
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian - I liked the look of the Granny's Bay Challenge, all tarmac I think. 

    When are you off to Madeira?

    I think it's hard mentally to race over routes very close to home as knowing the course that well can make it hard work.

    Big G - I expect you're looking forward to your return to running tomorrow, despite the forecast. I'm going to do my hilly town run, heavy rain and 50+mph winds will make it challenging. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, I’m looking forward to it. Those conditions may be a challenge to keep the HR in check as it’s an open course but it’ll be good to be back out there, and to test the foot. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-My mistake it is tarmac.
    We go Thursday,looking forward to a few days away.Not looking forward to OH waiting for me to finish for a change.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Shades  - email from London Mara Events saying my 2023 place is guaranteed, but i have to accept their terms and conditions (coming later this month) in order to be able to claim it......we'll see if they've changed anything when the email arrives.
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    Cal London looks like a good ultra to start with, not too far from home, not too horrific terrain and you can probably do some training on the route.

    Shades even if people realise there are other marathons, they will still ask if they are as long as london.

    Big G my spin classes at Stevenage were cut post covid, my local gym is undergoing huge development so hopefully see more classes in the future. 

    Shades Halstead is open but seems to be issues with the payment page 

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    Ian - well if she beats you then she can buy dinner  ;)   I'm sure she won't though, you may still have a decent run.

    TR - that's most likely to be just a box ticking legality.   Unless their terms and conditions means there will be a race permit and insurance and the course will be of the correct distance  ;)
    Shades even if people realise there are other marathons, they will still ask if they are as long as london.

    Robert - yes, and they will probably ask London Marathon that question  ;)

    I'll have a look at Halstead entry later today, I don't like that website, I battled with it last week entering another race.  

    My 8 mile hilly town route today.  I didn't think it was possible to have more challenging conditions than I had last week for this run but weather was worse today.   Rain was torrential when I went out and obviously had been for a while as roads and pavements were all awash, water pouring down every hill, pavements flooded etc.   But it was nice and mild  :)  The wind was very strong, last week sections of my run where there are big old trees I found quite scary, today was positively frightening and at the top of the first lap I thought I'd better not do the second lap as I nearly got blown over twice.   Down the long gentle downhill, wind was behind me but too strong for comfort and I'm running alongside the main road which now has flooded in places.  So had to try and avoid the tidal wave if a car came past.   But I did do the second lap.   Mile flat through town, into a very strong headwind, the river through town is dangerously high in places, we have a flood defence scheme now for the town, so should be OK.   Then up the huge hill, I was tired from battling against the wind but it was more sheltered.   Slower run than last week, which was no surprise.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ah sorry Robert, I thought you’d mentioned spinning recently but I must have been mistaken. 

    Not the best weather for my first run of 2023. OH thought I was crazy going out as it was really bad, and if parkrun had been cancelled I probably would have delayed any run. But I got out and did 6 miles. Foot was okay, so onwards and upwards….hopefully. 

    It’s a tarmac track for about 2.7 miles but the grass in the middle was waterlogged and water running off into the track. The out and back trail section at the finish was totally water logged and ankle deep so feet got drenched but I did enjoy it a lot, although I basically just walked through that bit.   On the way home the rain stopped so that was good too. There were probably about 150 there which is a decent number given the conditions, and nearby Teignmouth was cancelled but that’s understandable as it’s right on the sea front.  
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    Big G - must feel good to be back training.   I expect Haldon parkrun was cancelled too, it was last week.

    Robert - entry done for Halstead.      See you there  :)
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    Today's flood photo, don't think I'll be running that way tomorrow. Water levels expected to rise further this evening 

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    Shades running in these conditions are good for character building! The photo reminds me of a challenge I saw up in Scotland coast to coast where you canoe part of the route.  The booking site did seem a bit of a nightmare, apparently I’ve tried using the site before as had to log in, still anything better than active! 

    Big G good news on the foot and hopefully can start building back up steadily sir the spring marathons! I had been spinning recently but the number of classes had been cut so quite limited at the moment and doesn’t always fit with my schedule.

    Entered Halstead this morning, 10.5 miles in tough conditions, found my new gtx trail shoes keep water out well but also very good at keeping water in! Tempted to buy another pair of saucony peregrines, £63 with discount will Chuck in some black compressions socks as last Sundays and NYE not seen the light of day or washing machine yet 🤢 
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    Big G, glad your run went OK! I think we're all dealing with wet socks at the moment...
    Rob, great news on Halstead.

    I felt OK this morning so decided to do parkrun, but opted to stay at my home run (Tooting), which afforded me a lie-in (I woke as I usually do around 5, but then went back to sleep until almost 7, which is unheard of...I guess I needed it). I did a mile jog to warm-up and then the parkrun. I didn't push the pace but even if I'd wanted to, the fact that much of the back path was under water slowed everyone down anyway, not to mention a headwind on what is normally the fastest part of the course. I finished with very wet feet in 30:29, but at least I didn't have far to go home for a nice warm shower.

    I've been having a look at the Ultra London course and, rather worryingly, it goes across one of my bogey crossings - the very wide road at the bottom of Streatham Common. I am going to have to find a way to deal with it but I've got 5 months to get my head straight. I guess the more pressing issue is Hampton Court next month which crosses the Thames twice - never an issue in the past but given my recent bridge anxiety, I'm not sure what will happen. Ugh. I really hate that this is happening to me as it's come out of nowhere (and me, the person who rides rollercoasters and has been up in a stunt plane and all sorts. Ridiculous.)
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    Robert - I had no problem entering Halstead on that website today as I did remember to log on before I started. 

    Easy to spot it wasn't Active as there was no admin charge. :) £35 is a very reasonable price for a road marathon, includes a race shirt too.

    That's a good price for the shoes. Good idea to buy black socks too. ;)

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    Well done all for getting after it in rough conditions. I must say I’m about done with wintry weather running. Another chilly spell next week although doesn’t look too bad for precipitation. 

    7 miles through the common in between the girls’ taxi service. Nice to be back there on softer (albeit soggy) terrain after all these runs through the city. I’m in one of these rather long MAF plateaus HR wise which usually just requires patience. Tomorrow meant to be new Sunday tempo routine but will see how I feel. Not adding intensity if I feel too tired. Will probably do just 20mins max of work anyway. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-If I had to place a bet I'd say she's more likely to beat me than not,she must be edging towards 1:40,and I haven't decided what to do yet,but that feels like a tough pace at the minute.
    I've been altering how I'm running to see if it has any effect and my last couple of runs I've tried to run more forefoot as I usually heel strike,and I've felt a lot better after my runs,not sure if it's coincidence but I'll try more like that.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I did about an hour on Zwift yesterday afternoon and then did a tough race this morning. 40mins of a very hard effort, plus 10mins warmup and 20mins cool down. I wanted to do a hard race, not part of the team time trial, to test where I was and I got my highest power numbers for quite some time, so I was really pleased with that. I may see if I can be squeezed into a faster team for the team time trials, which would push me a bit more on those Thursday races. 
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    Definitely colder today, Rcouture - wore a hoody for my run.
    Ian, hope that does the trick although watch your achilles don't get pissy!
    Well done Big G.

    I seem to have crushed my lurgy so I decided I would do a long run, but maybe not as long as last week's 15. I decided to run up to Crystal Palace and then practise the part of the London Ultra route that leads back from there (and yes that does include the scary crossing).
    I actually felt more anxious during the first part of the run but settled down once I reached Crystal Palace. The park was muddier than usual (part of it is gravelly trail) but everywhere seems to be rather wet at the moment. The Lightopia stuff was still there, unlit of course - quite nice to see especially the fantastical beasts...not sure about the giant wasps though. 
    At this point I tried to emulate the ultra route. I didn't quite get the dinosaur section right, but was perfect up until Norwood Grove where I went slightly out of the way again (though it was rather muddy through there and hard to see any alternative than the path I actually took).
    I also made it across the scary crossing without any issues, though traffic was light enough for me to go straight across - the anxiety I experienced previously was due to being on the traffic island in the middle while traffic was moving around me. That is something I may experience during the ultra as it'll be late morning/midday on a Saturday rather than early on a Sunday, but I'll try to get used to it as much as I can.
    I also took a different path across Tooting Common instead of the the one on the route, given that is the one that was submerged and three times through that yesterday during parkrun was quite enough!
    I decided to stop once I got to my road as I'd done a half marathon and was aching quite a bit, so no point pushing on to do a little bit extra.
    One thing that is clear is that the route is rather hilly - I'll have run 12-13 miles before I get to the steep hills in Crystal Palace, and then I'll have more hills on the run up to Wimbledon Common. I am definitely going to have to work hard to strengthen up my niggling hamstring if I want to avoid trouble.

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    edited January 2023
    Rcouture - I agree with you re winter weather training, can be a miserable experience.   

    Ian - please be careful, that's a very risky experiment.   Changing shoes/avoiding hills/shortening stride/slowing down are all OK but by changing the way you run you could end up with another injury or at worst another flare up of the achilles.   

    If your injury is still troubling you it might be better to think about whether to race or not next weekend.  

    Big G - are you back to running every other day for now?

    Over 10 miles for me, another 50 mile week.   Bloody awful weather today, would have preferred yesterday's weather.   Much colder, with the floods I headed for the country lanes.   Once I'd gone up the first big hill I have Dartmoor ahead of me with a bitterly cold wind coming off the moors and some cold showery rain.   I took a turning onto a more sheltered road but after a mile had to turn back as where the road dipped there was a deep flood and with no verge, no chance of getting though without getting very wet and cold feet.  Back onto the road into the headwind again, then had to suffer a really heavy shower, like sleet, the rain went through my shoes so wet feet again.  Turned off onto another road as soon as I could, small flood here but managed to tiptoe through without getting any wetter.   Unfortunately, on the way back the water was deeper and cold very wet feet for the rest of my run home.   10.62 miles 764 ft, was glad to get home.
    But, I did see a beautiful buzzard, quite close.   Daffodils are coming up and I saw a huge swathe of snowdrops, they're on what used to be a driveway up to an old mansion type house.
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    xpost Cal - well done on your run today.   It seems that you can deal with your anxious moments caused by the open spaces, good for you facing up to it than avoiding the issue.

    During the ultra you should have marshalls/police at any busy road crossings so hopefully you shouldn't have any time waiting on traffic islands.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I keep flitting between just doing a long run next weekend and running at some type of effort.I offered to pace OH to 1:40 but she rejected it straight away,feels like it would be cheating.
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    Ian - good for her, paced PB's for whole races are a bit of a cheat IMHO.  

    I was thinking you might be better off resting.   I guess what you really need is that diagnosis.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well done Cal, and great news you’ve entered that ultra!

    Shades, plan this week is to run Mon/Weds/Fri, roughly 6-7 miles each day. And then, if that feels fine, aim for 8-10ish on Saturday. Well done on getting out in those conditions again. It’s pretty grim out there still :( 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-You are probably right,but the pain is no worse at the end compared to the start at the minute,and it's no more than 2/10 so I'm going to keep going.I am off tomorrow so will try and get a physio through work to see if they are any better than the last.
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    Shades, I'm not so sure - the route will be marked (apparently) but it's mostly self navigation so I think they'll only be manning the three checkpoints along the way. Luckily for me, more than half the route is familiar territory.
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    Big G - that sounds like a good plan to get you back into regular running. 

    Since I got home from my run we've had some nasty sleet showers, I even drove to the gym, couldn't face getting wet again. 

    Ian - hope you can get to a physio that can give you a diagnosis, seems such a strange injury. 

    Cal - they may still have marshalls on busy crossings, maybe you can check with previous entrants. I don't think the council and/or police would be happy if there were lots of runners crossing in busy traffic. 
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    Ian - Good on your OH for not wanting to get paced. I had no such qualms with the pace group for a big chunk of Chicago 🫣

    Shades - Well done on the mileage in tough conditions. Speaking of birds, forgot to mention I got dive bombed by one in the common yesterday. He/she just lightly clipped my (short) hair for some odd reason and flew off. Couldn’t tell what it was but it was light brown. Didn’t draw blood thankfully. 

    Cal - Nice half

    Felt ok this morning with a head cold/sore throat but decent RHR/energy especially as the girls didn’t want the pikelets I made them so I ate about 12 😬. Went out for first tempo of the block around battersea park. Only 20 minutes and usually I do these to perceived effort of ‘comfortably hard’ but this time decided to run to HR to be more conservative given I’ve been feeling off. It was unpleasant but paces were passable especially given the wind. With longish warmup and cool-down it made for 13 miles. 44 miles this week which isn’t great for this point in a block but I’ll take it given life etc…
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    Rcouture - pacing for part of a race is fine IMHO, but for the whole distance not so good. I know a few runners paced for a full marathon to a PB and have never been able to match or improve on that time. Which shows that they're maybe lacking in that mental toughness which is so important for a distance runner. 

    It's nice to enjoy the wildlife, not so to be attacked by it.

    Considering you've been a bit poorly, 44 miles is a good week. Sounds like a tough tempo run today although you were well carbed up with the pikelets. 😋 Pikelets are like thinner crumpets aren't they?
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    Shades - They’re like a cross between crumpets and pancakes. Bit pointless versus just making pancakes if you ask me but OH is keen on them out of childhood nostalgia. Think it’s a Welsh thing. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-That sounds horrific running weather,we had a bit of rain but nothing like that.
    Rcouture-Good week there.
    Big G-Hope you're plan comes together and you get running again.
    Legs felt fine today so went for a long run,went to the park so I could call it off if it hurt,as it was I had no pain at all so got 17 done.
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    Rcouture - they sound delicious. I'm not keen on Welsh Cakes though. 

    Ian - it was nasty weather. We've got a few cold days coming up. Just hoping there's no ice, everywhere is so wet it will just freeze. 

    Amazing you could do a long run today. That is a weird injury. 
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    Rcouture, I guess their loss is your gain, eh? 
    Shades, one of my clubmates did CTS Cornwall and said it was the hardest marathon she'd ever done. Aside from the 3000 foot of ascent, technical downhills and mud, she had to contend with really scary winds. It's been a bit gusty here but nothing like that bad, which I'm very grateful for.
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