
Over 60s training.



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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    I hope the weather warms up a bit for Brighton marathon.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Very nice miles, well done.

    that sub 20 5k must be on the cards for this season

    A very easy 7k recovery for me today as I have a LSR scheduled for tomorrow to complete my week and the month.

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    JJ, my best time on Sunday's course is 42m 38s, which is 30s off my PB. I set that a few weeks after that 42m 38m run. This was two years ago. It's a possibility but I'd need to run out of my skin. There are a couple of short steep hills which soon pull your average pace down a bit. I'm pencilling in the same race as my PB for a more serious attempt in May.

    Mick, I'd need to maintain that pace, or very near to it, for another 0.9 miles. Not impossible under ideal conditions perhaps.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭


    Diana, that cake sounds wonderful, - reminds me of some cakes that a friend of my M-i-L used to make for our two eldest children in their early years. We had a rabbit, complete with marzipan carrots and lettuce leaves, an entirely recognisable Porsche car (she borrowed a toy car to copy) and a gymkhana. When we moved too far away for her to deliver cakes, the children had to put up with my much more amateurish efforts.

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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    Graham-Well done, super pace you ran and igree with mick a sub 20 is on the cards.
    All the best for your 10k race.

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    good morning

    NRD today -as a rest I am going to decorate a very large staircaseimage

    amazingly consistent running - you are  looking good for your marathon

    excellent racing - really good pace.
    is the relay stillheld around the Denton Burn/ Silver Lonnen area or has it moved?
    The third mile at that pace may be a bit challenging!!
    Good luck for hte 10K - your legs will be ready for it after that

    Yes I used to see Charlie spedding, Kevin Forster and a few others out for their "easy" long run on a Sunday after their hard long session on a Saturday. I would be running at 6:30 -7m/m pace and could just keep up with them for some miles. They would happily chat about their training and I would listen as it saved my breath a bit but they would also be interested in what I was doing, targets etc  All nice guys.

    enjoy the party - and ending your streak!! of course you could always continue it through April ...................................

    shamble is better than bench polishingimage
    If I had done another mile rep it might have deserved an A- but I chickened out!!
    I think one point of the article was how the concentration of talent and competition in clubs helped improve preformances. As JJ said 52 mins for 10 miles was not good enough to get in the team at most clubs!!!!

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    Hi there

    Tracey sorry to here about your friend


    Diana - agree with JJ icing, please best part of cake unless it has buttercream in it and then it will be a close call

    Graham you have fast legs. Good luck tomorrow


    Been a busy week internet failed  yesterday work is a bit  mmmmmmm can't talk about it here think people are a bit worried with new manager  he starts next week I hope he can see what a great asset we night workers are

    other news i'm going to quit the gym -


    Its not as bad as that I'm going to join another that's opening a mile further down the road than my current one which is one of them urrmmm chain ones this new one seems like what I call a proper gym they have one in Romford and another opening soon in Brentwood and Lakeside later (it'll be a mile from work as well) the blurb on the Romford site mentions Athletics track now need to check if  it matches my perception of an athletics track we will see Going to try arrange a visit to Romford to have a look

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Icing makes my teeth ache. You can have my icing, I'll have your cake. Especially if there's a layer of marzipan under the icing.

    Ran just under 9 miles this morning. Off to London tomorrow, hope to get at least one run in while there.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    Oops - hope Aws didn't have his eye on that TOTP

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    When I ran in the 80s I found that it was much more informal than today. Our training was what ever we felt like that day, tempos were high on the list. Races were rarely the correct distance and it would take forever to get the results out and only winners would get a medal.
    The quality did seem higher as the majority of people in races were there to race rather than participate.

    Good luck with the new gym.

    18.1k today with a strong 4k at 8min miles at 12k. This gives me 67k for the week, just over 40 miles and 160 miles for the month of March.


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Yes that is just how I remember it.
    I found when I was rebuilding my base that is what I was doing too. To build my mileage it just had to be lots of easy running keeping my HR at a comfortable level. It took me 3 months but progress all seem to come in the last few weeks.

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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭

    JJ - LOL! - London must take me as it finds me.

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    good day

    just lost a long post - b*gger this site!!

    enjoy the trip
    miles in the bank before you go as well - good running

    that was getting perilously close to 5 miles - gan canny manimage!!

    very good month's training there finishing off in style - well ahead of me though I did manage 41 miles this week after todayimage

    A long hard day decorating yesterday left me stiff and not feeling like a run so I knew it was going to be a slow effort as soon as I crossed the door.

    Dry cold out there this morning with an increasing breeze to keep one nicely chilled despite some sunshine.

    14.11 miles done in 2:08:08 (9:05m/m)

    01m 10:11 told you I was stiff, easing into it
    02m 9:23
    03m 9:24
    04m 9:15
    05m 8:45
    06m 8:58 summitting after 120m of climb
    07m 8:31 downhillas I lose all that climb in one stiff descent
    08m 9:24 back to uphill - steep
    09m 8:46
    10m 8:39 level
    11m 8:13
    12m 8:34
    13m 9:34 monster hill barring way home
    14m 9:29 totally spent and even this level bit gives me no relief
    .1m 1:20

    that was pretty knackering
    aah well over half way - it's downhill all the way now

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    despite the presence stil of large amounts of snow on the moor tops there were signs of spring all round. Ewes in the fields brought their newborne lambs to see me hoping I might be the farmer with a bag of supplements, curlews were everywhere and a skylark raised his voice at one stage
    A raucous colony of rooks were engeged in rookery building in trees still topped with snow and only broke off to engage a sparrowhawk that flew by in that familiar flight pattern. Two side slips and a sharp turn took the hawk free of the rooks and left it to resume its journey unmolested.

    a good day to be out - pity about the legs!!!

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    TS, 14 miles at 9:05 is pretty impressive if you didn't feel on form right from the start.

    I'm not long back from the North Tyneside 10K, run in my yellow Run Geordie Run T-shirt rather than club vest as I plan to do in all non-club races this year. Conditions were quite good - only just above freezing but with only a slight breeze. I managed about the same time as two years ago (didn't run it last year), 42m 40s (4 secs slower). 

    Looking at the AG though, it's my best run ever in those terms as I haven't run over 81% before at any distance. I plan to do a 10K in a few weeks over a flatter course so who knows, maybe a PB isn't totally out of the question on the back of some quality training in the meantime and good conditions on the day.

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    Very good run there, Graham.

    TS - funnily enough, today is the start of another 5 x 50 challenge, so I may just keep going! Well done on 14 miles.

    Great monthly total Mick. I clocked up 130 miles, which is the highest ever in a month for me. After quite a good party last night the reasonably short 5.34 today was challenge enough! I did manage an average 10:14 pace, which wasn't too bad considering the cava consumption last night.

    Hope it works out well with the gym club Pammie.

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Diana, impressive monthly mileage from you this month. That has to pay off next time you race.

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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    TS-Those are horrible runs when your struggling from start to finish,but i guess it gives satisfaction to finish those runs.

    Graham-A very good time there,did you win your category.
    Be intresting how much quicker you can go as iam sure you will.

    Diana d--All the best with your challenge,thats not going to be easy

    Run 8miles today in about 9-20 pace ,garmin problems think i need a new battery

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    busbar, pleased to see you running an 8-miler today. Results aren't out yet but my time last year would have been first in Over-60s. I didn't run it last year. It's puzzling as, although it's a big field of 1800 runners or so, the competition for older runners isn't particularly hot compared to some much smaller events in the area.

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    Good morning

    5.09M; 1:07:05.0; 13:11/M; 1.5°C

    Sometimes I think I could just copy the numbers from some other time.

    TS - That long post you lost, was it a fence post, a gate post, or the last post? Or maybe a post mortem?


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    good morning

    well it certainly wasn't post hasteimage

    8 miles is hardly shuffling along - good going. Does the stiff sholder restrict your running action at all?
    I ask because after using a 2m extension pole to paint some very high ceilings on Saturday I actually got cramp in the shoulder/neck after about 8 miles yesterday!!! I stood there in the road almost crying with the pain and not being able to do anything to get rid of itimage
    Not so much satisfaction as relief!!!!

    Great time there over 10K and excellent age grading. 
    Hope conditions are favourable for you in a couple of weeks

    well done on the monthly mileage and gettingover the 130 miles mark despite partying and fizzyimage
    What is 5 x 50 - 5 weeks at 50miles/week?

    Another cold 'un out there this morning -snow largely gone but wind chill kept temperatures way down in a brisk, not to say brusque north easterly and kept the roads and paths deserted

    6.13 miles done in 51:36 (8:25m/m) on legs that felt relatively fresh after persuading them into action

    1m 9:06
    2m 8:09
    3m 8:07
    4m 7:58
    5m 8:54 Hipps Hill
    6m 8:10
    .13m 1:09

    Ran in my new Adizeros fresh out of the box - felt a good fit but with a bit more cushioning in the forefoot which probably helped my legs today!!

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    5 x 50 is 50 days of at least 5k, but you are allowed to walk or cycle them, as well as run. Cycling doesn't help me much, but maybe I should try it just to get back to regaining some confidence on a bike. Probably more of a challenge than running every time! 


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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    TS-Cant say my shoulder does affect my running,its probadly just my heart and lungsimage.Nice run by you this am may have to invest in some adieros if the wife dont find out.

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    phew - that sounds a bit more doable than my suggestionimage!!
    however it is still a big block of conssitent effort which I guess is what it is all about and on "easy" days one can do a walk or cycle. Like you I am not too keen on the cycling mainly because of the hills round here and the lack of quiet roads

    it took me quite a while to build up to running in my first pair of Adizeros. The fact that I was coming back from injury helped as I was only doing 2-3 miles a day and my legs got used to the rather different running action these sort of shoes engender.  So it may be a good time for you to try them out as you build up miles.
    My new ones have a slightly greater fall from heel to toe than the old ones which were just about flat!!!
    No dearer than other running shoes - and cheaper than some!!

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    OMG - go away for a week and Torque Steer is running over 14 miles! JJ is back in action and Mick is piling on the mileage.

    Good work guys!

    Congrats to Graham on a great 10km!

    Good mileage from Diana too.

    I did very little running while away, but did a 20km trail walk. Had a lovely holiday, certainly not good marathon prep! Haven't run today either - just mowed the lawns! Must go tomorrow even if it's only a short one.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Over 80% is a good AG, not too many people around that will beat that, a very well done.

    Very windy here today but I still went ahead with my 4 x 1k intervals. A little slow but given the wind I will take them.

    10:36 AM Monday, April 01, 2013

    Home10.7k, 4c, sun, v windy, 4 x 1k with 3 min recoveries.

    Run tagged as LongIntervals

    Total Run Duration = 62:39,  Run Length = 10.7 Kms or 6.6 Miles


    Selected Lap Detail

    Lap  Duration   Kms      Miles    Per Km    Per Mile    AWHR     MWHR  Cadence  Slength

     06     04:27     1.0        0.6      04:27      07:10     79.0%     85.3%       89.0        1.26

     09     04:23     1.0        0.6      04:23      07:03     80.4%     90.2%       91.0        1.25

     11     04:25     1.0        0.6      04:25      07:07     81.8%     90.2%       91.0        1.24

     13     04:27     1.0        0.6      04:27      07:10     81.8%     90.2%       91.0        1.23


    Totals and averages for selected Laps

    Lap  Duration    Kms     Miles   Per Km   Per Mile    AWHR      MWHR    Cadence  Slength

     04     17:43      04.0      02.5      04:25     07:08      80.8%      90.2%       90.5        1.25

    I am happy with the cadence though.


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