
Shades Marathon Training



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    The List

    10th April -Manchester
    Ian5 - 6817 - completedimage
    Cal - 8014 - completedimage
    System J - 10181 - completedimage

    17th April - Brighton
    Louey - completedimage
    Steve -completedimage
    Catalin - completedimage

    17th April - Great Welsh
    Shades -completedimage

    24th April - London

    30th April - Plym Trail
    Big G

    1st May - North Dorset

    Please add/edit as required.   Apologies if I've made any errors or omissionsimage

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Shades, I'm not 100% sure what it is.  It's my left hip, but about a week before I first felt it I had some left knee pain, so think it may be connected.  I've been stretching it and foam rollering it and it is has been okay for about a couple of weeks, but I felt it on yesterday's run.  That will definitely will be my last longer run now image  I may do one or two 10 milers, but all the rest will be shorter runs and all at an easy pace.  I need to get to the start line of this one, after DNSing in October!

    Trotters have moved to a new website (same address) which is much better overall.  Annoyingly for me, it's now slightly more complicated for me to publish my reports to the site as I have to resize images, which is a manual process per image.  But I now have the ability to edit the homepage, so I can edit that section to make sure it links to the most recent report, and update the photo accordingly.  So, all-in-all, it's a better site.  I think the main driver for the change was that the club can now accept payment of subs online, which is much easier for members.

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    Big G - I take it you're not having any pain first thing in the morning or generally when not running, which is a good sign.   Do you think maybe the camber of the road is what brings it on when doing longer runs?

    That's annoying resizing all the images for your race reports.

    I think DD is just about the last race that I actually send a cheque and a lot of folk don't bother to have cheque books now.   I did pay Cornish last year by cheque but that was because you had to open a PayPal account to pay online and it took me a long time to extract myself from PayPal when I did have an account so didn't want to start that malarkey again.

    Just looked at the new TT website, it looks lovelyimage

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭

    Cal - I just LOL'd at your baggage queue comment image I'd agree with what Louey said about Brighton. Very well organised, I didn't drop a bag but left my stuff at the hotel as was less than 1 mile from the finish. They definately needed more toilets though. I thought the support was awesome, much better than Bournemouth but then it is a bigger event. Worse part of the course are miles 20-22 when you go by the power station, however despite the lower numbers there were people around cheering but it is a bit grim...oh and at one point the smell was terrible image Would I do it again, yes. Will I sign up for 2017, no. Reason being I'd like to try somewhere else as there are so many marathons!

    Jacky, SK, Iain - Thanks for the comments. Hope taper is going well for you all.

    MF - Thank you, hope you get injury free soon.

    Shades - Well done on the CR at Llanelli, especially with it being so close to Taunton. That training is paying off for you.

    Louey - Great report. Like SK said on Strava go with 3:59:83 image However an 8 min PB is awesome work. You could look at the Robin Hood marathon in September, that is meant to be a good one but I haven't run it myself. Funny you should mention that, I heard someone shout, but looked around and couldn't see who it was so assumed there was another Steve nearby. Either way thanks for the support!

    Catalin - Good report from you too and well done on your sub 4:30 and 12 minute PB. Like Shades has said those splits look fine to me, I've seen people slow down much worse in marathons.

    That was a long post just to catch up....race report to follow.

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭

    Pre Race

    Drove down on Saturday after waking up to snow in Birmingham! Traffic was good except for last 30 miles which took about 90 minutes to do as there was so much traffic arriving. Parked car in hotel car park and went to collect my number at the expo, the queue was massive at this point and it took a while to get into the building. Met up with some friends from Twitter from the UKRunChat community and went to Bella Italia for some last minute carbs! Got back to hotel pretty early and grabbed some much needed sleep.

    Race Day

    Up early and down to breakfast for around 6:30, back to room to change into run gear then walked to Preston Park for the start was about a 45 minute walk so served as a good warm up. Looked around for the UKRunChat pre race meet up but couldn't see anyone, so jumped in the queue for the toilets. This took a while, so as soon as I'd been I got straight into the corral for sub 3:30 (red start). Due to the rain/hail the corrals were very muddy and as soon as we were on the concrete I was trying to get as much mud off my shoes as possible. Race started and I high 5'd Zoe Ball before crossing the starting line.

    I did however get caught up in the moment and started too fast with miles of 7:44 and 7:46. I then found the 3:30 pacer and ran with them (Kev and Katie), we chatted for a while and this slowed me down with miles of 7:55 and 7:58. However I realised I wanted to be running closer to 7:50 so made the decision to leave them both behind after mile 4. I then just tried to get into a good pace and had splits of between 7:41 to 7:58 between miles 5 and 13. I passed half way in 1:43:07 as was happy as knee I was on target for around 3:26 if I could keep it up.......

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭

    .....After passing half way I ended up running with someone from Rebel Runners, not sure of his name, but he had Cheeky written on his top, so got a lot of shouts from the crowds. We chatted and turned out he was also chasing a 3:2x time so I decided to stick with him for as long as I could. I was also running alongside a lady (whose name I don't know) but she was running for the WWF in a "The Panda Made Me Do It" top. We ran together for long periods all 3 of us going well. With splits of between 7:28 (mile 19, not sure what happened here!) and 7:52, so all to plan. I passed 20 miles in 2:36 which I knew was also good for 3:26 and was feeling good. Had a thumbs up with the other 2 runners and carried on in the industrial area which was less well supported and had a nasty smell at some points!! I noticed other runners on the way back from the turn around point and wondered if I could catch any of them later in the race.....however on we went and we dropped the Rebel Runner at about mile 21. A lot of runners do find this strecth hard and I can see why. Mile 21 passed in 7:52 and I was still running alongside the WWF lady.....

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭

    ......Without really speaking too much (she was listening to music), we were pushing each other on and would give each other a thumbs up or a nod at certain points and it was after mile 21 that we started to pick up the pace. When back out of the industrial area and back to more supported areas we even tried to make the crowds louder by clapping and shouting to them image Miles 22 to 25 came out between 7:19-7:37. We passed the 40k timing mat and she said "Let's go" I pushed on with her and noticed I was now running a 7:10 mile but after 0.25m realised I couldn't hold on, so let her go on ahead. I passed a runner in a charity vest who the crowd were cheering on, so after they had finished I also shouted "Come on Matt" so we then ran together for a while.

    Mile 25 to 26 seemed to take forever and it was becoming mentally tougher now, but passing other runners seemed to help keep me going. Yes and then it was up ahead the mile 26 sign passed that in 7:25. I'd been giving out high 5's to the kids earlier in the race, but that had now stopped as it was all about getting myself over the line I passed a guy whose legs had completly stopped working, such a shame after coming so far...so a sprint finish for me (it felt faster than it was!) to cross the line with the clock showing 3:26 but my Garmin reading 3:23....Yes I had only gone and done sub 3:25!! I spotted the WWF lady ahead and we high 5'd and she thanked me for pushing her on to a 30 minute PB. I actually said she was pushing me on in the last 10k and that she had finished very strongly.....

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭

    ....So a 17 minute PB with a 1:43/1:40 negative split for me with official splits of;

    5k = 00:24:23, 10k = 00:49:00, 15k = 01:12:55, HM = 01:43:07, 25k = 02:02:03, 30k = 02:26:09, 35k = 02:50:28, 40k = 03:13:29 and finish of 03:23:27.

    Strava link is https://www.strava.com/activities/549468248 for the mile splits.

    I had a few sips of water every 3 miles and carried a bottle of Lucozade sport which I sipped on until around mile 22 when I'd finished it. I had 2 eat natural fruit and nut bars, half at mile 6 half at mile 12. Then the other one had small amounts from mile 15 through to about 20. Had a gel at mile 24 but realised I don't really like them!!

    I got my finishers bag, wrapped myself in the foil blanket and started to find my way back to the hotel as it was freezing. However the less than 1 mile walk seemed to take forever!!

    Once back at the hotel I turned on my phone to speak to my parents and noticed I had so many Twitter notifications. The community had been tracking us and posting our progress and it was lovely to see all the messages of support after the race image

    Later that evening the UKRunChat crowd met up again for post race drinks and some more food! A perfect way to finish a great weekend of running.

    Positives - The crowd support was awesome, so much so that I ended up running some miles at the start faster than planned!

    Negatives - Need more portaloos for these larger events!

    That is actually all....sorry for going on longer than planned!image But again a massive thanks for Shades for the plan, which has given me a new HM and marathon PB in the space of 3 weeks!!


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    SteveMac well done great race report, sounds like you really enjoyed it

    5 miles done today, I seem to have developed a strange pain which is like a stabbing sensation sort of midway between by buttock and thigh which then sends a pain down to my knee??? Nothing problematic but I'm aware of it if you see what I mean.

    Anyway, just 4 miles to run before London. I've decided to take 3 gels with me and water as and when around the course. I'm not so good at this relaxing lark though!

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Great report Steve, and grear racing.

    Shades-Put me down for Liverpool 29th May please image
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    Jacky, could just be a knotty hamstring. See if you can get a massage booked, otherwise use try working the area with a hard ball of some sort.

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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭

    That's a great report Steve.. I loved reading it and felt like I was running it with you. A fab result with a very impressive negative split too. Really well done... what's next?!

    Jacky - I hope that niggle comes to nothing. It's probably a taper madness niggle, just stretch and stay calm image

    Cal - Are your feet less swollen now?


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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Great report Steve image  Well done on the negative split, too!

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    Steve - I really enjoyed that race report, you ran so well and deserve that 17 minute PB.   You seem to have a natural talent for controlling your pace and to achieve a negative split so early in your marathon career bodes well for future marathons and indeed ultras as you are very strong in the latter part of the race.

    Jacky - ouch, hope that's just taper fever.   Could be a hamstring tweaking or a nerve from your back.   Some gentle stretching should help.

    Ian5 - is your leg OK?   Yes, will put your next marathon on the listimage.

    I'll have to ask mowzer to add her races to the list, I expect she's racing every weekend now and with some doubles tooimage


    Not so cold today, thank goodness, had a lovely run and it's getting so much lighter in the morning now.

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    The List

    10th April -Manchester
    Ian5 - 6817 - completedimage
    Cal - 8014 - completedimage
    System J - 10181 - completedimage

    17th April - Brighton
    Louey - completedimage
    Steve -completedimage
    Catalin - completedimage

    17th April - Great Welsh
    Shades -completedimage

    24th April - London

    30th April - Plym Trail
    Big G

    1st May - North Dorset

    29th May - Liverpool

    Please add/edit as required.   Apologies if I've made any errors or omissionsimage



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    I've set my recorder for London on Sunday including the elite races which are on the red button.

    Don't forget Manchester and Brighton both on C4 early Saturday morning, not sure if you can watch those now on line or have to wait until after broadcast.

    Please can we have the London race numbers?image

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    Hey Shades, my feet (mostly the left one) have been up and down. Currently they're down. I do have an odd pins and needles-type sensation in the top of my left foot when I flex my toes, although it doesn't actually hurt. There was some mild discomfort around the navicular area when I was running today also. I will ask my guy next time I see him. I suspect it's just the stress of all those miles.

    Anyway, I had a good run today. I normally run on Tuesdays but my knee gave me a nasty twinge in yoga on Monday and I realised it was likely down to very tight quads - sure enough groin was aching later. Decided I would just do yoga yesterday since I had somehow managed three spin classes and a run in four days, which might be considered a little much for someone just out of a marathon.

    Felt much better today and the sun was shining, sky was beautifully blue and the blossoms looked magnificent. I do love Spring when it's like this. Anyway, I was going to do an easy six miles but it kind of turned into a tempo. My energy seems good today. Splits were 10:06, 10:06, 9:32, 9:59, 9:15, 9:39. Rolled out my feet on a ball afterwards and stretched my groin. Yoga later.

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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭

    Fantastic race report Steve and amazing splits. Clearly there is a lot more in your legs! Have you signed up for an ultra (or did I imagine that?)

    Mamafox/SK - I am very amused about the possibility of going over to France to do a race and coming back with a goat.

    I would love to run overseas but this year I think it is not going to happen. Not that I'm fussy at all, but I need a fast flat (ish) marathon which is not too far away and means I can get up there the evening before. France would definitely be tricky, as would Loch Ness. The complication this autumn is that I have to look at a load of secondary schools for my twins and some of the open days are on Saturday mornings. We would normally wait and look the following year but one of my twins has special needs and we have to decide which school we would like him to go to a year earlier than everyone else. Because they have very different needs and abilities, we are looking at about 10 different schools I think. Part of me thinks an autumn marathon is a bad idea this year but I suspect I will need the stress relief!

    Anyway, Shades – thanks for those suggestions, I'm going to have a look at Mablethorpe as I don't actually know where it is. Chester is a definite possibility and so is Bournemouth. We are already on holiday by 23rd so Leicester is out.

    Steve – how did you find Bournemouth? Would you recommend it?

    Jacky – hopefully it's just taper madness kicking in…I've had something similar and it usually a tight muscle causing it. Can you get a foam roller on it?

    Cal – that is a lot of exercise!! I've heard of Thames Meander, but I'm not sure it's going to be a quick course. I do like running by the river though.

    Brighton photos are up, there is a really good one of me with my medal but I refuse to pay the extortionate cost of a download. I'm sure if they charged a reasonable amount they would get more people buying them.

    I've downloaded the VLM app and have found SK already. She's got a very low number, I guess as she's on the championship start! I'll let her post it though (in case she doesn't want it on here).

    Managed a 5k recovery run yesterday without too much bother. Will try and run again tomorrow. I am feeling extremely wiped out so I think I just need to take it easy this week. Work is (still) mad busy so that isn’t helping.

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    Thanks all, still a bit twingey (is that a word??) today. Tried foam roller yesterday but couldn't seem to find anything which is a bit odd. Seems to weak as well if I twist a little on my leg so will see how I go. Can't believe it's the last run of the plan tomorrow I really can't!!! Will put up my race number when I remember to go find it on the letter I promise!

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    Cal - it's not unusual to have various aches and twinges in the feet and ankles post marathon as they do take a bashing.   Often there's some bruising (not usually visible) on the top of the foot where the laces are.

    I agree, the blossoms are gorgeous this year and all the birds are so busy nesting.

    Louey - I'm sure your children would love a pet goatimage

    If you do opt for a smaller marathon in the autumn you shouldn't have to enter a long time ahead, I just looked at Mablethorpe's website and on line entries close 9th Sept, postal entries 23rd Sept.   Even Chester which is a bigger race don't have an early closing date as they have a price for entries from 1st August.

    Race photos are so expensive.   At the Great Welsh you can buy all of your photos for £12 for the lot, I flicked through and have seen at least 20 just of me!   I'm not buying them but if it was someone's first marathon if would be a worthy memento.

    I looked at London's website this morning the on-line tracker will be available on race day.   My phone is rubbish and painfully slow so not bothering with the app.

    Hope you get some rest, you could do without a manic week at work this week.

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    xpost Jacky - it might be too deep in the hamstring to find the twinge.    Or if it's a nerve thing it could be coming from your back.   Just take it easy and you'll be fine.   Remember Catalin had a weird pain too a couple of days before her marathon and she got through fine.

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    Thanks Shades, I will take it easy and not worry too much about it. Will have another go at the roller later, if I had time I'd try a sports massage but to be honest as I haven't had one before I'm not willing to risk it so close to Sunday. Busy week unfortunately this week at work but trying my best to relax as and when I can.

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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Steve - those splits are incredible, really amazing. You ran such a strong, controlled race. And I think they also show that you are capable of much faster next time you run a marathon.

    Thanks Louey, good to hear they've got me on the app! Going to get my number (221) later today. My 14 yo was keen to come to so we're going straight after school. Need to get some gels and mustn't forget driving licence for ID.

    Louey - I reckon (from what Shades and others have said) that Chester would be a good option. Is the Yorkshire one sold out?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭

    Shades-My leg is still aching now and again,I can always feel it but it doesn't seem to affect my running and done the marathon with it there so just need to get on with it.

    First real run since Manchester today and done a nice 6 miles at a good strong pace,felt great getting out again and the weather was lovely,feels like I can enjoy the weather this year,last year I went out in the sun but couldn't really enjoy it as I was just starting running so either injured on occasions or I was constantly out of breath so this year it feels good running and enjoying it properly.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Louey-A few people I have met have done chester and they all highly recommend it,would have been my first choice but I am away.

    Shades-After liverpool what speed should I do my training runs at for Hull? If I base it on my 4:24 I think that will be too slow as I am now doing an extra run a week so hopefully will improve quite a bit,my best HM was 1:54 so thinking of aiming for 4hr so adopting those speeds?
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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Well it's all so real now. Just been to pick up my number. Nervous and excited at the same time... Got some lovely bright pink compression socks so will be easily noticed...

    Shades - an I right in saying that the taper weeks are primarily to conserve glycogen stores?
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭

    Fantastic running from our Brighton Shadies. Well done imageimageimage.

    Steve - great report. I loved reading that. You sounded so positive and strong and ended up with a brilliant time image

    Shades - well done on Great Welsh marathon image. I think we did part of that course when I ran Born to Run last year. It was very exposed and extremely windy on the coastal bit.

    Bungay isn't really one of my favourites - but I have done it 5 times now image. The organisation and support throughout is very good, but they've now moved the car park from the field next to race HQ and dotted them around the town. Means a 10/15 min walk (with heavy bag) to the start and of course a rather longer walk back with aching legs and an extra goody bag afterwards. But at least there are plenty of spaces. This race is always tough because of the hills at the beginning, but it can also be quite fast.

    Started off Sunday by scraping the ice off the windscreen and when I got to Bungay after 2 hours it was still very cold, so opted for long sleeves and 3/4 tights again. Met up with the usual crew and soon we set off up the first hill. The first mile always takes much longer than expected and then the splits are uneven for the first 7 miles as it's constantly up image and then down image. Kept running at a good pace though and decided to just hit the button on my stopwatch at the mile markers but not to take any notice of the time and to run on feel. The sun came out and I got rather warm and rolled up my sleeves. Then it became cloudy with a better temperature for running. One or two spots of rain (one forecast had said rain all day!) and then sunny again. The 2nd half of the each lap is flattish but can seem longer than the first. Went through halfway with the half marathoners all lined up to start and managed to get to mile 14 before the front runners whizzed past. They are always so supportive (even though most of them look about 12 years old image). Kept going up and down hills on the second lap, although I found the second to last hill very tough. Thought I might nip behind a bush, but the places I'd noted on the first lap now had supporters or cars there image. Back onto the flat part and I got a sharp stomach cramp for a short while and so decided not to look for a bush as I might be there for too long image. Best just to get to the end! Cramp eased up but I was definitely flagging now and also stopped at a couple of water stations as I can't even walk and drink, let alone keep running and drink. But at mile 22 we had an interesting diversion which made us forget our fatigue. A hailstorm - a torrential hailstorm with huge sharp hailstones which soon turned the country lanes into streams and had runners in vests muttering 'Ouch, ouch'. It stopped suddenly and the sun came out again just before we got to the unmade cycle track for the last two miles. I was passing a few runners now as they slowed down. My body ached and my legs were screaming 'walk' but I knew if I stopped I wouldn't get going again. A final push round the corner - just to keep going, not to go any faster - and what seemed like an eternity for the last 300 yds. Crossed the line in chip time of 3:57:45 so really pleased image. After sitting for an extra long time after my chip was cut off, I made for the loo, th

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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭

    oops... obviously too long a post and it's cut off the end!

    .... then decided against a shower, put my hoodie on over my damp top, hung around for a short while then drove home. Coffee, a hot shower and an hour's nap had me feeling 'not too bad'. Felt wiped out on Monday but managed Tai Chi and a very short, slow recovery run. Had a lovely run/walk/chat with a friend for 8 miles yesterday followed by a visit to see the grandchildren. Too tired to do anything today image.

    Louey - I second what Shades said about Mablethorpe. Very well organised, friendly and flat. I've signed up again, even though it's a bit far (for me, Shades manages these long car journeys with ease). There is also Kent Coastal on Sept 4th and there was talk about a marathon in Southend on Oct 9th but I haven't heard anything more about that.

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    Sub-4, mowzer - way to go!

    Shades - yeah my feet do look redder than usual. The tops of my toes on my left foot had definitely been rubbed during the race although not to the point where any skin was raw. They just looked a bit red and shiny.

    Asking my FB friends advice on whether to go for Manchester or Brighton next year and a German friend suggested Hamburg. It's flat, scenic, well organised and coincides with the Spring Dom (aside from running I'm a big amusement park and fair enthusiast). That's very tempting! Anyone here done Hamburg?

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    Jacky - you're right not to have a sports massage, you could end up sore and injured.   There is no clear evidence that they help anyway.

    SK - thanks for your race numberimage.   Have you decided what to wear as it's going to be a bit chilly?

    Ian5 - this is the time to enjoy your running when you don't have to be strict about getting the longer runs in.   We will calculate your training paces on your 1:54 half time.

    Iain - please can we have your race number?

    Tapering is not to restore your glycogen.   Glycogen is replaced quite quickly as soon as you eat the replacement starts, that's partly why it's important to eat 20-30 mins after a run to start the process.

    A tapering period allows the body to rest and recover from your training runs.  When you train you cause micro damage to your muscles and before that damage is fully recovered you train again, this is what produces the training effect.   You want the muscles to be fully recovered for race day and you also want to be rested, good sleep, good food, and well hydrated.

    mowzer - oh that's a bit of hike to the race start at Bungay, but I suppose they are short of space for parking.   Well done on your first sub 4 of the year, you are amazing.  Ouch to the hail, I drove through hail on Saturday, I wouldn't like to run in it especially in the latter stages of a marathon.

    Mablethorpe is a long drive for me, 7 + hours I think and I am already going to Boston, Lincs later in the year and don't think I could face the long drive twice.  But I would love to do Mablethorpe again, but I'm in Galway that weekend anyway.

    Cal - If Emmy was around she would know about Hamburg marathon, is that in May?   That would be a great trip for you.


    Not so cold today, just a little breeze.   Saw 4 deer, beautiful.   And roadkill was one tiny shrew, must have been less than an inch long.  I don't think he's been hit by a car but just died on the road

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