
Shades Marathon Training



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    edited June 2018
    Cal - that's good that you've found something else that you can eat pre run/race especially as it's something so easy to carry and doesn't spoil.

    Congrats on Valencia marathon, heard great reports about it, is that December?

    I've read quite a bit about the React shoes, they seem very promising.  If they've been reviewed on runrepeat why not put a price watch on there as they'll notify you when your size is available at a better price.

    Big G - sounds like it's just an intermittent niggle that you have to put up with.  If you can run DD on it there can't be any real damage. Maybe a random piece of loose cartilage.  You might find what does aggravate it, it's probably not the running.   But if you have a problem in a race again you might need to consult a physio

    I had a similar problem with my right knee last year, I consulted my guru friend by email and he went through all the stuff I do, running, pilates etc and suggested that I stop the Yin Yoga for 8 weeks and see if that made a difference and it did, so reluctantly no more Yin Yoga for me as I can't identify which exercise/stretch in Yin Yoga was causing it as the pain would only come on the next day.   On a couple of occasions since I've had a twinge usually the day after Pilates but can't recall what I did to cause it, but it's barely a twinge not enough to cause me any concern.

    That's a great poster in the bike shop, I think with running shoes it should be x = n + 2 , after all bikes are more expensive than shoes :D

    OTB - enjoy your taper and carbo loading :) 

    steven - well that's a good start to your hill training, you'll need a bit more before DD ;) 

    Very humid this morning, did another short run.  Have decided not to run Yeovil tomorrow as don't want any set backs in my training at the moment, pity as I would have like to have run it on fresher legs (i.e. not post DD) but as I'm unfit that would be pointless really.

    Good luck to all racing this weekend.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, sorry to hear about your DNS for Yeovil.  That's a shame, but as you say not worth the risk in your training at this stage.

    Regarding my knee, I'm wondering if it is related to how I sit in the evenings on the sofa.  One end of my sofa is wider so you can put your feet up whilst sitting, but the edge of it comes up to my calves when legs out stretched, so my feet are kind of hanging over.  On occasion I get up and the knee is stiff, so it could be related to that.  I also tend to have legs crossed, which probably doesn't help.  

    I did a parkrun this morning, plus a 1.5 mile walk there and back and had no knee issues at all.  I ran it decent effort, but no where near flat out and did it in 23:06, so I'm quite happy with that for a finish time as I finished feeling pretty good.  Some kind of pace is returning after DD it seems, as on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday that time wouldn't have been possible!

    Shades, training-type question.  After DD you mentioned training to become better on undulating routes, and I actually think this is something I need to work on.  On unrunnable/steep uphills I'm fine as I am a quick/strong walker, but I do sometimes struggle a bit on the undulations.  How should I work on those;  I was thinking that I could just run more undulating routes but keep running at a certain pace, even if the effort doesn't feel easy (so I guess technically it's no longer an easy run)?  Or hill repeat/pyramid session on an uphill section?  Anything specific?
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    Big G - maybe you need a bigger sofa so you can stretch your legs out ;)   Certainly the way you sit could aggravate the knee.

    That's good running at parkrun, will be interesting to see how you do tomorrow.  I don't think a couple of the Trotters made it round the 2nd lap of Yeovil last year after doing DD.

    Re training on undulating routes: yes, more undulating training routes but you can keep the pace down on the uphills, your legs will still get the training benefit of the hills without pushing your breathing into anaerobic range and then maybe push on a little on the downhills so you get some downhill training too.   Or maybe swap your mid week long run for a hilly route and run that at a steady pace (so with effort but not enough to tire you out).        And maybe some hillier marathons so you get to run a few hills especially in the latter stages of a race, I think maybe you just haven't done many marathons with hills, (apart from the Cornish of course). :)

    The other day I ran a couple of miles on the Torquay Road then ran through Coffinswell and back, I think that's a good DD type training route, uphills and downhills with a flat warm up and warm down.

    Hill reps are great for leg strength but they won't necessarily help when it comes to that tricky bit at DD about 21 miles as you head back onto the moor, I always find that section hard. :'( 

    A few reps of Powderham Road might help, I run it as a lap.  Up Powderham, left at the top and then downhill via Courtenay Road/Church Road to the main road.   I haven't tried it the other way round but know I should. :'(

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    OK, thanks Shades.  I'll keep that training in mind then.  I know I do prefer pancake flat courses as I can get into a rhythm (that Nottingham course was as flat as you can get), so I need to improve on the undulations.  Even at Abingdon, which is basically flat, I struggled a bit to keep the pace on that long slope that we do twice.  And Plym Trail I always struggle on that uphill section, although it's not steep - I haven't gone under 4hrs on that course.

    It is a bit difficult to find local hilly marathons as you know, but I can possibly travel for one or two :)  I will try and do both of the local hilly Halfs next year (Tavy and Humdinger), but it does depend on other events.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Above posted twice, so editing this post :)  
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Shades, sorry about Yeovil. You've had a bit of a frustrating year haven't you? Valencia is December 2nd (8 weeks after Chester, which is plenty).

    Nice running, Big G!

    And a rather special parkrun for me today, too. Today I chose Southwark, partly because it's one of the more straightforward ones to get to, but also because it marks the start of my running journey. Back in the mists of time (aka the 1980s) my school had its sports day on the track there, and for some reason I was selected to run the 400m (which was the longest race they did). I had no running experience and was pretty awful at PE in general, but I suppose noone else in my house wanted to do it. It was ghastly. It wasn't just that I finished last, but I barely made it around the track. After that I was determined I would do better next year, so I started running around the block, and from there I began to run longer distances.
    Back then, running was something I did for fitness and to control my weight, so it wasn't until I hit my 40s that I fell in love with it for real and started doing races. Suffice to say, my teenage self wouldn't have got close to me today, because I ran 25:11 - my fastest parkrun yet.
    Now I'm wondering if I can score a birthday PB at next weekend's 10K. If the weather is favourable, I'm going to give it a shot!
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Great parkrun time,small chance of me doing valencia aswell,unlikely but possible.
    Big G-Good luck for tomorrow.
    Shades-Pity about Yeovil,hopefully you can get some good mileage in.
    10 miles for me today,quite hilly for me with 3 loops of my hills in the middle of it.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Big G I went for bike ride basically back lanes to Teignmouth from Chudleigh and back up shaldon side again Back lane where possible it was a nice circle route and some serious hills but fairly traffic free also Eden half if my most challenging half and there is a marathon option. I found it friendly and well Marshalled and you get free entry to Eden Projet for you and supporters and pasty and beer ? for your supporter of course. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks Jelly.   :)

    I'm up and had breakfast, and will be off to Yeovil fairly soon.  Just watching some of Comrades, which is live at the link below.  Steve Way is there and hoping to do well, although I haven't seen him or heard him mentioned yet.  I think he's hoping for a top 10 finish, at least.  Last year he finished 9th (on the "up" run) but from what he's said he has had to do specific training for the "down" run this year.  I know last year he made up a lot of places overtaking lots of people to come through the field so fingers crossed he'll do well this year.  I believe he hasn't got his medal from last year yet - his is solid gold and the organisers don't let the athletes take them until they've passed drugs tests etc, which can take a while (i.e, weeks) to sort out.  So I think he'll be picking up last year's medal this year.

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    Big G - you can still run your flat marathons too.  But we are short of undulating courses in marathons at the moment, the fashion now is to make courses as flat as possible but there are a few out there.

    Have a good run at Yeovil, I think it'll be fairly warm.

    Thanks for the Comrades link I'll watch a bit of that.  Steve Way has done a few marathons lately and seems to be running well.

    Cal - Valencia is perfect timing for you then and weather should be cool too.

    Well done on your parkrun PB.  I think I'd be having nightmares if I ran on my school sports ground! 

    Ian - I'm OK about not doing Yeovil, I know it's the right decision.  I have 5 weeks now before my next marathon at Tenby which I intend to do, lovely race.   My focus is on training for my 24 hour race now.

    I'm sure you'll manage to arrange a trip to Valencia too :)   Good to see you back running hills, I expect you've missed them ;)   but it's great that you can run them again.

    Jelly - yes, I've heard Eden is quite a challenging course, I forgot about that race as I don't do off road.   Great to see you are back running and racing again :) 

    Did my hilly 8 mile route today, most enjoyable 
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    Can't use that link to Comrades as says not available in my country :( 

    but this one works for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHIaGZWHslU

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Heh, fortunately it was just the track we used for Sports Day, and we ran past (rather than on it) during the parkrun. Our playing fields were miles away in Bromley, and they were always muddy.

    Talking of hills, for some reason I decided to do the Streatham Common route today. I've not been round there in a long time (probably before I got the hamstring issue, which scared me away for a while). Dear god, I'd forgotten how much worse it is than the Brockwell Park route. I did 10 miles, of which around half made up the three laps of Streatham I did, and there was 207m of climb. The two slowest miles were a bit over 12 minutes (bearing in mind I ran the whole way, barring a brief stop at a water fountain that, frustratingly, turned out to be dry) but one had 57m gain and the other had 50. I guess I need to get a bit better at hills so if I do decide to do DD either next year or after that, I will need to haul my arse around Streatham a bit more regularly.
    Overall it wasn't bad considering a) I had another early waking episode that meant I only got about 5 hours of sleep and b) it was my fifth day running in a row, which is pretty much unheard of for me. Achilles wasn't very amused but it can shut up, it's getting a massage tomorrow. I will do Yin at midday, too - it's a good substitute for an afternoon nap ;).
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    Cal - that's quite a hilly route but sounds like you enjoyed it.

    Really enjoyed watching the Comrades, Steve Way was in 5th place half an hour ago and moved up to 3rd place, finishing in 5:35, great time for 90km, looking in good shape.   I watched most of the last hour and it's hilly, looks like it's on motorway with big long rolling hills.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Amazing run from Steve way,he is a machine,wonder if he'll be back for a 3rd attempt next year and go for the win.
    Shades-I kept it steady around the loops rather than full blast like I used to and it ended up being pretty easy,when I got to the start of the first him I was on 8:35 pace,by the time is done 3 ups and 2 downs id moved up to 8:32.Each loop is about 1.2 miles and has about 120 ft of climb.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    The 9th lady and first British lady is from my club! She ran it in under 7 hours. I can't even imagine.

    That's a much better pace for hills than mine, Ian!

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, Steve Way will probably have to go back next year, to collect this year's medal.  And so it goes.... ;)  I think he considers himself stronger on uphills too (as Shades said, both directions are hilly, but the "Up" is obviously, errm, uphill, whereas this year was "down"...).  I heard in interviews last year that he actually played it relatively conservatively last year (he ran to HR last year), and he was planning on giving this year's a really good crack.  But that suggests he could maybe go faster on next year's "up".  Good on him.  He must be elated with it.

    Yeovil marathon done, and I have to say that I found the later stages really tough.  It's a two lap course and I got past half way feeling pretty good, but at 15-miles I just seemed to suddenly run out of energy.  I even stopped and sat on a wall for 30secs or so.  At this point I really could have turned around and walked back to the finish and I have to say that it did cross my mind as I knew the next 10-11 miles were going to be tough.  This is in no way a hilly course (only 500ft) but I was just incapable of running the uphill sections and really I walked a large amount of it from 15 miles.  Legs were shot, everything was aching, feeling dizzy.  Everything was pi$$ing me off; the flies/insects were biting me, the sunny bits felt too bright, the breezy bits too cold, the flat bits too flat, the undulations too hilly, running on my own was crap, running with others was just as crap.  Everything!  Even at the finish we basically had to go around the running track one way, and then turn around at a cone and go back around it the other (so we had to go around it twice, which I hadn't realised).  That really yanked my chain, I can tell you! ;)  I totally lost it mentally, I'm afraid.

    I got it done though in 4:18, so obviously not a great time, but it's done.  It's a good course and a very friendly well organised event, and I had a burger and ice cream at the finish, which went down a treat.  Decent medal and T-Shirt too and I'd do it again as it was a good event, but it was hard work today!

    Obviously I knew it was going to be hard after DD, but that doesn't make it any easier when you're out there!

    I was there with two other Trotters, and I was last of the three.  One lady knocked something like 25mins off of the club's record for the FV55 age group - great running by her, for her first marathon in four years.

    Not sure what this means for Dorney Lake.  I'll figure it out when I get there, but it's not going to be pretty, I fear.  It's 10x2.6-mile out-and-backs, with the outs slightly down hill and the backs slightly up hill.  I'm currently thinking about jogging the downs and walking the ups from the start, but I'll just see how I feel on Thursday.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I could have summarised all the above by just posting this instead.  They say a picture paints a thousand words!  :neutral:

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    Ian - that's a good training run

    Cal - I saw the girl from your club finish Comrades, she looked really fresh and running strongly.

    Big G - I've heard that it's hard to resist the opportunity to return to run Comrades, I had a friend that struggled to make the cut offs and didn't always make it but he went back year after year.   I worked out that Steve Way's prize money is about £10k, so a good days work.   They spoke about his training, he'd been running on a treadmill with the necessary inclines and in a hot room up to 40 degrees, the commentator said that's a tough way to train if where you live doesn't have hills, she's obviously never been to Dorset.  I guess he was training like that to get used to running in the heat.

    Well done for completing Yeovil, but I'm not surprised you had such a tough run, DD really does drain all the resources in your body.   I've always had to dig deep to just finish.  It is a nice race though and well organised.    You shouldn't find Dorney Lake as tough, I did it last year  (after DD and Yeovil) and I was just caught out by sudden increase in temperature but I felt fine compared to Yeovil.    Better do some serious eating to replenish your stores, maybe even some electrolytes if you haven't taken any/much today. 

    Well done to lady Trotter, that must be JW, she's a great runner.
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    edited June 2018
    Big G - the 2nd half of your graph looks like a major fail on a lie detector test ;)

    I found Dorney Lake a dead flat course IMHO, although we had a headwind in one direction and tailwind in the other.   I think you're becoming oversensitive to tiny undulations ;)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah, JW.  The other lady was hoping for a club record too, but she missed out by something like 3mins I think.

    Yeah, that graph does look like that!  I usually like to tell myself that I can walk quickly, but even that wasn't happening today....

    For the list, official time was 4:18:06.
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    Big G - both ladies ran well, shame about the 3 minutes, I expect it was warmish so maybe that didn't help.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, quickly going back to Comrades and Steve Way, he has said that, for him, it's up there with - or even better than - London, and he really loves London.  I reckon he'll go back, just from what he's said in the past.  I believe he's sponsored too (by one of the South African banks, I think - I could totally be wrong on that) so if he is, maybe that helps in terms of expenses etc? Don't know.
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    Big G - I'm sure he gets help with his expenses, not sure if Comrades help out, they might do once you've gone top ten?    A lot of big races do pay expenses, although they keep it quiet.  It's good publicity that previous winners/placings return to run again.

    I think Steve Way does/did work for a bank so maybe got contacts.   He is a great ultra runner.  Can't imagine that he enjoys the treadmill training though.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I just Googled it and he's on the NEDbank team.  Funny seeing his North Dorset Village Marathon time from this year on that CV!

    Going back to Yeovil, Adam H broke the course record at Yeovil today in 2:32.   That's after winning DD last week and also racing 3 other shorter races during the week, as well as going quickly around a parkrun yesterday (and then onto another race later in the day yesterday).  Don't know how he does it!
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    That sounds tough, Big G. I think we all have races like that. The main thing is that you persevered. Your guy Adam must have the regenerative properties of a Terminator.
    And on that note, Carla, my clubmate who smashed it at Comrades, had been running 18 days before that from Cape Town to raise money for charity. I mean, bloody hell.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Sounds like a tough day,but I think you need a bit of perspective.To run 4:18 just 8 days after DD is pretty incredible and you should be happy with it.
    Cal-Your clubmate must be very happy,that's a great run for her.
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    Big G - interesting link, thanks.  I saw a lot of the faster runners wearing that kit.  Nice idea that a bank sponsors a team of runners

    Adam won Yeovil last year, but was disappointed with his time, after winning DD too and he told me he'd run every day in between.  Good prep for his JOGLE next year, he's doing a double JOGLE/LEJOG and hoping to break the record on the LEJOG.  He is a fine runner but that's a tough ask.

    Very humid out there this morning for my run, had to pick the dead flies out of my sweaty neck when I finished.....such a glamorous sport ;)  

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I saw that about Adam's attempt. Not sure how he can do it one way in 17 days and then turn around and do it in 9 days for the record. It'll be interesting to see how he gets on. He's on strava and I think he logs all his runs there so it'll be interesting to see how he trains for something like that. What a challenge.

    Ian, yeah a bit of perspective probably needed. But I haven't had it before where I've been running quite comfortably at half way and then at 15 miles just felt so low on energy so suddenly. It's all a learning experience I suppose!
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    Big G - I'm assuming that he's doing JOGLE with the organised event, I think Rory Coleman organises it?   Then his record attempt afterwards will be on his own with his support only.  

    I recently read Mimi's book and she set her world record as JOGLE, it is supposed to be faster as LEJOG due to the prevailing wind.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, he's into lots of stuff at the moment I think.  I saw something on the Aspiring 100MC page that he's gauging interest for a marathon he's organising on 1st Dec.  I didn't read it all but he's getting married (not sure if it's on that day or not) and he wants to do something running related to celebrate, so he wants to set up a marathon.  I think he's just finalising the paperwork for it all.
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