
Shades Marathon Training



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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Big G regarding food why don't you keep a food diary for the week before and make note of what you have marathon day and this will help you compare.  From a forever dieter it's easy to consume or not and not recall it.  
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    steven - that's great that you can train on your holiday and you already know the running routes there.   And you can get plenty of rest and good food too, will be a lovely holiday.

    Keith - that's good that the hamstring is just a bit tight.  I guess probably caused by your races at Plym Trail and then your long drive home, I doubt you did a recovery run before you set off on your journey home.   ;) Shame about the 10k.

    Ian - how often do you eat your goodies in a marathon ?

    Is it this Sunday your half marathon?

    8 miles this morning, weather much better now for running. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Jelly, yeah, that would be a good idea.  I think part of it was that for a few races I took a lot of food with me, but then didn't eat any of it, so then stopped taking it.  I need to look at this again I think.

    Regading your comment about being a "forever dieter", I am going through my house at the moment as I need to get rid of a lot of stuff.  I have ditched all my old office suits/trousers, and a couple of pairs were 38in waist, and I'm now 32in.  When I held them up, they looked absolutely huge.  I'm not planning on needing them again, so they've been sent to a charity shop.

    Robert, I have tried most of the gels, but for whatever reason they just make me want to gag.  The SiS bars are quite palatable though, although I know some find them too hard to eat.

    Ian, I used to take mint cake too.  I may have to buy some more :)  

    Steven, enjoy the holiday.

    I didn't do the 5k yesterday as I didn't feel I'd do myself justice, and I'm not running today either, but I hope to get out tomorrow.  I'm seeing a friend in Launceston today who I haven't seen for a while, so we've got a lot to catch up on.  She's a widow (with a young son) and I think we've helped each other a lot over the last 3 or 4 years and I know things are changing in her life, so it'll be a nice catch up over coffee and cake :)  
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    Robert, the cups thing is why I won't do Brighton Marathon. (That and the fact it's so expensive). I didn't actually know Maidenhead was a cups race - I'd have taken my bottle belt otherwise. I can deal with cups if it's a cool day as I don't get as thirsty, but when it's warm, I definitely need more water.

    Glad you enjoyed your club session!

    I nearly didn't get out this morning. Neck as sore when I woke up (likely culprit is levator scapulae - it's been a bugger before but it always eases up after a day or two), I felt a big snuffly and the dark grey clouds weren't very inviting. But once I got out there I had a great run. I ran 10 with two miles as a warm-up and then 8 at MP including the big hill. Well, that was the intention... After my warm-up miles, I did two bang-on MP (9:44/9:43) but was so intent on powering up the hill that the rest were rather quicker. The hilliest mile was actually the fastest (9:12...oops!) so I actually averaged MP for the whole run.
    My calves are pretty tight and achilles was a bit grumpy towards the end but my energy levels seem to have recovered after Maidenhead, so that's good.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Yes it's this Sunday,weather's looking ok at minute so hope it stays like that.
    I tend to take my first gel after about an hour,then 1 an hour after that,sweets as and when I feel like them,the breakfast bar when I'm feeling hungry so about half way.Dont think I've ever looked into how much I should take and do take but probably should really.
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    edited September 2018
    Robert - it's not that I know you so well, it's that there aren't many runners that at some time have gone off too fast at the beginning of a race, we've all done it and many times too.

    I think the switch will be back from bottles to cups for some races in the future.   Bizarrely at the IOM this year they switched from cups to bottles.  I am quite happy with cups, in fact probably my preference

    Great news that you've got your club vest, don't worry, nobody will look at your arms when you're running.

    I know Loch Ness is net downhill, I don't know if VLM allow it for GFA times, I've not heard anyone complaining that they don't.

    Big G - I think you have a good diet, the only area I think you might want to look at is actual race day, especially during an event and pre race if you think that can  or needs to be improved.

    I'm still behind on Vuelta, watched Stage 6 yesterday and was very interesting the little video clip that showed the Sky Kitchen wagon, did you see that part.    Interesting then that David Millar said that what has changed most in cycling over the last 10 years is the importance of good nutrition.   He said when he was racing is was pasta pre race and pasta and protein afterwards, he didn't eat anything else.

    Wow 38'' to 32'', that's amazing, what a difference.  You certainly won't need them again.

    Wise decision re the 5k, another time.

    Cal - wasn't it Brighton that the course has been short a few times too?

    Hope the neck is OK soon.
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    Ian - I don't think you need to worry about when you take on board your race fuel unless you are experiencing significant dips in energy levels.   I have to have a routine for my intake otherwise I wouldn't take anything as I prefer not to eat during a marathon but know that I need to.

    That's 3 of us doing half marathons this weekend, :)  I'm doing one too :o
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    What Half is that Shades?
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    Chippenham.   I wanted to squeeze a half in this year and this seemed like a good idea :/
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    Shades - Brighton half was short. Manchester was the marathon that was short, although they'd sorted that out by the time I did it.
    My neck should be fine, it's just a bit stiff and it's loosened up since this morning (I just did hot pilates and if anything was going to break it, it'd be that). It's been a lot worse than this in the past.
    Slightly concerned about my right knee, though - it's been a bit tetchy ever since I did a class that featured lunges. I think I need a good massage but with a cooker repair bill coming up, not sure I can afford one.
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    Cal - sorry I thought you meant the half at Brighton, not the full.

    I think you have a gremlin that moves around to surprise you with a new twinge every day!   Incidentally I read that RW article on pain, quite interesting and a lot of truth in it.   The mind is a powerful thing.

    Hope the repair bill is nominal.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rob-Hi 5 are my gel of choice,more like a fruit drink.As for Loch Ness,it would count for GFA,the only stipulation is it has to be a certified road marathon,no caveats about downhill.
    Cal-Hopefully the cooker bill isn't too much.
    Big G-Good choice to not do the 5k if you're not feeling it,there's the club tonight 3k and I'm not doing it as I don't want to push anything before Sunday.
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    Shades - Lol er no i did not go for a recovery run before setting off cos i was gone by 7 like always as its best way to dodge traffic. Had been out between Plym trail and the half though and i never had any aches in my legs at all oddly. At most a little bit of tiredness sort of thing but def no DOMS.
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    Ian, they are doing Hi 5 Energy Aqua in Chester. Not had these before (I used to use Torq and now use SiS) but I'll probably risk it.
    Yeah, I think Loch Ness is fine but it wouldn't qualify for a record (not that any of us are in danger of setting one of those!)
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    Big G that's a massive weight loss was it taking up running? dieting? pver what time period did similar about 15 years ago went from 17 stone to 14 stone in one hit, then when I started running in 2009 went down to under 11 stone, (been back upto 13.5 now 12.5).

    Cal cups/bottles play a big part in my choice of race for a road marathon anyway, anything shorter I'm okay with a bottle.

    Ian will be giving a couple of other flavours of high 4 a go this weekend at the half, have tried them all in the past so should be okay!

    Shades, a half and a 10k within a month of each other!!!!

    Legs were knackered after speed session last night but was keen to get out and run in club vest in case I decide to run in it at the weekend.  7 miles felt okay but muscles (quads) feel tired now.  Ware join a small XC league and the fixtures are out now (only 4) looking forward to a change of racing.

    Also have decided to enter our club champs, theres 13 races which you need to run 6 of, wont know whos in my league but hope I can force myself in a lower league as not going to be entering all the events but if still at ware hope to do most in 2019/20

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, ah, that's a bit too far for me this weekend. 

    I’m 99% sure Loch Ness counts for GFA.  I know for sure that Malta does, and that’s net downhill too - I know a 100MCer who got his GFA there this year. 

    As Cal said, it wouldn’t count for a world record as a) elevation change is too great and b) point to point courses don’t count (the start has got to be within a certain distance of the finish), I think to make sure tail winds aren’t in play. 

    Robert, I’ve been around this weight for a number of years now. But after Uni I basically ballooned in weight (I graduated in 1999). I was the wrong side of 17st, but went to about 14st for my first half in 2007, mainly by going to the gym (which I hated) and watching what I ate. I did London in 2010 at about that weight as a bucket list type of thing, but a couple of years later I started taking running more seriously and I’m now 13st (just under). I do fluctuate a bit, but know I can get to 13st without too much problem if it creeps up. I struggle to maintain a weight of 12st8 though, although I know that weight is better for me in terms of racing. 13st is a good day-to-day balance really, but it does take effort to go much under that. 

    I always tell people that I initially was running to help with the weight loss, but I knew I had a ‘problem’ with running when I realised I was trying to lose weight to help with the running. :)
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    Keith - you've recovered well then from Plym Trail, except for the tight hamstring.

    Cal/Ian - yes, I'm sure you're right re Loch Ness being OK for VLM GFA, it is an AIMS course too.  

    Robert - my last 10k was in July ;) 

    Good that you're enjoying running with your club and  it will be special this weekend as your first race wearing your club vest.

    Big G - the prevailing wind at Loch Ness is a real bonus, I've never had to run into a head wind on that course.

    I haven't done Chippenham before, it's a 2 hour drive, well hopefully now that the kids are back at school it won't take any longer :) 

    A bit chilly, just 7 degrees, when I went out for my run, could have done with some gloves for the first few miles.  Nice and fresh, no wind, so good for running.   Hilly run today :)
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    A bit of a nip in the air here too, Shades, though warmer than where you are.
    I had a scratchy throat this morning so the snuffly feeling I had yesterday was not my imagination. I obviously have a mild cold. But I wasn't about to pass up a perfect Autumn morning. I did a relaxed 6 (well, it was 10K, but I don't count fractions in my weekly mileage). Niggles all niggled but most seemed to warm up over time.
    I am feeling rather beat-up from training - I looked back at the beginning of the year and realised I'd maxed out at 41 miles before Manchester. Mileage has been a lot higher this time around. I think I need a long taper!
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    Great running all! I have caught up with all the posts but too many to comment on!!

    Continued to use the bike 3 times per week including a 2 hour session last Saturday. Got out for a 2 mile run (my first in 7 weeks) today, was slow (11 min miles) and HR higher than it should be for that pace, but it seemed to go OK. Will see how the tendon reacts over the rest of today.

    Did the LiRF course on Sunday which was interesting, although I couldn't do any of the running!

    Had my car stolen over the bank holiday weekend too!! Little f*c*ers! Police have found it, but waiting for it to be released to the garage for insurance company to look at to decide to repair or write off!
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    Big G I'm a short arse (5ft8) but not tried too hard about losing weight or watching my diet for years, hope to get to somewhere just under 12 stone and be able to stay there, time will tell, need to get there 1st.

    Cal don't worry too much about tapering for half marathons during a marathon cycle, you did have a couple of your biggest mileage weeks before

    Steve glad you enjoyed the course, it's something I think I'd be interested in a few years, soz to hear about the car there are no winners when the insurance get involved unfortunately.  Remember my mate had his keys nicked and mini stolen worth about £16k got £12k back and doubled insurance premium for his trouble.

    Legs (quads) still sore from Tuedays speed session so will have another rest day, maybe a short run this evening as don't want to be hurting too much with Sunday's half on the horizon.

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    Oh Steve...at least they found it! I hope it's not trashed. :(
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Steve, really bad news on the car!  Sorry to hear about that.  Regarding the running, fingers crossed you're on the road to recovery now.

    I had a good run this morning.  Went out do my usual hilly, mainly trail loop, and added a couple of mile on to take it up to 10.  I enjoyed it, which is good.  Not sure what I'm doing for the rest of the week yet - no firm plans in terms of mileage but I expect I'll run each day.
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    Cal - I agree, I think you need a long and gentle taper for Chester.

    Steve - good to hear you're finally back running, hope the tendon doesn't react.

    And good news on the LiRF course, those courses are very good.

    But bad news on the car being stolen.   At least it's been found so you can get the insurance claim sorted.   You'll have to stop driving those cars that boy racers like to steal ;) 

    Big G - glad you've got your bounce back today and had a good run.

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    Shades - THere was a fair bit of walking on day 1 doing the marathon but less so for the half on the sunday. I am leaning towards a short test run on saturday morning now as it will pass the time before i go visit gran and get haircut. Afternoon is new car time. May yet opt to do it sunday though in lieu of going out on bike for a bit instead.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G/Rob-I went to just over 16 stone before I realised I had to do something,now settled around 13,couple of pounds either side but happy where I am now.
    Cal-How long do you normally taper for? Maybe a bit longer for Chester so you can recover well.
    Steve-Good news on the run,bad on the car,happened to the wife a few years ago,police found it a few hours later,kept it a couple of days to check for prints etc then charged us about 150 to release it from their compound?? police cost us more than the thieves.
    8.5 after work today felt good,but very windy so hope it fades by Sunday.
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    Keith - you ran well on the 2nd day at Plym Trail, I couldn't catch you.   I realise that you had the motivation of that roast dinner to speed you to the finish. :)

    Have you bought a new car?

    Ian - I didn't realise the police charged you for recovering your car, cost recoverable on the insurance claim I guess.

    Hope that wind drops for Sunday, this is the course that you really don't want it to be windy, isn't it?

    Short run for me today, 5 miles in the dark, can't believe how quickly we're losing the light mornings.   Cool and fresh again, vest and fingerless gloves today and that was just right.    Had porridge for my breakfast, that was 3 hours ago, very hungry again now so have had some toast.   I think my metabolism is running quite high at the moment after my 3 high mileage weeks.

    Been shopping, Kinesio tape now in Home Bargains for £1.39 should anyone need some.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-yes it's 10 miles along the front so really need no wind.With the police it was the storage in their compound they charged us for,as there was no damage to the car we didn't claim and the excess made it not worth claiming the cost back on the insurance.
    No running today as an awkward shift but will do some tomorrow before the race.
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    Robert OHaraRobert OHara ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018

    Ian well done on the weight loss too! Weather seems okay for the weekend, hope the wind don't get up!

    Shades I'm always hungry... I've only just eaten lunch and I'm looking around for food.

    Was a rest day yesterday, was shattered and would have been in bed by 8.30 if it weren't for waiting for the washing to finish!

    Legs are still sore after Tuesday's session which isn't ideal with Sunday's race, am helping to set up Parkrun tomorrow and will go for a slow run round parkrun before a post race coffee.

    Sister is trying to score minus points at the moment... My nephew's christening may fall on Dartmoor Disc weekend!!!!

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    KhanivoreKhanivore ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Hi Shadies. As before, I haven't been running for ages. My weight is up again and I'm feeling bad. So, I've taken extreme action. I've signed up for a big city marathon and I've told my friends I'm doing it. No backing out now. 

    I'm going to do Paris Marathon 2019. I'd like to keep checking in with you but I can never keep up with the pace of this thread. I then feel guilty for not having replied to peoples messages. 

    Can I get another copy of the plans? I'd like to try the next one up this time and go for higher weekly mileage. 


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