
A 1000 miles in 2022?



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    Hobie, these things happen! Back when we were using the more traditional timers, I managed to reset mine to zero by accident. Fortunately the other timer didn't.
    MrM2, it's a shame about Richmond. It's actually the first year since 2015 that I haven't entered (I even ran in 2020 although they cancelled the half but let everyone do the 10K in Kew Gardens, so I did that) so I'm quite glad of that.

    Got my final 20 miler done today...legs were not exactly fresh but I guess that's the point. I can taper now, anyway.

    YTD: 1190
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Cal... Another full week-end for you! Well done on the 20 miles! There is something satisfying and re-assuring about the 20 mile distance. Enjoy the taper.

    Got out in today's fine weather and plodded through 8 miles. Seem to be having more and more days when my slow runs drop very easily to an 11min/mile pace! I'm wondering if I'm experiencing something like AF? But it isn't the same as last time. And it doesn't show up on the HR trace.

    YTD: 1400' .
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    MrM2, my long run pace is more than 11 these days...I actually have to push a little to reach my old easy pace of 10:30-10:40. Probably not AF. (I know mine isn't, given I had more heart tests on Friday including the one on the treadmill).
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    A few big days for me has seen me push over the 1000 mile mark for the year ! 

    Fri 17k, Sat 5k(PR), Sun 17k.... 1001.6 miles in total, hadn't realised that until this morning. Legs feeling a little weak this morning so rest day today and looking at my plan is a low mileage week before Bristol & Cardiff HM in a couple of weeks :) 

    Have a picture to brighten up the thread, not as picturesque as some running places from most of you mind

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    Congratulations on the 1000 miles dangeroushamster, we've got a lot of club people doing Cardiff Half, lovely well supported race, I'm not doing it this year...hopefully I'll be fixed enough for a Backyard Ultra on the 1st.
    Well done on the 20 miles Cal & some big runs in there MrM2, 1400 miles is fantastic.
    We had nearly 100 people competing in the race I was marshalling....don't think I got any of them lost....although most noticed that it was a 14 mile Half...not my fault I hasten to add.
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    Today's squelch run took me to 936 miles for the year, so 64 miles to go for the 1000. Well done on your 1000, dangeroushamster! Whether I make it during September or not is touch and go; and it doesn't matter if I don't!
    Hasn't stopped raining here since yesterday evening; I look at pictures from around the country and it seems to be dry and even sunny elsewhere! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Keep the spirits up Dubai.
    Belated Anniversary wishes MrM2. Club had some runners at Richmond.
    Well done on the 900 alehouse.
    Cal, even  Ben Parkes found the tunnel hot (he said as much in his video).
    Donnie, I too had a cold, it cleared just before my latest booster (for Toronto).
    Hobie, they consider pacing at parkrun as volunteering - try it to build up.
    Congratulations on the 1000 dangeroushamster.

    Since my last posting on 30 August.

    31/08 - 5.77
    01/09 - 5.25
    03/09 - 8.34
    04/09 - 13.11 (Vitality Big Half - got a perfect rating from Pace coordinator)
    06/09 - 7.25
    07/09 - 7.25
    09/09 - 7.25
    11/09 - 13.11 (GNR - my worst result in 38 years - going to put it behind me)
    12/09 - 5.25


    YTD = 1442.31 miles

    Looking forward to London in three weeks.
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    Congrats, Hamster! And that looks nice to me. (Also congrats on the 1400 MrM2...didn't notice that last time I posted).
    Great pacing for the Big Half, Harmander...not easy with the tunnel and Canary Wharf mucking up GPS. (The tunnel didn't freak me out because I was hot, btw...though it was stuffy. It's more like some weird agoraphobia). Anyway, sorry GNR didn't go so well but we all have those days.
    alehouse - it's raining in London as I type. After the drought we had, I guess this is good. Just hope it doesn't make too much mud. I don't like mud.
    A very very very slow 4 mile recovery run today. Feel quite tired.

    YTD: 1194
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Dangeroushamster... Well done on passing 1000'

    Hobie...  A 14' half!!! Any extra metres over-distance can really spoil your day!

    Alehouse... Well on target!

    Harmander... Thanks,,,Great result for the Big Half! We wont talk about the other one...

    Cal... I think you're entitled to a slow 4'.

    Yesterday I also did a slow 4 miles. Today's run didn't happen. (Too many things happening at the same time...and it was raining!

    YTD: 1404'
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    Cal: you asked about my most recent park run, it was Ipswich. Have family (mother in law) in the area who we see maybe 8 to 10 times a year. If we travel Fri after work, I try to seek park run in. 

    7 miles on Monday night, absolutely floored by a cold on Tuesday. 

    Ytd: 880.6
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    MrM2, ha yeah 14ish mile Half marathons are kind of normal over here....a mix of rural roads and trails, not easy to measure with any accuracy....theory is that it's pretty much the same for everyone entered so suck it up. Congrats on the 1400 miles.

    Harmander, good call on parkrun pacing...I like that idea, it's going to be a shock to the system getting going again after a few weeks resting.

    I'm out of the knee brace today so let's see how this feels.
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    MrM2, back at you. :)
    Donnie, hope you feel better soon. 
    Hobie, hope it goes well.

    Did a 9 mile run with some hill sprints. Not big steep hills or anything, but enough to get me working. Need to get the legs turning over again.

    YTD: 1203
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    8 mile plod today. Legs felt very heavy. I wonder why? :lol:

    YTD: 1211
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Hobie... Thanks. Take it easy on that knee!

    Cal... Some serious work going on during your 'taper'!?

    Drove down to the south coast yesterday. Enjoyed a refreshing seafront run this morning. Eight miles.
    Made some effort to increase the pace on the return miles. Not a lot of success; only managing to speed up by a few seconds. Can't blame the conditions; they were ideal!

    YTD: 1412' .
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    Great going everyone, well done on reaching 1000 and beyond.

    Hobie, I sympathise- it’s not easy on the injury bench

    My comeback from the fracture is taking longer than hoped and I’m trying to be sensible. It took me 4 months to move from 600 to 700!

    It’s a slow process and I’m still getting some ankle swelling in the evening, trying to keep on top of stretching.

    YTD 718.62 miles

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Dubai... Sorry that it is taking so long...but you'll get there!

    Enjoyed an 8 mile run in Poole Park yesterday. (Not tempted to do their parkrun this morning...728 runners!)
    But did get to the Bournemouth parkrun (just) to run their new route in 28:56.  
    Placed 280 out of 439 runners...so still quite busy.  Age grade was just short of 70%. (Work to do!)
    Still enjoying great weather, but a bit chilly first thing.
    Enjoy your long week-end.

    YTD: 1423' .
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    Hang in there, Dubai. Can you do water running in your pool?
    I've never done the Poole parkrun, MrM2...if my parents had lived another three or four years then I would have done...I started parkrunning three years after they died. I did run around that park though, a few times, when visiting them.
    Well done on the AG.
    Today I went to Hogmoor Inclosure in Hampshire with my friend Tunde (he has a car otherwise I'd have had a hard time getting to that one). It's a gloriously lumpy bumpy trail on sand (some of it is hard sandy trail but there are some looser bits). Not an easy run but it was really good fun and I loved it. 28:46 so actually a pretty good time for me on a course like that (by current standards). First in age group this time.

    YTD: 1214
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Cal: thanks for that. Yorkshire marathon is mid Oct so trying to push though the cold without being daft. It's all in my head rather than chest which I think wise old runners tend to suggest is a situation where you can 'keep going'. 

    Out Thurs night ( 5 miles) and park run this morning. Tried to run within myself, timers were a little slower but only a bit and the effort conversed was significant. 

    Ytd: 888.7
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Enjoyed a 9 mile mix this afternoon, including some headland trails for the first time.

    YTD: 1432' .
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    Donnie, yes I remember - it was on the 20th when I ran it, which was also my mate's birthday. He gave up his birthday to support me (I did treat him to cake at Betty's though).
    Well done MrM2.

    I was supposed to do 16 yesterday, but I just didn't feel well. I went for a slow walk to get my steps in but spent the rest of the day resting. Obviously helped as I'm OK today and did a 12 miler instead.

    YTD: 1226
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Cal... Back up quickly...and then a 12 miler! Well done.

    'Resting'.....now that's what I should have done today, but Mrs.M wanted to rest...so I got out for another 8 miles. Rest-day tomorrow!

    YTD: 1440' .

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    Well I felt crap again yesterday, but it was just a rest day anyway (though I did skip the gym). Today was a 6 mile plod on very heavy taper legs. 

    YTD: 1232
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    Well done everyone, I'm feeling a bit left out...but knee is starting to feel a bit better...so (don't hate me for this)...I got on the bike that's been collecting dust on the wall....lovely 14 mile sunny ride making my legs do something...might get a run at the weekend. 
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    Hobie - that's progress, hope you enjoyed the bike ride. 

    Cal: enjoy the taper, you'll soon be checking weather forcasts for Chester which is a sign it's happening! 

    Got out Sunday for 5 miles. Monday evening was a bigger effort to run 13.2 in 1hr 51 and Tues worked hard to do 10k in 51min 30. My marathon prep is lacking a little in volume so trying to compensate by working hard on each run.

    Covid booster in a few moments, I'm in the queue now, so that might scupper my run tonight. 

    Ytd: 913.2
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    Hobie, biking's legit - a lot of peeps end of Zwifting when injured. Hope you're good for the weekend.
    Donnie, that's a decent selection of runs there. Not had my booster yet. I've heard peeps say they felt ill after so best not to have it too close to a race.
    8 miles today with 3 miles of tempo in the middle. Tempo was around 9:20is which is slower than my 2019 MP but faster than I think my MP will be at Chester (well, I doubt I'd keep that up for 4+ hours, it felt like hard work). But I'm hoping it'll make my actual MP feel a bit easier.

    YTD: 1240
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    Today's run took me over 100 miles for the month for the 9th month this year, and to...

    YTD: 985.2
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Well done, alehouse. Nearly at 1000 too!

    4 miles today - Chelmsford Central parkrun plus a mile warm-up. Lovely parkrun, though busy. However, I did get my fastest time of the year and first sub-27 of the year (26:55). Low bar, but I'll take it.

    YTD: 1244
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Hobie... Whatever it takes...bike is OK. Hope you can pick up with a bit more running soon!

    Donnie... Some good mara. prep going on now. Keep it up!

    Alehouse... Another good month for you...and the 1000' is not too far away!

    Cal...A few 9:20s in the middle of the run sounds promising. And a good result at parkrun!

    Glad I got my rest day on Tues...but have run consec. days since then: 6', 2', 8' and then 16 miles today.
    Had an hour of Physio yesterday; wasn't sure if it would kill me or cure me...Well I survived, but wasn't sure that I'd be able to run today. Waited til the afternoon and managed 16 miles. Couldn't hold the early 10min/mile pace but finished with an average of 10:21. Beautiful day.
    Got to 11 miles and bumped into a good friend. 15 minutes later it was very hard to get moving again!

    YTD: 1472' .
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    I'd be happy with that, MrM2 - I've been averaging over 11s for runs of that length.
    Today was better though. I did my last double figures run...10 miles starting slow but ending up with three miles around MP. (I'm hoping for a 4:15 mara, so shooting for a SB rather than a PB).

    YTD: 1254
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Got out this afternoon for a 10 mile run, to add to yesterday's 16.
    Needed to work quite hard but averaged 9:54/mile  pace. That gave me an age grade of 69%. Yesterday's run gave me 68%. So, not too far off where I want to be.

    Have a good week, Cal; you've put in all the work!

    YTD: 1482' .
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