
Shades Marathon Training



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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    Shades - 9hrs is some going for a training run  :) 

    Big G - Cancelling Taunton seems like definitely the right thing to do. Don't really think you have anything tp prove to anyone(!)

    Ian - When is your wife's half? I can't remember.

    Cal - Sorry, I've lost touch with everything.. when's your next race? Is it a marathon?

    A good 27k done for me this morning in absolutely beautiful weather. Furthest I've run since October and much faster on the same circuit than I was then. However, that was at the end of a 115k week in October which is far from the case now! It's given me a bit of a boost though so overall a good result.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Mama-27k is a great distance,not surprised it's given you a good boost.
    It's April 29th at Chester ,it's her first half so hoping she enjoys it,at current rate I won't be too far ahead of her.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    12 Miles for me, legs didn’t feel great but not sure if it’s mentally or what. Didn’t feel good on Wednesday so I’ve had a few days rest and iced and gentle stretching. Knee feels better but just couldn’t get going and feeling emotional which isn’t like me. They have sent Mum home today too early in my view and feeling generally stressed. Now dreading Taunton.   
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    Shades-  well done on your run and with an easter Egg at the finish as well now that's what I call a goody bag.
    Ian- your o/h appears to be doing well is she enjoying her training.

    8 miles after work today it was freezing. Looked at the forecast for the week ahead in what will be my longest training mileage and the weather is to be brutal. Looks like I'm going to get wet.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks MF.  Yeah, you're right I don't have anything to prove to anyone.  I do have the target to do a certain number of marathons this year, but there is some leeway where I can enter another one to make up the missed one if I need to.

    Ian, sorry, I missed your post about the fast 5K in Liverpool.  On the Friday I've booked to go and see the Terracotta Warriors late in the afternoon, so I don't think I'll be back in time for the 5K.  All being well, I'll jog around a parkrun though, but I haven't sorted that out yet.  Let's pencil in a coffee late morning/early afternoon then :)  Not sure where though, but we can sort that out nearer the time :)  

    Jelly, sorry to hear about your stress with your Mum.  This race obviously means a lot to you, but really just try and take a step back and know you've done the training.  You finished really strong on that tough Plym Trail return leg, and you're training has gone well since then so you're in shape.  If you're still hoping to do sub-4, just start off at your race pace - don't go any quicker - and then if you feel okay in the second half, you know you'll get it as the training is there.  Or, if you're finding you're losing the enjoyment in the run up, forget the PB and just set out to try and enjoy yourself on the day - you've also got nothing to prove to anyone, with a PB already this year.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Not worried about what others think, just really disappointed been looking forward to seeing what I can do and regret doing Devon Dumpling, but saying that I really enjoyed the day and I could be feeling like this anyway. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    mamafox - yeah, Manchester next weekend. Eek!

    Jelly, take care eh? Parent stuff is stressful. You've done brilliantly so far. No advice to give as Big G seems to have got it covered. :)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Steven-Yes she is enjoying the training,she's done really well as she's never ran more than a few miles until we started.
    Big G-Theres quite a few parkruns to choose from so all depends where you are staying.I've sent you my number for the Saturday.
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    Cal - nothing wrong with doing short fast stuff in your taper period.  In fact it's highly recommended to do a 10k race a week before the marathon.

    mamafox - those HRM's can hide so easily, the number of times I thought I've left mine at home but it's lurking at the bottom of my case.   Have you tried the airing cupboard?  That's where I put mine after I've cleaned it.

    Are you still doing the cooking at school?

    Ian - you've done a great job training your OH for her first half.

    Jelly - did you hurt your knee at Devon Dumpling?   If so you could have just as easily injured yourself in training

    Stop dreading or worrying about Taunton, you have nothing to prove and you can run just as you feel on the day, it's your race nobody else's.

    Hope your Mum is OK 

    Had a lovely drive home in sunshine yesterday and it took the 3 hours it should have.   Just going for my recovery run this morning now, a day late but never mind.  Blister has healed
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    My race on Saturday was a great event.  Never know such great marshals or race organisation.  There was a 40 mile night time event that started at midnight and the marshals were out all night and then stayed on to marshal the 40 mile day runners, such as me.  Only 2 runners managed to completed the 80 mile option, the cold conditions caused a few DNF's in the 80 miles.

    Instead of a medal we had a painted picture done by the RO's daughter and all done individually,  It's about 10 x 7 inches and my race number was 5

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    For anyone who hasn't met Shades, that's a very good likeness. 

    Ian, I didn't get a message. Did you send it on here?
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    Big_G said:
    For anyone who hasn't met Shades, that's a very good likeness. 

    Ha, ha
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    How are the ribs today?  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Thats something a bit different from usual for finishing.
    Big G-I sent it to a different big g without the _ hopefully they aren't active,re-sent it
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I got the message this time.  Thanks.  I'll be in touch by text nearer the time.  For info, I'm staying in a hotel near the centre - the address is "South Hunter St off Hardman St", so if I do a parkrun I'll do it from there.  I did have a look a few weeks ago and there was one that looked runnable from that hotel.  Also, for a coffee, could we maybe meet somewhere near Museum of  Liverpool, as that is where the John Lennon exhibition is.

    Shades, ribs are much better, but still not right.  I had an unbroken night's sleep last night for the first time in a few nights, so that's a good sign.  I decided to get rid of my Taunton number just to put it out of my mind really, rather than constantly asking myself can I/can't I.  If the race was today, I wouldn't be running it, and getting rid of it early has made it easier for me to get the race numbers to the person who wants the place, rather than potentially lose the money.

    I did have a quick look at getting to Valencia from Alicante and although doable it would probably take 2.5-3hrs, so although slightly cheaper than current flights the extra time is a bit of a pain.  I think I'll wait and see if the direct flights come down below £100 and go from there. 

    After Wednesday, I do find myself at least scanning down the "ultra" list on the 100MC website, whereas previously I've never even looked at them.  I've not booked anything and for now I'm happy with the 2 6hr challenges I've currently got (and DD obviously), but maybe one day I'll book one.  Also, I'm still looking at LDWA events - I think I may do another one (in Somerset) in June.  There's a two day festival and you can do both days, which are different routes, for £9 for the two!

    I have had a weekend where I haven't done very much at all!  I did go for a walk yesterday morning to the beach for a coffee, but then the rain came in very heavily in the afternoon.  I've been binge watching the series The Bridge, which is very good (it's a Swedish/Danish police drama, with subtitles - usually I don't like subtitles, but this is very good).  I've watched 20 episodes (20hrs) in three days...  A few of my mates were out on the beers Saturday night, but I just didn't fancy it so stayed in instead.  It's over 3 months not drinking now!  100 days will be 10th April.
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    Shades - That must have been a lot of effort for that girl to draw everyone a picture! I've only seen a photo of you doing the DD that you posted.. but I seem to remember you having a bit more hair...

    I have found my HRM! It had fallen behind the sink and I don't think I've ever been so pleased to see a small piece of black plastic in my life. 

    No work today so I've messed about a bit this morning and am planning to go for a 15k up round the wind turbines(?) now. Better go straight after this before I start making excuses or something else gets in the way.

    Yes, I'm still school cook and it looks as if I'll be doing it until the summer as the real cook is now on long term sick leave. I'm getting the hang of it though - couple of real clangers mind you. Did roast beef this week which was a first for me, I like rare beef but was really stressing about getting the cooking right for so many. Managed fine without making the cardinal sin of overcooking the meat thank God.
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    edited April 2018
    Ian5 said:
    Shades-Thats something a bit different from usual for finishing.
    Big G-I sent it to a different big g without the _ hopefully they aren't active,re-sent it

    Ian - the other big g might think you fancied him ;) 

    Big G - good news that your sore ribs let you sleep through last night, that shows great improvement so you should be fine for Great Welsh.  We ran part of the GW course on Saturday.
    You could have been running round Foxy's lake today!  Just as well you didn't enter that.  Never mind about Taunton, it's an easy race for you to do another year as it's local, so nothing lost

    Re Valencia, maybe all the late autumn flight schedules aren't out yet. 

    No harm in keeping an eye on the ultra lists, you will one day see a race that takes your fancy.  If you want road you'll probably have to go to Ireland, quite a lot to choose from there and very good they are too.

    I haven't got Netflix or anything similar but I've seen the first couple of series of The Bridge on BBC 4 and it's one of my favourites, just the rudeness/lack of social skills of Saga is brilliant TV.   I like a lot of foreign crime stuff they show on BBC 4 like Spiral.

    mamafox - the girl that drew the picture has never met me, I think Big G was kidding :D 

    I'm so pleased that you found your HRM, I would have gone crazy looking if I'd mislaid mine.

    You're amazing doing that cooking, and roast beef for 60, there's not many that could do that.

    Recovery run done at last, really not good to leave it an extra day.  Quads and hamstrings are tired and I have a touch of soreness in my ankle (not the one I sprained), but the soreness in my left groin went completely after the first mile, but legs feel much better now that they did before I went out.   Had to run through floods and got wet feet on the way home.  I had turned back on an earlier route when I came across flood water, a dog walker wearing wellies kindly waded in to see how deep it was, too deep so I turned back.  We have flood warnings down here today. 
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Shades, I’m in the car today and when I saw the river had burst it’s banks did think glad I’m not on my bike. I’m doing you tube yoga and thinks it’s helping. Don’t think the issue is my knee as it seems to change location so thinks it more stress and tiredness. Leading group tonight and will take it easy. I’m thinking of going gentle run Wednesday. Might go swimming Thursday too as that will chills me out. Not worried about sub 4 as can’t see it happening, will still go with Skippy as I know he will look after me and I trust him to tell me to ease off if needed, at least I know I’ve tried. I’m also accepting of a DNF as if my legs do fail me I might be over permitted time. All this could just be in the mind and I’m bouncing around like a spring chicken come Sunday.  Mums antibiotics finish Friday and hopefully she will be feeling better. 
    Glad your ribs are feeling easier Big G 
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    Jelly - you don't need to worry about the cut off at Taunton, I posted yesterday about this.   They don't pull you off the course and you would still be in the results, but anyone finishing slower than 4:30 is not eligible for prizes.

    If you're going to run the whole race being paced by Skippy make sure he's an official pacer otherwise you could be disqualified.  Men are not allowed to pace women in a race (UKA rules), he wouldn't be disqualified but you could be.  The race organiser is a UKA stalwart and would uphold any complaints I'm sure.    I can't think that Skippy would be stupid enough to ruin your chances but he has done it before for other runners so be careful, maybe run as far as halfway with him then run your own race.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Think that’s going to be the case anyway, I will be very surprised if I’m still with them at the end. he’s not just running with me think there’s about four of us. 
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    I’m the only female. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Jelly, it's totally up to you of course, but have you thought about just running on your own?  You ran a lot of Plym Trail on your own and ran it very well.  You know your own body and you can run to your own feel.  The problem with a group is if you're going through a rough patch, and they're all feeling good, it can make things worse.  Or if it's the other way around, they can hold you back.  But you have to do whatever is right for you!

    Shades, I don't have Netflix at the moment either, but The Bridge is on BBC iPlayer.  I've seen the first two series now and Series 3 is also on there, which I haven't started yet.  Yes, Saga is very good, and amusing sometimes.  I do have a friend like that - but not as bad as her.  He lives in Alaska (he studies volcanos....), and is very good at what he does, but he has little empathy or what may be termed common sense.  He came back to visit one time and he called another mate up asking where to park.   My mate said "park in front of the house", so the volcano-guy turned up and parked on the lawn in front of the house, which technically was following instructions to the letter....!  Volcano-guy has made some money by creating software that tracks and predicts the path of dust clouds from erupting volcanos, and selling it to some airlines so they can reroute their flights if needed.  I don't think he earned all that much from it as it was a Uni project for his Doctorate, but he span something out of it and has set up on his own.  He's doing quite well for himself now, I think.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Right I’m putting my big girl pants on and getting a grip. I’m still going for my sub 4 but running solo and taking pressure off. At the moment I’m feeling more stressed than I was before London last year. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Jelly, personally I think that's a good plan.  I'm sure Skippy won't mind if you explain it to him.  Just do your own thing, enjoy it, and if the time happens, that is obviously a massive cherry on the cake.  In terms of the stress, as you say, lead tonight's group but take it easy, enjoy it, run with friends, chat etc.  Try and go into the weekend feeling energised, and I think you'll do just fine!  Also, in Skippy's group I know one of them has a tendency to go off too quickly, so you don't want to get caught up in that.  Have you thought what time you want to go through half way in?
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    Jelly - as you are the only female you are the one that could be disqualified, he can pace other men that's allowed.   

    I can't understand why anyone would want to be paced around the whole of the race, part of distance running is the mental strength of which you have lots.   You might be having a wobble today but on race day you are very strong.   Think of other people you know who have done their target time by being paced and then can never do it on their own, you're not one of those weak runners, you are strong and determined.  I agree with Big G that it's not ideal to run with a pacer as we are not machines and we will have good and bad times and in a race you need to adapt to how you are feeling and not have to take anyone else into consideration.  I'm glad you have decided to run on your own, this your race, nobody else's.  Now enjoy the next few days, eat well and sleep well and put your feet up when you can.

    Big G - I think I've seen the first 3 of The Bridge and series 4 will be on BBC 4 later this year.

    Your friend does sound a bit unusual but then anyone that studies volcanos maybe has to be a little 'off the wall'

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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Big G I’ve planned to run out to kerswell as it’s got nice straight sections as I’m the quickest group on offer those who want to stretch legs can and loop back for extra miles without  the pressure on me to keep up.  I tend to have a few stepping up as they know I don’t sprint off and insist on looping been getting funny looks at work been stretching and rolling a massage ball under my bum, did have my leg up on the work bench but wasn’t sure this was the best plan. Combine hamstring stretch and ball massage calf. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah he is unusual.  I remember one time someone asked him "where is the soul?" and you could see him thinking how to answer, but he just couldn't think of anything to say.  If he'd started chanting "does not compute!" in a mechanical voice, I wouldn't have been surprised ;)  I do have a lot of geeky friends mainly because of the degree and kind of work I did.

    Jelly, sounds like you've got tonight's session well planned.  Good luck with it.
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    Jelly - hope you had a good run with the group.  That's a good route as ideal for those that want to run on and then loop back.

    Big G - I think we all have a few friends with their own foibles that we sort of get used to.

    Rest day for me today, my ankle is a little sore.  Just a bit of stiffness in it, nothing more so I expect it to clear in a day or so.   Apart from the ankle my legs are completely DOMS free, which is good.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I'm sure some of my friends thing I'm a bit strange with certain things.  Can't think why!  *twitch*.

    Still no running for me today, but I had fewer painkillers yesterday which is good!
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    Big G - you're definitely on the mend, that's good.   Will probably heal quicker if you don't run.

    Yes, now you're a serial marathon runner that's another trait that 99% of the population won't understand :D
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