
Shades Marathon Training



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    Keith - Summer gear with a woolly hat..ha! You northeners are made of stern stuff  :)

    Ian - Another one made of stern stuff, loads of 10 hour shifts plus track sessions in the wind  :o

    Jugula - I'm glad Shades mentioned you were on holiday afterwards, I was trying to remember where you lived  :D

    Nick - That sounds like a good run. I really don't like eating before running - especially a meal as opposed to a sandwich or something.

    Big G - You have a great social life.. Thai meals and parties in the space of a couple of days!

    Shades - When is Wrexham?.. isn't that near Liverpool? Bit of a trek for you to get up there then.

    I've finally cracked and ordered some mincemeat off Amazon. Eleven bloody euros for two jars of Robertsons mincemeat  :#

    I'm blaming this thread  B)
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    MF - That may be the case but i a Devonain ;) I merely live up here
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    Mamafox - good to hear from you. I heard about the accident in Perpignan and thought of you, even though you are probably miles away from there.
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    Mamafox - good to hear from you. I heard about the accident in Perpignan and thought of you, even though you are probably miles away from there.
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    I’m enjoying getting back into running this week after my 3 miles last week. Did my club’s hill session last night which I don’t usually do, and was followed by a nice curry with everyone. Attempted track tonight but I had to pick up from football, so only managed half the session. This was probably a good thing, as the track was a bit slippery and my back is a achey (turned with a rucksack on a it started hurting a bit!) But the foot seems to be all fine now, which is such a relief. I think the enforced rest from being so manic at work has done me a favour! But I will now wear sensible shoes for the rest of my life.
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    Ooooops....! Sorry Keith - guess all you Devon people are made of stern stuff too  :)

    (Better not say anything else in case of offending considerable Devon presence on thread)

    SK - Really awful news from Perpignan, a horrible, horrible accident. Those poor children and their families.

    That is really good news about your foot - another Shadie starting the year on form. Not sure about you spending the rest of your life in sensible shoes though... can't quite picture you clumping round in a pair of brogues  :)

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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Too be fair mamafox there are more Northerners  in Devon than Devonian up north.  I'm was born and raised in the middle. Lived in Devon for 25 years so more Devon than midlands now. 
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    Big G - I thought you might be arranging something for the WAY group.  I have noted that you don't normally include a marathon in these weekends but are going to this time ;)

    Keith - ha, ha we do normally have to rattle the cookie jar to wake you up to post on here.  You'd better get out there and find those salted caramel mince pies.
    Sorry to hear you've been poorly but are back running now.  Is it your hat or your head torch that you wear all year round? ;)

    mamafox - terrible tragedy at Perpignan, always seems more poignant at this time of year too. 

    Wrexham is 11th March, probably a bit earlier in the year than I'd like weather wise so hoping it won't be too cold.  Yes, a bit of a trek probably 4 or 4.5 hour drive each way.   But I want to try and get an early marathon in as I have a 40 mile race Easter weekend and I would like to do a marathon before that and there aren't any other road marathons around.

    I hope you enjoy the mincemeat, I thought you would have made your own.  My Mum used to make it.

    SK - that's great news about the foot.   Folk think I'm awful telling them off for wearing flip flops or any type of toe post sandals but I'm only trying to help.  I can only wear low heels now because of my foot but I don't mind, you get used to it and you can still get lovely boots with low heels.

    Jelly - you're right, not many Devonians seem to move north.   I'm not Devonian thought, I'm from Dorset originally and I don't think Big G is Devon born either?

    Usually my rest day today but did 5 miles to make up for missing Monday's run.   Very wild and windy out and a strong NW wind which meant battling against it on the way home, usually on that route it's windy  on the way out.   Wore my windproof jacket and what a difference that makes.

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    Shades - Both but only when running in the dark or at least unlit dark ;)

    I have achy foot today.... Did play indoor football last night with others from work so maybe we have a link owards what made foot hurt. Or mor elilely its just general aches as legs are dead and aching too ;) Will perhaps see tomorrow afternoon between star wars and second works xmas party in evening. TOday is first works xmas party at 1pm so i shall endevour to come back home 7-8pmish. Star wars is 10:30 tomorrow and i need to drive there (via post office to collect mail too) and it will prob be icy or at minimum need to deice car.
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    SK - Good news on the foot.
    MF - You should definately try making mincemeat if you get time. My Mom makes it, and it tastes so much better than the suff you buy.
    Nick - I have a deferred place for the HM at New Forest as I didn't do it this year. However probably won't do it next year either as it doesn't fit my marathon training unfortunately.

    Rest day today, which is good as the ice has returned and is worse than earlier in the week (no gritting overnight), so roads also bad!!
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    Keith - will you be OK to drive tomorrow morning?  I seem to remember in the past it was your works party was where you were somewhat the worse for wear...was that the time you fell out of the taxi? ;)

    Steve - can't believe they didn't grit your way last night, I saw on the telly you were due to have frost and ice this morning.  Just as well it's your rest day.

    I survived a food shop but it's getting a bit fraught out there.   I resisted any mince pies, there were some fancy chocolate, hazelnut and salted caramel tarts which looked nice. 

    Traffic jam on the way home, took me 15 minutes to drive the 1.5 miles home :#

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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    MF - I find if it's an easy run then I can leave it an hour and be fine, for harder runs I try to leave a bit longer. I used to quite often have a banana within 30 mins of heading out for a long run though, I found it helped fuel me.

    Edit - having said that I did feel slightly sick a couple of times on Wednesday so I doubt I could have gone out any earlier!
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    We have our work xmas party this lunchtime and then I'm going out for an xmas do with some friends from the squash club later so could be a heavy afternoon/evening! Possibly doing XC on Sunday if I feel ok.
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    They will put salted caramel in anything these days! (Have to admit the mince pies sound good, though. Being gluten intolerant, I have to stick with non-fancy mince pies from the free-from section. They're still nice - pastry is one thing that doesn't seem to suffer when made with GF flour, unlike bread).

    I decided to make today my second run of the week as I wanted to do the 6.30am yoga class yesterday (not that I like getting up early now that it's cold and dark, but it was the last class available before the studio closes for a 2 day refurbishment).
    I bundled up in big hoodie, tracky bottoms, hat and gloves and then got much too hot, of course. Anyway, I did 4 miles today. I won't go as far as to say my TFL is completely better but it didn't complain during the run, and nor did my back. I do feel quite unfit, but my pace doesn't seem to bear this out (I ran 10:59/10:35/10:22/10:34 - the 10:22 is the net downhill mile). Cadence was bang on 170 for miles 2, 3 and 4, too.
    Shades, I know you think this might be too fast at this stage but it felt slow. I am currently around 10lbs lighter than I was in February so I should think that has a bit to do with it.
    Anyway, I am volunteering at my club's 5K track meet tomorrow (which I was due to run in, but obviously that's not happening - volunteering gets me access to mulled wine, though!) so my next planned run is Sunday.

    SK, glad your foot seems to be better.
    Nick, yeah I can't eat much before a run. I digest things veeeeery slowly. I think I had two dry ricecakes and a banana 3.5 hours before Liverpool (I decided to eat something as the race didn't start until 10:30am) and tolerated those, but any closer and I'm asking for trouble.
    Interestingly, while I knew it took me a long while to process food, I didn't realise just how slow until I had squid ink paella in Spain. My friends were very keen to know if it had an effect the next day, if you know what I mean. Well, it took me 3.5 days to digest that particular meal. :o

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    Shades - Nah that was a few weeks before last years xmas party ;) Last year i ate so much i was actually incapable of drinking as i was full
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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Cal - good progress with the 4 miles and reassuring that you haven’t lost any pace. Hopefully you can start 2018 injury free. I was similar with my run today, wearing too much and then having to strip off!

    4 miles earlier for me too. I also feel like I’ve lost a bit of fitness but just glad to be niggle free (goes to touch some wood).

    Enjoy all the xmas parties! I was a bah humbug last week and missed my company one. I think it’s one of those events where you need to be drunk to enjoy and I’m not willing to sacrifice my Saturday morning feeling hungover.
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    Cal- another good run and very good pace especially after all the issues you've had this year.

    Attempted a run this afternoon only managed about 100m and had to call it quits. After a few days of constant frost the pathways were just to dangerous to run on so thought better to quit. Forecast is for milder weather over the next few days so hopefully I'll get out.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    MF, I'm not sure I have an especially good social life!  It's just this week I had friends over so we ate out each night and then had the zoo Xmas party last night.

    I'm not sure if I've said it before, but the zoo lot are a great bunch.  So enthusiastic about their jobs - you can just tell they have the best interests of the animals at heart.  As it happens I was talking to a renowned expert of orangutans (as you do!) - did you see there was a new species of orangutan that was declared recently?  He was explaining all about that, which I have to say was fascinating.  I just wish I knew what questions to ask, as I'm sure there was so much to say about it, but I am a complete layperson about biology etc etc, so he was probably only scratching the surface about it.  Basically, this group of animals got separated by an ice age and although all orangutans are apparently from a particular line originally, this group have developed enough now to be called a separate species.

    No running today - let's just say I had a few too many wines last night!  Hic!
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    Interesting, Big G - I've a friend who is orangutan mad. Always banging on about palm oil farming destroying their habitat and now won't eat Nutella or Oreos or Ferreo Rocher. :lol:
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    Nick & Keith - hope you've both survived the Xmas parties without too much of a sore head this morning ;)

    Cal - well done on the weight loss and keeping it off especially as you've not been able to run much.   The weight loss should reflect in your running but not by that much as your training pace yesterday.  But of course it's entirely up to you what pace you train at and it depends on what you want to achieve in your own running.

    Interesting about the journey of your squid ink paella, we as westerners are renowned for our poor digestive systems, 3.5 days is quite a long time though.  I remember seeing a programme on telly a UK doctor and I think he was in an African country, maybe Ethiopia and they were eating sweetcorn to compare times, the African was something like 12 hours and the UK doc 24 hours.

    SK - I don't blame you for skipping the works do, I used to dread them and avoid them when I could.  They seem to go on so long.

    steven - sorry you had to abort your run, hope it clears soon.

    Big G - hope the hangover has cleared now ;)    Folk that work with animals are usually passionate about their jobs as they do it for their love of animals first and a way to make a living is secondary.

    Was hoping to get out early for my run but we have a little black ice so need to wait a while.   Was dry when I went to bed last night but we've had a little rain and its frozen.    But after this morning we are not forecast ice for the next week or so which is great news. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Regarding that potential WAY weekend to include a running event, I've decided on either Liverpool, Salisbury 54321 or Bruges.  I've set up a poll on the Facebook group and will go with the winner, and in the event of a tie I will choose :)  Currently, Liverpool is winning with Salisbury a close 2nd.  I did look at New Forest as well, but the reason I ended up discounting that is that the accommodation was fairly pricey.  Bruges isn't perfect as there is only a Half and a full marathon, and Salisbury the 5K and 10K are only for walkers, but that's what I've gone with for the options.

    Planning on doing a parkrun this morning....
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    edited December 2017
    Big G - New Forest is always an expensive area.  Liverpool will be the easiest for travel as plenty of other options if they don't want to drive.

    I see they've changed the date of Gloucester winter marathon, from 21st January to the 14th January if you want to squeeze another race in ;)  

    This is why a lot of runners won't use this company's races as they're always changing around or cancelling events, not much consideration for those that might have booked a hotel on a saver rate.  I was trying to enter Cotswold last year and then they cancelled due to lack of entries, but the lack of entries was due to the fact that they often cancel/change events, luckily I hadn't booked a hotel for that one as I was going to drive up on the day but it still left me without a race that weekend.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I saw something about that race on Facebook, and people saying they avoid that company.  I was planning on doing it as a double-weekend, with Davey's as the first one, so I'm not sure now.  I hadn't entered it though, fortunately, as I expect I would book a B&B if I did it.

    I did parkrun today and was up for it as it was 3-laps of the velopark to avoid the waterlogged pitch.  I thought I'd be on for a quick time but alas large parts of it were icy.  On the first corner we all came to a standstill as it was single file through there and then of course I knew a decent time was gone.  Still, I went around in about 21:45 so a decent workout, plus 3 miles warmup/cool down.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    It's been announced now, but the committee spent a long time deciding what to do about the London Marathon club places (which have reduced to one place for our club).  It was decided to keep the top 5 people on the list for London (if they wish to remain on the list), but also set up a ballot for 3x£75 race entries (doesn't have to be a marathon) of the runner's choice to be drawn at the awards night.  I hope this will be well received by the members, and I think it's a good system as new members are also now in with a chance, whereas with the old system they couldn't have won a place for something like 15+ years!  Obviously the move away from London being the main attraction may upset some, but I still think it's a good system.  To qualify people still need to help out at 4 club races, so I've stuck my name in the hat now as I did that this year.  I know next year it's very unlikely that I'll be able to help out at 4 races due to my own race plans (if I do the DD, I'll have to help out at each of the four other club races, which I don't think will happen for me next year).

    Also, Lanzarote has been announced as the club trip next year :)  
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    Shades - Er only thing that hurts is my legs from footie thursday night. Hurting more than yesterday too so hopefully less hurt tomorrow ;) This is hurt to the extent that bending to put my socks on is painful and hard work btw. Also god only knows how i have achy shoulders when you use legs/feet with football.... Still another xmas party in a few hours ;)
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    Liverpool's great, Big G - choice of full or half, with a 5K the day before if any of you want to double up (there's an additional medal if you do both, for the bling whores).
    Just did my volunteer stint at the Chasers event. I was handling registrations (dishing out the numbers and chips) and was very relieved to find we'd been set up indoors. Last year the table was outside, but it was 12 degrees then, versus close to zero today. I was quite relieved not to run as the track was slippery with frost and the peeps in the first few races had a tough time unless they'd brought spikes. I saw one guy turn up in Vibrams, and he elected to run in entirely bare feet. Yikes!
    Unfortunately I think I've picked up a bit of a virus. I have been sneezing a lot recently. Feel tired and a bit woozy though not snotty at the moment. I'm off to warm Vinyasa flow in a bit so I hope I can sweat it out. If I'm still not right tomorrow, I'll push my run to Monday.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Hope there's not too many hangovers around this weekend.
    Big G-Liverpool would be an excellent choice for a weekend away as there's so much to see and do aswell as the running,don't forget God's own peninsula is a short train or ferry across the Mersey away  ;)
    Wasn't sure whether to run or not but got away from work early and the wife hasn't run yet so I went with her.very easy paced,about 50 secs/mile slower than normal but really nice weather for it and good to see how she is progressing.Ended up doing just over 5 miles so she's looking good for her 10k
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Big G. I think the changes to marshal points is a positive one and will hopefully encourage more to help out.  Not everyone wants to do marathons or some have GFA and wait was so long it was a little detached. I also think it will add a bit of excitement on the night with a draw.  Like it was said I also think years of Club places are numbered, yes Charity place thing but also the number of registered Club growing, we have a fair few local to us so if you take into account the growth nationwide.  Thumbs up from me Big G. Need to sit down and sort champship races possibilities. 
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    edited December 2017
    Big G - I know the organisers of Beyond Limitations, but the bad feeling amongst some runners goes back to a marathon they had scheduled one winter and the event had to be cancelled due to ice and they didn't offer refunds.  The area where the race is has small country roads not gritted and the ice was an unforeseen circumstance, the weather was terrible.  But very shortly after that one of the organisers had a long term serious illness and they didn't deal well with communicating with the runners about offering future discount or even free places as they didn't organise any more races for a while so they suffered at the hands of bitchy social media.   They didn't cancel that particular marathon lightly, I can remember going to do a road 30 miler that they organised and we had a delayed start due to ice on the roads of the race route and I'd had a very scary drive to the race venue.
    But if you do any of their events in Gloucestershire they are an easy drive up on race morning, I drove up on the day for Boddington and also for Cotswold.

    That seems a sensible idea for an alternative to the London place draw, so they have a chance of winning £75 towards a race entry, what happens if the entry fee is a lot lower than £75.  What will happen about the London place when the 5 on the list is exhausted, just go back to being raffled to ballot rejects with marshalling points?   I don't see how folk can be upset by that, the club can't magic more club places.

    I bumped into Ewan this week, he did Lanzarote and said its a good race.

    Keith - not sure how you managed that either playing football.   Hungover now? :D

    Cal - I suppose if that guy runs in Vibrams his feet must be pretty tough.  I didn't think anyone ran in them anymore, they're good for yoga.
    Maybe you picked up a virus from your flight home, seems to be the easiest way to pick up a cold is flying.

    Ian - great to hear your wife is doing so well with her running.

    Jelly - are you feeling better now? 

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    Shades - I shall assume cos you bash the sidewalls in indoor footie and it also prob explains why my butt hurts too. Only thing aching today is my legs but only one spot which is probably not doms but er muscle damage. To be expected i guess a running we do NOT change direction often but with football you do.

    No hangover as i did not drink huge amounts just a little tired as it was gone midnight when i got home.
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