
FLM 2006: closer to 4:00 than 4:30



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    Cardiff Half Marathon is a definite for me in October (wife threatened divorce if I put myself in for the full).

    Malvern Half on 21 May is a possible. Scenic 7 on 12 July - much as I will hate myself for it, entry is inevitible. Cardiff 10K on 3rd September is likely.

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    8.5 last night, sore tendons for the first 40 min. and then could run at usual pace. I thought this problem was going to improve overtime but I guess my tendons are probably so tight it takes a long time for them to warm up.

    RB, my brother and his wife are trying to talk me into NYC too......
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    Do it Brent! You can always pull out later if you come to your senses!!!
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    LOL, I cant believe we are actually talking about another marathon....ok when we are both at mile 24 in London lets ask each other about NYC.
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    I wish I could go for the NYC Mara, I've somehow managed to use up all my holiday leave for the year!! - Doh.

    I'm still undecided on what distances to concentrate on for aftware the FLM, I quite like the idea of doing fast 10k's, but there's just something about the satisfaction of completing long runs!

    I just don't know.
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    erm.... not sure what "aftware" is, but meant to say "after"
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    I thought maybe aftware was simply another proper british word that I hadn't picked up on yet. :)

    I think I'll be sticking to 1/2s for a while. I don't mind the really long runs, just the amount of time they take. I've missed out on some trips and social stuff because of lsr on weekends. If I only do 1/2s then my training is more flexible. Any idea how many people would think we're crazy talking about ONLY 1/2s? Also, going to try out orienteering because you get to run through the woods, but with goal points. Sounds fun. Oh yeah, and competitive ultimate is starting up as well. Woohoo!!
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    I'd like to do NYC but cant afford it & dont want to have pressure of raising money for charity again. People will only give so much for charity. Perhaps a bit later in life I will get the chance.
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    Boring subject guys and gals - Carbo Loading!
    According to what I've read we ought to consume 10g of carbohydrate for every kg of body weight - that means that during the final 3 days before the run I should eat 720g of carbs - the equivalent of 48 medium slices of bread/14 medium sized baked potatoes/etc. I'll be the size of a whale!!!!!!!!!!
    Any ideas out there?
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    I've just worked out my mileage to FLM is 57 miles so that means just over 3 marathons until ive completed this thing.
    damn that dont seem to far to run, does it?
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    blue(pete). I just eat my normal food as cant be worrying about carbo loading. Ive got chicken the night before & will probably have pasta the night before that, but apart from that. ill eat what i normally do
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    Brent, I'm not sure I'll be able to speak at 24, but how about 26.3 - when we're feeling the elation and all that adrenalin from finishing? :-)

    I'm not to hot on how carbo loading works, like Chukka, I'll be eating normally. With the lack of running in the last few days, I'm assuming my carb stores will be fairly high anyway...?
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    RB- at 26.3 and on our high we will both be saying yes. By the way have you ever thought about Stockholm ? That's supposed be a great marathon to run.

    Pete- I will eat normally too. The night before the marathon I plan on having a pizza as my appetizer followed by a nice big plate of pasta.
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    For carbo loading I will be:
    switching to two bowls of cereal for breakfast instead of one
    Morrisons do a nice pasta salad for lunch, or jacket potato with beans
    pretty much normal dinners - but just trying to avoid certain ones that aren't so good
    ensuring that any other snacks are carbo based, e.g. cereal bars rather than choccy bars

    I was reading accounts of the early marathons, where steak for breakfast before the marathon was the normal, as was swigging brandy or strong wine at drink stops. Ahhh, those were the days.

    So if you see me staggering over the line...........

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    There are two people at work who have come into work today (and sit in close proximity to me) who have picked up a nasty looking cold. They've decided to take the rest of the afternoon off , but now i'm worried (almost to the point of running out the building) that they're going to spread their marathon-training-squashing germs to me!!!
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    doughball, just shoot them if you they do give you a cold at this stage.
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    I had a vendor in today who had a cold and after I shook his hand I made an excuse to go to the bathroom so I could wash my hands

    DB- wash your hands alot and take vitamins !!!!
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    DB- I'd also spray the office, phones, computer keyboards, etc. with Lysol. Sorry I don't know the British equivelant of Lysol (kills 99% of germs).
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    DB Ask for recognition of a reverse Disability Discrimination. As you are healthy and germ free you are entitled to a special clean environment to protect your health- otherwise you need to go off well!
    Any buildres out there? A roof tile has just blown off my roof and it's pouring rain. What should I do?

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    Sorry for buildres read BUILDERS
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    DC. It must be windy in Fife (must be all that hot air from all of the world media causing a ripple in the weather patterns) - one missing tile shouldn't leave a hole (as the overlap should carry water over the gap) but I would get someone lined up as the wind may get under the overlap and.......unlikely though.

    I hadn't thought about people with colds...'till now! Where's my mask?
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    Thanks BP. I'll get it checked when the rain stops.....

    It is a bit blustery- seems to be blowing the birds to death round here. And I was in Cellardyke last Thursday too! You're only worried about little colds, we've got bird attack here.
    I'm glad it's my rest day though as the weather is seriously depressing.
    I've only got eight scheduled runs left until the marathon. It's really getting close- scary thought.

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    I am not going to carb load - I am fat enough taht if I put weight on i would be so depressed it would affect my running.

    Re after - I am doing the edinburgh marathon in 9 weeks time... Just about enough time to recover and then run again.

    Bit of madness I know but it's just up the road and i can always pace some friends who will be doing it as their first.

    ANyway = I only managed 6 out of 9 last night as the weather was horrid and i was on my own and it ws getting dark. (I am a big wuss)

    Still thinking 16 for Sunday - mainly to make up for the choc cake I am carb loading with right now.
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    Edinburgh's a tough one isn't it Gymbunny? I don't feel quite so bad for considering a second marathon this year now!

    Brent, I've recently heard how brilliant Stockholm marathon is, I think it's sometime around May? Maybe next year...
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    gymbunny- Edinburgh ! that brings back some memories. I actually enjoyed everything except the team relay runners. You will come to hate them too. Every 6 miles there are new refreshed runners who make you feel nice and slow.
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    ---Cold-scare update no.1---

    Am still feeling OK, disinfected keyboard / mouse / pc / monitor / desk and chair. Am walking round the office with a makeshift face mask... I'm hopefully going to make it!

    If I wake up tomorrow morning with a scratchy throat then this forum is going to hear ALL ABOUT IT!
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    I really wish you'd post a picture of you at your desk with your makeshift face mask. I bet it's a hoot!!
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    er I have been one of those relay runners - except I was the first leg so no chance of catching any of the marathon runners who set of at least an hour ahead.

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    hi all.

    rest day today, loving it! Vegging out and watching frost!

    Plan for 4 miles tomorrow morning and then off to my nieces 2nd birthday party in the afternoon! bit of bouncy castle to stretch the legs! 12 on Sunday with new belt and top I am hoping to run in to check it doesn't rub anywhere before I iron name onto it!

    I am not carb loading as such but I have generally increased my carbs since started this whole training thing and will have a few pasta dinners the week before.

    I don't know what to do race wise after the FLM. I would like to do a few half marathons and then do another marathon next year. I would love to do New York but have no holidays left this year to do it and I couldn't ask all the same people for sponsorship again either!!!
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    Can anyone recommend some good races in the North West in the next few months?
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