
Over 60s training.



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    K2, ROFLMAO!!! I love the poem.

    I think Spider should do the races. I can be there for support.

    JJ, LOL!!!

    Impey, do you run with Sam?
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    Thanks, ceal.

    I like a challenge............
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    Hello, Spod.
    You could get roller-blades and get him to tow you.
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    I am doing Billericay 10k.
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    10 years ago he was an elite runner compared to me, he would leave me standing! Now he does well to just walk except when he knows his mealtime is near, then he runs like mad to the kitchen.
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    Another early night for me.
    Work tomorrow.
    Good night, folks.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    'night 'night-------

    JJ is doing the hot chocolate this evening, I hope he doesn't forget or leave it too late.

    Although it's better when Benz does it 'cause she adds rum!
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    Too early for choco/horlicks/cocoa around here. Its like a warzone, no chance of sleep !
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    Impey, Spider is the opposite. He runs away everytime I put food on his plate. He lives off dog treats and feels offended when i try to feed him with "real" dog food.

    I bet Sam is lovely.

    JJ, After seen Ceal, Tracey and K2'legs I will give it a miss.I might post a picture when they look presentable.

    (((((Pammie}}}}} welcome home.

    *Spud gives Pammie and bouquet of roses and a crown of laurels*

    What a great run!

    K2, I don't know how to skate, although I was good on skateboards.
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    Morning all. Another frosty one.

    Welcome home Pammie!

    ROTFL at K2 and JJ's literary efforts!

    I've missed two weekend long runs so I really need to get out there before my courage fails...

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    good luck for your long run this w/e. It's cold here too, but looks like another sunny one.

    I am sure if you stopped the dog treats, Spider would run to his bowl for proper dog food after a couple of days.

    thanks, I downed the hot choc and brandy in one. I liked the naughty lyric, but it finished by being rather prohibitive after starting encouragingly suggestively:-))

    Where is Empty this week???????????

    How is the hammie today after the Colorado full legged massage?

    I may run with Stewart's gym group this morning, it depends on their pace, Stewart keeps meaning to look it up for me and as yet hasn't. I will decide when he tells me the pace.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Have fun.

    I will run with Gym group, it will be a little faster than I would control my run to be. I have looked at the av pace for Stewart's last week's run. That is 9 min mile pace. Should be ok, but I have never seen such a varied mile pace. Ranges from 8.03 to 10.19!! Of course the gradient will come into it. I prefer to run a more even pace unless I am running fartlek or have decided to run faster miles. What I am trying to say in a roundabout way is that I will not be in control of the pace. Watch this space--------------
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    Loving the limericks!

    Welcome home pammie
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    good morning

    Mr Sensible hat still on and as advised have not run today - pity as it is yet another perfect am for running - but hamstring and other assorted twangly bits are in protest mode:-))


    get out there:-)))

    - though you are probably back now.

    it should be interesting running with an unknown group - no competitive running mind:-)

    what does it feel like without a marathon this weekend - withdrawl symptoms?:-))

    time to do some tempo sessions - heh, heh heh:-)))))
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    you were right with >he cried< :-)))

    excellent effort ***
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    SivSiv ✭✭✭
    Hello TS. Hope you're resting positively.

    Yes, I'm back. Seeing the frost, and not wanting a repeat of my chilly run last week, I donned:

    tights + trackster bottoms
    HH long-sleeve top + t-shirt + jacket
    winter socks
    fleece hat + gloves

    Of course this was at least a layer more than necessary but I ran a cosy 16k or so in glorious sunshine. Av 66%WHR. Had decided to run for an hour in a new direction, then turn round, but hit a convenient junction at 55 mins so decided to turn there. Home in 1:49:58, making a nice even split.

    Saw a young deer in the woods, a heron in a field, a bunch of wrens that flew ahead of me for a while, moving from bush to bush
    as I approached.

    ceal - that sounds like an easy pace for you. Hope you enjoy the company.
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    sounds a great run this am - very envious.

    I have always found that if I feel warm immediately on leaving the house then I have too many layers on.

    resonding to my own limerick challenge -

    There was a young lady from Denver
    Who plied her trade irrespective of gender
    On Torque's legs she pummelled
    To repair what was ruined
    By running too hard in November

    December would have scanned better - but hey accuracy is all:-))
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    Awwww Spud thank you <blushes>

    Full report on yesterdays daily training thread 2nd from last page

    Official chip time 5:19:31

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Hi Pammie,

    will look at report later, going out soon for rest of day. But I will look forward to the reading of.

    another good limerick, I will perhaps play around with one when I have time.

    Ran with Gym group. I ran with a guy exactly half my age!!! Garmin packed up again, must get it changed. Makes me wonder if the HR is correct too. Anyway the guy I ran the same pace with wore a 305 so took his miles and pace off him.

    6.8 miles in 58+ mins, pace 8.38. I had to push hard to keep up with him over the last mile which was a long hill and then sprinting for home:-)) HR which appears to still work on the watch was showing a High Rate. But I didn't feel too bad.

    Competitive me?

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Well done on your long run, it sounded very naturalistic too. I wore legs for the first time and was too warm. Just a long sleeved top was plenty. But at the end of the run my hands were starting to get cold.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all

    Lots of good running this week from you all.

    Well run Pammie and Hipps at Dublin, brilliant performances.

    TS sorry to hear of your ache and pains hopefully they will pass quickly after your physio appt.

    Ceal sounds like you are getting back to "normal" running quite quickly now. Are you still planning to run Hayling and Victory?

    Our week has been a bit hectic
    Monday - Liz had a late appt at hospital and came away with some very attractive, not, ankle braces - to try and keep her feet flat
    Monday - wasted darts evening as opposing team couldn't raise a team :-(

    Tuesday - off up to Camberley for Darrells parents evening, he's doing well and is on target to get his GCSE passes in June.

    Thursday - at last made it out for a run
    7.62mi at 8.06 pace, fast bits 7.25, 7.54, 7.48, 7.48

    Friday - short run 4.94mi at 8.25 pace

    Saturday - planned 1m warm up, 6 m alternate fast/slow miles. Fast meant to be between 6.35-6.45 but legs didn't want to play so cut it short to 3.1mi @ 7.50pace (8.27, 7.28, 7.26 ) and then into gym for a weights session.

    Hope you all have a good day,

    Mike T
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    Good Morning!

    Frosty here as well. The temperature is in its 30s. but the sunshine is gorgeous. I have to say that I have never sees weather like here. 90% of the time it'sbright sunshine with dee blue skies. It changes a bit during the summer as it gets too hot and there are lots of thunderstoms.

    Ceal, if you saw Spider's eyes when he wants a treat, you would cry. i have never seen anything so sad.

    Best of luck to everyone racing and have a great run the ones that are training.
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    Although I have been popping in and out I feel I haven't given my full attention to everyone's stories this week. So, while I perch here - on my disc sit cushion (ceal will know, or at least guess what that is!) recovering from the morning's taxing Handicap, I have been properly reading back.

    So in no particular order - we don't need an Alan Freeman type count down pop pickers - here goes:

    Your Dad made nearly 87. Good genes there obviously, so with your added fitness - hmm, methinks the best is still to come. Your Worksop Half result was really good, an excellent well over half minute PB and a very readable race report to go with it. PLUS 3rd in the V40 category. How good is that? As the teenagers say....

    That's excellent - you have someone to pace yourself with at Brighton. Wish I did. You are certainly heading in the right direction for a good result. I suppose we have to target some races as more important than others? Is that right?

    There was a completely sneaky 7:04 min mile tucked up in one of your training runs. I saw it! This was before the current hamstring niggle, sad to say.

    Chouette is right you are glutton for P. No wonder Hipps is your hero! Anyway, very good luck for tomorrow.

    So glad you are running with Spider. It MUST be good to get off the treadie and into the great wide world. Sounds exhilarating! You know, I bet ceal is right about the treats versus 'ordinary' dog food situation. He's conning you with that sad look! He's an adorable but manipulative hound!
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    Part 2 of the Sharkie responses:

    I do enjoy your reports of living and running in rural France. I must buy some winter pansies for my window boxes here in Dalston. They are wonderful - seem to survive the hardest frost and bounce back to life. Hope your cold has fully cleared up.

    So glad the recovery is well under way. I noted the run where the hip didn't hurt at all. And today's run with the gym group - I call that fast. Did you notice the hip at all today?

    Pity about the darts but good news about Darrell. Hmm, perhaps I shouldn't have lumped them into one sentence. How do you think the weight training is going? I am convinced mine helps - although I haven't done any this week, unless carting heavy boxes and furniture up and down stairs can count instead. You know - I think it can.

    Been so busy I only had time to skim your race report. I know I will enjoy reading it properly this weekend. You look very trim in the Beachy Head pics - have you waved a not so fond farewell to that last bit of weight you were wimbling about?

    That pic via Tracey of you appearing over the cliff top is so lovely! It's full of life and really made me smile - I want to call you Prancing Hippo it's such a dancey picture. Love it love it love it. Oh - don't take prancing the wrong way now will you?

    Roll Over Flora London Marathon All Out -yer what?
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