
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big G  - Chinese food sounds divine. 

    I was going to ask how the foot was. But as you were able to get out and do a recovery run I guess it's sort of OK, which is great news.

    Enjoy the rest of your time in Chicago. 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-it's not ideal,but I should only be doing it once or twice a week.
    As London GFA opens on Tuesday I thought I'd crunch some numbers,and it doesn't really help 😅
    I need the male cut off to be below 4 mins, so checked how many of each AG finished 4 under the times.
    V45 and under all have more qualified in 2023 than 2022 and V50's have less this year,but as there are more runner 45 and under then I'd say the cut off is going to be harder.
    Also Championship time last year had 1259,this year with the harder time only 821 have qualified so that will probably be more.
    The female times are pretty equivalent to last year so may not be much of a cut off again there.
    All in all I think it will be the opposite of Boston,I won't get in London but OH will.
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    Ian - a couple of times a week isn't so bad, won't make it any easier getting up at that hour though  ;)

    Ooh exciting, when will they let you know about GFA entries?

     It does look like it could be tougher this time, runners are back racing and travelling again, less club places, more Boston rejects.  Probably not helped either by Newport yesterday announcing that runners could register interest but they haven't announced their race date.  I think if they'd announced a spring date there would be few opting for Newport rather than travel to London.   London have a shared ownership of Newport so they might even move it to the autumn, who knows.

    5 miles today.   I've been able to run 6 consecutive days this week which is progress for me, knee feels OK.   Foggy this morning
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    Ian lots of number crunching going on there! It’s all a lottery at the moment, can see the cut off times being reduced in future years and if not enough people qualify then more charity spots.

    Shades sorry to hear you’re struggling with niggles, hope it’s manageable for Germany.

    Big G thats a nice feeling to have the race done early and have the rest of the day at leisure.  Good the foot behaved too! Sounds like a great place for food! 

    Keith tough call to make the start , those conditions were awful!, I don’t think I’d have bothered starting your braver than me.

    cal well done on another parkrun, certainly need to be organised to keep doing new runs especially without your own transport. I struggled to get out the door on a Saturday morning.

    Louey not surprised you felt wiped out! Two big marathons will do that. Hope you got a long period of rest lined up before you go again! 

    Still getting a few runs in, lost a few lbs which help motivation bit all in the right direction.  Looking forward to BH and will take it steady/ slow.

    have entered two of centurion races for next year and booked accommodation for three that I need.  CW50 I’m 70m from the start which sounds perfect. 

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    Robert - good to hear you've got your running mojo back and already entered 2 Centurion races next year.

    Is that 70 metres from your door?  If so there's no way you can't do it.

    I see Halstead have an early bird price offer, undecided yet but I think I'll probably enter.
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    Rob - it helps to have friends with cars. :lol: PS if you ever fancy Wendover Woods parkrun, let me know. It's on my list. Though probably in dry weather - I should think it's a bit muddy in there, no?
    When is Chiltern Wonderland? I could be tempted. Maybe.

    Ian, good luck with the GFA.

    Shades, sounds like good news re: your knee.

    I've got Cabbage Patch 10 on Sunday so this week's going to be a bit easier. First time I've done this race in a long while - it's a nice one but usually clashes with the Autumn marathons. So today was just 4 miles. I was aiming for two warm-up miles and then two tempo miles on the track but first of those was a bit slow, so really it was more of a progressive run. I am still learning to judge how my paces feel (my slow post-pandemic paces that is) as I always think I'm going faster than I actually am.

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    Big G - Really pleased for you that you had a good race. Hopefully the springboard to move beyond this awful foot. 

    Cal - Cabbage patch is a local one that’s been on my radar for ages but not made it work

    Ian - With a 3:27 buffer I’ve given up hope on gfa since it’s less than last year I believe. I’ll still apply of course. 

    Rob - Good news on shifting the lbs and getting the motivation back

    Shades - That’s nice progress on the knee

    8 miles into the office this morning. Feeling a bit better but still need to take it easy as heavy- legged and HR is awful. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-It was 3:30 last year,even closer than Boston.It looks like being harder,but it all depends how many actually enter,entries close Nov 20 and we find out 7 days later.
    If OH gets in we will still go down,I'm happy to be the spectator and watch it as I've never done that apart from TV.
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    Cal - I like a 10 mile race, nice distance.   None round here unfortunately 😕 

    Rcouture - re GFA, I do hope our predictions are wrong and you do get a place.   You certainly deserve it.

    Good you're starting to feel a bit better. 

    Ian  - that's quite a long wait to find out about GFA, as the qualification time window has closed I thought they'd turn that around in 10 days or so. 

    I've never spectated at a big marathon.   I'd always go and run another one somewhere else if I didn't get a place 😉

    Leg session in the gym.    First time of using the glute machine that I didn't get any knee pain.   Can't do much on the machine as it's quite challenging,  to the core as well as the glutes.   My glutes were singing on the walk home and I can feel them now just sitting on the sofa. 🤣
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I thought maybe a 2 week window to apply,then a week for results.
    Think the week after that is Berlin results so news close together.
    I've never spectated,but I know she won't want to go on her own and I'm happy to support her,after all she's let me do over the last few years,also means I could pick a new race to do.
    10 today,actually felt really in control for the first time in quite a while,still slower than usual but always felt good.
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    Ian - re London, I can understand that, having company is much better for that marathon weekend. 

    I see Southampton is a couple of weeks before London next year.   Just in case you're down that way.

    Good your training is going in the right direction. 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-We will probably do something in Southampton,more likely the half.I quite like the look of Hamburg so may investigate that.
    7 today felt good again.
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    Ian - As Hamburg is the week after London, you'll be ready to run a good marathon if you've been spectating/supporting the week before.

    I had a free entry for Hamburg one year, unfortunately I couldn't go.   If I have to cancel Frankfurt, I may look at paying to transfer the flights if it's possible and not too expensive, so Hamburg may be an option for me too.

    Last week I had decided that Thursday would be my weekly hilly town run day, this is the route with a 240 feet climb in mile 2.   That didn't feel such a great idea when I got up this morning, especially with the crazy weather at 6 am, it was 17 degrees, 'feels like' 19, humidity 98%.   🥵  But I did it, was like running in a sauna and even managed slightly faster at the same HR as last week.

    I'll soon be moaning about the cold, think the heating will be going on on Saturday night
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Weather is completely different here,7° this morning,I wore a long sleeve top last night for my run.
    Another benefit of Hamburg is we can do the same build up races with them being close together.
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    I heard someone say it was only 4 degrees in Manchester this morning.

    Here's our forecast next few days.   As I run early in the morning the night time temps are often more important to me.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Long day yesterday, landed at Heathrow at 9am but didn’t sleep at all on the plane, so was awake for 40+hrs before finally getting to bed. We walked in the house at 5:30pm, I threw a pizza in the oven, had a quick shower and then had to go over to Torquay for 6:30pm. Fell into bed at 10:30, went out like a light and got a good 8hrs :) 

    Tigg is coming back at 10am so hoping he’s fine. He is sometimes off for a few days when he returns, like he doesn’t trust us to leave him again!

    Need to figure out what I’m doing with my running, cycling etc. I haven’t checked the scales but a week in America and I know I will have put weight on. I know it’s down to me to decide what I eat, but portion sizes are just ridiculous over there, especially the breakfasts it seems. I have a big appetite and can tuck the food away quite happily but I often couldn’t eat everything, so took food away in containers. Anyway, I need to restart all that usual routine with food, pronto!  But we had a great break - loved the city, and the marathon too, and if I do go back I wouldn’t change anything. The hotel was a bit tired (it is very old) but it was clean, large enough rooms, full of runners, I saw two tour companies using it as a base, and it was more than fine for us.  Glad to be home after the long travel day and need to think about my future running plans/goals. 
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    Big G - that's a very long day coming home.

    Hopefully Tigg won't sulk for too long and will 'forgive you' quickly.

    I guess Cornish is your next race and your NYC virtual race.   You don't have to complete it in a certain time do you, just a finish will cement your NYC place for next year?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-That's a long day,I had a night flight back as well,not ideal with being up all day.Glad you enjoyed it all.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, before Chicago marathon (actually whilst in Chicago, as I really didn’t think it was going to go well at all and I was already worrying about Cornish!), I entered a flat Winding Paths one, with very generous cut offs, which falls in the NYC virtual race timescales. I entered it as I wasn’t sure about the hills of Cornish with the foot etc, and wanted a backup plan. Yes, no time limits, just need to finish the distance in one activity. 
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    When I did NY our return flight also arrived back to UK in the morning.    We were travelling back to Devon on National Express.   However when we got on the coach it had a mechanical problem, couldn't get any higher gear than 2nd.  So plan was we would set off and a replacement coach would catch us up on the motorway and passengers could transfer to new coach at nearest services.   But replacement coach never appeared and we drove all the way to Devon at a max speed of 40mph.  It was a long drive. 😪 

    Big G  - good to have a back up race for NYC qualifier, just in case. 

    I'm assuming that it's Starcross Shuffle you've entered?   I've entered it too, I've done it before.   Lovely course. 

    Even if I can't do the Cornish, I'm determined to run Starcross Shuffle as I can pull up at 10k if I want and won't be considered a DNF as it's a challenge event. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, it’s Grand Canal Canter I’ve entered, which is the week before Cornish, but falls in the NY virtual timescales. 

    We had booked the 11:50 bus back (which didn’t arrive until 12:25). We got to the station 5mins before the 9:30 coach left but he wouldn’t let us on, even though there were loads of free seats. He mentioned insurance was the reason as we needed a ticket for that coach, but I don’t think that’s the case as our coach driver let people on who didn’t have an actual ticket for our coach. I’m going to contact National Express about it just to query that. 
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    Big G  - haven't done Grand Canal Canter, as off road.    But I believe it's easy terrain.   Might you do both, or wait and see how you feel at the time?

    Re National Express, when I was coming back from Cork I tried to get on the earlier coach, I had the insurance which allows me to take an earlier coach.  But on this occasion there weren't available seats, I tried phoning to switch too but no luck, as sometimes they get a cancellation that hasn't been advised to the driver if in the last few minutes.   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, I may do both. Part of the reason I had to make my mind up quickly for the Winding Paths one was I got it off a waiting list (I contacted Brian whilst in Chicago and he released a place after going through deferrals) and there was 24hrs to pay. 
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    That's good you're thinking of doing both 😊 

    I keep thinking that when I'm finally over this injury I want to run every  marathon I can as often as I can 🤪
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    Shades, looks like quite a plummet this weekend. It's still warm here today (though I did my run in the drizzle). But it'll be a nippy 6 degrees when I start Cabbage Patch on Sunday. Going to have to change my jacket.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    11.5 today,weather was perfect running weather really,little cold but once I warmed up a tshirt was fine and no sun out.
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    Hey! I’m new to this so not sure what the rules/etiquette is. But basically, my friend has been selected to run the london marathon 2024 for the Salvation Army and the work they do with the homeless. She is vlogging her journey on YouTube to help raise money for such a great cause and I’m asking for any support anyone can possibly give, whether that’s a donation to the just giving, a like on a video or a share of her channel.

    Here’s the link… https://youtube.com/@RunningRosie?feature=shared

    Thank you, and sorry if I’m out of line by posting this!
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    Cal - if you don't mind it being a bit colder on Sunday, conditions look good for your race.    Worst part of running in cold(er) weather is the standing around at the start.

    Ian - you're obviously feeling better now and stepping up the training.

    friendofrunner - you're a good friend to Rosie helping her with the PR/fund raising for her marathon.   However, IMHO, Rosie herself should be the one joining the running forums and long before she obtained her marathon place.   On these forums we all know many runners doing marathons for charity.

    If Rosie wants to join us for moral support or training advice, she is very welcome and I wish her good luck with her marathon.

    5 miles this morning.   18 degrees with a 'feels like' of 20 degrees 🥵   Apart from a stretch into a strong headwind, a light breeze in places and some cooling rain helped.   
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    Big G - have you bought a pair of NB 1080's v13 yet?

    End of my love affair with these shoes as I see the drop has been reduced to 6mm now.   A bit low for me, but there are plenty of v12's to stock up on.

    I wonder why they've done that, never seen any reviews criticising that an 8mm drop was too high. 
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