
A 1000 miles in 2022?



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    Good luck MrM2
    Cal, congrats in advance for the 1300
    Gipfel, Well done on the 1400
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    Church Mead parkrun today, which is both hilly and technical so, frankly, a bonkers choice one week after a marathon. But what with the train strike, it was the only new one I could get to (it's right up the end of the Metropolitan - 90 minutes on the tube). Needless to say it was one of my slowest running parkruns, though still 50 seconds faster than the slowest one, Homewood. Quite enjoyed it though!

    YTD: 1294
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Not sure what the body is telling me but it didn't want to run today!
    Planned to run marathon distance but the legs had had enough by half way!
    No point in battling on, settled for Half. Disappointed but have more important challenges at home!

    YTD: 1545' .
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    I'd find it very hard to do a marathon on my own, MrM2, especially a lapped on. My only DNF to date was a lapped marathon (and an organised one at that). Perhaps you could see if there's a small organised marathon you could do that would double up as your virtual.

    6 miles for me this morning before volunteering at junior parkrun.

    YTD: 1300 🥳
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    Cal, Do ours on 11 December - you will enjoy it - I promise. Congrats on the 1300.
    MrM2, Sorry to hear about the aborted marathon and hope the issue at home is sorted.

    Just done 11.77 today after 8.25 yesterday with 5.25 on Friday (25.27)

    YTD + 1632.79 miles

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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Cal well done on Chester, reads like a good run. 

    Harmander enjoy Toronto. 

    MrMr2, completely understand what happened, still horrible it did. Sometimes life is ............

    Done a few runs, including a PR, good to be back with a friendly group of people who accept people run, then they don't, then they do!! Still aiming for the 1000, next holiday is Feb so should be possible. 

    YTD: 826.04
    EG: 17068ft
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    Just over 2 miles a day and you will hit the 1000, TT!

    MrM2: well done even trying a solo marathon! Credit to you! We all know that it is not as easy as it might sound!

    YTD: 1062
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Mr MM: no need to be overly disappointed about the solo marathon. Definately no point in pushing yourself needlessly, recalibrating is often the best policy. We all run for enjoyment, we run for time alone, we run for a break from life. No need to ever worry about not achieving a target. 

    TT: keep running. You'll hit the 1000 and great to see your name again. 

    Harmander: enjoy Toronto. I know you've been before but remember to have a great time in a fab city. 

    Cal: recovering well? 

    Gipfel: I've not forgotten I promised to post some thoughts about the Yorkshire marathon based on my previous runs there. I'll do it tomorrow... 

    4 runs since posting 5, 5, 10 and a final 10 today before the marathon on Sunday. I mentioned my troubles with gels. Tried one on each of the 10 mile runs at the 7 mile stage, just to test the effects on my stomach. Brands were sis and gu, I made a decision to consume them slowly and much earlier than I have on previous occasions. I still don't like them but I avoided feeling sick to an extent it impacted on my run which has happened before. Conclusion: I have to fight my reluctance to use gels as taking them as I head towards 'empty' makes things worse. Gu is probably the preferred brand. 

    Ytd: 993.5
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    Good luck Donnie (with the gels and the marathon). Not tried Gu. Torq have some really nice flavours but I find them a bit thick - I use the SiS ones because they're quite watery. However, I am quite discerning about the flavours as there are some I really don't like.

    4 miles easy today. It's a bit nippy out now...had to wear gloves!

    YTD: 1304
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    7 miles today.

    YTD: 1311
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Thanks everyone, for kind words and thoughts. Really appreciate this group for mutual concern and informed understanding.
    Haven't spent much time analysing why Saturday's run didn't go to plan. That's the frustration; there doesn't seem to be an explanation why one week I can run 20 miles comfortably and another I'll struggle with 10 miles. But 'wooden' legs and painful toes were totally out of my 'norm' on Saturday.

    Cal...Congrats on passing 1300 miles, and for a measured return after Chester.

    Donnie... Hope all goes well at the week-end!

    Harmander...You are out of sight!

    Hoping to do a gentle run today. (Me too for gloves!)
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Gipfel: this will be my 6th Yorkshire marathon. Some thoughts, although I've only done 7 marathons in total so not a huge amount to compare it with. Should also say, it's local to me which is the primary reason for coming back. 

    The base is York uni, which is a large 1960s landscaped campus. It's a decent hub for the event. If you've read reviews a criticism which keeps coming back is lack of signage, things are a bit confused with a 10 mile and marathon run on the same morning. It's a fair observation, although this is a medium sized event rather than a London or Manchester so runners can to some extent find their way around. 

    The route is into York and then out into prosperous villages. The one landmark on the entire route, York minister, is in the second mile. From memory miles 3 to 8 are suburban and 8 to 14 rural with the occasional village and million pound property. About mile 14 is Stamford Bridge, where crowds are big and very supportive. This does help. 

    The difficult bit is about 16 to 20 which is a remote out and back on a dual carriage way. It's difficult seeing people on the other side, 4 miles ahead of you, looking super fresh, as you trudge along! As Cal says this ends with a left turn at the 20 mile marker, so 10k to go and you feel you're heading for home. Again it's rural with the occasional house and hamlet. 

    You are joined by the 10 milers for the last 4 or so miles as the routes merge and you hit the start of the town. It's typical town centre housing, people, shops, pubs, as you make your way back to the uni. There is a hill, pretty much the only one, in the last mile, but it's so late, you can drive though it. 

    I think its a decent event, a fast course and relatively well supported. Marshaling and official support appears well run, water stations all seemed well set up. 

    Small tented village at the end. Free medal engraving offered, not sure if that's a regular feature at this type of event, but it's a nice touch. 

    Hope you enjoy the day. 
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    GipfelGipfel ✭✭✭
    Evening all,

    Donnie: thanks so much for taking the time to write that very detailed info! It's really good to know what to expect - and I am the kind of person who reads up about events as much as I can - so what you and Cal have said is really helpful. I hope you enjoy the day too and that the gels go down well. I was reading about nutrition today and agree totally with what you say about needing to take them much earlier than you think (the book I was reading stressed that by the time you feel you need one, it's too late) - I also need to make sure I do this. Looking forward to seeing how the race goes for you, and I'll report back too! The free medal engraving is a lovely touch and definitely quite unusual, I'd say.

    Mr M2, sorry to hear about your disappointing Saturday run. It sounds like the right decision to cut the distance short in the circumstances, although I completely understand the frustration. I hope this week is better for you, both at home and running wise! (I hope your wife is doing ok, by the way.)

    Just a couple of taper runs for me over recent days - it's felt nice to cut back on mileage and recover a bit of energy (I also have a week off work and have been extremely lazy!), but I'm not 100% a fan of constant slow/easy runs - I start to feel a bit ploddy and as if I won't be able to go faster again!

    YTD 1434
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    A steady 5 in beautiful later afternoon sunshine. 

    Ytd 998.5
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    Gipfel, I hear you. You could do some strides. Right now I'm doing slow ploddy because I'm trying to recover, but I hate it.
    4 very ploddy miles today.

    YTD: 1315
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Donnie... just about to pass 1000 miles! Again, All the best for the marathon!

    Gipfel... Thanks. Yes, this week has got better. Wednesday's 10 miles didn't go well; reduced to 'treading water' by the end. Thursday's 4 miles was a Fartlek run, but not quite where it should have been. Then today my7 miles seemed like I'd got my own legs back on. (Fairly steady 10 min/mile pace).

    As you mentioned my wife I'll just add that she can no longer walk, not even with the Rollator. (Strength, balance and co-ordination are no longer there.) Now using a wheelchair.
    From getting out of bed in the morning through to getting into bed in the evening, and everything in between, she needs my help. (I had a Carer's Assessment yesterday.)

    YTD: 1566' . 
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Good weather for a parkrun this morning, but didn't realise how wet it would be.
    (Not getting any easier, with a narrow, pot-holed, 'out and back' lane to run a couple of times, especially with more and more walkers to be overtaken.)
    Three easy miles as well as the parkrun (29:39). Posn: 60/93, and oldest person there.
    Fairly happy with the 67.7% age grade, especially after a mixed week.

    YTD: 1572' .
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    MrM2 - well I'm not surprised you have been struggling a bit if you're dealing with that too. You're doing fantastically considering.

    Alice Holt parkrun for me today - lovely forest location but another hilly one (though not as bad as last week's!)

    YTD: 1318
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    MrMr2 hopefully days go as well as they can do. 

    Alehouse you are right! It also sounds possible when it is put as two miles a day. 

    Cal well done on that 1300, good total for this stage of the year, if I remember rightly you are ahead of last year?

    Gipfel and Donnie hope Yorkshire went well???? We did try with the weather?

    Three runs including PR yesterday and Scarborough 10km today. Beginning to feel that there is a point in running again so thank you all for your kind words. 

    YTD: 841.40
    EG: 17651
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    TT, more than likely as I was injured for a good part of early 2021.
    How did you get on at Scarborough?
    10 miles for me today - lovely Autumn weather. Right hammy was rather grumpy though so will have to try and knock that on the head. Got a half in four weeks.

    YTD: 1328
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Decided to work on slower runs today; keeping the breathing to 3-3, and relying on perceived effort rather than looking at the watch. 
    7 miles this morning and again this afternoon. Same run but anti-clockwise loops this morning and clockwise this afternoon. The two loops in the morning run had identical times, and this afternoon there was about a 20 sec. difference. Second run was one minute quicker than the first.

    Hope our marathon runners got on well today.

    YTD: 1586' .
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Another fine day, another 7 mile run. Continued with the 3-3 breathing campaign, and perceived effort. Actually, I pushed it a bit more today; pace almost at the limit for the slow breathing. Happy with 10:17 / mile pace for the 7 mile run.

    YTD: 1593' .
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    You're racking up those miles, MrM2! 
    5 for me today - nice morning although pretty nippy. It'll be warm later on though.

    YTD: 1333
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Couldn't resist running today; amazing weather for October.
    Fancied a longer run, and a variation on a regular route, so 14 miles at a perceived, sustainable pace. Turned out to be 10:09 for the run. (Had hoped to be nearer 10 min/mile, but it's been a busy week.)
    The half marathon distance came in at 2:13:13, with the second quarter marathon loop being one minute longer than the first. Age grade was close to 69% so fairly pleased.
    After 7 consecutive days of running (62 miles) I'm overdue a rest day, tomorrow!

    Where is everybody?

    YTD: 1607' .
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Yorkshire marathon last Sunday. A race I've done before so knew what to expect. I know Cal and Mr MM have done this, nothing has changed. 

    My day started poorly, an element of panic when I couldn't sleep. Difficult to know how much I did sleep, possibly more than I thought, anyway, onwards and upwards come the morning. 

    Race itself went very well. Good conditions, sunny, warmish although quite blustery. Steady away, all the way. My target was sub 4 hours and the time was 3 hrs 56. 

    Allow me to be rather smug about my 10k splits:

    1st 10k:  57.49
    2nd 10k  56.27
    3rd 10k.  55.31
    4th 10k:  54.32

    Perhaps I could have gone harder a bit earlier but who cares, target achieved. Also at exactly the 20 mile mark I had a 'moment' with my right knee when it seemed to lock up. Soon freed itself but I was left with some doubt for the remainder of the run. 

    Actually, overall very happy and I'll be back next year. 

    Note to Gipfel: thinking back to the pre run note I posted. I mentioned not liking the section from about 16 to 20, the out and back section. That wasn't right, I think the sapping section is the couple of miles before that which links the two out and back sections,  remote, up hill and, on Sunday, into a strong wind. Also I mentioned the medal and engraver, medal this year, definately an economy version, no way was anyone engraving that! 

    Anyway, at a personal level, happy and still an event I'd recommend. 

    Another 5 tonight checking that the legs work, making 1029.7
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    GipfelGipfel ✭✭✭
    Wow, Donnie, congratulations on an absolutely excellent race at Yorkshire! Those splits are amazing - how nice to get an overall negative split and to feel good for most of the race. Definitely better than going out harder at the beginning with potential for regretting it later (see my experience below). Was that a PB or a course best for you?

    Sadly, I had the opposite experience and had a shocker of a run! From about mile 2, after setting off at my target pace (aiming for just below 3:50), I noticed that my heart rate was quite a bit higher than it should have been. Alarm bells rang, as I knew this heart rate could not realistically be maintained for a whole marathon, and of course as a consequence, the pace wasn't feeling as good as it should have - so did I do the sensible thing and back off a bit? No, I did not! I forged on at the same pace, with absolutely perfect, even splits until about halfway - and then, as was to be expected, the wheels totally fell off. The majority of the miles in the second half felt like torture (with the odd exception - was it mile 20 that was a bit of a downhill, just after you leave the second out and back section? It was nice to pick up pace there and steam past a few people) - my pace dropped and dropped, and I had to take several walk breaks where I then really struggled to start running again, and I was cursing myself and feeling unbelievably negative. You are totally right about the section between the two out and backs - that was definitely my worst bit, and the wind didn't help as I was suffering already by that point. One nice thing was the end - I loved the downhill finish and despite my issues, I somehow managed to pick up the pace to an average of 7:10 min/miles for the last 0.3 miles :D I finished in 4:06 something in the end, which could have been worse considering I was seriously tempted to walk the last 10 miles or so (and I just about managed to beat my London 2019 time, which was my last 'official' marathon), but it was definitely a disappointing time and so different from my virtual marathon 2 years ago for which I'd done the same training, worn the same shoes, etc but where I felt as if I breezed round to finish in 3:50! Sunday, on the other hand, felt more like my first marathon and as if I couldn't cope with the distance, which was not very pleasing. It'd have been so much better to run a bit slower from the beginning and have a more pleasant race experience!

    I did think the event was excellent (a nice balance between big enough to feel like a decent event but not too big/crowded to be loads of hassle), and I enjoyed the course - there was good variety and lots of support. I appreciated all the support and loved the finish (as mentioned) but also enjoyed the bit through York centre past the Minster. My partner ran the 10 mile and did well - he finished in the top 100. I'm definitely going to have to come back and do it again and have a better run - probably not next year (just because of other marathon plans) but maybe 2024!

    All in all, it reminded me that the marathon is an unpredictable beast and that you should never be complacent, even after good training - and also, do not ignore a high heart rate! I have come down with a pesky virus, for which the symptoms literally started the next day, which probably explains the HR and sort of made me feel better about it, as it's probably not primarily a training issue (although I am still annoyed with myself for ignoring the signs during the race).  
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    GipfelGipfel ✭✭✭
    MrM2, that's an excellent age grade for the half distance. Glad if the running is feeling better this week - but I'm very sorry to hear about your wife. It really is so difficult - I hope the carer's assessment brings you some support.

    TT, very glad to hear that your running mojo has returned!

    YTD for me: 1466. (I'm having a week off running - good timing as I'm not really feeling up to it with this bug I've got - but it's amazing how much more spare time I suddenly seem to have!)
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    GipfelGipfel ✭✭✭
    Sorry, me again! Cal - are you planning to run Tokyo next year (assuming all goes to plan with it), or have you decided not to bother? I've just paid the entry fee - it's going to be an expensive business!
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Donnie...Job done! And in some STYLE!  Congratulations. Glad the knee behaved itself!

    Gipfel... Thanks.   Sorry that the 'bug' came along at just the wrong time. Well done for battling through the hard phases. Enjoy your week off.

    A sort of rest day for me; just 2 miles to get warmed-up prior to a good stretch session.

    YTD: 1609' .
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    Fantastic result, Donnie - those are excellent splits. Good going considering the hill at the end.
    Commiserations, Gipfel...bad luck picking up a virus. I'm glad you got some positives out of it, though.
    Gipfel - no, can't afford it. Just had to spend £2000 on dental work plus £900 service charge on the flat I rent out. There's no way I can go. It's a shame it's the only ballot I've ever been "lucky" in though that luck costs me around £900 in unrefundable flights and a lot of disappointment.

    Just 2 miles today - did not feel right. Heavy legs and a little soreness in the left hip (not one of my usual niggles) so I canned it.

    YTD: 1335
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