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Low Carb (high fat) Pirates



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    I think my main issue is psychological eating - well I know it is... 

    I can easily go 24 hours plus without eating without feeling hungry or ill in any way ( I don't recommend it, don't get me wrong, but work sometimes means it happens) but equally so as soon as I start eating (whatever time and whatever it is) I then don't stop.......even when feeling stuffed and sick

    So - going back to the topic of the OP and thead - personally things to make me "feel full" are less important - which is why I was asking EP re hunger v emotional eating

    And yes, as they say, the "best" diet is the one you can stick too

    Having said all that I'm getting some great ideas on here - thanks EP for starting the thread and for those contributing ideas and experiences image

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    I do 28 days of low carbs and low fat

    plenty of fish / lean meat and green veg / salad stuff

    then relax it a little for a couple of weeks (i do love a chip buttie every now and then) then back on it

     If you PM me your email address I send over what I have


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    Great post happy chap , it's all about finding what works for you. Like the cream thing for me, I love the stuff and have a great recipe for a raw high fat cheese cake but it puts up my fasting blood sugars and reduces my ketone levels to much so I tend to avoid it. Unless I am looking for a treatimage I know that one of the TdF stage winners follows a keto diet so it is possible to have high athletic performance without carbs
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    Pixie, I use a hand/immersion blender that way you get a nice smooth mixture


    Cheese cake recipe

    1 tub mascapone cheese

    1 large tub full fat cream cheese

    1/2 pint of double cream

     vanilla essence

    a bit of plain chocolate 85% cocao solid

    some rasberries or blackberries

    zest and juice of a lime



    leave both tubs of cheese out of fridge to come up to room tempature

    then in a large mixing bowl beat the together with the lime juice and broken pieces of chocolate

    In a separate bowl add cream, lime zest and vanilla essence then whip until as thick as it will go.

    Next slowly fold the cheese mix into the cream mix

    Spoon into serving bowls and garnish with berries. Chill for and hour or more and then enjoy.



    Re : TdF stage winner it was Romain Bardet winner of stage 18. Its also worth reading Zach Bitters Blog record holding ultra runner that follow the same keto protocols as me.


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    Pipram, I sustain a +15 ish hour training week on my diet and do it better than I did when I was getting 65% of my calories from carbs so it does work. Its not just our parents, its the food industry too. In terms of scale its far more profitable to mass produce sugar and carb rich foods. Such foods also create craving to keep you buying.

    I read a good report recently that the biggest threat to the western economies is obesity and diabetes but there is little will to change it due to the mass profits made on both highly processed food and drug interventions for type 2.


    Sorry to bang on about it but if you haven't listened to this then its worth taking the 50 minutes to do so especially when you consider that Noakes was probably involved in most of the studied that lead people to believe that you need carbs. He explains very well why he changed is mind and how overwhelming he finds the new evidence and  also how it is very difficult to get funding for new research that contradicts the existing paradigm.

    I would also seriously recommend listening to it if you are training and have any weigh issues as he explains the difference between those of us that are insulin resistant and the small minority such as the likes of Mo Farah and the Brownlee brothers that are insulin sensitive. 

    Bear in mind that of the 3 main macro nutrients fat, protein and carbohydrate, Carbs are the only non essential ones. That is that are not necessary to sustain life.

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    HappychapHappychap ✭✭✭

    Incidentally, I have a lady I've been run training for a few years who after listening to me rave about high fat low carb (and apparently watching my body change shape dramatically over the last couple of years) tried it.

    She's 68 and had 'significant health issues' (and an addiction to bread and crisps apparently).  image  In just over eight weeks she's lost nearly two stone and has had to significantly reduce blood pressure medication after logging a 100/68.

    More importantly, she looks really well.  She has a glow and shine in her eyes I've never seen before.  The change is truely remarkable and lots of people in the run club have commented on it.

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    asitisasitis ✭✭✭

    What sticks out to me most in this never ending, what is good and bad food saga is that nearly all people do what they want anyway and really take little to no advice. Also It seems that there is even many more different success stories and studies relating to there point of view but what they seem to have most in common is that they all had to loose weight in the first place. You get someone who's trained all there life without facing this dilemma but yet there opinion gets swallowed into others personal success  and all these studies that one swears by.  

    So what's the point ?. You are going to do what you want anyway.


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    Thank you for your opinion image - I'm sure there will be many who feel their story is helpful and valid to others...........

    Yes some here have / have had to lose weight but others here haven't ever had to........

    The beauty of it all is that with all the advice on offer, each can choose what suits them best........knowing there is support for them if they choose to access it, whichever path they follow

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    asitisasitis ✭✭✭

    So tell me what have you learnt here that you could not of known otherwise.

    Who's weight loss programme have you decided to follow ?




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    asitis wrote (see)

     You get someone who's trained all there life without facing this dilemma but yet there opinion gets swallowed into others personal success  and all these studies that one swears by.  


    Because we are talking about the people who are struggling to lose weight so the "people" you reference have no experience to add to the discussion, therefore making their point of view a bit less relevant in this discussion than those who know what it is like and have, in some cases, found a way to deal with it.


     *as empty as the post it quotes


    As for you second post, that's quite a demand especially for someone that has added so little in the way of positive contribution to the thread perhaps you could post up a low carb recipe for Billy Goat.


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    Happychap wrote (see)

    The key thing is it's not a no carb diet.  There are plenty of carbs in the fruit and veg.  It's more a no crap/grain diet (nothing refined or manufactured).


    This is the simplest description for me to follow - eat fresh & clean, no processed.

    interesting thread,  we can all do unity a little diet adjustment 

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    Absolutely - food for thought (no pun intended image )

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    Pixie - you know know me and I was obese in 2011 Im not now.  It took me 18 months of eating relatively clean to get there - I knew nothing about Paleo really - I gave up eating gluten containing foods and got really strict on my refined sugar intake and I counted calories.  From 2013 to now I have been doing endurance events and I bought into the whole eating gels etc for the first two years but it become blatantly obvious that they didn't agree with me so began eating real food.  It works for me.  I also gave up eating dairy in October to see how my body would respond to that. 

    Since moving to the shire in Jan I began to put on more weight than I was comfortable with so I decided to do the Whole30 (modified as it was a bit too strict for me with excluding legumes etc).  Over the five weeks I lost the 3.5kgs extra I was carrying.   I ate basically meat, fish, nuts and veg.  I also had a Vega shake in the mornings.  I got a little ocd on cutting out the sugar including not eating fruit (I was eating a large amount of fruit prior to this) - but it worked.  

    It takes a bit of planning and preparation - I got good at picking out what quick foods I can grab on the go.  The Paleo Athlete book is good - it basically says eat lowcarb/highfat while you are training and the week before your event carb load a bit and on the day of the event you are free to eat quite highcarb as you will burn through the calories.

    This week has been an off the reservation week image I ate the yummy cake etc back to eating better next week!

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    *The Vega shake wasn't Whole30 compliant as it has brown rice protein in it - but I like having a protein shake in the morning!  Also I eat at least one egg a day too more often two. image

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    Good to hear how people have managed the change and how it has affected their weight and peformance. I have tried most diets with varying success depending on motivation to adhere to it especially when 'helpful' relatives try and sabotage you constantly. 

    Nobody has mentioned oats? I can exclude bread and wheat based cereal but porridge and flapjack are breakfast and bike fuel..... 

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    Camlo, Oats are definitely out they are to concentrated in carbohydrate so they spike you blood sugar and raise insulin levels which stops you body being able to utalise fat properly as a fuel. This essential leaves you with the worst of both worlds, not able to fully utalise fat but with out a large enough supply of Glyogen to fuel training or racing.

    Re Flapjack, its juts oats stuck together with sugar, image that said you don't need to fuel rides in the same way so you need very little if any ride fuel for training.

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    Some really good stuff on here guys. cutting out process food and getting you head around that is probably the first thing you could/should try. Cutting out pasta/bread/cakes etc can be hard but after a couple of days you'll really notice the difference.

    The guy that taught me on my nutrition course had a saying.....If it doesn't swim, walk or grow then don't eat it! A very good rule of thumb..

    let us know how it goes 

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    Hmmm not sure I can do it then if no oats. Completed my ironman on chia charge and mini porkpies..... I was willing to ditch the pies but oats??!! EEK! 


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    I guess its a question of which you want more, personally lack of oats in my life is a very small price to pay for the other benefits I feel.

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    I think following Noakes method you will be fine as its a much smoother transition.  Good luck and if I can give you any help or support I will be more than happy to do so.



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    HC, you mentioned fibromyalgia , my sister has this and having seen her last week for the first time in 18 months I was really shocked at how, well,just how unwell she seems to the extent she's walking with a stick now (she's a year younger than me) I am going to mention you to her if you don't mind ????

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