
Over 60s training.



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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    NZC - snow for you; storms for us.

    From one extreme to the other, - the next race I have planned is a half-mara.  

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    Is there anybody there?

    NZC snow but nowing our crazy weather i wouldn't be surprised

    Columba Oooh a half will it have hills i guess

    Well cycle home this am was horrible,very windy. Woke up very windy didn't fancy a run but once i dragged myself out i enjoyed it still very windy maybe its my masochitic nature

    3.43 miles= 35:45

    10:51 always up hill
    4:05(10:27 m/mile)


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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Hi Pammie, I'm here! Well done for getting out on a run today. I did too, a 10 miler in horrible wet conditions. Not quite as windy up here though.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Horrendous winds here. I didn't run but Stewart did! Well done Pammie and Graham for getting out in it. I woulnd't have liked to have been on a bike though.

    Thanks, yes, faster than ever before, I think, I have never had a 88 sec rep in training before. However, I only really believe the times when I am on the track even though I was running in a straight line. Of course the bends can make the 400 slower.



    Sunshine forcast for one day tomorrow. image

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Raining and blowing all day, but didn't run yesterday so went out in it this afternoon, - just 3 and a half miles.  Leaves and twigs all over the ground, but nothing larger. Going wasn't too bad, with the wind mainly behind me, but coming back was horrendous with wind and rain in my face.

    I would certainly not have liked to be on a bike.

    Pammie - I don't think the half will be very hilly; it's round Lake Vyrnwy, and as far as I know the path sticks close to the lakeside so should be fairly level. I'll drive up and have a look at it before I do it. Last year I did Hastings, and I think it will be a lot flatter than that.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Compared to Hastings it is FLAT. 

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    You might recognise a run I did a couple of years back.




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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    I thought so, it bodes well for your next race.

    It will be interesting to see if you can an improvement in your time after all this serious training.

    I have become something of an expert on running in the snow, I think it best if you stick to just wind and rain. Well done on getting out in it, it is so easy to use it as an excuse.

    An easy 9k along my river trail. I saw a very unusual looking heron, very large and stripey. The usual ones I see are the Blue Heron.
    My run includes passing through a park complete with a pond. A young girl came running up to me really excited, clutching her fishing net, insisting that I stop and look. She had caught a baby turtle. I think mum is going to have a problem making her put it back. It was a Snapping Turtle and they grow really big, so not suitable to keep.

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    Mick - yes, almost where you started your run was where I fell over! That was a good run you did!

    I was supposed to be doing xcountry this afternoon, but still don't feel well, so ran 9 miles with my mates instead. Enjoyed that, and I was glad that I hadn't decided to try to race.

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    Good morning

    6.06M; 1:16:43.7; 12:40/M;

    1   12:41.5   1.00   12:42

    2   12:38.6   1.00   12:39

    3   12:54.8   1.00   12:55

    4   13:00.3   1.00   13:00

    5   12:29.9   1.00   12:30

    6   12:23.3   1.00   12:23

    7   0:35.3   0.06   9:43


    Negsplit, even with the 13 in the wrong half.  


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Evening all

    Not run since Wednesday image I planned it that way thou image Helping out at First Steps tomorrow. Rest day on Monday and race Tuesday image
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Had to laugh at NZC - she didn't feel well so she only ran 9 miles with her mates.

    If I didn't feel well I'd probably just stay in.

    Sunshine all day today, could hardly believe it. Did a lot of gardening.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Not laughing at NZC feeling unwell, I hasten to add.

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    down with spam (not this thread)

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    Good morning

    nrd for me

    Best wishes for all runners and racers and swift and sure recoveries for those with injuries or sickness. God bless you and your families.


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Good Morning,

    Like Columba we had a dry day with some sunshine yesterday (not much) and so it was gardening again. We got loads done and planted up a large bed with a mixture of herbaceous and some annuals for picking for the house. We just need sunshine now to get it going. Runner beans are looking a bit sickly and obviously need some warmth. I did manage to fit in a near 4 mile weary run. Legs and bum  very tired from crouching down.  


    Sorry to hear about your Judas Tree image, the wind certainly found the weak area's of our trees. Luckily, here it was just a few small branches and the odd fence panel that suffered. I can imagine the extra work that it brought you. Especially as you are about to open your garden to the local public. Did the tree do a lot of damage where it fell? Not on the new shed I trust or indeed the new summer house.

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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Afternoon all, it was morning when I started reading back.

    Lot's of great running going on, some brilliant 400's, a 1st prize for Columba and promising training for Tracey before her race on Tuesday.

    JJ loved the hat and the pose in the picture of you wearing it. Good luck with your open day.

    Christina, hope the aches pains go soon.

    For me; ran the Ladies 5 mile route again on Wednesday, 13 secs a mile faster than last week but suffered some discomfort so rested the knee until today. Joined the Sunday group, well 3 of us, and they kindly let me set the distance and ran at a nice easy pace for 7 miles - longest run so far and thankfully no discomfort.

    15 miles this week image

    Things are moving on with Liz's op, heard Monday her pre-op was on 4th July so that gave us confidence of an early August op date but Friday brought the letter with op date of 16th July so hopefully an end to her discomfort is in sight.

    Mike T


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Brilliant news, just brilliantimage

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Keep the good news coming.

    I think the snapping turtle pace may be a bit much for you. 

    With all the effort you put in to your general fitness it must be very disappointing when a day's gardening leaves you sore. I know it really annoys me.


    Your weather seems seriously crappy but it should fix your water shortage.

    11.8 miles at a steady pace done in the heat 25c but along the river and canal so lots of shade and distractions that JJ would also enjoy.


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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Aws - as it's Sunday we get a prayer as well as a picture?  Lovely pic, - one of your Turner-esque ones.

    MT - well, that is good news. Light at the end of the tunnel.

    Woke very early this morning, well before 6.00. Hoped to go back to sleep. Didn't. Noticed that it wasn't raining, neither was the sun shining, so might be a good idea to go for an early run while it was neither wet nor hot. Went to the lake and ran 10 intervals, - shorter, faster and with shorter recoveries than I've been doing. Distance was about 150m (between two easily-recognisable landmarks on the path along the straight side of the lake), recoveries 30 seconds except one which was longer to allow for blowing nose and wiping streaming eyes, speed was rather variable, from 8:31mm to 10:00mm, following no discernible pattern.

    Fell asleep this afternoon. Thought I would. Then did some gardening until driven in by a monsoon-like shower; fortunately I had just about finished what I was doing.

    Must google Judas Tree and see what it is that's blown down.

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    *Cheery wave to Blisters*

    Good news in the Empty household

    Mick Good run in the heat

    Columba nice training today

    At the moment i'm keeping running fun and particularly the days ollowing a night shift just go for a short run if i feel good extend it Today was one of them days

    5.53 miles = 57:40

    5:48 (9:59)

    Stopped 0.2 miles from home met my boss/family and 2 of her dogs so stopped and chatted for a bit Didn't mind it as lovely and only a couple of minutes asn't going to make much difference 22.33 miles this week (26 last week) not bad with goin back to work



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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    This rain, cold and resulting darkness is really getting to meimage. It doesn't suit me one little bit.

    I have discovered that if I stretch my quads over and over again this helps my hamstrings and glutes to be longer. This is a good discovery. My lower back has 2 vertebrae which are fused together, apparently, I could have been born with it and it is this which makes bending, for me, uncomfortable and makes me frustrated.

    You sound as if you are on top of the job.

    You were certainly filled with energy yesterday morning, Good on you.


    I think I am going to hibernate for the rest of the day.    

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    Good morning

    5.08M; 1:03:45.9; 12:33/M;

    1   12:06.0   1.00   12:06

    2   12:29.4   1.00   12:29

    3   13:01.9   1.00   13:02

    4   12:46.6   1.00   12:47

    5   12:39.4   1.00   12:39

    6   0:42.6   0.08   8:51


    Spitting with rain and looked as though it was easing up when I went out so I decided to chance it then about halfway it just fell down and I was totally soakedimage. It's probably too much info but when I got back and took everything off the only dry bits were the seat of my shorts and that of my underpants. I've never been so drenched out running. Shame, because the run started out well then fell off dramatically when I got soaked through. Must have been the extra weight I was carrying. Interestingly, whereas I usually shed about 2lb running 5 miles this morning it was only 1.2lb, I guess because I didn't need to sweat.   MT - Glad to hear of the anticipated shortening of the wait for Liz's op.   al
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Top marks and a tuna sandwich for going out in today's conditions. Your run looks a good one to me. Lots of 12's and if you hadn't coughed on mile 3 then that would have been a 12 tooimage.   

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    Ceal - Thanks, but spare me the tuna sandwich. If it's been lurking where they do it'll be too blue for my liking.


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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    Well done for getting out aws, I can imagine how wet you must have been - amazing you had any dry bits image

    Have to say I'm glad it's a no run day for me.

    Apparently there is a flood warning for the River Blackwater and the areas named include where all three of my kids and my sister live and work - better look out the camp beds just in case !!

    Mike T




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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    That doesn't sound too good, I guess the terrain around that area is pretty flat and thus the river could travel rather a long way.

    People pay a lot of money for the blue bits in foodimage  

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