
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Annoying when the GPS runs out of juice or just stops.

    I amused myself today by tracing a huge word in the snow of the golf course and then viewing my handiwork later courtesy of Garmin Connect. 

    I'll stick to two sessions on the indoor bike tomorrow. A good device on which to do power intervals. Thigh muscles have strengthened enormously in the last couple of months. I was bouncing along even in the snow today.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    well..start at 7am, so done before 9am image

    For you guys who like your booze it must be a real challenge to just cut it out. Clearly for me, I never really started on it, so it's no challenge at all. 

    I wouldn't swap some of those footy memories, but 100% happy with the eventual decision to go 100% running. Getting a pb doesn't quite match that feeling of scoring a goal, but the overall satisfaction is much much higher.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    Ss- Not sure if they are going to reschedule helsby for another date. On the website it just says they will have a think what to do next.
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    More time to train for Wilmslow, a faster course. You won't have next week having to recovery you can get straight on it. You have any other races before Wilmslow? I'm only doing Trafford before I go to Portugal to transform into a 5K monster image

    My proposed sessions this week will be a bit more focused and specific. 8 x 1KM will be out again but starting from 2 mins recovery (it will drop to 1.5 mins then 1 min before Trafford). Hope to do Deano bread and butter 5 x 1mile too (off 2mins). All at 'current' 10k pace. None of this target pace... my target is my PB!

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    The easy answer with alcohol is to not cut it out! Nust be bad for your system anyway to suddenly stop drinking image. Good 17 miler though Stevie. Are the roads OK round your way?

    Right SG - no pressure, but you'd better make your next post a really good one, as it is quite a milestone image

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    It's a lot easier to cut out or cut down when you've no option! image

    After I ran the length of the Leeds to Liverpool canal for charity I went straight to the pub to celebrate, just a few beers. The day after I went camping with the family for 5 nights which also goes hand in hand with having a few cans. I was never a big drinker but used to have a few on a Friday and sat night but nothing too excessive.

    Without realising it, from the minute I finished the run to coming home from camping 6 days later, apart from the milk on my cereal in a morning I drank cider. Not a mad 6 day session or anything, just a pint with my dinner maybe 4/5 pints at night.

    I ended up with pancreatitis and spent a week in hospital, drips, morphine on tap, the full shebang. I did get told at the time to never touch a drop ever again by one doc but speaking to my gp, nurses and reading up on it, they said If I waited a good few months its possible to still have the odd drink every now and then.

    if I have a beer it's a night out or function that's been planned in advance. Had a few at Xmas and the next time will be at our club presentation at the end of feb. that's prob the time when I decided to concentrate on my running really. If it happens again though, I'll never touch a drop again. I ain't going through that pain! :-/
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    blimey Matt! Good job you've redirected your efforts into runningimage

    Following an ultra with 6 days of drinking nowt but 7 pints of cider a day is never going to turn out wellimage, but a week in hospital is still pretty harsh! Glad you've recovered...

    Off out into the arctic in a minute to target 8.5M at as hard an effort as I can. As its -6 and windy, I might even wear some pertex leggings today!


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    10,000th post imageimageimageimageimage

    Where's that clown Avit when you need him image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Bus, sooner you than me today pal. Although clearly I did a longer version yesterday. Not immense fun, and I suppose the next time it's perfect conditons for a tempo again I'll try and remember how easy it is in comparison!

    The pressure to hit certain paces eases a little though.

    Just 2x3milers for me today. Now that makes pleasing thinking! Off for the first one in a few minutes, nice and slow, enjoy the scenery type job.

    ps Matt, just the 5-6pints with a meal then! I'd hate to see what a bender looks like!!

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Looking back it was a bit mindless. Because it was wasn't a big session with my mates etc and it was just a few here and there I never realised.

    Good luck with the run. Next weeks run up at the peaks has been cancelled as I'm going working up Edinburgh for two weeks straight through. 12 hour days then trying to squeeze a run in at night. I doubt I'll get anything of any quality in, especially heading out at 9pm very night.

    15 miles around hameldon hill with a club mate this morning. Skis might be an option.image
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Dinner is midday SG. Just a few cans of an evening. image

    I used to smoke when I had a beer back then too. image much prefer the new me.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Apparently the correct use of the word dinner is to mean the main meal of the day. So it can be flexible time wise.  In the working day you wouldn't generally have a main meal at midday.

    Anyway, first 3miler done. Worse conditions today, some ice into the mixer. Really not overly looking forward to the week's training if this doesn't go quickly image

    Clearly the bigger worry is the 10k/half double header, a mere 2 and 3 weeks away respectively image  We really take good conditions that we get all year round for granted!

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    10m dispatched at 7.30 pace this morning. It was cold. 7.30 pace felt more like 6.30 pace based on how goosed I am after.

    SS- race wise, have a Xc in feb and if selected the inter counties Xc in march and a 10k race before wilmslow. If I'm not selected for Inter-co I will run Trafford.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    9.3M and 1000 ft of hard work in the snow for me! Good fun, but not exactly a quality session  pace wise! Hey ho...goggles came in handy mind!

    At least it take sme to my first decent week of the year with 61M and 5000 ft of climbing, mostly in the snow image

    I'm not getting into that lunch/dinner/tea debate! Needless to say I'm having a roast dinner at lunchtime thoughimage

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Ah, binge drinking. Now I'm older, binge drinking doesn't appeal like it used to, so its a rare thing. I still like the fuzzy feeling of having had maybe 3 pints or so, but avoid much more if possible. I've always had hangovers way out of proportion to how much I drank, so its nice to be free of them. Plus, secretly, like the terrible middle class Guardian reader I am, I prefer wine these days...

    About 16 this morning, most of which was with another chap, so company made it seem a lot less of a slog. Not sure on the distance or pace, as we were just picking out roads that seemed clear and making it up as we went. Most roads were fine, but the pavements were pretty treacherous. Pleased with that, haven't run so far since Berlin.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    really cracking long runs there chaps.

    The idea of a long run today would really not be appealing round here! I guess I did do a long run with quality yesterday though!

    Off for a second 3 now. Certainly one of those that's labelled in the "get it done" rather than "enjoy" territory.

    My slight concern about some of this bad weather running is the extra muscle and foot aches that repeated use of the trail shoes causes. Can't be helped I guess!

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Ended up running 17 miles on fell, trails, road and canal. Really tough on the snowy fells and trails which was around 11 miles of it.

    That'll be my last long run for a couple of weeks due to work so a bit further than I would've normally ran. Fett up watching the footy now.
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    .Seb.Seb ✭✭✭

    I dont know how you are all getting these long runs in! Or any quality for that matter. Conditions here in the midlands are bad.  Not a single pavement is runnable. we've had 5 inches of snow with drifts of upto 10" in places. and its been snowing today all day so far.  Problem with the off road stuff is lots of dogwalkers/kids have been out and all the trails are now compact snow/turning to ice, which although not too trecherous, slows you down massively.

    On the upside did my 1st run for a week this morning, with no Achilles pain to report, maybe shouldnt have tried the Inov8 Mudclaw shoes for the first time when recovering from injury, but they are a fairly special shoe for grip it appears. I had good fun when I got to the fields and could run in the powdered snow, much more grip that ice, obviously. 9.13miles@7:40min/mile fairly sure thats my slowest ever run. even did two laps on the running track on the way back home, no ones going to be training on that for a while! 

    Doesnt sound like your running the midlands XC Dean @ stafford next weekend?

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Seb, that sounds a solid run, and is still surely in your easy pace range even in bad weather.

    Quality had to be forced out yesterday.....wasn't fun. Main positive meaning no long run today!

    Conditions are pretty bad in Bucks as well. This week's training will have to be monitored day to day I think.

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    Ah, binge drinking. For about 7 years, 18-25 I was smashed 3-4 nights a week. Most nights I could't remember getting home. All good fun but the hangover is never worth the 'buzz' of the night out anymore.

    Another snowy, muddy, hilly 10 miles around the forest today, to back up the 17.25 yesterday. That makes another 70 miles this week with 2 sessions! Will aim to do the same next week but I will need to keep an eye on how the mileage is affecting the reps in sessions.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Ss, you certainly appear to have an appetite for physically punishing yourself. 

    I used to combine escapism and getting a buzz out of catching near record size fish.

    But I'd want to remember every detail. Indeed, I wrote it all down.

    If meeting a state of oblivion was the object of the exercise, I'd have done the job properly. With a land dive from the top floor of a multi storey car parkimage


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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Stevie - a 10 miler after 17 yesterday?? Take it easy - no point in injuring yourself  - remember what happend to Luvsa image

    Seb - nice come back run there. I've had the Mudclaws out for this stuff too and they work fine on everything but the really compressed snow/ice (hence the Orocs on the way!!).

    Matt - very nice run that by the sound of things - I'm a bit jealous!

    Pace in this stuff is kind of irrelevant - 7:40 sounds pretty quick to me Seb! My own pace for a similar distance, albeit pretty hilly, was 8:50 and I'd have struggled to go much quicker, although the odd mile here and ther was around 7:30.

    More sledging this afternoon - absolutely knackered now! Fed up trying to keep the paths round the house clear - its been snowing all day! All the effort yesterday of the whole street clearing our cul-de-sac so we can get to the main road seems to have been for nowt!


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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    There's more to running in snow and ice than lack of speed. The ability of the stuff to inflict unusual aches and pains is one I note.


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    Don't worry Bus, I've got a close eye on things. It started out as a 7 miler but like you, enjoyed the landscape in the snow so detoured to see the sights. Amazing how everything looks so new in the snow. Was a lovely run, but worked my legs hard, as it was like a cross country course in places. Pace averaged at 8:30 so I was obviously keeping a lid on the effort, HR was 153 average. I did have a 3 miler planned to ease out the weekend later, but that could well not happen just for the sake of having to warm up again after.

    Now we're back to running at nights after work I want to the snow gone!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Bus, good to see you taking over "thread caution" man. Stevie, you'll find a sweet spot mileage wise. I found mid 70s too much, 70 a huge week, and mid 60s probably bang on.

    Got my week's schedule, tomorrow is just one 5miler, so that's nice and easy, do that at lunch.

    I'll try not to look too much ahead and hope the snow miracles away!

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    I'm not aiming to keep these 67-71 weeks going, it's just to get me going. I want to be hitting 60-65 but nailing 2 sessions a week. This week I felt the sessions were more survival then confidence building! image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    UG hit 100+ miles last week. That man is a legend!

    Included a 37/38mile long run as well!

    Training for an ultra though....but in this weather, he's made of steel!!

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    Some good sessions, depsite the weather. Our club run today was only 9.5 miles, but took almost 2 hours due to going down some dead-end trails in the snow. I'm run most of the trails before, but had no clue where I was. Cracking turn out too.

    Drinking-wise I was dry last year up to Wokingham, then really didn't get back in to drinking until after the IM, when I crossed the finish line had a load of food then opened the large bottle of Leffe I'd brought for the occasion. Cue being pissed for the night and the next day at the post race drink up.

    It was hard enough to get out for the early sessions, without having a pint in the system.

    This year I was going to go dry for Jan too, but I have failed. First time in a few years, but then I'm bak to not drinking much at all, even when away with work (last week in Marseille I had 2 halves of lager!).

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    Iron, no easing in after a drinking ban with Leffe? That can deal with the most hardened drinker! Belgium beers don't suffer fools! image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Must admit, I do like a Leffe when I'm on holiday! I find a Leffe Brun about as close to a proper beer as you can get....

    Stevie - glad to hear it's all under control and I can't think of a better reason to extend a run than you are enjoying it! Sorry, not trying to be the forum mother hen!!

    I'd like to get a few more 60+ weeks in, but just find juggling family, work and the extra commitment a bit too much most of the time. It's not so much the actual training time, but the being wiped out when there's things to be done that takes the toll!

    Some seriously impressive training from UG there!


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