
Shades Marathon Training



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    Rob, sorry to hear you and Elle are both afflicted. And I guessed you meant Westmill. I promise I'll come and have a go, although I'm working around my race schedule and what my new friend wants to do. Still, I've hit some parkruns in London she hasn't so I'm bound to have some gaps at some point.

    Khanivore - when I did Manchester in April last year, I was coming back from an Autumn off injured. I did two 18s and a 20 and I had a mini break to Prague and Vienna right in the middle (I didn't run there at all). I still managed a substantial PB. Admittedly I had a better race at Chester in the Autumn after doing more miles and more long runs, but Manchester was an 11 minute PB. So don't worry!  :) (Oh and I missed the moon too. Oh well.)

    Big G - I'm rather sceptical about plank challenges - as you say, form degenerates quickly. In my pilates class we'll do a minute max, but we'll superset that with another exercise and do it three or four times, with variations. You're doing well though. And nice run with the club. By the way, I've done the glute challenge and the squat challenge. I think they're definitely easier. Or less hard, anyway.

    Shades - I'm not so bad at the side planks, but I deffo can't do that and lift a leg. I can do the twisting variant though.

    Ian, have fun.

    Yesterday was a rest day although I went for a couple of walks as I'm trying to hit 10,000 steps per day as part of a Garmin challenge. Managed 11,000 so that's good. Anyway, I felt really energetic on the second walk, so I hoped I'd managed a tempo today. However, when I got running this morning my legs felt heavy and a lot of the paths were frosty so I ended up doing 8 miles easy instead. Lovely weather, but the running felt a bit of a chore.
    I think the tempo idea was a bit optimistic as I'd somehow forgotten I did last Tuesday's LT/tempo after a cutback week where I ran 37 miles total and only ran 13 on the Sunday. Unlike last week with 50 miles and a 20 mile long run. Daft bugger.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I'll keep the Mavs in mind.  Also, I know one of the guys from Torbay AC quite well.  I haven't decided yet but when I officially move I may see if I can go along to one of their sessions.  I believe they do reps around Paignton Green, I think also on a Tuesday.  I see him at parkrun fairly often so next time I see him I'll have a chat and see what he says.

    Cal, sounds like it was a good option to cut the tempo run.  Well done on getting out for the run though.
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    Robert OHaraRobert OHara ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019

    Shades the injury isn't a great interest to share, especially as I wasn't that sympathetic to Elle with her troubles, however in my defence she had cried wolf about every other niggle.

    Big great news about the house, hopefully it goes the distance! I struggled with a minute planking today, but know these things improve the more you do them... I think a squat challenge would be useful and can see me going down these routes over the next few weeks.

    Ian if I'm not on before you go have a great break and enjoy the race.

    Just seen a list on facebook (will share link when on home computer) using SSS scores (taken from an average over the year) from Runbritain ranks Westmill 506 from 580 parkruns.  Have seen a few other localish runs Tring (564) and Wendover (511) I can have a go at these when I train for WW50 and letchworth is just up the road at 521.

    Went for a spin and abs class earlier, foot hurt after but nothing major.  It was tough as hadn;t been spinning for about 18 months! Have put running on hold for 3 weeks and see how I go and focus on core exercises and weightloss to put be in the best chance to get myself back on track for DD.

    edited link https://www.facebook.com/notes/parkrun-statsgeek-group/uk-parkrun-course-difficulty-rankings-jan-2019-update/2333631266874035/

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    Ian- 21 would be good temp to run in I'm jelous as today my run was in the first snowfall of the year so far.
    Big G- great news on the house hopefully it goes the distance this time.

    6 easy miles today in a light snowfall it didn't come to much but it was good running with the snow falling.
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    Thanks Shades and Cal - I'll take the conservative approach and shorten miles after ski trip. Definitely don't want to get injured again.
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    That's interesting, Rob - most of the hilly courses are towards the end, but the rankings definitely seem to be affected by other factors. Some of those newer ones have high scores, probably because they haven't got a large number of runs to draw from as yet, and there are runs like my local, Tooting, that are largely flat but likely slower due to congestion. The Jegmar elevation rankings are a bit more on the money but haven't been updated in a long while so a lot of the newer parkruns are missing.
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    Cal - it wouldn't have been a comfortable session anyway doing a tempo on frosty pavements so good idea to postpone.   You made the right decision, doing speedwork if it just doesn't feel right leads to injury.   You're certainly getting out and about with the January challenge.

    A squats and/or glute challenge sounds a lot easier to me too.

    Big G - you should join one of the clubs closer to Paignton so you can do their speed sessions.   It's not disloyal in any way to join another club, 2nd claim,  for training, especially as you'd be doing it due to change of address.

    Robert - maybe it's not so good both of you suffering from PF.   Injured runners are not usually happy folk.

    steven - fresh snow is lovely to run in as it falls but I hope it clears quickly.

    I've reluctantly cancelled my circuits this morning, shame as I was really looking forward to it.   We have lots of ice and even the pavements have black ice so I'm not going to risk walking down either.   I usually take the car on a Wednesday and then food shop after circuits but just seen a 4 x4 skid at the end of my road and he was driving carefully so will postpone shop until later when ice has gone.   Luckily it's my rest day from running so no mileage lost.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I contacted the chap and he got back to me. He actually trains with Torbay Tri club now, even though he’s not a triathlete, as he thinks their sessions are better. I’ve had a look and I can either join, or pay just £1 a session, which goes straight to the club (I mention that as there’s a small club set up by a personal trainer in Paignton who charges £4 a session). If I join though they’ve got a great deal where for £62 a year I can use the Velopark and Torbay swimming pool. This is a good deal compared to their normal fees. I’ve used the Velopark a few times but if it was part of a membership I think I’d use it more, and the swimming would just be a nice thing to have.

    You’ve hit the nail on the head as I do feel guilty but I’ve no need. A couple of other committee members also train elsewhere on occasion and Paignton Green sessions would be ideal. I’d still run with Trotters first claim and still be involved with the stuff I do for the club (presuming I’m re-elected). But the Thursday sessions would be handy as Paignton Green is only a mile from the new house. The Tuesday sessions are for quicker runners only at the moment (sub-42 10k runners or sub-6.5mins for the mile, so I could just about go along to those based on my mile time) and those sessions go from the leisure centre which is 1.5 miles away.

    I’ve always had the impression that Torbay AC and Torbay Tri are a bit more ‘serious’ (I’m not saying that in any bad way!) than Trotters and that does seem to be reflected in their sessions. It is tempting. 

    Bad news about the black ice. I’ll see if it clears a bit later and try and go out for my 7 miler then. I’m seeing a friend for lunch so hopefully I can squeeze it in before that.  
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    Big G - that sounds like some great options for training when you move.

    It's only the last couple of years that I've only been a member of one running club, prior to that I was always in at least 2, sometimes 3.   Change of allegiance only happens when you change first claim club.   As runners we understand that suitable and convenient training is so important and it's sensible to choose the options that works best for you.

    Usually the ice is less your way as closer to the sea breezes so might not be so bad for you, it's difficult to tell until you're out there.   I've just peeked out and a young lad was having to walk in the gutter so not clearing here yet.   Due to be clear by noon I think.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I can see that I'd possibly be a member of 3 clubs at some point, presuming I get into the 100MC and get the vest.  As an aside, can runners run in a second claim vest if they enter a race as a member of that second claim club (I should probably know the answer to this really!)?

    I see Chair and Smokes run in their Trotters vest at all races, but both have a 100MC patch on their vest.

    I hadn't known this, but South Devon AC also run from Torbay Leisure Centre, so there are plenty of options as South Devon look like they have decent sessions too.  South Devon AC, Torbay AC and Torbay Tri are all big clubs, aren't they.

    Anyway, I've emailed the membership secretary of Torbay Tri just asking a couple of questions (it's not clear that if I join only as second claim can I still access the pool/velopark).  I may go along to the session tomorrow and see what it's like.  I had a closer read and every 6-weeks they do a 5k time trial as well, so they're pretty well organised I'd say.

    I've just poked my head out the door and it looks okay, so I'm going to head out shortly.
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    Big G - No, you can only run under your first claim club in UKA affiliated races as that's the club with your EA licence, you would be reprimanded by the Trotters for that as they are sticklers for upholding that rule.    With ARC races it's up to your club rules, for you I expect it would be the same, i.e. you'd have to run in Trotters colours.    
    Lots of runners enter and run in 100MC colours when that's not their first claim club and I don't suppose their first claim clubs care or maybe don't even know about it..

    But in overseas races you can enter under whichever club you choose and wear what you like.   When I was first claim Trotter I would run my overseas races in 100MC colours.

    If you join Torbay Tri I don't think that will be 2nd claim as they will be affiliated to the governing triathlon body, not EA athletics so won't affect your running or races in any way.  Isn't HA a member?

    Yes, Torbay and South Devon both sizeable and competitive clubs so both will have good training sessions.

    The sun is out here and ice is starting to clear, earlier than forecast which is good.
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    I see from the results that Jelly dropped down to the half at Plym Trail

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, Torbay Tri have fairly recently become affiliated with UK Athletics too according to their site but I’ll confirm that. I’m unsure of the history but Torbay Tri split from Torbay AC. I’m not sure if HA is a member - I think she occasionally rides with MDCC but I’m unsure about swimming. 

    Just done my 7-miler. It was fresh but good running conditions. The last 2 miles I got a slight niggle at the back of my knee/top of calf. Not pain as such but a clicking/rubbing sensation. I’ll keep an eye on that!
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    Hammy and calf tendons go back there - could be you've irritated something.

    I was scheduled for an MLR today which I normally do at stupid o'clock and then have brekky followed by pilates. But due to the cold, I had to make a choice. I didn't want to risk icy pavements in the dark, so it was either wait until it was light but therefore miss pilates, or do pilates and miss the run. I chose the run. I did actually go out and walk up to the common at 7 (while it was still dark) to test the pavements, and they weren't frosty at all. By that time, though, rush hour/school run had started and I don't like to run during that, so I eventually went out around 9.40am. 12 miles in 2 hours 1 minute. Felt slow and ploddy but I averaged 10:07 and there were a few sub-10s in there. Achilles wasn't great - it wasn't great yesterday either. I think it gets pissy when my calves are tight, so I'll have to work on that.
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    Cal, the newer parkruns won't be on there as it's averaged over the last 12 months so their data isn't full.  I didn't really consider cramping, hadn't seen Jegmar, has a more conservative ranking for westmill however it's fully trail and muddy at times not to be underestimated.  Probably unlikely to get a true picture with either but a guideline.  Cal with calf stretching one I've found useful is a slight variation of the wall stretch (where you have front leg bent and push against the wall), have you tried bring the back leg in a bit so the hill is raised? just seems to stretch other areas around the calf for me.

    Shades we seem fairly lucky here in Hertford, never really get it the bad weather we miss anything from Kent and Essex way and too far south to get anything from the North.  Frustrating when you lose training from it, trying to plan training round life in general is tough then to guess with weather forecasts is near on impossible as they aren't always right.

    Interesting about the two clubs, WJ are only strict when it comes to club champs that you have to wear the kit, I only know of one person (other than a few who are 100MC members) who run with two clubs and it's frowned upon.  I have also considered joining Fairlands Valley (Stevenage) as I have a few connections with them and would fit in with work shifts.

    I bought myself a few bands to wear to support under my arch, mainly for when moving around the house as I'm not a fan of wearing shoes at home.  They were only a few quid a pair so nothing lost but hoping they will give added support then aid recovery.  Time will tell if rest will help and will keep stretching where possible.

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    I do a few different stretches, Rob - off a step, downward dog and so on. I have a soleus stretch which is kneeling and that's quite good too.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Well done to everyone who got out today.
    Took a few steps out tonight and the pavements were all icy so decided to bin it off as I'm not risking going over on an ankle this close to race day.
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    A brief flying visit from me. Been doing a bit of running now and then but do intend to do park run saturday and do it once a month minimum being its so close. Prob will enter Windermere at some point which would be my first of the year.

    Looking at the park run speed list i see Workington is 88th and mine in Whitehaven is 188th. I would expect that to change over time as although mine has more climb it is uphill then turn and back down the hill so i think it is faster. Heck it was 2nd fastest in UK late last year one week.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Random question time-Does anyone have small plastic bottles they use to take drink liquids abroad,if so we're did you get them? We got some travel size,but they say not suitable for food or drink but I don't know why?
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    Big G - it might be to your advantage that the Tri club have affiliated to EA, I'm not sure but isn't triathlon club membership expensive?

    I seem to remember seeing a pic of HA a while ago with a tri club in the local papers.

    Hope that niggle is gone today.

    Cal - even though you and I don't work it's still tricky to schedule our runs in, I have the same dilemma.

    Robert - my brief pre and post run stretches always include the traditional calf stretch followed by a soleus stretch by just moving the rear foot to touch the heel of the front foot and gently ease down into the stretch, any calf soreness is immediately obvious in that stretch.

    We don't get much bad weather in the way of snow/ice down here, it's just that I complain a lot when we do.   But as we don't get much we are not well prepared.  Yesterday the wet pavements had frozen.   Ice is the only reason that I will abandon a run due to the weather.

    I guess you need to keep the foot supported all the time with PF, so hope the supports work.

    Ian - at least ice won't be a concern for you this weekend ;) 

    Keith - good to hear you're still running.   

    6 miles today, quite cold but not frosty and dry pavements :)
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    5 miles yesterday and 8 today, both icy, but took it very easy. HRM went mad today, reckoned I hit 186 bpm at one point!!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, good decision not to risk the ice.  As you say, no point going out in that at all.  I can't help with your question about plastic bottles.  I was going to make a sarcastic comment asking if you knew anyone who worked in food retail, but thought better of it.... ;)

    Keith, I'm in for Windermere too.  How are you with your injury?

    Shades, to join Torbay Tri it’s £35 for the year and British Triathlon membership if a member of a Tri club is £40 (but I wouldn’t need that bit).  To join the club as second claim it’s £15. 

    I’ve asked if I can get the £62 annual Leisure Centre deal, even if I only join as second claim. Looking into it some more  a swimming-only membership is £22 a month, and for the £62 *annual fee*  I get swimming, Velopark access (usually about £4 a session) plus access to the centre's spinning machines.  Apparently there’s a meeting about this on Friday, as it’s not clear at the moment if I can get the deal as second claim or not.  They’re quite a new club and newly affiliated to EA so I think they’re still ironing out these questions, which is fair enough.  I do think that if I get the £62 annual membership I’d use it - maybe not every week but say if I’m injured or on a rest day, a swim or a spin (followed by a coffee.... ;) ) does appeal to me.  I wouldn't be surprised/offended if they say I need to join as a Tri-member to get the deal.  I don't know how have they've managed to negotiate that deal really, as it's very good.  Even corporate membership is far more expense than that.

    Just done a 3-miler to test the knee and it was ok, but not great.  I took it very steady but when I tried to increase the pace slightly there was a bit of discomfort.  With that in mind, unfortunately I'm not going to go to the session this evening.  There'll be other weeks I can make it.

    I can't say that I feel my training is going that well at the moment.  I took 2 days off in a row last week, which is unusual for me.  Now I have this knee niggle which I feel I need to be careful with, and of course the 10k didn't turn out how I wanted.  Oh well, these things happen I suppose.  I can't complain too much as I did have a good year last year.  I think my main injury last year was when I fell and hurt my ribs, which did stop me for a while.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-found an answer,knew some friends would have the small spirit bottles you can get(50ml) so got a couple of them.I've read a lot of good research lately saying pickle juice can help get rid of cramp,something to do with the brain so thought I'd try it if I get cramp in the race,nothing to lose except a horrible taste for a few minutes.
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    Ian - I expect those travel bottles aren't designed to be heated up (in a microwave)  hence the guidance on not suitable for food or drink or maybe it's the type of plastic.   

    Pickle juice...i.e. vinegar, lovely, you'll look forward to that!  Will be alright on chips ;) 

    Steve - you're certainly ramping up the training.   At least you know to ignore your HRM when it plays up.  Frequent new threads on RW with newbie runners thinking they're about to have a cardiac arrest, all using the wrist sensor HRMs of course so false data.

    Big G - £15 for 2nd claim is OK especially as you'll be getting some coaching from that.   That's a good deal for £62 too, hope you can get that as you'd use it and it would be close to your new house so convenient.

    Annoying about the knee, I'm assuming it's the back of the knee.  

    Great but tough Pilates class today, thought we'd do much the same as Tuesday but she went off at a tangent, instructor often does that, I like her for that as quite spontaneous.   I am so crap at press ups but today we had a go at scorpion press ups :o 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I'm really hoping I don't need to use it,but as I've suffered plenty of times in the past I'm willing to give anything a go if it happens.
    Last run today 6 miles with the middle 2 at MP,felt pretty good.Looking forward to Sunday but it's felt like I've been putting pressure on myself,so I need to remember I wasn't thinking I was going to be running fast until Manchester so this is free hit in effect.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes it's the back of the left knee, on the inside of the leg.

    Ian, great news that you finished the last run off feeling positive.  
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    Ian good choice to stay in and not risk it with the nice. Sorry no help with the bottles either.  Fingers crossed no cramps, I've always put mine down to training and hydration.

    Keith the stats can only really be used as a guideline for parkruns as there are so many different factors which those results don't take into account.

    Shades good to hear your area has defrosted so you could get out, on my way to the train station a drain had overflowed and resulted in a huge ice rink to try and cross.

    Big G that would be brill if you could get the annual membership with 2nd claim t, at WJ we can pay £35 p.a for corp membership (which is just members rates and access to the center then the gym is another £19 pa.  I don't see any value in that and just pay £1 each time I go.

    Train was cancelled so was a bit late for spin class, then followed up with a bodysculpt class.  Arms are a bit achey now but foot not as pained as it was after spin on Tuesday, the foot feels stronger only time will tell.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Robert, do you mean you pay £1 each time you train with the club?  Are you actually a member of WJ then?

    I don't suppose anyone here is interested in a Wrexham Marathon place, are they?  The event is being held on Sunday 17th March and with fees I paid £39.95 so ideally I'm looking for £30.  According to the T&Cs, the event does accept number transfers (PS, I am advertising this elsewhere so if it goes, I'll give it to the first person who requests it).

    Reason for this is.....we exchanged contracts yesterday (whooo hoo!) and although completion date is in February, we need to do some work beforehand and so we're looking to move in on the Wrexham Marathon weekend (I'm busy the other weekend so feel I need to show some willing to actually cancel an event!).  Obviously, that's all very exciting....but I have a lot of stuff to pack, chuck, sell, etc.  I need to get on with that.

    No running for me today as the knee issue is there even when walking today.  It's not a pain as such, but kind of a vague uncomfortable feeling, but it is impacting my running gait.  Hopefully it'll clear up soon.
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    Big G - fairly unusual I think to get a twinge there on the inside of the knee, do you remember doing anything non running that might have caused it?

    That's great news that you've exchanged contracts so you can make definite plans re moving.   
    Wrexham is on my to do list, I missed it last year as I had an ankle sprain, but decided against it this year as it's my austerity year and its a fair drive plus hotel needed, so it's a 'no' from me, maybe Ian, he's fairly close.

    Robert - we have definitely defrosted down here, a balmy 10 degrees for my run this morning :) 

    Good that you're doing your classes whilst you can't run.

    Ian - while I was waiting for it to get light this morning I googled your pickle juice, interesting reading.   So from what I can understand, it's the vinegar that's the key and it works when it hits your throat, would be a shock to any palate especially in a marathon and that instinctive reaction shortens the time of the cramp.  It's certainly worth trying.
    Have a good trip today.

    7 miles for me today, good conditions.  Trying out my new shoes, I think my first ever Puma shoes.   I'm trying to introduce new brands into my training shoe stable as that gives me more options of picking up bargain shoes.  Very pleased with them Puma Ignite Dual Netfit, first time I've had a pair with the sock type fit, slightly irritating to put on but very comfortable.  The Netfit is quite a clever idea, the whole shoe is covered with an strong net mesh and this means you can lace the shoes in a variety of ways depending on your foot type.

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    Big G - Congrats on the exchange of contracts, exciting times!!
    Ian - Good luck this weekend.
    Shades - Yes, I know my HR wasn't at 180+ as I was just running easy and it felt easy too, at a guess I was around 140ish at that time. I want to have set a decent base before I start HM training, as that'll be plenty of 40-50 mile weeks.
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