
Over 60s training.



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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    Mick6-Those 1k reps look pretty good to me as well.

    JJ-Have to admit i walked on the last hill of my run,i just ducked of road into the horse trails so i wasnt seen hopefully.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭
    Good morning


    I am sure that the rest will have done your body some good. How long now until the big day?


    Some serious training going on by you, especially as the use of a HRM is being employed. Good on you.. How is doddle's poorly paw/leg?


    A great run over the weekend, 14 miles is serious stuff.


    I am impressed with both your pace and corresponding HR on your 1k intervals. Keep it up.


    You say your time was the same 2 years ago in your race, what were the weather conditions on that occasion? Your age grading is fab.


    tough challenge, but you are up for it.


    Keep the things that are under your control like running just that. Running is the one thing that you can be in control of. . I hope the work worries work out in your favour.


    You have got up to 8 miles quickly. How did your body respond? I had to giggle at you hiding when you walked part way up the hill!!!

    I am sure that I have missed some important posts, I have read them all but by the time I got to this page, my recall has disappeared.

    Sunshine was very welcome yesterday, although the wind was still wickedly cold. Yes, signs of spring are about but I am afraid that the continual over night frost will be damaging to the new growths. No rain for a good few days now, just a very few snow sprinkles so no doubt we will soon be told there is a drought on the way!!!!!!
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    good morning

    a 20km bush hike doesn't sound too relaxingimage
    Pleased the holiday went so well - how were the concerts you were going to?
    Just don't go away for two weeks...........................

    Big effort in those reps - and four of them as well!!! Got the HR just where is should be as well

    the good thing about this weather is that there are no bystanders around to witness any dwawdling on the hillsimage

    it's only semi serious - the really serious stuff starts next month - can't wait image

    Here is an up date on thehard racing 80's style I posted earlier. It features a clip from a road race in 1981 on a course I knew well from Gateshead Stadium along the banks of the Tyne. I don't feature in the clip as it only concentrates on the front runners and they were moving quite quickly!!!
    Mick McCleod mentions it was his 3rd race in 5 weeks.......................

    I am off tomorrow for some pampering at Linden Hall Hotel and spa up in Northumberland for a few days. May have to eat and drink a bit as well.............


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Have a good pamper! Btw thank for the racing 80's link, very interesting. I sent it on to Julian Goater as is was mentioned in one of the last comments. I will read the update with interest later. 14miles is serious stuff right now in where you are right now!

    Just done 25 mins rebounding. My Garmin says that I have covered 3 k. As I don't have a foot pod I am not sure how that figure comes up!! Av HR 108, MHR 129. hr av started at 97 and the last k (weird) av HR was 127.

    I have found the best way to keep heart rate up is to just jog but not to rebound. I do humping jacks (kept the typo) and twists and such like. But the plain non re bounding jogging seems to do the job best. Maybe I should try jumping jacks with no re bound, if that is possible
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    Morning all-nice and bright the sun is out hooray!

    Ceal-Surprisingly i was not to bad,just took a hot bath and that seemed to help.

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    JJ, I realise that 5k on a bike is hardly anything, and did plan it as a recovery from the running if it's too much to do every day.

    Training with the club was out on the Forest last night, for the first time this season. Pyramids round the cricket pitch plus warm-up (though I didn't really) and cool-down. I got home in the light! Bitterly cold wind though.

    Sunny but with a cold wind again today. The conservatory is wonerfully warm though.

    Enjoy the days away, TS. We are off to Cambridge on Thursday for a wedding. We decided to stay 3 nights and see the sights too. My parents were married in Queens College chapel in 1950, so that will be a port of call. Hope to get to Eley cathedral too.

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    Christine, pleased you had a nice holiday. Margaret's been busy booking accommodation for our Australia trip in November. We both like B & B rather than hotels and there seem to be plenty of good ones, at a price of course.

    Ceal, looking at my running diary, the weather two years ago was quite hot. Needless to say it wasn't this year - barely above feezing. Both days had a slight unadvantageous wind, but nothing to speak of. Results not out yet.

    I actually sat outside for a cup of tea yesterday. It was only 4 degrees but in the sun and out of the wind it was OK.

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    North Tyneside 10K results are just out. I was first M60, although the first M65 was quite a bit ahead of me.

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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    Well done, just don't cast your eyes further down the winners list!! It is certainly warm enough to sit out in the sun today, but one does have to be out of the very cold wind.


    Enjoy the wedding. Our conservatory is warm today too, 25c.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Enjoy your win, there is always someone faster if you look hard enough, just don't look. Well done.

    An easy recovery run for me today, 10.5k.

    We may have another addition to the family in the next week or so. Another Westie from the Westies in Need Rescue group. He is 4 years old and was a stud at a puppy mill. He is a bit timid but is recovering very quickly. We have a meet and greet this weekend to see if he will get on alright with the other two. 
    I know three dogs sounds a lot but we have a lot of space.

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    Good morning


    Not a cloud in the sky when I went out just after 9am, but it was still a bit brrrr!


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    Good morning

    5.11M; 1:06:07.1; 12:56/M; -0.5°C

    Includes a negsplit of 7secs! Wey hey!image

    Has anyone heard from Empty? It seems he lasted posted on Christmas Day and we haven't had anything from him since.


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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    I will email Mike later today. I have seen the odd entry on facebook.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Empty was on Facebook yesterday. Liz is not able to go out like they thought would be able to. His still struggling with his running.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Aws - did you run faster this morning to keep warm.

    Went running club yesterday and did 6.24 miles in 1:03:18, average pace 10:09. Got home and turned it on to look at my data and it would go passed the Garmin turn on screen. Hard reset didn't delete all runs. The memory say 67% full when we managed to delete runs manually.

    Do I send it back for a refurb at ??75. Replace for same model ??180 or new 910xt ??260. The refurb one only comes with a 3 month guarantee, which makes it expensive if it breaks down under a year.

    Am not a happy bunny as have a marathon next week. I could use one of our Garmin 305's or Andre's 205 for my marathon. After big strop, think I might weight for price to come down on 910xt before getting one of those. My current 310xt has last 3 years.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Going to get a refurbish one as that all we can afford.
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    cealceal ✭✭✭

    GRRRRRR to your Garmin. I can imagine your strop, I would have been the same a week before a marathon.


    Any running in this cold weather is serious in my book!

    It is even colder today, I have just been out (After strength work with kettlebell) to the shops and couldn't believe how cold it is. I think I could try a run now but I ain't going to until it gets considerable warmer. It is snowing slightly too, but it won't amount to much.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭

    Tracey-Garmin issues are the last thing you need before your marathon.
    Think my next watch will be a polar like i had a few years back,although it was not gps then.

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    I wished I'd seen my split before it died.

    Ceal - it means to be warmer and less windy at the weekend image
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Snow in April !!!
    The snow is nearly all gone here apart from my back garden where we still can't see the grass.

    I brought a garmin refurbished 405 and have been very pleased with it, no issues apart from the usual one about the bezel. Garmin have disconitnued manufacture of the 410 and if you can find one they are a very good deal.
    I brought new one last weekend for my daughter for a 100 pounds.

    Legs are feeling a little tired and stiff so another 10k recovery run today with a avg WHR of 59%.


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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    JJ'S - don't worry Bernard and I entered Beachy as soon as on-line entries opened last year image
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭

    I think today was one of those rare days (and they are rare, believe me) when the weather here was better than in the south. There's still a cold wind but the sun shone all day for a change and it felt quite good in any sheltered spot.

    So it was nice to do a track session for the first time in many months where it didn't feel freezing cold. My legs were still feeling the two races over the weekend so I took it a bit easier than usual, not that there was much choice. 5 x 400 with 60 secs intervals, then 4 minutes jog, followed by the same again.

    Times 1:34, 1:33, 1:34, 1:35, 1:34 followed by 1:35, 1:33, 1:33, 1:32, 1:33.

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    Graham - very nice running - bet you look good too!

    Tracey - hope you get your garmin sorted.

    Ceal - I just entered the marathon - it is 4th May. The only reason I did is that it will be my 15th Rotorua and if I finish it makes me a survivor. Not expecting anything, but just hoping to finish.

    Can't blame you not wanting to run when the conditions are so awful, can't believe how you guys battle with such tough conditions.

    I had one little run in Melbourne - only about 4km that I did in the afternoon - it was extremely hot with a really hot wind. Those sorts of conditions aren't nice either.

    Torque Steer - Bruce Springsteen was great - allowed so many to touch him and threw  himself backwards into the standing audience to be manhandled back to the stage. I thought that was very brave for a person in their sixties! Jimmy Cliff was awesome too - seemed to be very proud of his athletic ability - high kicking etc, I thought if he wasn't a singer, he would have been an athlete!

    I have a nice 9km with my friends yesterday, followed by our usual cafe session. 

    Not feeling at all like going out this morning - think I will wait a little longer.

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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    JJ - Bernard hasn't run since last Wednesday so doesn't know.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    Graham - I can only dream of intervals like yours image
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