
Shades Marathon Training



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    edited March 2018
    Cal - hope that post tib is OK.

    Big G - congrats on making the front page of your club website.

    Hope you got home OK.

    steven - that's impressive doing 8 miles in those conditions, but running on soft fresh snow is lovely, pity about the wind.   I've just heard on the radio news about all the poor folk stuck on the motorway last night, one guy saying he's got no food and it's -10 but he's being very upbeat about it.

    Keith I'm not so sure you'll be heading south today.

    Well I've wimped out of my run this morning.  I woke in the night and looked out hoping for a decent layer of fresh snow and then I was going to do a run but no snow.   I've just popped out to put the food bins out and the wind cut right through me, I just checked on internet and it's -5 with wind chill factor of -12, that's just too cold for me. :'(   It's just started to snow now, very light but lots more expected today.   I might go out for a walk later to get a few groceries as if the forecast is right I don't think I'll be able to get my car out tomorrow.  My car is parked at the end of a cul de sac and on a small hill and the last time we had ice/snow those that got their cars out couldn't get back up to the car park.

    1st of March today, some folk call that the beginning of Spring.... :'( 

    Hope everyone is safe and warm.
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    Shades - Amusingly having looked on national rail app the one i am booked on is the one NOT cancelled albeit i imagine we'll all be jammed into a single train. I would assume they have a brain and fill first class too but we'll see.... Opting to walk the 4 miles to station then go up the local line (which IS running albeit with varying delays although most of that is due to a faulty train supposedly) so assuming its broadly on time i can get off and more or less get onto the London one which i am assuming will be parked ready probably.

    You can lol at my travelling when i update when i get there ;) Some point this evening i imagine.
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    edited March 2018
    Keith - good luck with the trip then, better pack a few snacks.

    Very light snow here but the roads are very quiet and looks like a lot of folk heeding advice to stay home.   We've now had our warning updated to a 'red warning' from 3pm today for here in Devon.

    Can't see my race going ahead on Sunday but an email earlier in the week said the organisers had contingency plans.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Keith, good luck with the trip to London!

    Shades, I got back okay.  My flight was delayed by an hour and it was -6 when I got to Bristol so a bit of a shock to the system.  There was some snow in the air, but all the roads were fine, so I think I definitely got away with the worst of it.  From Malta, there were other UK-bound flights that had been cancelled, so only when I actually landed - in Bristol! - did I relax a bit.  

    I'd definitely go back to Malta though, as I really enjoyed it.  Maybe even not just for the marathon but for a week or so when it's more guaranteed to be warmer.  There is loads to do there and although I got around the island a lot on the bus, there are things I didn't see.  The busses are a bargain too, as I got a week's ticket for €21, which is valid in and out of the airport too, so really easy to get around.  I wasn't drinking alcohol, but really it was less than €20 for a 3-course meal and a soft drink.  OK, not Michelin starred places, but decent food anyway.

    I'm keeping a close eye on Dorney Lake Marathon this weekend though.  There's a red weather warning in place in the South West now, so if it stays like that into the weekend then I won't be travelling.  I didn't get a refundable hotel this time as I got a Travelodge for £30, but if I have to cancel it I will do.  I haven't ran since the marathon :(  
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    Big G - glad you got home safely, you were lucky as I doubt you'd get home if it was today.    I did warn you about the temperature, when it's that cold it is such a shock especially to us down here who are less used to it.  

    I'd like to do Malta marathon, still unfinished business for me.   It would be good for a Trotters trip as there's a half and hotels are cheap but I expect it's the wrong time of year for the club trip.

    Not sure when you're going to get a run in now unless you like deep snow. ;)   Bad luck if you can't do Dorney Lake due to the weather but that's just one of those things, at least you're not losing your Travelodge cost due to injury.   The course at Dorney Lake is unlikely to be gritted as it's a private road, so it's possible the event could be cancelled.   I'm hearing on the radio that lots of races are announcing that they are still going ahead with their races this weekend so let's hope they don't have to cancel.   Of course a lot of these are organised by commercial bodies so I hope they don't put their anticipated profits before runners' safety.   I would imagine taking our cancellation insurance due to the weather is very expensive and they may not have cover.

    Luton marathon was cancelled one year just an hour or so before the start due to ice.
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Shades - Bath have said that the event will go ahead...no idea what conditions will be like though!!

    5 mile recovery run today....-5c with feels like -17c, I must be mad. GF got out to do her 4 miles too! Not slippy underfoot, but was snowing.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I hope the Big Half is OK. I imagine, being in London, it should be as the roads will be gritted at least. Hopefully the snow will be gone by then anyway. I imagine the weather will be a bit of a shock to Daniel Wanjiru, though! He might be the fastest but conditions could give Callum Hawkins the edge!
    The inside edge of my shin is still tender so I'm not running. Not that I could easily, anyway. It's a good excuse to stay indoors and do nothing. I did put on my rarely-used trail shoes to go to Sainsbury's though. :lol:
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    Steve - how are you at ice skating?  You might need that skill on Sunday.   Parts of Somerset also have a red warning, not sure if Bath is included but the weather should be a bit better by Sunday.

    Cal - I sprained my ankle one year just before my trip to Connemara, as all was paid for I went for the weekend anyway and my friend took me by car to the start of the half marathon with the Kenyan who had been staying at his house.   The night before it had snowed and the Kenyan had never seen snow before so there were lots of photos taken to show his children.   At the race start it was freezing and horizontal hail and so cold I opted to stay in the car.  He won the race but suffered so much in the cold that he really earned his prize money that day.

    I've just had an email 

    We have reluctantly taken the decision in conjunction with our safety team to postpone the Granite Way until Sunday 25th March, there have been many factors in our decision making following the Red weather warning coming into place today. Although the conditions should be better for Sunday there are logistical issues with delivery of essential services, marking the route ahead of the event start and most importantly runner safety throughout the course and that of our volunteer marshals who would be out supporting you and the event for a number of hours.

    We will therefore look to hold the event on Sunday 25th March, where your entry will be automatically carried over.

    Look forward to seeing you on the 25th

    That's fortunate for me as that's the only Sunday I have free until mid-June so I'll be able to run on the 25th.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I'm actually hoping the Running Miles guys for Dorney Lake send a similar email, especially if they let me transfer the entry to a different event.  Good news you can do the 25th.

    I reluctantly had to go shopping today as I didn't have much in after my holiday.  Roads were okay, and the shop very empty of people so it was a good time to go in some ways.  I'm not planning on resurfacing from the house now until at least tomorrow!  There is a council grit/salt bin near my house and a neighbour has been out gritting the road, which is kind of him.  I've put some up my path and steps as well, as the tree guys are supposed to be coming tomorrow to tae down my tree.  I called them to check if they're still coming and at the moment they say they are, but they'll let me know for sure later today.  I don't fancy that job in these conditions!
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    edited March 2018
    Big G - crikey I know tree fellers are confident and have no fear but the freezing rain might stop them getting up to your house.   Grit doesn't work on ice.   

    We had freezing rain a few years ago and although I only lived a mile from work I couldn't get there, I felt such a fraud phoning in but I wasn't going to risk trying to walk on sheet ice.   I went as far as the pavement outside our flats and while I was looking at the ice the lady that owned the flat next to mine was walking down the pavement fell and broke her hip.  I waited with her and her friend until the ambulance came then went back into my flat and phoned work to say I'd be in later.    After that incident I bought a pair of spikes so I could use them if we had freezing rain again, of course we haven't so I've never worn them.

    I haven't ventured out yet, was going to walk down to Sainsburys, I'm fairly well stocked for a few days but I need some veg, I expect I'll have to buy frozen :D  At least I won't have to worry about it thawing while I walk home :D

    Still a light dusting here but if I'm going out I should go now :/  
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    Shades- good news you can still do the event on the 25th. Yeah the M80 looked like it was a total nightmare. About another 15" of snow fell during the day and last night and it appears most people have adhered to the red warning. At last it has stopped snowing for the time being and I've been glad the past 2 days have been my days off hopefully hinges will clear before my night shift tomorrow. Sadly due to bad conditions no running for me.
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    Well the snow seems to of slowed down business for me today, so I have finally had some time to glance back through some older posts. Very impressed with Big G's Malta time, impressive stuff and glad to see most of you are training well and working around injuries. 

    Are most of you on Strava? Looking to add a few people to follow to help keep the motivation going.
    Shades - have you ever looked at setting up a shades training Strava group? You could actively track everyone's progress, could be a good training tool and a good way for us to compare our own training against someone on a similar plan/pace. 
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    I ventured out for a run this morning and decided to wear a pair of Helly Hansen base layer trousers u see my shorts, I’ve only ever done this twice and on both occasions my legs quickly felt too hot, not so today! I kept my gloves and hat on all the time and only warmed up after 4 miles of a 6 mile run. I also had a buff pulled up just under my eyes for most of the time and the small area of my face that was exposed hurt with the cold wind.
     I only saw one other runner!
    Probably sensible calling off events in these conditions as insurance companies will be very nervous about accident claims. 
    Glad to be home in front of a roaring fire, with a pan of vegetable stew cooking in the kitchen.
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    I am here in london with no real hassle. Did not walk to station as i left house and thought the road is plenty clear enough and drove to Carlisle. Didn't take a lot longer than usual even if it was a tad snowy, espcially in Carlisle itself. Train was parked waiting as you would expect with no northward travel so got on it 20 mins before it left. It was only 15 mins late getting into London too.

    Not snowing here but it has as there are several inches around, its also a mix of snow, compacted snow and slushy crap.
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    Hey Shadies, if you got a random strava request today it's me  :)
    No running for me tonight, too much snow down here in Portsmouth. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Hope everyone is safe and ok.
    Got out for 8 miles after work,bits of snow on the ground but not too much but very cold.Dress sounds very similar to Jugula.
    When I went to get ready I realised I hadn't noticed my Achilles all day,pressed on it and it's still tender to touch but going the right way.
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    Are most of you on Strava? Looking to add a few people to follow to help keep the motivation going.
    Shades - have you ever looked at setting up a shades training Strava group? You could actively track everyone's progress, could be a good training tool and a good way for us to compare our own training against someone on a similar plan/pace. 
    OTB - No, I haven't.  I'm not keen on Strava and don't use it.   The worse thing about it is that it gives you the ability to compare yourself to others and that for most runners is damaging. Do that for those that you want to intimidate and compete against but it encourages runners to do their training too fast and I've spent years trying to slow you all down.  I wouldn't want to track anyone's progress, I leave it up to the runner to report what they want to report and I wouldn't encourage the level of narcissism that Strava encourages.

    Jugula - glad to know you're not superhuman after all and had to layer on a bit of winter kit ;)    

    I think a lot of races will find that they won't be covered by their insurance if they continue with an event in potentially dangerous weather, I'm sure they have to do a health and safety risk assessment on the day re the conditions.   One year Stratford cancelled the marathon and all runners had to only do the half marathon, that decision made a very short time before race start.  Marathon runners were not happy and most considered that was a bit of a jobsworth decision, I think that was due to high winds.   But the race organisers were cautious as a couple of years before a runner had to be airlifted to hospital with a heart attack, than can make the race organisers a little cautious.

    One year I ran Beachy head, then drove to North Wales, a long drive in horrendous conditions, got there at midnight.     Next morning the weather was really bad and as I drove to the start I wasn't happy about the thought of running in that scary weather, trees were falling down as I was driving and the wind bent the windscreen wipers on my car.  My car was only 5 months old at the time :'(   When I got to Llanberis they cancelled Snowdonia marathon because of the storm, they had to cancel as the emergency services were needed elsewhere.   We went for a big fry up at Pete's Eats instead and were interviewed on Radio Wales, never heard the broadcast as when I got back to the hotel there was no electricity.

    Keith - glad you got to London without any delays, enjoy your time there

    Ian - that is a sign of recovery, when you haven't noticed or thought about your injury all day :) 

    Well we have proper snow down here now.   I walked down to Sainsburys yesterday about noon and there was only about 1.5 inches of snow at that time but already there were problems.   One road was blocked due to an abandoned car that had crashed, when I walked back the police were there, apparently the driver did a runner without pushing his car to the side, I guess no insurance.  His car blocked quite an important road.  
    I loved walking in the snow, I went out again later as it wasn't slippery and lots of folk out walking and children playing, it was only the drivers that were having a miserable time.  I live on a small hill and cars were struggling to get up, passers by would give them a push but only 4x4's have been able to get up the road since about 3pm yesterday.

    I was hoping the snow would stay powdery and it would be lovely to run on but we've had snow, sleet and rain and that has frozen during the night.  My poor camellia which was just starting to flower is bent over and is iced over.   But it has warmed up, about zero with a wind chill of -6 ;) ,  I think I'll be grounded a few days now due to ice, plenty of time to watch the Indoor Championships. :)
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    Shades - Looked at forecast for St Pancras youth hostel which is prob as close as i can get with met office and i get snow/heavy snow shortly then a gap then snow all afternoon until midnight. At least it warms up from -2 to 0 by midnight ;) Warms up to 3-4 tomorrow and no snow then sunday it gets upto 6 and showers in afternoon. Back home there is no snow but its still gonna be cold so i'll prob crash at grans sunday and drive back in the daylight monday morning. Depends what the trains are doing though as i may opt to get a earlier one being there is still a bunch of cancelled ones.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    OTB, a few of us are on Strava.  My profile ID is 5600791.

    Shades, I don't remember it being this bad around here.  As a kid I remember Dartmoor being like this but not the towns, with roads closed etc.  A friend of mine told me it took him 4hrs to get from Kingskerswell to Paignton yesterday, so I'm glad I want to Lidl at the time I did!  There was a 4x4 trying to get up my hill, started spinning, stopped, tried again....and finally slid back down and rested against a parked van.  Whoops!  A friend's water system (she's in a rented flat) has frozen and a pipe burst, with water gushing out of the boiler into the downstairs flat.  She managed to get it turned off, but I'd imagine that's going to be a while before that's sorted with tradespeople not going to be able to get out and fix it.

    I saw an ambulance go by gingerly at the bottom of my hill, with sirens on.  I hope everyone is okay out there!

    Obviously no running at all for me.
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    Keith - lucky your gran lives at a convenient place for your travel plans

    Big G - I can only remember it being as bad as this once since I've been down here, think it was in the mid 80's.   I worked for Unigate in Teignmouth Road, Torquay and didn't have a car so relied on the buses.  As doorstep deliveries were a major part of the business there was a lot of emphasis on getting to work even in dire conditions.  I was at work and it started to snow heavily and I asked if I could go home and they said not yet.   A few hours later they had to drive an interviewee to Newton railway station so he could get home to London and I managed to cadge a lift. It took 10 minutes and some scary moments to get up the hill from the Sloop to the garage at the top through Kerswell.

    I take it your tree fellers have cancelled!

    Very quiet here, I can see the main road through town from here and just the odd car.   A couple of pedestrians walking down my road very carefully.   Chap has arrived to rescue his abandoned van from yesterday but he can't get it out of the snow, he didn't bring a spade, so he's had to leave it again.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah fortunately the tree fellers have called to say they're not coming, which is just as well.  They're hoping to do it next week instead, but haven't said which day yet.

    That pic and short write up from Malta (same as what is on the Trotters page) is in the Herald Express this week, so I'm going to venture out and get a copy of that - and stop for a coffee and cake somewhere :)  
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    Big G - I read the write up via the link you put up.   Now I don't have my HE delivered I keep forgetting to buy it, don't know if you can see it on line.   I have seen MDA sports reports on line before.   

    I take it you're going to walk not drive?
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    Big G - any news on your marathon?  I heard on the radio most events doing final inspections tomorrow.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah, the car is not going anywhere. I just walked to a local place - I didn't have cake but had a breakfast bap instead!  Very odd walking up the old main road, with no cars, on what used to be a very busy road before the new one went in. Very quiet, and safer to walk on tyre tracks than the pavements. 

    I emailed the Running Miles guys and they said I could transfer. They implied weather wasn't too bad where they were but knew I was travelling from quite a long way so were fine with me transferring. I'm not sure if it's still going ahead or not, but I'm not going to travel so will just lose the £30 for the Travelodge.  I think it's safer overall though, even though I think we're over the worst of it. 

    The Herald are annoying as they've again implied the running write ups are from their own reporter, which is not the case. 
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    Hi all. Bit of an update on calf strain. The pain wasn’t getting any better so saw a specialist today. He initially said it looked and felt like an Achilles rupture and an op was pencilled in for next Thursday but after an MRI scan he’d had a look at it and called me back to say things looked a bit less serious and was looking like rupture was at juncture of Achilles to base of calf and a splint may be best option. Closer look at MRI on Monday will decide best option
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    Sorry for my ugly leg photos lol
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    By the way has anyone found calf compression sleeves to be beneficial to protecting calves and Achilles from strains etc. I was looking on Amazon and they seem quite popular. To be honest when I’ve seen runners with them I always thought they were big socks and wondered why anyone wore them. But I think they could be just the thing I need when I start running again 
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    Lol its er snowy rather heavily here right now so i got tube back being it headwind. Did walk the 4 miles to natural history museum this morning though and i am out again later to go see school of rock which is prob 2 miles away by foot. Already a inch on the ground which was clear when i left this morning. Its not due to stop until much later and is flagged as heavy til 8 currently.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Bloody hell, John, that looks way worse than when I tore my calf. Ouch! As for sleeves, I've worn them since I tore my calf. Only time I don't wear them is when it's hot in summer. If nothing else, they'll keep your calves warm on chilly days!

    No running for me due to snow and ice. My local parkrun is cancelled (along with many others in London) which I'm relieved about as I was down to be timekeeper. Didn't fancy standing around in the freezing cold for an hour.

    The Big Half still looks set to go ahead, fingers crossed, but I'm not sure I'll be capable of a good time given the fact I've sat on my arse most of the week. Ah well. Tomorrow it will reach a balmy 5 degrees so hopefully that's the beginning of the end of this cold snap.
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