
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    I'm the reverse Bus; try to do lots of speedwork but cut out hills. Can descend them fine but rubbish going up them. Not sure where to parkrun tomorrow; all the local ones will be very wet now. 
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    SG- turnaround must only be a 1/3 of the way down then I suppose. And yes the hill is big. In my book anyway ;-) good session CC and good toughing out Bus!!
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Looks like I'm the opposite to you on hills Pete.
    I can go up anything, but coming back down is the problem. It isn't the effort which is the issue, it's the eccentric loading.
    Lack of inherent elasticity in older muscles and being a tad too loose in the hip joints is the source. I'm stuck between jogging down the steep parts or jogging down them. That's not a mis read. I really can't cope with throwing myself down steep gradients.
    For that reason, there's a number of races I won't take part in again. I saw them once and once was enough. That Marlow HM was a good example. I gave 40 seconds away to S.A. on one descent alone. Pednor is out, Watford Half M too. The list goes on.
    The descents on XC courses are even worse. I ended up injured from them on more than one occasion. The daft thing about the Vets XC champs is the courses are always like that. Not hills, cliffs! 
    Come to think of it. I can only recall running in four Middx Vets XC's. I came away with course induced injuries from three of them. 
    I prefer current conditions. No niggles at all. 
    Off for another jog. Soon.
    Good luck to all parkrunners and racers this weekend.


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    Hoping Dachs goes well at Highgate tonight! Choo Choo on that sub 32 train. I can assure you some of those 32:30 runners or even quicker have over estimated their times by a chunk. Not to put a downer on them but a few from soton are up and I can't see them running near a minute PB, hope I'm wrong though, should be a great event 

    Pretty much 3 weeks or so off now running and can't exercise at all, didn't make the start line for county champs, another hospital visit has left me sidelined and still unsure what's going on, likely hernia but I can't properly walk without pain and last less than a minute jogging. I was confident after the last few sessions I was in the best shape I've ever been in. As Dean likes to point out I have been a workout hero but two lads I've been way ahead of training both ran 15:55ish so gives me some benchmark

    Whilst I am on the bench I also had a steriod injection wednesday in my foot go try and settle the PF issue I've had. I've been fortunate enough to be able to run, but no progression in mileage all year, I think I've done 4 double figure runs this year and only just got up to 8 on a normal day and that was only once a week  (I wanted to delay it as I was running well but this seems to time well) The 3 days after I had it I have woke up and moved around pain free and no swollen lump for the first time since before Christmas . Miracle 
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Things coming together again Reg

    Good luck at Highgate Dachs, will be watching some of the races online. Link here for anyone interested: http://www.runjumpthrow.com/videos/18759

    Have a good one at the relays Simon and SG  :)

    Decent sessions from CC and Bus!

    Talking about remembering laps, some guys I train with did a 13mile marathon pace job on the track last year prior to London, needless to say a lap counter was involved  ;)

    Not done much this week just been on the spin bike a few times. Seeing a physio later about the calf issue

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    I think from now on, instead of wishing good luck to runners and racers, I'll wish better luck and fortune to those of us who would run, but for illness and injury.
    I don't underestimate my own good fortune in that regard. I've been lucky. Of course it could be that I tend to forget completely the weeks and months I've spent getting over some training error.
    Lack of ambition and laziness has it's benefits sometimes.


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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear of your further injury worries Scott E and must be so frustrating after you were coming back so impressively recently. Hope things improve fro you Scott P too but at least yours sounds short term. Great mileage this week Ric; that 10k has stirred you hasn't it :)

    After all the talk of a forum meet for Fulham Palace some time I decided this morning to just drive up there and do it. Wanted to post as good a parkun time as possible ahead of the Battersea 5k series starting in June and its the fastest course in reasonable distance (Dulwich is quicker but an absolute pain to get to). Huge field of almost 500 at Fulham didn't make life easy for a 3 lapper and the wind was getting up along the Thames too. Its also not quite as straightforward as I remembered with a chicane at one point and a really sharp 90 degree turn at another. Anyway enough of the excuses; I was pleased to see it was a pacers day so more in hope than expectation set out to stay near the 18 minute guy. Lap 1 went ok and slightly ahead of him but he went by me early into lap 2 and 500 metres later it was clear I couldn't cut it anymore at his pace. Managed to hold it together though and with a good sprint finish came in for 18'23. High quality field at the sharp end as that only got me 18th. Only 6 seconds slower than my 2 previous efforts at Fulham so have to be pleased with that at this stage. 

    Looking forward to SG's and Dach's reports later; should be a good few pages worth there! Thanks for the link Scott; might try and watch some of it later. 

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Well done, Pete! Progress!

    And well done to SC and SG at Sutton Park! I imagine both will be pleased! 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    First of all Scott E, that all sounds a real downer! Couple of things at once, so back to the rehab board, You'll get back, and quick I'm sure though.

    Scott P, hope that gets sorted for you too. I was fretting a little from a few bits of tightness, but I think a couple of proper recovery days has lifted it. A reminder to have a rest day soon after the next 5m/10k type fare.

    Right, it's been one long day, we best get a cheeky report in. Best we!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2017

    Masters relay job, a few of us were fairly keen to get signed up for this following a cracking day at the nationals a few weeks ago.

    Seemed to be quite a difficult ask to get 6 signed up, with some real big local names either not fit, or unavailable. However, we had our 6 so were set.(even if the order had to be changed late on as one guy was only arriving in Brum by train at 2.45ish...relay starting at 2, and him due on at 3.20!)

    I'd seen a fair bit of tightness this week gone, but having finished by 9am on Thursday, and this not due to start until 2.30 for me today, that's one decent break.
    First thought was I fancied my normal lie in, so would drive up to Birmingham alone for our relay at 2pm, but on thinking it through, a much more sensible option of a lift with two of our guys, our best runner and our men's captain, to get up to see our other team, the FV55 sounded by far the best option for support and camaraderie.

    Out at 8.30, up there for 10, and tenting up (no thanks to me!) we enjoyed the vet ladies, and V75 (!) men at 10.30.  3 legs a piece in these, mixed in with the FV35s which had 4.

    All went well, and our ladies team finished 4th out of 10, so a decent effort.

    Still over 3hours to get our game on though, so tried to get some decent food on board, and mix with Lucozade (!)

    Weather was hinting at some rain by this stage, but was fine by 2.

    James set us off, going off decently in midpack out of 35 or so teams, but coming through in 9th!
    This is when it got real, as you know you're roughly 18 or so mins from going yourself! Wayne in 2nd had a big ask, as still amongst some fast guys, and all very tightly packed, there was a fair changing of overall position.

    So to me. Having chuckled at some arrogant guy in blue "PUSH" rudely through the pack to get to the start, and then look an absolute moron as he was there way too early, it was that horrible time waiting for your man to come in, knowing you probably haven't warmed up enough, knowing you probably haven't eaten quite right.

    But anyway, we're off. Easier than the last time I was here I tell myself, less quality around you, I tell myself. You're a 35 year old in the 35-44 section, embrace this year!

    Go off nicely, but doesn't feel too fast, clock a 4.45 average pace on the watch. Ignore that, it won't be correct.

    200metres down, then instead of the soul destroying dog leg section from the nationals, down a steep hill, then back up to it, you just start going straight up the 400m or so hill.

    It's not too bad, I've taken two already.

    Hear some footsteps behind, who the heck's this. It's some guy. Looks old for 35-39 I think. Then remember it's 35-44!

    He gets narrowly ahead. That'll do for now.

    Top of the hill, and it's a bit of a long straight stretch.I'm interested to see how this differs to the nationals, which was basically 1mile to a cone near a fence, and an about turn back.

    This one is much less in each direction.

    I see our men's captain. He's shouting something about how the whole strong of guys ahead are "all 19s" They look about 1/2 mile away which'll be bloody hard work to reign back in the last 2miles!

    Up to a random gate and cone, almost coming to an absolute stop, and we pass another chap.

    He's definitely not coming back at us.

    Keep it going to the turn off, which marks a lovely down. Probably 1.2miles to go by now.

    Past another guy and we're ramping up a little now.

    Still not sure if i'll have either the heart or the ability to take this guy, but we'll worry about that later on.

    Down to the bottom of the hill, near one of the park's many lovely little rivers, and that's half a mile to go now!

    Rob, the captain is full of encouragement. He is demanding I beat this green vest chap. I'm just thinking of the two minor climbs left.

    First one is up, not too long, but get to the top and a massive cheer from the ladies team and a couple of our squad. Huge welcome!

    Running out of ground, up over the very small short little bump, and past our tent, another big cheer. Just behind matey now, it's now or never.

    Take a very wide turn to the last straight, the guy has nothing, i'm almost forced to take him. Keep going and almost ease in, before forgetting it's a relay and to keep putting in!

    16:53 for 3miles which will do on this course. Say add 30-35secs to make it 5k, and you're looking at say 1720-1730 which isn't outrageous for a hilled course, when I did 17.03 on a flat one recently.

    Felt slow during, but on paper probably right. Breathing never felt an issue. I'm getting closer.

    Overtook 5 looking at the records. The guy behind me I believe started behind me (and did a slower time) so can't have counted in my overtakes.

    All in all, 13th out of 35 completed teams, so that's probably a good result.

    Topped up with a good catchup in a local pub after, and then good banterful journey home.

    Long day, probably only getting back 7ish!

    Saw a couple of Sandhurst chaps competing for Aldershot, Simon of course at Herne Hill, albeit very briefly today, and most randomly for those of you who have been around a while on here...

    Sawney Bean from the early days! Can't have posted on here in 4 years, but we instantly recognised each other and shared some pre-leg 3 chatter. Very striking chap, runner build but about 6ft 5.

    Went and chatted to a few from Stevie See's club too. Once I could make my post race slurry knackered chat sound more like English :)

    If anything feel better tightness wise then before running, so will probably do a 10 tomorrow, and then weigh up Tuesday's Cookham 5k which I've never done, as it started after I'd stopped regularly turning out in this series. Perhaps 2 turnouts In 4 years now, when i'd bang out 5 year in year out.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Great report, SG: sounds like a good day at the office.

    And well done Dachs...
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Ta Aley,

    Pete, apologies, missed your bit! Cheeky little time! I first read 3 laps, and thought forget that, then realised I had obviously forgotten Dulwich is 3 laps itself.

    Definitely need to organise things on the thread so we turn up at least one of the same BP 5ks. I notice that at least 3 are a day before a summer series 5k, and one before a summer relay too. However, nothing definite about doing anything yet, I've just mapped out a tonne of options, so we'll see!

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    Simon Coombes 2Simon Coombes 2 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Cheers SP hope the calf can sort itself out and also Scottie! Can't believe the amount of bad luck you have had , really not fair. Good time at the PR too Pete.

    So to today. Any followers on Facebook will see I was up at an ungodly hour again so the missus could do a different Parkrun, this time Daventry. Although went to bed last night apparently fine, woke up with a blocked up nose, sinusey headache, dry throat. Put this down to pollen drying out and being released in the morning. First real attack of the year. More worryingly my knee hurts. I had a couple of IT band type twinges in the week but I think I must have had my knee dangling over the other in the night. 

    So so get to the relays about 11 ish, weather looking a bit shite..theme for the day. So chat to a few old faces, say hi to SG towards race time. Also get my GB vest sorted for Denmark. So go off mid pack in the first leg, with that smug mwahahahaha at some very enthusiastic runners on the first hill, I'm in about 15th. Salford guy goes off at the front, with a Tipton guy in 2nd (he's my wife's old lab technicians daughters ex boyfriends mate :)) and then Dan Robinson from BRAT moves up to third. There's a guy with me wearing a grey vest and a Wolves &Bilston bloke with us too. Along to the top of the course and past the stone I manage to drop the W&B guy and try and keep up with the grey vest bloke. So we reach the turn and there's not much change. Salford, Tipton and BRAT 15 secs or so in front of me and grey vest. 

    Me and grey vest are battling, but down the hill I know he's going to have the last laugh. Over those two little bastard rises and onto the turn at the the bottom of the hill. As usual get prematurely excited as my watch shows 14.45, knowing it takes ages to get to the finish. Stumble over the line in 15.30 I think.....just checked the results and it was 15.31. Better than I thought I'd go, and 8th fastest leg of the day. Nice weather and 1st leg 'may' have helped LOL. Saw SG coming round the last bend and with the speed he went up the hill, I'm not sure he was running hard enough before :) got pissed wet through on the warm down and went straight home. Did see the machine Chris Greenwood win it for Kent on the final hill.

    So good day out, Herne Hill were 11th in the end. Now Leiceste away tomorrow and some beer n footie. PS Well done Dachs! Some of my sensible training group are sending me Whatsap pictures from the pub still. 
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Great results SG & SC, and equally the accompanying reports.
    Sharing the experience in writing adds weight to the achievement.

    Finished my fourth double figure run this week. So, 71 miles. Bike and some work later.
    Decided to check out part (first 8 miles) of the new Harrow HM course. I'd say from first impressions, this is going to be really fast.
    It starts at the top of a hill and seems to be flat to downhill for miles and miles. I reckon the organisers should add a timing mat at the 5ml and 10k mark, as it's quite likely someone could set a pb en route since the Garmin indicates an overall drop of 47 metres at those marks.


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    Won't spoil Dach's post but here is a picture of him leading his heat at Highgate.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I watched a bit via that link Scott posted, I like the bit going through the tent.

    Nice relaying SC/SG. Good PR Pete, fancy sneaking off to the thread PR meet first.

    Nice run Dachs.

    Another brick run for me yesterday, just under 6 miles @ 6:59 pace off 56 miles on the bike @ 21mph indicates I am in a reasonable place, although I think I would have started to flag if I'd try to run the full HM distance at that pace.

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    Love the Highgate blokes face. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2017

    Lively on here today! Glad you posted some training Reg, someone had to!

    What a strange looking track race that seems with a tent over part of the track?

    10miles felt right today, as it did follow an afternoon race, albeit only 3miles worth, but had a long day strapped either side of it. Just tickled over 7 min miling.

    Smothered in short race choices the next few months. Just need to pick the right amount to do.
    Am slightly intrigued by a random 2miler in Oxfordshire tomorrow, but should probably just do Cookham and get a summer series 5k in Tuesday.

    (unless anyone fancies a little rampage over to Oxford tomorrow? )

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Nice relaying chaps - did the thread proud :-). I think it's a beer tent SG!
    Likewise with the parkrunning Pete

    Ric - most impressive week that!

    Scott - you really need a change in your luck mate...

    Spent all day yesterday at the rugby 7s in Twickenham. It was for my lad rather than me, as I'm not a rugby fan. It was quite entertaining - particularly watching all the completely pissed people in fancy dress! I was there for 7 hours and had one pint just to show willing, but it was amazing to watch just how much most people got through at £6.50 a pint!

    LSR for me this afternoon. No clear idea where or how far when I set off, but ended up as a very hilly 14, making just under 53 for the week. Left quad/adductor thing was pretty sore though. It's never enought o stop me completely, but might be time to go and get some professional help I guess, as even with time off it just isn't getting any better.

    Dachs - where's the report then? 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Can't be a bad idea Bus, that particular area must have been a bother for at least 2 years now, maybe longer.

    Maybe an Oesteo, they'll give you the stretches a physio would, but also a little more hands on, plus an overall look at what might be affecting what.

    Maybe something about the distribution of runs over the week if possible too? But I know you need to double sometimes for commutes.

    But anyway, snap on the mileage, 53 for me too. That's the necessary cut down when you have races either end of the week, meaning quality and the real long run go.

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    Speedy parkrun Pete!

    Nice one at the relays SG and Simon, as you mention SG that run sounds about on par with the flat stuff you've done recently  :)

    Great way to end the week Ric

    Watched some of the Highgate races last night, certainly looking forward to Dachs report

    What kind of pace are you ideally targeting for the half off the bike Reg?

    Saw the physio yesterday after a session on the spin bike at the gym. Ironed out some spots on the calf and gave me an exercise to do at the gym. 15 min tester run last night felt fine. 19 mile cycle this morning and another 20min run, so far so good

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Good news, Scott P. Not so good Scott E but fingers crossed you're back at it soon.

    Re the run pace I am not sure, I'm not that experienced at this distance and the two races I have done my run has been poor. I'd bet around the 1:28 mark but I'd hope for quicker, depends if I rinse myself on the bike!
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    Chris2304Chris2304 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Enjoyed the reports SG & SC. esp. the line 'The guy has nothing left - I'm almost forced to take him'. Like he's a poorly animal and you are putting him out of his misery.

    Sorry to read about the possible hernia Scott. In the past you've managed to maintain the cardio with cycling / gym work, but it sounds like you've not been able to do that this time either? Frustrating. The good news is that you have what football managers call 'bounce-backability'. Hope it all gets sorted soon.

    Interesting conversation about hills - Im regularly surprised how much people seem to slow on descents. Or, more accurately, reduce their effort level. Without consciously trying I often find myself taking places on the downhill. Ric mentions age/flexibility, which I've never really considered. I'm pretty flexible and don't feel the eccentric load too badly, so that could be it. 

    Dachs' running looks intense. Nah, that pun doesn't really work written down, does it!? :)

    As for me, 38miles for the week, so about 6 more than normal. Looking to hit 40miles this week. Although the legs feel heavy-ish, the extra stretching / rolling / rest from not being at work is a real help and I don't feel like I'm pushing it. Famous last words...

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    I saw what you did there Chris. Like it like it :) SG yes that's the beer tent over the tack. 

    currently in bed nursing a slight hangover made worse through pollen. Going to buy a nasal spray from Boots that probably now costs a tenner and I only have to spray 3 times. 
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Bit like that joke, Chris.

    A man goes to a doctor and says I'm worried, I woke up and thought I was a bivouack. Doctor says take two aspirin and see me again. Next time the man says, 'it's worse. I woke up and thought I was a 'Big Top'. Doctor says I know what the problem is. What? 'Clearly you're too tense'.

    Old and pinched from somewhere.

    As for running down hill. It helps to have really firm hip joints. Leg speed helps and the ability to run on the toes.
    When I hit a steep descent I'm in trouble. It's just crash bang wallop!. Others appear to float down.
    My own lad is like that. He's 5'10' and about 9 stone, and can sprint. I saw him go down one hill in the nearby woods with ease and speed, but which reduced me to picking my way down.

    In the overall scheme of things I'm a better distance runner than he is. Just wish I had his speed. And hill descending talents.


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    A few thoughts on the Night of the 10,000m PBs. 

    Firstly, the overall experience is very positive and I'll definitely do it again. Got the logistics right (car down the A40 into west London, park on a street near Willesden Junction, 10-minute ride on the overground train to Gospel Oak, 5-minute walk to the track). 

    One of the things I have come to learn over the years is that long distance running is not fast. If you do a km every 3 minutes (so that is 72 seconds per lap) then you do a 30 minute 10k and that works out at about 12.5 mph). Get that down to a km in 2.5 minutes, so 60 seconds a lap, and hold it for 12.5 laps and you break the 5000m record but still under 15 mph. These are not high speeds. It is nothing like F1 or drag-racing where the sheer power and speed is impressive: the magic of track racing is the head to head battles.  

    Given that this is the key point, I think they could be a bit more selective in the seeding of the races. The best race to watch was the men's B race and that was simply because for well over 20 of the 25 laps, nobody was lapped and even then it was just a handful. The worst was the women's B race as the slowest was 6.5 minutes behind the winner and that just makes for pure confusion.

    If you look at power of 10, so far in 2017 the top 200 men are under about 32 minutes for 10k and the top 200 women are under about 38 minutes. I appreciate the event is trying to be inclusive but having someone who has never broken 40 minutes for a 10k does not help anyone.
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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭
    Reg Wand said:
    Nice work CC, I am struggling to make sense of that session, is that about 8k of intervals at 5k pace?
    Stevie G said:
    Unusual session CC, nice paces though.
    That's a session that'd be pretty difficult to measure the paces on a track wouldn't it, as a minute would probably see you end up at about 363metres or something :)

    Think it worked out at about 8k total effort.  Pace wise, that's probably more like "target" 10k pace.  It's slower than 5k PB pace.  I think it's designed as a tempo type session though really - running faster than tempo pace but for shorter bursts than you would normally run a tempo session but then with really short recoveries mean you're never quite fully recovered when you start the next rep.  It was pretty tough going!

    And SG - I didn't do it on the track for that reason.  Back and forth along a straight bit of pavement!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I'm sure someone said you needed to have a low 32min pb to even get in the field for that track night?
    Looking at one of the heats, there were times of mid 34 down to 36!
    I could have gone along, just based on my last turnout :)
    Presumably the chaps in question have much faster times but it didn't happen on the night?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I'm sure someone said you needed to have a low 32min pb to even get in the field for that track night?
    Looking at one of the heats, there were times of mid 34 down to 36!
    I could have gone along, just based on my last turnout :)
    Presumably the chaps in question have much faster times but it didn't happen on the night?
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    Some work a couple of colleagues of mine have done on the sub-2 hour marathon behind a 6-foot tall timing clock on a car. Two conclusions:

    1) The car and clock are not as important as the runners around
    2) The overall benefit of drafting is worth about 4.5 minutes and nobody is talking about a 1:58 marathon so the issue is really about drafting at the sharp end of a marathon i.e. in a conventional race the pacers draft the elite guys for a big chunk. Sub-2 will probably, therefore, come about when you get the elites to draft for the super-elite in a big pay-cheque event and not scatter the elites around the majors.

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