
Shades Marathon Training



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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Good luck to everyone running Manchester today or anywhere else for that matter!
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    Big G - well done on your parkrun CB.   Have a good run today at Tavy, it's a bit chilly out there.

    Lily - great news you're entering Leeds Half, you're obviously enjoying your running.

    I get a lot of my running stuff from M & M Direct but for my tights I only use Under Armour, ColdGear ones for winter and HeatGear ones for the rest of the year, they are a good fit and last for years.  I usually buy mine from www.baselayer.co.uk
    But it's worth shopping around the running websites if you have the time. to find what you like.

    As Ian has mentioned Aldi has running gear on offer later this week, their stuff is great quality and value.  

    Jugula - how are you?   What news on the achilles?

    I was thinking of the Manchester runners while I was out for my run today.   Very chilly wind here today.   Have cancelled Body Pump this morning as still have a slight twinge in shoulder, it's loads better but Body Pump is very tough on the shoulders so not worth the risk.

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    Tracking website says they haven't started yet but I'm watching the race on YouTube which is showing the lead runners.   I recognise one of the lead runners and as I recognised him he waved at the camera, spookyimage

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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭

    Shades- I keep resting stretching etc but as soon as I run, back to square one, so I'm going to adopt a very gradual return running for just 5 minutes rather than 35-40 then increase slowly as this has helped with previous injuries but I'm not very patient and tend to rush things!

    I was doing ok with injuries when doing yoga but finances have got in the way of this as did not having a car for a while but I need to get back to the hot studio as the benefits both physical and psychological are huge. Financial review coming up this week I think!

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    Jugula - with achilles injuries, I think gradual return is the only way.   Big G and Lily have both had achilles injuries that have taken some time to recover from.

    Hope the financial review goes wellimage


    Manchester tracker isn't working (yet) so am watching on YouTube, which I'm finding addictive and think I might end up watching the whole race  image

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Shades - I promise no more speedy stuff. I'm heading out to get a new pair of shoes today but I want to get the asics nimbus 17 which are the ones I currently have but nowhere has them in stock. Would it be a safe enough bet to go for the newer model the 18's
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    Iain - yes go for the newer model, will be pricey though.   Just check with shop what changes (if any) there are to this year's model.

    Tracker is working on and off but all 3 have started and I got a 10k time for System J and Ian but website is hanging now.

    Fascinating watching on YouTube, a lot to be learned I think from watching the lead pack.   No Kenyans and half of the leading pack have never run a marathon before.  I think they're on 2:21 pace at the moment.

    Off to make another coffeeimage

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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Enjoy watching a marathon from your sofa for a change Shades!

    Good to hear from Lily and MF. Sorry about the knee MF but very jealous to hear you have 2 whole weeks off now. Lily, I use anywhere online for gear - sportsshoes.com, start fitness, get the label, sports direct, wiggle...

    Big G, nice parkrunning. Did you wear your new top? I saw the program yesterday. I reckon Kelly might just go under 3 hours if she is brave enough. Definitely no slower than 3:15.

    I'm taped up again. I think the guy is almost as surprised as I am that it seems to be working. 16 miles earlier and didn't feel ITB at all. Wore my new shoes though and have a blister so I can now spend the rest of the taper stressing over shoes!

    Shades, I reckon you'd really love that film - a proper race with no goody bags, live tracking or chip timings! And the race director is bonkers - not quite sure how long the route is, no marshalls and he decides when exactly they start!
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭

    Just back from my long run bringing me up to my first 100k week since last October. I think I'm going to have to take a few days off though.. it took a good 10k before my knee/foot combination stopped really hurting and just went down to a grumble. Really fed up with it image

    Can't seem to get live tracking for the Manchester Shadies image Will keep trying and am having a look at that You Tube link too which is great. Will try again with tracking in a bit.

    Great Park running Big G and fan news about that pesky ITB problem finally giving in SK! Now just leave that blister well alone!

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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭

    Just got tracking to work now image

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    SK - I'm exhausted after watching the marathon, was great, winner in 2:22 and his first marathon too.

    You can deal with the blister, but really great to hear ITB was pain free today.   After your marathon is done you must find out what's causing it, probably an imbalance that needs working on.

    Yes, I think I'd love that film too.

    mamafox - well done on reaching 100 km this week but you've pushed yourself hard so wise to back off, you've earned a bit of rest.

    Tracking has only worked briefly on and off, I think too many folk trying to use it.  System J is through 20k.

    Apparently there will be TV highlights on Channel 4 , 23rd April I think.

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Shades - I bought the nimbus 18's and will head out for an easy run and see how they feel... The disappointing thing is that they had the previous model ( the ones I already have) but not in my size...
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    Iain - that's annoying about not having your size, hope the new ones feel good.


    All 3 of our runners at Manchester safely through 30kimage

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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭

    Brilliant.. Go Shadies!

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    I hope all the Shadies are doing well at Manchester!!!

    Jugula, yes unfortunately getting rid of an achilles injury takes time image  

    SK, yes I wore my new T-Shirt at parkrun image  I think I'm going to try and do a bit more volunteering now as well, especially if I can be tail-runner as then as well as getting a volunteering point I get a run point as well.  I see they've recently introduced a "volunteering" T-Shirt where if you volunteer 25 times you get one.  I think I've volunteered 3 times so far, so a way to go yet!

    I did my Tavy 13 race today (which is an official half marathon) and I had an aim to get around in 8min/miles, but the main thing was to feel comfortable all the way and get to the end with plenty in the tank.  Splits were:

    8:43, 8:12, 8:16, 7:42, 9:26, 7:58, 7:57, 9:32, 7:14, 7:06, 7:26, 7:11, 7:31 and the last bit at 6:44 pace.

    You can see that there are a couple of slow miles in there, but they corresponded with some quite large hills which I decided to run all the way on.  The last 5 miles were flat or down hill, so I made up some time then and felt comfortable all the way, although I did finish with a little spurt to see if I could get under 1:45.  I ended up with 1:45:25, but I am really happy with how I felt all the way through.  I felt I could have ran quicker, but that wasn't the aim today.

    It's a great course  (elevation below) and I'd do it again.  Can I hold that pace for another 13.1 miles?  We'll have to wait and see image

    Shades, I'm still thinking about setting out with 8min/miles in mind for the marathon.  What do you reckon?  A quick reminder is that recently I've done a 1:33 Half a 2:35 20-miler and the race today where I felt good all the way.  Main aim for this one is to run all the way though, and try to enjoy it...




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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭

    Big G - That looked a well run race, well done. You definitely had a fair bit left in that tank at the end!

    Well done all you Manchester Shadies.. great stuff. Looking forward to hearing ALL about it image

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    Thanks for the welcome everyone. Had a quick skim back but this thread does move quickly so might have missed things!

    Hope everyone running Manchester had a good day. Was beautifully sunny this morning in Leeds so hope you had good running weather.

    I'm well into the taper now. Legs still feeling very heavy. Not helped by not sleeping too well as a lot of work stress on at the moment. Last 10 miles had to get cut to 7.5 due to time and I was very glad to stop running! Hoping that another weeks recovery will help them out.

    Big G can't read the axes on your map but that looks like a tough course. Must have been nice to have the down hill after those steep ones going up!

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Catalin - it just shows that according to Strava the race starts at 200ft above sea level and peaks at 800ft.  According to Strava it is a total elevation gain of 1200ft, so it's not too bad but it was impossible to do consistent splits so I ran more on effort than anything.  I went in trying to pretend that it was actually a marathon that I was running, but I found I can't fool myself that easily image   Maybe I'm not as stupid as I look....?!?  I'm sure the last bit of the taper will work well and you'll get your legs back in time for the marathon!

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    1st manchester review here......

    First off get the moan out the way,a massive event like this and you have to queue over an hour to get your bag back is not good enough especially when it has your warm clothes and food in,anyway on to the rest.

    I finished in 4:24:09,I was hoping for 4.15 but faded too much at the end but overall I am delighted with that as a first effort especially since I only really run a couple of times a week,hopefully my rota change will see me get a lot better.

    The race itself I thought was very good and I really enjoyed it,lots of spectator support in the towns and villages we passed,nearly overdosed on the amount of jelly babies on offer,plenty of water and gels on offer which was great because if you missed one or didn't need one then there was always another soon ahead.

    The best part for me was the spectators,we forget sometimes they have gave up their Sunday morning just to cheer us on and offer goodies,and it really gives a boost,I especially liked the bit in sale where it gets really tight and the crowd are very close,just like when you see the tour de France going up mountains.

    Very nice medal and a tshirt that fits well also,will be worn with pride over the next few days.

    I didn't realise how much physically and emotionally it would take out of me,practically crying as I came up to the line.

    This year has been a hell of a journey from zero for 20 odd years to this and I think it got the better of me as I finished.

    Well done to the other 2 guys who did it also.
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    Ian5 - well done, that's a terrific result for your first marathon.   I noticed from the tracking that you timed the first half to perfection, I was worried about you getting cramps again but maybe your sensible pacing and all those jelly babies did the trick.   I don't think anything can prepare you for the emotions that you experience on marathon day.

    That's really bad race management about the baggage, they had a major problem in the first year too.

    You should be very proud of yourself......I notice you haven't said 'never again'image

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    Big G - that's really good pacing at Tavy, is the route quite scenic too?

    Yes, I think 8 min/miles would be an ideal pace for your marathon.   As you say this marathon needs to be a good experience for you.

    Catalin - so sorry to hear work is so stressful for you at the moment, just when you could do without that.    Don't worry that you had to cut your run a little short today, won't make any difference.   This week you need to increase your carbs, those extra carbs may make you sleep a little better.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I was delighted with the first half, like you say exactly how I wanted it and each km was paced pretty evenly.I may have worked out the cramp issue now,it was always my hamstrings so started exercising them over the last couple of weeks and I also noticed when I slow down I start making my stride bigger,which brings the hammys into play more and they havent been warmed up by time this happens as I normally run with short strides so altered my stride length a bit so hopefully these combined to stop me getting any.

    I indeed didn't say never again and in fact want to do more image think hm and fulls are the distance SI will enjoy the most.

    10k is over top quick and no one likes thatimage

    Off work this week so will look for an autumn full and that will give me time for the extra training to work.
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    First of all... it's really nice to open this thread and see you guys were watching and cheering us on. Thanks enormously for that and all the support everyone has given throughout the last four months, and thank you in particular to Shades for creating the training plan and offering loads of great advice.

    I finished in 04.07.19. I was hoping for a sub-4 hour finish but the disrupted end to my training was very apparent - I've only ran six times in the last month and I flagged badly. Up until about 14 miles I was sticking with the 3.59 pacer and feeling good, but my legs began to get heavy and around 15 miles in I watched the pacer gradually disappear into the distance. That was psychologically difficult, as I had to accept my original target wasn't going to happen.

    Then at around 18 miles I started to have big psychological problems. I stopped to use a portaloo and my legs felt like they were seizing up as I stepped out, my mood was rock bottom and my blood sugar was obviously dipping. Then I passed the 19 mile marker when I thought I was up to 20. That was the lowest point and I started taking jelly babies from everyone who offered and scoffed the lot, as well as dousing myself with water from every station. That perked me up enough to get me out of the rut.

    The last 6.2 miles though... I can safely say it was the hardest 60 minutes of my life. It felt like everyone ahead of me was stopping to walk and the temptation was almost irresistible. My legs were pure agony, and I told myself "get to 23 miles and you can stop and walk for five minutes". But I knew from the portaloo that if I stopped I wouldn't start running again. The fact I didn't stop is the proudest thing for me, it took unbelievable mental resilience and was the difference between me missing my target by 7 minutes and what could easily have been a 04.30+ race.

    I agree with Ian that the spectators were great. The course itself was pretty bland but the crowds were amazing. The jellybabies probably got me through, and high-fiving little kids on the way past does cheer you up, daft as it sounds.

    I won't go into the bag drop fiasco as you'll be able to read about it in gruesome detail all over the running community, I'm sure. Some stroke of genius made me leave my wallet at home and put my house key on a lanyard round my neck, so all I had in my bag was a change of clothes, a book and £10 in change. I've got a work meeting in Manchester on Tuesday so I decided to abandon it and pick it up next week.

    Well done to Ian and looking at the race tracker it seems Cal finished in a good time as well. I'm going to take a break from running for a while as I can tell I'll be shuffling around in agony for the next week or two. Good luck to everyone running next weekend, I'll check in to see how you've done.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Great running all in all system-j,I know what you mean about being tempted to stop,I was surprised at how many were walking,but I know that once I walk I can't get going again so no matter what I keep running.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Very well done Ian and System J!  All that training has really paid off and I really enjoyed reading your reports.

    Ian, do you have a particular Autumn one in mind, or will you be having a look around for one?  I have a foreign one lined up in October, with my running club (Palma de Mallorca).

    Shades, yes there was some really good scenery on the route of the Tavy 13 race.  It's a really good one....I really enjoyed it, and I think it made it even more enjoyable because I wasn't racing it, if that makes sense?

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G- No I haven't looked yet,was waiting to see how I felt after this one incase I found it too much.Am thinking around September will be right as that will give me 4 months of training and I go on holiday in October.
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    Well done Ian and System J great race reports, glad you enjoyed. Hope Cal posts soon too.

    Disaster today, 14 mile run all good decided to go up first route which was fine except for horrendous wind. On way back about 12 miles in I tripped and stuck my right leg out to save myself and tweaked something behind my thigh. Managed to slowly run on it all the way back and it's reasonably ok now although I am sitting here with ice on it and plan to get up close and personal with my foam roller later.

    2 weeks today and my marathon adventure will be over! Unless I'm still running it that is...
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Well done to the Manchester 3.

    Shame about the bag situation, not at all good after a marathon.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭

    Well done Shadies!! Some great running all round. I did eventually get the tracker to work so could see all three of you were running well. Sorry to hear about the bag drop fiasco, that's really not good at all. 

    BigG - fantastic run on what looks like a challenging course. Those kind of profiles have me running away from such races. Well done on the park run too. 

    Ian - that's a really good time for a first marathon on only a couple of runs a week! I too felt emotional after my first marathon, I think its really common. You have achieved something that not many people do and its a really long period over which you have to train, its hardly surprising that you would feel emotional. 

    Cal - well done! Looking forward to hearing your race report as well. 

    SystemJ - considering you have had disrupted training, that's a really good time. it sounds like you had a really hard patch but you got through it and that will help you if you do another marathon. 

    Catalin - my legs are also feeling sluggish, although I've realised that although they feel sluggish, I am still running quicker than it feels. The most important thing this week is sleep. Hope the work stress eases up. My work has also gone mad but I am determined to be in bed by 10pm every night this week. 

    SK - I wouldn't worry about why the tape is working if it is working. At least you know it helps! Hope the blister heals quickly. 

    mamafox - you are really not having much luck on the injury front. Enjoy your two weeks off. We are back to school tomorrow and middle child has already had a strop about that tonight so I'm expecting some mysterious illness to appear tomorrow morning. (He has form...)

    Jacky - oh no! Hope the ice and foam rollering help. 

    Iain - what a pain not having your size. Hope the new ones are ok. 

    Shades - you sounded like you were having a lovely time watching the marathon this morning. Especially as you knew one of the front runners. 

    Lovely 4.5 miles in the sunshine this morning. Heavy legs, felt like I was running really slowly but when I checked the pacing I was actually running a bit too quickly but I barely broke out into a sweat. I'm hoping that bodes well for Sunday. I'm off to work out carb content of foods...

    Jugula - sorry you are still struggling with the achilles. Dry needling really helped mine (as well as eccentric loading). The physio did the dry needling.

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭

    Well done to the Manchester massive..

    Well I tried the new shoes out today and I was very happy and pleasntly surprised. I quickly settled into them and had a good steady 6 miles. I'll have a good few runs breaking them in ready for London ...

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