
Shades Marathon Training



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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Shades - I didn't notice either till I looked at my number and saw the white start on there! I might investigate Great Welsh for next year, sounds like a good route. Nice marathon result.
    Ian - Nice HM result.
    Big G - Looks like a nice parkrun.

    17 miles for me on Saturday, felt tougher than it should have, but kept it easy (9:13 average). 11 miles on Sunday, which felt much better, just cruised around at 9:12 average. 57 miles for the week.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Well done on Sunday,sounds like you held out well.
    Big G-Get obsessing 
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    Steve - even the half at Great Welsh might be a good pre marathon race for you.   If Dewi can do 1:03 there, I'm sure you could do a decent PB.    It's earlier next year 17th March, I probably won't do it as likely to be too cold for me.

    Ian - thanks and I'm recovering well which is a good sign.

    5 miles today, chilly even a light frost in some places.   Legs a lot better today and hardly a twinge from the knee.
    On my run I was looking for a footpath through a housing estate so stopped a dog walker to ask.  He had 3 dogs, 2 small and a beautiful black and tan bloodhound which although friendly started to howl/bay in that way that only bloodhounds can.   Think we woke up the whole estate  :o    There was no footpath so I had to retrace my steps. 
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Shades - Good news on the knee and that you’re recovering well. 

    8 miles into the office this morning in glorious sunshine. Finally took the cloudsurfers for a spin and they’re great. Most comfy shoe I’ve put on in a while yet light and poppy. Only issue is the high drop was messing with my ITBs a bit but that cld be any shoe as I’m only just ramping back up with the strength/mobility work that keeps it at bay. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I had a chap over this morning to fix a fence and fit a gate (to stop Tigg getting into the veg patches!). It meant I knew I couldn’t run until this afternoon but that was fine as the forecast was due to be warm and sunny, which it was. 

    I did 10.5 miles and it was a great run, although I’d forgotten it was school holidays so about half a mile in each direction was busy with holiday makers. Nice to see the area busy and kids and families enjoying themselves on the beach, although it’s a bit stop/start from a running point of view. It totally slipped my mind but it was still a nice run. 
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Shades - I will take a look, strange to be planning next years races when I haven't raced this year yet!! :D

    Easy 7 miles with strides today, just ticking over.
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    Rcouture  - those shoes sound great, higher drop won't bother me.  They're on my wish list.

    Do you buy them direct from On?

    Big G - must be a high fence,  I expect he could jump a fair height. 

    Good to hear you're running comfortably and well, in time for your trip to Boston. 

    Even though we've had a couple of chilly nights it does feel like we're well into spring now and much more enjoyable weather. 

    I'm a bit tired,  having been disturbed the last couple of nights by wired smoke alarm which has for some bizarre reason started beeping for 4 hours but only during the night.  The idiot that wired it in put it on upside down and makes it impossible for me to open it to change the battery.   Had to get a neighbour in to open it today but new battery didn't work as unit needs to be replaced, well past its expiry date.    I probably won't replace it as I already have a working smoke alarm and heat detector in close vicinity. 

    Looking forward to an undisturbed night tonight.  🥱

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    Can somebody please flag as spam the spam post before my morning post.

    The 4th spam flag will make the post disappear 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Rcouture - it's actually a spot on the inside of my big toe, though only on the left foot. I have a big callus there.

    Shades - well done for toughing that one out. I'd be a little miffed about a wooden medal for a marathon - I know they're more eco friendly but they just don't look as nice. Annoying about the alarm.
    I think you need 5 flags to get the spam to go away - I've just bumped it up to 4.

    Easter hols, innit, Big G? 

    I am back feeling ropey again today - slept in a little bit and have felt a bit scratchy throat/mild vertigo stuff...not sure if the shingles virus or something else trying to cash in on my battered immune system. It's generally how I feel when I'm run down. But I did do a 5 miler - very very very slow (over 12 min/mi) for the first 4 and then squeezed some strides into the last mile, though they were more like 9-10 min/mi pace strides rather than sprints. Just needed to get the biomechanics working properly after all the shuffling for the previous miles. Nice weather, at least...good to see some sun.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah, I just want to get over there now. It feels like it’s been in the planning for months, but it’s coming around quickly all of a sudden, coinciding with some reasonable pain-free running. It’s all up in the air with Dad, but that’s pretty normal, so I just want to get on that flight and then I think I’ll feel happier. Running has been getting better since late Jan really and I’ve managed weeks of 29, 38, 43, 34, 40, 32, 44, 34, 6 (foot felt sore), 38, 39 and this week should be about 40 miles. So far from ideal but much better than the run up to Nice, which had a lot of zeros in it!  I can’t do any more and I’ve managed things as best I can and now I just went to get to the US and start enjoying the experience. OH is looking forward to it as well, and we’ve got lots planned. Really not thinking at all about London - I’ll think about that when I land back in the UK :smile:

    My club mate is having a bit of a nightmare. He’s 54 and he’s done 2:55 fairly recently, and had a place in Boston last year, but got Covid very close to the race so had to cancel. He got everything back except the race fee, so he was lucky. He’s in for this year as a 2nd time lucky, but he’s injured himself in the last week and was hardly able to move for a bit. Something in his glute/hammy. Hopefully he can make the start line at least.  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, yeah, Easter hols. It had slipped my mind, and with the sun out it was much busier than anticipated around the harbour and beach area.  It was quiet out on my hilly loop section with its stunning views, so it was still enjoyable. 
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Shades - Yes bought them from On. Full price (😭) which I justified as I’ve not bought any shoes in about 6 months. They do look lovely too mind

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    Cal - yes, you're right 5 flags needed, I'd forgotten. 

    We had a wooden medal at Halstead,  they've listened to comments and lovely medal on offer this year. 

    Sorry to hear you're feeling rough again. Use the taper to rest up and restore your energy, no training will have any effect now on your race performance. 

    Big G  - aging parents, not in great health will always be a worry. 

    You've done really well with your training for Boston, I think you'll surprise yourself on race day.

    That's tough on your mate, doesn't sound like an injury that will respond quickly to treatment and the nature of the course might give him an uncomfortable run.

    They're already going on about Easter traffic, you'd better leave for the airport now. 😉  Where are you flying from?

    Rcouture - thanks for that, I'll have a look at  On's website so I start getting used to the price 😲

    They do look lovely. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, we fly out of Heathrow and into Gatwick. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I know everyone's different but that's more mileage then when I ran Boston.
    Speaking of,a mate is doing it and wanted done tips so we went for a chat/run tonight, he's quite a bit faster than me,he slowed down a bit but 2 days after the half it was still hard work,good to have a good chat and remember how much I enjoyed it.There's 4 of them going and he's the slowest at 2:52 😂
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    Big G - that's the advantage of not taking the car to the airport, you can use two airports.

    Ian - not having done a recovery run on the Monday, that would have made your run yesterday feel harder  ;) and you obviously had to talk all the way through the run too  :)

    Rest day for me today.   Legs feel quite fresh today.   I woke up a few time in the night but overall had a good sleep without that bloody beeping smoke alarm.   :smiley:

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Ian - Slowest at 2:52!! ha ha
    Shades - Good news the legs feel OK.
    Big G - Getting exciting now, it's close! Your mileage looks good to get you to the start line fresh.

    Easy 5 miles this morning, my watch tells me my last 3 miles of that run were all at the same pace (9:35) for the same average HR (121)!! That's consistent pacing!! 4 miles planned for after work.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, yeah, running has been ok the last few weeks but in the weeks prior to that it was poor so it’s not from a good base. If I can build on this after these next events that would be ideal, but we’ll have to see how the foot holds up.   When I look at the 12 weeks before Seville there were some high 50s/low 60s and also a 90+(due to events I did), plus a PB at 5K and 5M, all from a very good base built through 2021.  I’m probably 3+mins slower at 5K and although I’ve done what I can this time, I’m nowhere near where I was.  But on the positive I’m back running relatively pain free at the moment, and I’m looking forward to the event a lot. 

    Strange day today weather wise, as it was light rain and fairly cold, but I somehow felt overdressed when I was out there.  Struggled through 10 miles today and I can’t say I overly enjoyed it as my HR was quite high and I just couldn’t get into a rhythm for some reason, but I got it done, and I’ll move onto the next. Foot was good. Rest day from running tomorrow although there’s the weekly blast around a Zwift race to get the HR up!
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    Big G - I think you've done the best you could do training wise, coming back from PF.

    I haven't run today but did notice on the forecast that humidity is over 90%, might explain your higher HR today.

    I have reluctantly but sensibly opted to change down from the Ultra at Connemara to the Marathon.  Mainly because there is a long (roughly 2 miles) downhill run into Leenane, which in the marathon is at halfway, but in the ultra to marathon point and could be too much for my knee.   Well I've paid €5 to switch distance, subject to a place in the marathon being available.

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    Steve - you must be getting a lie in now you're tapering and your morning runs are shorter  :)
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    That marathon list is giving me major FOMO. Think all I’ve got booked on the horizon is Hackney half next month so will find some other bits to tide me over. Don’t think body or mind is quite ready for another marathon as Barcelona took quite a lot out of me and I’m still too focused on times rightly or wrongly. 

    8 miles into the office this morning. Had to abandon MAF which I don’t like doing but was running late for a meeting. Girls and OH back tomorrow from seeing family in Wales before we head to Ibiza for a week so hoping to get some warm weather running in. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, maybe it was the humidity then. I just couldn’t get going and everything felt very laboured.  

    Rcouture, nothing wrong with trying to get faster!  You’re so close to a time that starts with a 2, which must be a motivation. I still want to get faster too, and hoping I get into a position to try again in the future.  
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    Rcouture  - it's not that long since Barcelona so I can understand that you don't feel ready yet to commit to another soon.   Maybe you'll feel refreshed after your holiday and you can decide then if you want to do another before the autumn. 
    Nothing wrong to be focused on times but races that are for instance hilly or hot can aid your training and quest for PB's in future races.    Or maybe you could try a 50k perhaps,  I know you're not thrilled about doing short races.

    Big G  - according to Google weather it's 95% humidity here now.   I've been quite lethargic all day. 
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    Big G you’ve done well to manage the PF and get some decent miles in.  

    Rcouture come have a plod around London ultra, don’t need any specific training just maintain then be ready to launch into an autumn block after. 

    Shades sensible to drop the distance, still get to do the event you enjoy.  I saw the medal reveal for Halstead, glad they reversed the wooden medal, I don’t like them but wouldn’t sway my decision to enter a race.

    Cal the cold I’m recovering from is lingering, hopefully you’re over the worst and start feeling better.

    Ian must be tough banter in a group being the slowest at 2:52 😆 

    Steve how the legs feeling, starting to get race ready? 

    Bit of gardening/ x training yesterday, 14 miles this morning then went to local cafe/ farmshop for a spot of lunch, bought some red wine and beef pasties to look forward to!  Plan was lords for cricket tomorrow but it looks doomed with rain 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-I Think you're right to concentrate on time,you're improving so much its only a matter of time till you get the sub 3.
    Shades-Sounds like you've made the right decision re Connemara.
    Steve-Ticking over nicely,ready to go.
    The guys the 2:52 lad is going with are often at the park when I go  it's an impressive site watching the 4 of them.The fastest has just turned 50 and he is hoping for 2:30-35.
    7 again today ,still a little slower but should pick up in a few days.
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    Robert - I'm just hoping I will be able to drop to the marathon.   It's a logistical nightmare for the race organisers as there are 3 races half/full/ultra, transport is provided to all races and they all start in different locations at different times, the buses are dedicated to a particular race.  So not just a matter of issuing a new race number.

    Sounds like you're enjoying your time off work.   Beef pasties, lovely, hope rain doesn't stop play today.

    Ian - that's impressive times for a 50 year old.

    6 miles today, bounce coming back into my legs and knee was fine, no worse than a one out of ten.   Was humid this morning but rain has stopped.

    Gym later
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Just done one of my best ever TTTs on Zwift in terms of my power output. I was in a really strong team of 7, on a fairly hilly course and I didn’t take many pulls on the front as I had to basically go full gas on the hills to stay with the pack without getting dropped. On the final climb 2 riders dropped off, and the remaining 5 of us went on, and I was actually 3rd over the line for the team. Really pleased with that and I just felt really good today.  

    Plan is to run tomorrow and Saturday, and then it’s a long travel day Sunday.  
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    edited April 2023
    Well I've not had a good time. I was hoping to run yesterday but just didn't feel up to it, so I went out today. Should have been 8 miles with a couple at MP but I felt like absolute crap so canned it at 4. Thought I might feel better as I went on. I did not. Head full of cotton wool and legs like lead. I can only assume this is the after effects of the shingles virus...the rash itself is healing. Either that or something else is trying to kick me while I'm down.
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Big G - I reckon the Zwift could give you a good fitness boost for your marathon time, even if you have run lower mileage.
    Shades - Yes, it's nice being able to get up later now I'm not trying to run 14 miles before work!!
    Rcouture - Tbh I think a lot of us focus on time. I know it's what gets me out of bed early in the morning to run the miles I do! Like others have said, you have improved massively, with more improvements to come.

    Final Vo2 max session of the session, 3*1600, reps came out at 6:00/5:58/5:41. First 2 felt OK, so pushed on the last rep. Nice to tick that last session off, as I ditched it last year as managing my niggle.
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    edited April 2023
    Big G  - what's the weather likely to be in NY and more importantly Boston for your race?

    Cal - I guess less rash doesn't necessarily mean you got off with less symptoms of the virus.   Is your RHR raised?
    No training you do now will affect your race so I suggest you take a few days complete rest to get over the virus and stop trying to push through it.

    Steve - good to get that final Vo2 session nailed this time.   Now don't go tripping over the cat.  ;)

    Gym was very quiet. Thought it might have been busier today.   New automatic entry system not working properly yet. A bit like when they introduced the same system at airports with the boarding passes,  took a while to get it working 
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