
Over 60s training.



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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Morning all, yes it is meimage

    This year has been a bit of a ********bleep ***********. After a great Christmas where Liz was able to join us for Xmas dinner she unfortunately developed another bed sore which broke down very quickly and resulted in her being admitted to the local hospital for a week in March. We are back to square one with Liz confined to bed, unfortunately she is suffering significant pain this time. This set back hit us hard as we had just started to dream of a holiday - staring to get back on an even keel now.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Running wise it's been a nothing year as well. After stopping running innJanuary when the snow came to avoid picking up another season destroying injury in January I have suffered a series of niggling injuries and then just couldn't get out the door in March. So managed a 100 miles in three months which was my monthly target for this year.

    A Massage later, to check all bits in right place and working, I have now run 5 times since the 28th, only 5 miles a time but it's a start.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    Finished decorating the house, just the loft to organise now.

    Most important task now is to get the gardens sorted out so hopefully Liz can start to feel a real attachment to the house. Hoping to work on front garden first as it's a sun trap in the mornings when Liz will be up (when she is allowed). Idea to creat a small seating area for her and a carer with the rest planted out, I will need some help from a landscape gardner/designer despite it just being a small space.
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    EmptyEmpty ✭✭✭
    I have been keeping upto date with the thread and there is just too much to comment on except

    TS a marathon, really !!image Looks like the training is building up well.

    Mike T
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    Sounds as though the year to date has been tough Empty - hope that things start to pick up again for you & Liz.

    Hope the plans for the new Westie work out Mick.

    Bad luck on the garmin Tracey - hope you can get a replacement.

    Stonking 400s, Graham!

    There was a bitterly cold wind for our training session last night. Some shelter from the trees in places did help, but still very cold. We did mile reps, and my group did 3 (plus warm-up and cool-down) I was pleased with 8:25, 8:12 and 8:23. First and third rep had a bit of a rise to finish. If I could just repeat that without recoveries, I'd get a new 5k PB! Something to work towards.

    Off to pack & get ready - have a good week-end all.

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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    Empty-Think its about time you had some luck,hope things go better for you

    Diana d--Yes they were good reps alright,dont worry about recoveries to much if you just
    increase the speed of the reps slowly then you can start to shorten recoveries.

    Graham-Your certainly giving those 400s a bashing,time to step up to some 1k reps or 800s .Just to give you a little bit more pain.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Roll on Saturday!


    A great set, again, of 400's. especially on race legs.


    I saw Bruce Springstein about 15 yrs ago. He does put on a good evenings show doesn't he?


    It is always full on in your camp. Take it easy with the running, be kind to yourself, no need to hurry back, more important to stay with it this time around by not getting any more niggles! Easier said than done, I know. I hope you find a garden designer to help make the garden good for Liz to enjoy. You are expecting some summer are you?!?!?!


    Hats off to you for what must have been very unpleasant running conditions last pm, due to the cold.

    I have lots of entertaining to be done over the next week. Betsy and her other granny are coming tomorrow for the day. Dinner party for 8 on Sat, then next week my daughter and other g children are coming for a day or three. Lots of cooking to be done, have started today!

    It has snowed all day here, but it is not really settling properly, it is the wet stuff. It is also very cold still. So as I said above roll up warmer weather.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Ceal - hope your food meets your older granddaughters high standardsimage
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    (I may have posted a similar view some time ago)

    Angela says it needs some birds in it but it's miles too late, it's long gone. It needs a signature as well.


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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Mike, good to hear from you again even if you don't bring particularly good news. It sounds like you may be past the worst now though with a bit of luck. It's a great idea to create a nice area where Liz can sit and enjoy the sun and the garden plants. I can imagine that will mean such a lot to her after being confined indoors for so long.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    It souds like things have been tough for you both. How is new house working out?

    I would like my 400s to come out like yours when I take it easy.

    Another easy 10k today. I ran on my river trail for the first time this year, only a small amount of snow left in the sheltered spots. 
    It has been very windy here as well and I think I am suffering a bit with allergies as I am  sniffing a lot.

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    Good morning

    6.06M; 1:17:40.4; 12:49/M; 2.5°C

    It snowed pretty well all day yesterday, but thankfully it didn't settle. Snow in April! I don't remember such a thing. June, yes, but not April.

    JJ - you must have eaten something that's repeating on you.


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    JJ - Maybe, except that you're still comparatively young and always will be so far as I'm concerned.image


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Cold hilly miles count double.

    Just a short one today, 5k along the river trail. Feeling stronger and more energetic so tomorrow's LSR should be on.

    Our Spring weather is taken a turn back to winter tonight, -10c, but going back up to warm again during the day and then warm all week. Hopefully that is the end of it and I can start wearing shorts.

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    Good to see you are getting into the running again.  Looks as though you peeps down in the south-east have had it colder than us oop North  last couple of days or so.  


    I can see that you will also soon be out running again too as we are promised warmer (well.er, less cold!) days ahead.  But of course you are busy entertaining visitors so cooking will keep you busy.   


    Sorry to hear you and Liz  have gone through a pretty bad patch.  Hope Lizzie will now see better days and good luck with the garden design plans.

    Not been on here for a week or so but still doing runs.   Actually had an early morning run last Monday around the perimeter of a new housing estate not far from us.  There are quitte a few nice trails there and I enoyed the different scenery during the 7 mile outing, think I will do more a.m. runs as well as the p.m. park routes.
    Five miles in RV park on Wednesday and a short 2.8 miles today.  Short because I want to do another 5k tomorrow be it slow or better image

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    good morning

    I am back from renewing my northern heritage - excellent time including walks on the beach in brilliant sunshine and ferocious NE wind straight off the sea bringing temperatures down to about -20C!!
    Backdrop of the Cheviots clad in snow gleaming in the bright sun like some advancing glaciers!!
    Found a nice Derby and Joan shelter on Alnmouth bay facing south and enjoyed near summertime temperatures whilst the wind roared around - bracing I think is the word.
    Nice, slightly tired hotel but good food and staff made it a super stay. Didn't run at all but swam twice a day - 20 lengths each time, which sounds rather more impressive than it was, as the pol was only 12.5m long, followed by a sauna which was the closest I got to a Swedish masseuseimage

    sorry to hear of Liz's continued misfortune. It impacts upon you as well and it must take its toll.
    Your garden idea sounds excellent and some fragrant plants in the beds may add to the enjoyment for Liz - smell can be such a soothing sensation.

    excellent intervals on tired legs - that will teach em!!!

    sounds like a great concert. Some acts are great live and Springsteen certainly fits that category.

    sounds like you have found some good new trails to run on - nice!!

    you should be very pleased with those reps!!!

    n'er cast a clout till May is oot!!!

    spring is delayed!! Strangely the daffs and othe spring flowers were further advanced oop north as they had not had as much snow and lots of sunshine so in shelterd spots the flowers were well advanced

    Beautiful sunny morning here so I decided to do the Parkrun. near ideal conditions, dry underfoot on the grass and only a modest cold NE breeze to contend with on each lap of the 3 lap course. Legs felt a bit used after swimming but none of the stiffness associated with running.

    3.1 miles in 22:21 (7:20m/m) with avHR150 (81%WHR) and a max of 160(88%WHR)

    1m 7:13 av144 max 160
    2m 7:30 av152 max 155
    3m 7:26 av153 max 155
    .1m 0:11 av155 max 155

    Garmin measured the course, which had been changed a bit to avoid the massed crocus ranks, a but short but they had remeasured the course before the off with a wheel so maybe it was ok.

    Improvement of just over 60 seconds on July's time so quite pleased with that 

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Great time, I can see why you were pleased with that, so would I. A little quick on the first mile but you still did not red line so a very promising place to be in your training cycle.

    Keep cranking out those miles, they all count. To what I am not sure but it sure feels good to get them done.

    16k easy for me today to finish off the week. Another 40 miler in the bag despite feeling tired this week after my 4 x1k efforts. Felt good on my long run so I seemed to have recovered. Rest day tomorrow so should be raring to go on Monday.



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    JJ - 13min miling! You'll be eating your own tuna sandwich nextimage


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Evening all

    A better day at last image

    Tomorrow I'm helping pace a lady from my club round Braintree 5 image There's no chance of me doing a pb, plus is a week before Brighton marathonimage So a nice 5 miles at 10:30 pace image
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Got back from London today. Managed two runs. 

    1. an 8-miler from my son's flat in Camberwell-ish, where I was staying, to Vauxhall Bridge, across the river, along to Waterloo bridge, cross the river again and back on the other side to Vauxhall Bridge and then back to son's flat. I really quite enjoyed it, in spite of being held up at traffic lights and having to thread my way through queues and queues of people along South Bank, as they waited for entry to various tourist destinations, and in spite of the eye-watering, nose-streaming cold wind.

    2. A much shorter run in Burgess Park, only a short distance from son's flat. More eye-watering and nose-streaming.

    Nice to run on flattish ground for a change. Can keep a steadier pace going.

    Also went to three exhibitions, had a really excellent Malaysian meal with all but one of my children (the one not there had come with me to one of the exhibitions, however, so I managed to see them all) and spent several hours with Elder Daughter and Little Grand-daughter, so it was a really good visit.  Little Alice is acquiring a few single words. One of them is "tractor", - not too many of those to be seen in London streets.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Impey - glad you've rejoined us.

    Mike - that sounds like a lovely idea for Liz in the garden.

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    Columba - sounds like a great visit. I love running around London. I had a great time visiting my son when he lived there.

    JJ - have you enquired whether anyone likes tunaimage Well done on the prize haul.

    Mike - you are wonderful looking after your wife so well - good on you. Sorry that you haven't been able to run much.

    Mick - congrats on another 40 mile week - good going!

    Torque Ster - nice running - that's set a tough bar for the rest of us!

    Ceal - you certainly don't have much down-time, you are always so busy.

    Tracey - good luck with the marathon.

    I went and ran 27km with the Y this morning. Not easy, and not sure I could have gone any further. Always a worry when there aren't too many weeks left to the marathon.

    Next week is 32km, so I'll see how I go then, and then it is cut back time - not sure what I'm cutting back from, but I will be fresh!

    Managed to stuff up my timing of the run, but leader said running time was 2.34 - I was in the 5.45km pace group. Crazy when I usually only run 6.30km pace average when I'm running by myself. I came home and had a bit of a nana nap - pretty stuffed.

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    good day

    nice way to get round tourist spots iin Londonimage - good running too.

    that's what I'm worried about image!!!

    thanks - the start is pretty congested - 250 runners and there is only a 2m wide path unless one wants to take to the grass down a slight bank so I had to crank it up to maintain position at the start and then hang on!!

    Time gave me an age grade of 76.44% so a birthday does help - and sets a new target for next time!!

    I should think you will get under that particular bar no problemimage
    You were running at 9:11m/m pace so very good going - I know exactly how you felt at the end - see below

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    Legs were a bit stiff from combined race yesterday and extensive use of ladders as I decorated the main entrance hall - 50 large panels of white separated by dark wood so it was all up and down numerous times.

    15.02 miles done and not a step more in 2:15:10 (9:02m/m) and avhr 130 (65%WHR) and a max of 142

    mile             time          avhr           maxhr

    1                    9:08           124             130
    2                    8:46           128             152
    3                    9:32           135             137
    4                    9:18           133             136
    5                    8:37           129             139
    6                    8:40           125             132
    7                    9:00           127             140
    8                    9:00           132             140
    9                    8:47           128             132
    10                  8:29           125             130
    11                  8:27           123             127
    12                  8:37           121             130
    13                  10:20         129       &nbs

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    13                  10:20         129             140
    14                  10:00         123             129
    15                  9:26           125             131

    don't know what &nbs refers to!!

    Usual moorland route and going quite well until the very steep knackering hill at mile 12-13 killed me off - after that it was just an exercise in stupidity!!
    I shall be glad when decorating is over.
    Think it is time for a grandpa napimage

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