
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big G - Happy Birthday and congrats on the sub 3:30! That's a massive improvement over the year. I think you can easily do a sub 20 5k, just need fresh legs to do it!!
    Ian - Brilliant time at your race too, a 19:35 5k split shows how much progress you have made this year, and shows you can go faster over that distance.
    SK - Congrats on the PB.

    Another 10 miles for me this weekend. Still coughing though! Went to doctors, don't need antibiotics, but did get an appointment to get a chest xray should my cough not clear up this week.
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    Morning shadies. 
    Well yesterday was an interesting fitness test. We did our 50/100 min run as far as you can test. I opted for 100 and was hoping to  at the last, run a half marathon. I stopped a couple of time due to stomach cramps but I was able to do 14.35 miles so pretty happy with that.. I'll do that once a month till London marathon to see where my fitness is going.
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    Some great races and training sessions run by you all this weekend. 

    Great effort Big-G! Sub 3:30 is a great result along with 20 marathons in a year.
    Would you really push for 50 marathons in a year? Surely that doesn't give you much opportunity for a weekend off. Sounds intense! 

    Another good warm up week for me. Did a 30 mile week which is a huge jump up for me. I actually feel really good for doing it and my legs don't feel too bad. 
    This week is my planned week 1 of Shades training plan, which was planned for weekly mileage of 26. I will stick to that this week as I don't want to push my luck, plus I have the Portsmouth half next weekend. So I will treat this week as a mini taper. The 40 mile weeks don't seem too daunting now. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Steve-Hope you get good news when they finally see you. 
    OTB-Thats a great weeks total,good luck with the first week but that base will really help you.
    Final results through from yesterday and I came 106/390 and I was 9th points scorer for our club so overall very happy to contribute.Legs feel really good today so hopefully all clear now to increase again.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    OTB, I mean aim for 50 as my overall total, so that would be 24 next year to achieve that as at the end of this year I should be on 26 in total.  This year, my first marathon was mid-March but next year I should have done 6ish by mid-March, all being well.
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    edited December 2017
    Cal - that is great news and really positive improvement :) I am really pleased for you.  Bad luck about Berlin but I guess you're not really disappointed.

    Slowkoala said:
    Shades - no, the V60 was from another club. One of our V60s usually gets the age group prize and was a bit gobsmacked when they read out the time of the winner!
    Oh no that must have been a shock, but good healthy competition I guess.

    Big G - I would say that most runners marathon time is weak compared to their shorter distance times, we all know the reasons for that.  But for you bridging that gap is a real improvement and a lot to do with you mastering the event and gaining that confidence and improved endurance, look how quickly you now recover from 26.2 miles.  33 seconds a mile might sound a lot but if your next target is to improve by 10 to 15 seconds a mile that doesn't seem quite so tough.   We can't be in PB form every race we do, exactly in the same way some days we feel better than others for no tangible reason.

    Nice pic, that smile is not quite sincere though ;)

    Steve -hope the x-ray just shows you need a bit more recovery time, some coughs can be very hard to shift and the cold damp weather doesn't help.

    Iain - that's a good run, not like you to suffer with stomach cramps.  That session will be a  good test of your marathon training.

    OTB - you're doing really well.  I'm glad the weekly mileage ahead of you seems quite easily achievable now, nothing worse than looking at a training plan and dreading the tougher bits.   Keeping the pace down means you can increase that mileage without tiredness or sore legs.

    Ian - that's brilliant that you were able to score for your club.  Must be some very fast runners in that league.  I take it the groin niggle has gone too? 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Yes the groin is all good now,glad I rested it as soon as I felt it rather trying to run through it,only cost me a couple of running days.
    There are some flyers in the league,winner took 28.33 for 5.5 miles  :# and 30 mins barely got you inside the top 10,over 150ft of climd aswell so not the fattest either.
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    Big_G said:
    OTB, I mean aim for 50 as my overall total, so that would be 24 next year to achieve that as at the end of this year I should be on 26 in total.  This year, my first marathon was mid-March but next year I should have done 6ish by mid-March, all being well.
    That makes more sense and Good luck.
    I'm already wondering whether to book a second marathon for June/July time. I also seem to perform better when I know that I am actually training for a different event further ahead in the future.
    I'm thinking that having a second marathon planned might take the pressure off of Brighton in April.

    Might have a look and see if anything takes my fancy. 
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    Ian5 said:
    Shades-Yes the groin is all good now,glad I rested it as soon as I felt it rather trying to run through it,only cost me a couple of running days.
    There are some flyers in the league,winner took 28.33 for 5.5 miles  :# and 30 mins barely got you inside the top 10,over 150ft of climd aswell so not the fattest either.

    That's good about the groin niggle, how did you get on wearing the vest?

    I'm sure you weren't the fattest ;)   Lovely typo :D

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    OTB - you can always have a look and see if there's a marathon that takes your fancy later in the year.   A marathon in June/July can be hot which is another challenge to add to the event, depending how you are in the heat.   It does take the pressure off a bit if you have another event lined up.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Great typo  :D
    I wore a t-shirt underneath,was a little fresh and felt a bit more comfortable that way.Next one is a 5 miler the week before GC so should be a good sharpener.I've only ever ran 5 miles once last year and I beat that yesterday by over e mins and it was half mile further.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ha ha, another one hooked *evil laugh*  ;) 

    Go for it OTB - as you say, no harm in having a look around to see what may suit you ;)  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Just seen on a review site that there are some complaints about yesterday's marathon.  Main complaint seems to be around paying £5 for parking - this was clearly mentioned on the race info, and was not ran by the race organisers anyway (I actually didn't have to pay as I was staying at the accommodation).  It looks like some people had to be towed out of a field though.  It was a bit of a walk to the start of the Half Marathon, but again this was published in advance.  Also, people complaining about it being a lapped course, but that was obvious from the race info so if a person doesn't like that, maybe not enter the event in the first place?  And someone effectively complaining that the results are ordered by gun time.....!?  One gripe I do share is that the baguette at the end was a bit crap, but I'm not sure I'd leave a poor review just because of that!  It's a shame really, but some of the complaints aren't really the organisers fault, and I hope they're not put off from organising it again.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Hi Shadies

    Bad luck to the Berlin balloters, sounds like nobody got in from the thread? :(

    Big G - happy birthday for friday, it sounds like you had a good night despite not winning the award (despite our votes!). And congrats on another marathon PB! I know you say it's 33 s/mile more to get down to 3:15, but I see from your splits that you ran 3 miles at 7:37 pace in the middle which is a lot closer. Clearly those miles didn't take too much out of you so maybe it's not as far off as you think.

    SK - well done at Perivale, your house must be full of running prizes - you seem to be winning something every other week!

    Ian/Jelly-  great racing from both of you as well.

    Cal - great to hear that there's been some improvement in your back, fingers crossed.

    Steve - hope the cough clears up soon, you've had it quite a while now!

    Iain - well done on your fitness test. What kind of effort level was that?

    OTB - great job on the 30 mile week. Keep it up.

    I got out for a run with my wife and my daughter in the running buggy over the weekend, jog/walk sort of thing, only about 4.5 miles in total in about an hour. Was a nice run though and partly off road which certainly made it a bit harder with the buggy. The last half mile I did by myself (with the buggy) and was at a similar sort of pace. Also just got back from an easy 3.5 mile run from work.
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭
    Ian 5 - well done on placing in your first club race  :)

    Jelly - nice one in the handicap race  :)

    slowkoala - a busy weekend for you! Well done on 2nd lady and even more prizes  :)

    Big G - conratulations, that is a fantastic time  :) It seems that you ran well within yourself - so definitely more to come.

    Cal - hope the improvement continues.

    Lovely 18m flat, countryside walk around the Essex / Suffolk border yesterday. Stopped at Long Melford at lunchtime - which has so many old, beautiful buildings and a High Street which is over 2 mls long! We stayed at the top end though -  near the pub and the garden centre coffee shop! Forecast had promised sunshine but that didn't happen. Not cold, but we did get quite a bit of light drizzle. Confirmed that my new waterproof walking shoes actually let the wet in - and that was from the wet grass  :'(
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    Quite a lot of people from my club got into Berlin - odds are definitely better than London. Works better if you enter as a team of 3 (which I didn't do).

    Great photo, Big G. I take the odd decent one but in most of them I look old and/or dying.
    As far as my problem goes, yeah, I have to concentrate on rotating my femurs out. I've already been doing plenty of glute stuff - bridges, clams, monster band walks etc. The doctor I saw said the problem wasn't one of strength but actually getting my body to work correctly. I guess 50 years of standing, walking and running wrong isn't going to be something I can overcome that easily, but there you go.
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    Ian - a 5 mile race the week before GC will be a great sharpener.   You will get used to the vest and will appreciate it in warmer weather.

    Big G - I can't believe those complaints, must have been from beginners.  Re parking, you can't expect to go to a city venue (I know it's on the outskirts) and not pay and if they'd read the race info they would have known.   Re results in gun time, that is how they should be as they are the actual placings, prizes and places are by gun time not chip time.  Shame about the baguette but I guess they did have a lot to cater for.

    Nick - I guess you were on the trails in the New Forest, lovely part of the country

    mowzer -how annoying about your shoes, you can get waterproofing spray can't you?

    Cal - it is hard to change the way we walk and run as over the years we get used to our own individual style, it's often easier to recognise a friend in the distance by the way they walk or run rather than by appearance.  

    So, do you overpronate as well?  I just imagine that as the feet overpronate the knees follow to some extent.  But you've managed well up until now so once your TFL has settled down and you keep up with the exercises as you have been doing, it may never recur again.

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    Hello, i'm new to this site but my best friend Jelly and fellow club member BigG have recommended it. I have entered the Newport Marathon on 29th April next year but i don't have a clue where to start with a training plan for it. I have not really used a training plan before. I have run two marathons this year but not normal pb marathons, the City to Sea and a 12hour lapped event, the cider frolic where i did 27.2 miles and did them as events to enjoy not as race. Any guidance and advice would be greatly appreciated please as i'm am just back from injury too ( stress fracture on my tibia ) Thank you x
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Congratulations on a monster PB Big G. I've just landed in Lanzarote so hopefully get a few runs in the sunshine.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-So easy to avoid nearly all those issues if people actually read and prepared for the race.
    Nick-Those miles will do you good when you start running on your own again with no weight to push round.
    Runforthehills-welcome and good luck.
    Jugula-if I rememer correctly there's a marathon in Lanzarote this weekend  :D
    Nice 10 mile run with climates tonight,only a few of us with ra ing yesterday and the pretty crappy rain probably persuaded a few they had achey legs.A couple were fast guys so I got to the front to keep the pace to a respectable level,was a really nice run with a couple of climbs but nice to talk and run,surprised it came out as fast as it did as felt well within myself.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, good luck with all that then.  As for my pics, that one was one of the better ones (even though that one makes it look like I'm walking and in pain).  I usually look like I'm a zombie that's been dragged though a hedge backwards.  Awful!    ;)  

    Runforthehills, welcome :)  

    Jugula, Ian is right, and they accept entires at the Expo (I'm just trying to be helpful)  :innocent:
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    I was leading the 8.30 -10.00 group tonight, good run managed to sneak a few cheeky hills in. 6 miles. Starting to get my mojo back after virus. 
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    Morning folks. 
    Pretty tired today, went to a gig last night and got home at 12:45am so training will be interesting with the club tonight.
    Did a 5 mile progressive run starting at 7:45 and chipping away till the last mile at 6:19/mile with a half mile cool down.. 

    Nick - I was still able to hold a conversation but only just, so just slightly slower than HM pace. 
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    Runforthehills - welcome to the thread :)   I've just emailed you the Level 2 training plan so you can look and see if it suits you and I can work out training paces if you want me to.    Lots of marathon experience on this thread so any questions you have I think we can help. 

    Jelly - as we get closer to DD I have visions of you leading your group over hillier and hillier training routes :D   

    Jugula - you're not over in Lanzarote doing a secret marathon, I think it's on in the next few days?
    Ian5 said:

    Nice 10 mile run with climates tonight,only a few of us with ra ing yesterday and the pretty crappy rain probably persuaded a few they had achey legs.A couple were fast guys so I got to the front to keep the pace to a respectable level,was a really nice run with a couple of climbs but nice to talk and run,surprised it came out as fast as it did as felt well within myself.
    Your phone typos are getting more weird...climates = club mates?  :D  Good session though, running up the front too :)

    Big G - interesting that you know that Lanzarote take entries at the expo :D

    Nice morning, coldish but not frosty and no wind.   It's only the 5th December but I can't believe the number of house with their Xmas trees done all with lights which they leave on all night, still 20 days to go!

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    Iain - xpost, are you actually on your new coach's plan now?   You sound tired already, but that's more likely work and late night I think ;)
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Yes Shades, had a few say they aren't speaking to me when we got the top of Pitt Hill, we also did Powderham, I was very clear for everyone to do at own pace and we had breather at top and few breather stops on Powderham. So I wasn't too mean. Think everyone enjoyed it. It's really getting difficult to plan safe routes in the dark as lots of off roads are too dangerous even with Head Torches. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Its always my phone,it changes words even when I don't want it to.I was only at the front to stop the fast guys increasing the pace as their steady pace will probably be my tempo pace.
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    Jelly - I know it's tricky in the dark finding varied routes.  Pitt Hill and Powderham on the same night quite tough though ;)   But when you run along the top of Powderham you can see the Xmas lights in the town which is nice. 
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    Ian - can't you program your phone to do predictive text for runners. :D

    I didn't understand Big G's either from yesterday....above his photo

    Do you know how I said I didn't rinse myself?
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    I'm doomed, with Dyslexia and always use my phone. Translations welcome. 
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