
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Got myself into a bit of a panic earlier.  I was at home on my own and had really bad pain in the left side of stomach/groin so much so that I was sweating profusely and gasping for breath.  It all came on out of the blue.  I had a walk around inside trying to calm myself, but I felt really dizzy and fingers were numb, so had to sit down which didn't really help.  After about 10-mins it passed so I had a lay down, but about an hour later it came back again so I dialled 111 in a lot of pain, but during the call it passed again.  They were really good and after a lot of questions they asked me to call my GP.  GP called me back and I have to go in tomorrow for them to lay their hands on me, but as I type this it's all fine.  If it comes back overnight I'm to take myself to A&E.  I hope I've not wasted anyone's time but it was a little scary at one point!

    I was planning a shortish run tomorrow AM but I may take a rest day, or at least wait and see what the GP says at 9:50am before I decide whether to run or not.  I'll just see how I am tomorrow AM.

    Shades, I see there is a new running company nearby - Winding Paths.  Same RD as the original City to Sea RD and he helped set up Jolly Running, but that went wrong for whatever reason.  He's got an event from Kingwear to Shaldon - 30-miles along the coast path in April.  I know it's not for you as it's off-road but I do like that section from Kingswear to Paignton.  Stunning!  I ran it last year stopping for ice cream and coffee etc and funnily enough I was thinking of doing it this week or next week again.  On the same day there's a Half from Preston Green in Paignton over to Shaldon.  Ultra has 11 hour cut off so it could be a good day out for me.  Just waiting for details as I am presuming there will be busses put on like he did for City to Sea, so just waiting to find out about costs and logistics.  Strangely excited about it actually, partly because it's so close and don't have to worry about hotels etc.  Obviously I don't love off-road so I wouldn't be racing it as such, but it should be good if it's dry.  Good training for DD in some ways as it's obviously really hilly!  Overall, it's tougher than City to Sea as from Kingswear to Paignton it's hilly, Paignton to Torquay is flat, but then Torquay to Shaldon it's hilly.  On City to Sea, it's basically pretty flat from Exeter to Shaldon (20 miles)  It's pencilled in the diary, anyway.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Big G-Always best to get it looked at,good luck.
    Had a conversation in work today with someone I've not seen for a bit,asked about running etc and talked about weight,made me look for the pics of my first race 4 years ago,bit self gratifying or something similar but here's my before and after pics .
    I know I've shown it before but you guys have really helped when I've had bad spells.

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Ouch, Big G. Could it be poop? Just...wondering!
    Ian, definitely a huge difference there.

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    The last week been mixed, had a funny turn Thursday, lost consciousness and came to and was a mess! Went to a&e where i puked and wasn't well but all tests came back okay, could have been a mix of a few things but putting it down to dehydration. 

    Had another visit to the hospital, the leg still looks a mess under the bandages but Surgeon was happy with progress been made. I am slightly more mobile now but trying not too do too much, I have a couple of crash and burn moments each day where I just need to sleep.   

    Big G great news you're positive about your next marathon, I use pizza as carb loading for most my races so that pizza oven could be a running aid? Hope the funny turn isn't anything serious, always best to get checked out as no point letting it pass.  Don't feel you're wasting anyone's time, I felt like that last week after my funny turn but glad I made the trip.

    Cal good news the foot seems to be better after the physio had a play around.

    Shades think sainsbury's drop alot of their prices regularly, usually the normal stuff that you need but then bump everything else up.  

    Ian they are some cracking photos, massive difference.

    Never watched TDF watched day one and found it okay, started watching the time trials and got bored.  Heard day 3 was an exciting finish so may try and watch some highlights.

    Hope everyone else is running and well!

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    edited July 2019
    Bloody hell, it's like an episode of Casualty on here.... :o

    Big G - hope you haven't had another episode during the night and you get the all clear today.   I wouldn't run until after you've seen the doctor just in case running brings on another attack.  

    I saw the Winding Paths events coming up on FB, from SB of Dawlish Coasters.   Certainly a good event for your DD prep and nice and local.   Even if I was tempted to have a go it's Connemara weekend anyway.

    Robert - that funny turn must have been quite scary, you've certainly been through the wars.
    Good to hear you're a little more mobile and your surgeon is happy with your progress, even though you're obviously not.

    It's a huge test of endurance to watch all the TdeF, I love it but I can only watch the one hour highlights programme otherwise it's just too much.  Yes, Stage 3 worth watching, just go to the last 20 mins of the programme.

    Ian - I've corrected the date of Solway, you know I like to have things just right. ;) 

    Glad you're actually enjoying your taper this week.

    Wow what a difference, your weight loss has taken years off you too, the first pic looks like an older brother.   How much weight difference between the two pics?

    6 miles for me today, another hilly route.  I'm so loving running at this time of year, but all the more rural routes around here tend to be hilly.   709 feet today, I'll be like a mountain goat by the end of the summer. ;)    It's so nice to run on quiet roads though, for the whole of my run only 3 cars passed me.   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Massive difference there Ian. Great to see that improvement. Very well done!  All helps with the running too, of course.

    Robert, great to hear from you. I was wondering how you were getting on. It’s slow progress by the sounds of it, but at least the surgeon seems happy. Hang in there.

    Cal, you could be right!  Sounds silly, but it was scary at the time though, probably mainly as I was on my own and I didn’t know what to do.  Mind went into overdrive about what it could be - painkillers (although I stopped them about 3 weeks ago), appendicitis (although it’s on the wrong side of my body!). OH thinks the sweats and shakes etc were probably just a panic attack. Pretty sure GP is going to say I’m fine, but haven’t ran yet today until I see him.

    Shades, sounds like you’re enjoying your running which is brilliant. Regarding that RD, this is probably my favourite running related pic. I’d just done the hardest event I’d ever done, crossed the line, shook the RDs hand, and then immediately said ‘I need to do this event again!’ He was at that book signing the other night.

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    Big G - that's a great photo.   I guess at the time was the hardest event you'd done, has DD moved into that spot now?

    I don't think I know that guy the RD.

    Hope the docs appointment went well.

    Lovely challenging Pilates class
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Rob - Wow....sounds scary. Glad the tests came back ok.
    Ian - That's a great before/after photo.
    Shades - Yeah, the pace was down, but the HR was in the right area.
    13 miles this morning, all at an easy pace.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    No-Good you hear from you, hope you're better soon.
    Shades-Think it's about 3 stone difference from those 2,really happy when I see them as it gives a nice boost to know the difference and also the probable difference in life expectancy.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Shades, that race was really tough because of the weather conditions.  Atrocious weather, with really strong headwinds and it rained all the way, and then of course the last 6-miles are very tough and off road/muddy with steep steps thrown in for good measure.  It took me almost 2hrs to do those last 6 miles.  So from that point of view it was harder than the DD, although it was "only" a marathon.  I did find DD tough but as I was very cautious I wasn't really on the edge if that makes sense?  So it's hard to say which was tougher really, especially as when I did DD I was really lucky with the weather.  At the end of both, I felt like I'd achieved something.

    Docs went fine.  He did say that all over my abdomen was really "gurgly" (I think that's a proper medical term ;) ), but that it should be fine in 3-5 days.  A slight ego boost for me is that he took one look at me and said "you're obviously fit and eat well" and then said "your abdomen is strong" (and no, I wasn't tensing... ;) ).  My temperature was fine.  After I quickly checked to confirm that I could still run, he sent me on my way but said go back in 5 days if I get it as bad again, but he thinks it's very unlikely.  If I do need something for any pain, nothing stronger than paracetamol, so just as well I'm not taking anything for my shoulder at the moment, but I don't think I'll need anything anyway.

    I walked the mile down to the docs in my running stuff and then after the appointment I did a 4-mile run home and all was fine.
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    Steve - that's a fair distance before work :) 

    Ian - 3 stone, that's made such a difference.   Those photos are good inspiration for your running and not to return to that weight.

    Big G - I'd forgot you had atrocious conditions for the last few miles of that race, just shows how much the weather really makes a difference.

    Good news about the docs, turning up in your running kit was a good idea!   Interesting medical term 'gurgly' ;)    Let's hope it's a one off.  I take it you didn't have a pizza eating challenge that might have caused it. ;)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, there was no pizza challenge last night but I think we're going to fire it up tonight....
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Big G, glad it's nothing bad. I have sharp pains in my guts on occassion but it's usually when I need to poop (hence why I asked, earlier!)
    6 miles this morning. Overcast when I went out but still warm and humid. Not so nice to run in.
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    10 miles for me this morning, flat, no hills  :(  

    Humid here too, there had been a little light rain but not where I live, about a mile further on.   All the grass is getting burnt now, so hope we get some rain soon as it looks awful.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I went and did the coast path from Kingswear back to Paignton today.  Lovely conditions in terms of it being a clear day, but quite warm so I drank a lot of water on the way.  I had some sandwiches with me so ate them, plus some kendal mint cake, but tried to keep moving, although I did take some pics along the way.  It's a tough section with 3000ft of ascent for the 17.5 miles according to Strava.  A few hours out though.
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    Big G - that's another tough long run done.  Good fuelling too.

    I take it you've had no further stomach pains.

    Had my race entry from the cancelled 50k transferred to Burton Braddock marathon and remaining £10 refunded.  Can't find another suitable marathon or ultra to replace it, which is a bit annoying.  On 6th October when I'm doing Loch Ness there are several other road events all on the same day and the rest of the autumn very few to choose from.  The ones that do fall on suitable dates are out of my budget with long drive plus hotel, such as York or Chelmsford, both 5+ hours drive each way.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, as it happens, I entered Chelmsford a week or so ago.  I used to live in Ipswich which is a bit up the road so I'm making a weekend of it and hoping to see a couple of workmates I've not seen for a while.  Decided to not do York partly due to expense, so went for Chelmsford instead as I haven't done that one.  I did quite enjoy York (except for the rain for the whole race!) but it's quite a journey from here.  It's so annoying when the decent events clash with dates!

    It's a small world though.  You may remember I did an LDWA event last year and went on my own, but got in with a group and ran/walked with them.  They were from Chelmsford and two of them are on the race website for the marathon, having done the event last year.

    No further stomach pains, which is good.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Well done on the miles,great elevation also.
    8 miles after work for me,felt fine,heart rate shows a bit higher than usual,but as it's wrist I take it with a pinch of salt anyway.
    Solway has sold out now so 200 racing.
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    Big G - Chelmsford marathon gets good reviews but it's the same drive time as York so quite a trek.

    I even looked at Abingdon, although it's full they do operate a transfer list nearer the time and I can drive up on the day.  But it's a dire course and I probably wouldn't enjoy it so I've dismissed the idea.

    We've lost a few autumn road marathons in the last couple of years, Wolverhampton, Nottingham, Dartmoor Vale.

    Good to hear you've had no more pains.

    Ian - maybe the warm/humid conditions affecting your heart rate too.
    Just as well you didn't put off entering Solway.  I suppose there'll be a few chasing GFA times there as it's supposed to be flat.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Yes I think there will be,as there can't be many more chance this year as the deadline is August 6th,just need to hope the heat and wind are ok,as a lot of it is along the coast wind could be an issue.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I noticed a bit of interaction between yourself and Davey on Facebook with regards to the upcoming 100MC chairperson election.  If you're interested, the available statements are here:

    Current Chairman must have missed the deadline for the statements, but I've got his too.  I can email it over if you're interested.  There's quite a lengthy document about the whole process and all the work that's gone into making it fair, with an independent auditor etc.  Were there problems in the past with dubious elections at the club - there seems to have been a point made to ensure this one is very, very thorough, which is as it should be of course.

    Yeah, York and Chelmsford are similar distances, but that 1hr shorter time to Chelmsford does make a difference especially on the journey home.  Also, as Ipswich is nearby I can hopefully combine it to see a couple of non-running friends, and accommodation was more affordable than York as well.
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    Ian - maybe you'd better get some more effective sun cream for Solway, you don't want another DD tan :blush:

    Big G - thanks for that link.    Just like bloody Brexit, you can feel the tension and the back biting underlying the whole process. :#  I think it says it all that the current Chairman couldn't submit 250 words in time.   Yes I'd like to read it so would appreciate a copy.
    I take it you've joined as a wannabe so will be able to vote.  I've been away from the 100MC for over 2 years now and of course removed from FB group too so have avoided all the politics.   I'm not aware of any previous skulduggery re elections but it wouldn't surprise me.   I know the committee made decisions behind closed doors on issues that were usually voted on by the membership at the AGM and these decisions were never reported in any minutes to the members....that's why I left, and I suspect there were a lot of decisions made like that.
    What I do know is that JA who is overseeing the process is a good decent and honest guy and I feel that he is holding that club together.

    Tricky choice, think I'd rather drive from York, Chelmsford A303 and M25 ;) 

    I will do York sometime, but I've no intention of staying in York, will book a Travelodge on the way.  You don't have to collect your race numbers at York, do you?

    9 miles this morning, nice weather bit humid though.  Flat for 4 miles and then a killer hill (Humber Lane for Big G) and undulating, so 715 feet in 5 miles :)   I'm loving my hills at the moment, just as well round here.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, I’m allowed to vote. I don’t know fully what has gone on in the past but it’s all just got a bit heated on the Facebook group. The current chairman posted his statement to the group, but it was promptly removed by admin. I’ve emailed him (as per the website guidelines) and have received a copy - just forwarded it to you - and people are commenting how embarrassing it all is. I do feel that some are somehow trying to cause trouble.

    I do have a question for the candidates so I’ve just asked on the group if I’m allowed to ask that question. It’s relating to road marathons and if the new chairperson will try and support them. I know the 100MC can’t save road marathons but I wonder if the club could do more to support them, and if a candidate had ideas on how to do that they’d get my vote.

    Anyway, I ran to/from parkrun and gave parkrun a bit of effort and finished in 21:15 on my watch. I’d like to think that in a race and without a long run the day before I could be 20:30-20:45ish. So still quite a way off where I was this time last year, but I enjoyed the run out today nonetheless. 
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    Big G - thanks for your email.   Why is the Chairman's post up for renewal and the other posts aren't, I thought they were all appointed at the same time on a 3 year tenancy?  He obviously hasn't resigned, has there been a vote to remove him?

    There's obviously underlying issues that are not obvious to all to explain such behaviour, it's worrying

    Well, good for you for putting forward  your question about supporting road marathons.   I think the downfall of road marathons can be partially blamed on 100MC  and 100MC runners.  A lot of them go and run in circles in Kent and up and down tow paths and round lakes where they can be fleeced for money and told how wonderful they are when they never train.   These events have sadly cheapened the sport. 

    At a road marathon now, how many 100MC vests to you see, they don't support the events.

    Good time at your parkrun.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Decent time, Big G.
    I went to Bromley parkrun today (not too bad a journey - two trains and a walk which took about an hour total). Large parkrun which gets similar numbers to Tooting (609 today which is apparently quite quiet!) but is a lot less congested. It's on a flattish field - a couple of slight gradients - with a mixture of grass and tarmac path.
    I figured after my illness and time off I'd be OK with around 26 minutes but ended up running 25:30. Did the first mile in 7:56 which I wasn't expecting, but I faded a lot (8:13 and then 8:34) which didn't surprise me. Interestingly, my cadence is down a fair bit but my stride is a lot longer. This may be down to the exercises I've been doing.
    Didn't feel my foot. Achilles was a little sore after but not bad.
    Funny thing with Bromley is it's chocka with vets. There were two guys over 80 and a lot of septugenarians. I felt quite young! Unsurprisingly I was only third in my cat but but there were 35 of us VW50s!
    Anyway, I will do my race on Wednesday. There is a 5K option so I could do that if I don't feel up to the 10K. The run at Bromley was also encouraging for the club mile relays which are in just over a week. I think I ran 7:26 last year so I could potentially get close to that again.
    I was hoping to do my first long (really, medium long) run tomorrow but had forgotten I'm volunteering at Thorpe Park tri again, so I guess I will do it on Monday.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Shades, I don't know the answer as to why the other posts aren't up for renewal.  It may be that I've missed something but it does seem strange.  One of the emails simply said that the treasurer and kit manager have been re-elected, as neither of the positions were opposed.  Not sure about any other role though.

    My post has promoted some discussion, but the main contributors so far have been Traviss and Foxy :)  Foxy in particular thinks that nothing can be done, but obviously his priorities lie elsewhere.  Funnily enough Trotters Chair came on and said something similar to what I was kind of formulating in my own mind - a club champs where runners have (say) 12 marathons to choose from, with 4 to count for the CC.  As he posted it I was thinking very similar but was kind of settling on 5 marathons from 15.  Whether anything will happen I don't know, as then we'd soon get into the discussion of which marathons, and where.  It would have to go to an AGM to be voted in, and I'm not sure if it would get much traction.

    My point really is do any of the candidates think this is an issue or not?  If the Chair doesn't think it's an issue, then nothing will be done, but if it's at least on the Chair's radar then things have more of a chance of changing I suppose.
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    edited July 2019
    Cal good to hear that you are back in form and feel ready to race again.

    Big G - well that's interesting that those two responded to your post re road marathons.  I'm sure that those that feel like you do about the decline of road events are those that stay away from the 100mc FB.  The 100mc FB is toxic.

    I think the CC is a good idea as long as the events are countrywide, not mostly in SE,  and not organised by any 100mc member, so independent events.  Of course the Kent/ MK /Rik runners that just walk around and don't make an effort will say it's elitist!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, I'd agree.  A selection of (for want of a better word) "proper" road events across the country.  Foxy has just suggested that if I feel this is an issue, I should go and set up my own events.  He's missing the point, obviously.  I'm not replying any more as things can come across differently in writing, and I don't want anything to escalate.  At the moment no candidate has responded but obviously they may be out doing something - like running, for example ;) 
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    Big G - most of the 100 MC members won't go near the FB page for the club so you won't get a meaningful response.

    They used to have a competition each year for the most road marathons completed in UK and Ireland.  I've won and been placed in that a few times.

    A lot of 100 MC members are 2nd claim so you'd have to consider if they were eligible for CC as they'd be in results with their 1st claim club.  You'd also have to do all the calculations at year end as you wouldn't get 100mc members to report their results weekly.  Previous competitions such as road one mentioned, stats were sent in ready for AGM when results/prizes were awarded.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    I suppose the argument that is difficult to respond to is that runners choose whichever events they want to do.  It's all on the race diary, which is I think probably the first port of call for most in the club, and there is no bias in what gets put on there as far as I know (as long as the events fulfil some basic criteria), so runners can choose what they want to do from looking at that list.  I do think it's a shame when prominent people in the club say that local/club races are (and I quote) "just a big hassle" though.

    I hadn't really thought about that not all in the 100MC would interact with the fb group.  I'm going to leave it now as I've said my piece and I do feel I'm in a minority at the moment.
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