat and who would leave me standing. The pace was fast and I  assumed at 8 or 9k I would be dropped to finish in the top ten.
    The course split at around 8k and suddenly there I was in the lead. There was this little French guy on my heel who took one look at me, said something in French, which I took to be 'no f...g way' and he took off.
    I hung on as we battled to the finish. I could hear the crowd yelling in French, clearly not for me. I found something and edged past him, he promptly started throwing up, but kept pushing. We crossed the line with me just ahead and him collapsing and continuing to throw up.
    I picked up a nice trophy and he did congratulate me in English after he recovered.

    My 5k done on the treadmill in the warmth and coziness of the mancave.


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    TS, whenever I go to an event, not only do I scan the opposition for signs of age (in simple terms - is he in my age cat?) but I also enlist Mrs JB in this task. I've often found myself chasing someone that I've thought was in my age cat only to find out (I ask them!) that I was wrong. 
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     :) - those French Canadians get in everywhere - pleased you beat him!!

    Actually I run, or try to, 6 days a week, Saturday a rest day, but I have not been doing more than 3.2 miles/day for many weeks now and often less than that.
    Yesterday's 4+ miles was the first time I had stepped out of that template for months.

    that's an impressive support team you have there :)
    One of the few times Mrs TS turned up for a race finish was many years ago when we were staying with friends in Carlisle and all of my family and our friend's family came down to the finish of a HM.
    I had ran really well, set a, for then, a new PB, and had a lovely controlled finish on the grass parkland finish section passing loads of runners.
    After picking up my medal and goodie bag I approached the large grouping and all the kids swarmed round to great me. My triumphant grin was swiftly wiped from my face when my wife commented " there were quite a lot finished in front of you"!!!

    Back to the usual 3.2 miles this morning in lovely crisp, sunny weather  - 33:18 (10:38m/m)  feeling ok after yesterday's exertions

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I would very much like to do 6 days but my feet will not allow it. Impressive that you can still do that.
    I aim for 3 or 4 runs per week plus a row and walking the dog every day.
    This week is already screwed up. Yesterday I was outside for a couple of hours snow blowing and shovelling in -23c windchill on my rest day. Today a planned run day, but outside again but only -17c windchill, snow blowing and shovelling after high winds had put all the snow back. This also involved getting all the ice out of the snow blower's auger where it had set like concrete.
    Needless to say I'm knackered, but I think I have had enough exercise.
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    they have been slow miles!

    Well at least you have got some use out of your snow blower :)
    I think you need to train up some younger neighbours in such pastimes - but you can't have it both ways-  as they will see you going out running and think that you don't need any assistance.

    No snow here and in fact it got a bit milder last evening for the Hash.  It was the first trail laid by a newcomer and it turned into a a fairly full on run for 4 miles with very few regroups and me hitting sub 8m/m at one, very short, stage!!

    The brewery venue proved an inspired choice afterwards!!
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Sub 8 on cross country trails !!  Was this real or virtual from your sofa?

    Unfortunately, all my neighbours are retired and as decrepit as I am.

    Still very cold around here so another 5.4k on the treadmill listening to my music.

    Well now I have really reached rock bottom, I ran today wearing my new shoes, New Balance wide fitting and they felt really good.

    Some interesting things seem to be happening to my gait.
    You may or not recall that a while back I started wearing a chest strap so I could analyse my gait. I had been having problems with my right knee which I was clearly favouring.
    One parameter of note is the Ground Contact Time % balance. If you are running evenly it should be 50 50 that is you spend the same amount of time on each foot.
    Mine was way off and my left leg was doing too much of the work. I could correct this as I ran by concentrating on making my right leg work but of course, my concentration lapsed.
    Here is a plot of my last 80 runs showing the average GCT % balance.

    You can see the first couple of runs where I tried to keep the balance even. The dotted line is 50 50. Over the last few weeks, I have suddenly started to run without a limp, I'm running in the green without thinking about it.
    This may appear anal but it is important in avoiding injury especially to the hips.

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    Hash sounded good, TS! As does the gait analysis, Mick.

    Not a lot to report here: Monday, 8.2, Tues 4.5, Weds 5.4, today 5.1. All kilometres, unfortunately. 
    All the above have been run at between 1 and 3 degrees, so quite cold by our standards. Am finding HR quite high for the effort. I presume that that is fairly typical at low temperatures. 

    And don't mention The (naive) Foxes.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited January 2022
    that's good news on your gait.  Are you perhaps running now on more regular surfaces as well?  
    In any event it looks like you are much improved.

    My physio some time ago analysed my gait on the treadmill using several video cameras and found that my right leg did a sort of circular motion from the knee down to avoid putting too much pressure on it thus leading to my left leg overcompensating and picking up injuries.
    Apparently due to an old ankle injury when I had torn ligaments and broken a couple of the small bones. 
    I was set several remedial exercises to strengthen the lower leg and it sorted it out over time.

    Shame about the neighbours :)

    I started off well this morning with a brisk opening mile and a bit and then my knee decided enough was enough so I short cutted home on a careful jog.
    Pity as I had been going relatively well for a few days....
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    In cold temperatures your body will reduce blood flow to the surface by restricting veins. This has the impact of increasing blood pressure, giving your heart more work to do, so yes it is harder in the cold.

    You should treat yourself to a Garmin chest strap that includes a gait analysis. It would be very interesting to see how you come out with your dicky knee.
    I am running on the roads and treadmill rather than the trails in the winter months. It does make a difference but not enough to put me in the green.

    It is -31c without adding the wind chill this morning. This is a lot colder than your deep freeze. As a hardy Brit even I am not crazy enough to go out in that. Down to the mancave for a 5k row I go.

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    That is a tad cold, Mick! Well done for staying in! And thanks for the HR thoughts. Was 1.5 degrees here when I ran but there was a cool wind: another 32 minutes banked. HR, not unexpectedly, too high for the effort.

    Hope the knee played ball today, TS.

    Not seen a few people on here for a few days...
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    You do adapt to the cold, I would find your weather today quite barmy and would even consider it shorts weather.
    5 k row done to the sound of Beethoven's Concerto for the clarinet, managed to beat it comfortably in 24 mins.
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    -31C without wind chill added factor is quite enough thanks!!
    Good decision on going for the rower and music choice.

    unfortunately not as far as the knee is concerned - it beguiled me into a couple of gentle miles and then I instinctively knew what was coming and had already slowed to a walk when the jab returned :/

    For those out there who were fans of Line of Duty interviews -  


    how they tackled the great liar  :)
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    Sorry to hear that, TS! Will view the clip later!

    Just over 35 minutes here. Decided mid-run to throw in a few quicker sections (250/600/700 metres) as it is about time I did something that resembles speed work. Needs repeating and adding to every week from now!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    another one of "those" weeks for me, I'm afraid, but back today with parkrun sandwich of 5 miles in total. Pretty much same conditions as last week - slippy paths (that white frost coating, rather than actual ice, which caused the parkrun a couple of miles away to be off again, as last week).  So, a circumspect run, which felt harder than circumspect should, but a lovely sunny morning, and brunch followed at N's (she'd run over to include it in a 10 miler), so a morning to lift the spirits !  

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    Hello all,

    Just three runs this week due to ice but 2 of those runs were over 6 miles each.2 Boot Camps, 7 The Body Project workouts.
    But happy to be able to run run 6 miles as that was my go to distance.

    Mick: I also use TEARS or REBUS I tend to mix them up.Complete failure today!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Brilliant clip I have never seen Line of Duty.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    you are missing a treat - but start at the beginning on iplayer

    6 miles good :)

    none of this slacking please - leave that to me :)
    Well done on another parkrun - even a slippery one!

    ooohhh - speedwork :)  Very good .

    I tried my knee out this morning and decided to give it another day - cold, misty, dank did not encourage me to go further :/
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    Hi all, just thought I'd pop in and report on my latest effort, this one at at Bushy parkrun. This has been on my 'must do' list for a while, what with it being the oldest and biggest event of them all (dating back to 2004). Perhaps others have done it or fancy doing it? 
    You'd be joining a large field of runners - 1200 yesterday and sometimes many more. The downsides come with the numbers - parking (you need to get there before 8.30), congestion in the first km, and quite a long wait after finishing.
    But on the positive side, it's a magnificent park, flat and fast; and the volunteers are very, very well grooved, efficient and charming.
    I went looking for a category win (the numbers in each category being pretty substantial) and came away without one. There were 2 reasons for this:

    a) I did get caught up in quite a bit of traffic and I reckon my 21.32 could have been 21.10;
    b) the winner in my age cat was a couple of classes above me and went through at least 2 minutes quicker. 

    b) was therefore rather more significant than a)!

    So, if you are ever in the capital (home of the metropolitan elite we hear so much about) and fancy doing it, I'd say that on balance I'd recommend it. 
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I ran a lot of 5k races in my early 60s and always looked to place. Every now and then someone would turn up and go under 20 mins with ease. Being 6' 1" and just over 13st, I always seemed so much bigger than these guys. As you age, size really seems to matter.
    I used to run Hyde Park LFOM 5k on most of my trips back to the UK and met a number of the forum members there including TS and Graham. Not sure when I will be back but all my family are still there so it will be whenever I can.

    I am still managing 100% but it usually takes 4 words before I get it with today's taking 6.

    Another frigid day so back on the rower for 5k. MrsMick was on the treadmill and I knew if I didn't workout then I probably wouldn't
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    Yes Mick: For just about the first time in my life I'm grateful for being a lightweight shorty! Doesn't help on the bloody rower though..............
    (Didn't the awesome 'Ceal', our very own world record holder, also do the LFOM races?)
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    I am enjoying Wordle, thanks WP

    Yes, JB, I met Ceal at LFoM, and TS, amongst others from other threads and also some that I used to race against in the late 70s/early 80s. 
    And yes, I would like to do Bushey at some point! 

    You seem to be finding plenty of ways to keep ticking over this winter, Mick! Will you be looking for a race/parkrun come the spring?

    And talking of parkrun, well done on toeing the line, Birch! I've somehow not done once since the start of October.

    10.2K here this morning, largely off road with my M76 neighbour. I found it rather a struggle and he bounced away from me on each little rise, or dip; fortunately most of the route was flat. Very tired at present: not sleeping well due to a neck problem. Seeing a consultant on Friday who unfortunately knows my back and neck too well!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    yes, I met up with Ceal a couple of times. I use to come to the UK on business at least 4 times a year.

    we have two Parkruns in the Capital region and I have done both even holding the 70-74 AG record on both until a shorty Brit who was visiting relatives smashed them. I am now in the 75-79 AG so I must have another go and hope he doesn't comeover for another visit.

    Walked the dog in -17c, she does mind but I need my heated mitts.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited January 2022
    Mick, by a bizarre coincidence, the guy who took your records, MB, is local to me! I have a few M70 friends who have a friendly rivalry with him. Although I don't know him myself, his name is often mentioned. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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