
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Good run Torque :) Blimey I would be too warm with merino at the moment;-)

    Nothing for me tum too upset and swollen so walked 3 miles in the rain.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    couple of days off, but fortunately back in business today (would have been rest day, but clawed back one of the "lost" days)  :)     5 miles road run; mainly flat, but with a couple of steepish hills to get the heart going!  Leggings made their first appearance of winter today . . . .   
    Off for an hour's gentle cycling soon - daughter has a half day, so 65 mins pedalling scheduled as she does her recovery run. 

    have a good weekend, all.   
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    not here you wouldn't - frost on the grass early on!
    My eyes were too blurred to make out the difference between 0555 and 0655 this morning so got up early :/
    Sorry to hear about the tum - it has gone on a while hasn't it?

    southern softie :)
    It may be colder and wetter on your bike than this morning.......
    Nice distance run this morning

    Rugby day tomorrow - I may have to open a bottle or two................
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - correct on both counts!  Fended the elements off in the main with waterproof jacket & trousers, and "windstopper" gloves - but blimey, my feet were cold after 65 mins on the pedals . . .       
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I could do with your help in my garden, lots of boulders to dig up. We had the landscapers take a look at it today, so it is highly likely that I will cheat and pay someone to do all the hard work.

    your shiggy reminds me of when I was a 14 teen year old and use to ride an old aerial square four around the local farmer's fields. It had been raining and I had managed to crash into a tree. I got myself to the local cottage hospital and the nurse refused to let me in. I was covered in blood and cow dung. She cut my clothes off at the door, washed me down, and then let me in and stiched me up. A friend had to run to my house and get me some clean clothes. BTW I wrecked the bike. It was the second motorcycle I had written off in the woods and fields.

    Out in shorts today as it was 16c, that's with a plus sign. One of the trails has been turned into a kids story trail with parts of a story posted at points along the way. I was tempted to stop and read them. Managed a comfortable and enjoyable 6.5k.

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    A 5.5k jog around the village for me today. A bit cooler at 5c. Looking forward to the Spurs game later. My first on the new TV
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    A couple of decent runs, Mick! And I will be shouting for Spurs also!

    Last couple of days I have run gently with two sore hips. And I am glad it is two rather than just the one that had the biopsy. Hoping it is from either a slight increase in Kms or a slight increase in stretches. Either way need the niggles to go!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    love Mick's tale of youthful mayhem - 
    hope the niggles do disappear quickly, alehouse 
    . .  and that WP feeling improved.
    good rugby day, TS ?   

    sofa here too - earned by 10 miles this morning. Unlike last week, when the 10 felt "ok", today the legs had had enough after 9, but the route dictated completion of the intended distance.  Just 3 runs this week, but 21 miles in the bag.   
    So, 20 mins to go in "the other Sheffield team" v W.Ham, def watching Liv v Leics later; the only question is , do I go for the hat-trick with Leeds v Arsenal?    
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    10 miles is still 10 miles, Birch! Was it the same route as last week? 21 mies is decent off just three runs. 

    Just under 32 km for the week here, not quite what was planned but getting rid of the niggles is more important. Felt much better today once I got going, but then erred on the side of caution rather than overdoing things. Not sure when I will be able to bank 10k, never mind 10 miles!

    Dill be a different hat-trick here, having started with the Fulham/Everton match and the Leeds/Arsenal, Liverpool and my team to come.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    yes, alehouse - same as last week (laps of the lake) with a difference.  Last week did 3 laps (8.7), then added "out and back" to the start/finish point , to make up the 10.
    Today I added a smaller loop en-route, which I estimated would be around a mile. 9.8 on the watch at the end point, so had to do the 0.2 to round up :)  

    Pleased to hear you had a better outing.
    Succumbed to Leeds game - not bad for a 0-0 . .  right, almost kick off time for game #3
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    Dave: 10 miles go you and that knee well done 10 miles is epic so bask in the glory :)
    Mick: some great runs and enjoy new TV
    Ale: About the same distance as me last week I think.:

    Saturday 5 mile run and tum felt a lot better, Sunday exhausted so nothing apart from legs with weights first time in a month needless to say glute's are a wee bit aching today:-)
    5.75 miles this morning and first time not feeling the pressure on tum and swelling is going down-yay

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    motor bikes .................... :/
    I have a friend with one leg 1" shorter than the other due to a similar accident when he was young.
    Sounds like a good gardening idea!!
    The book trail sounds like an early version of an audio book :)
    Good result for Spurs  as well.

    well that is one positive way of looking at hip pain - as long as it's in both it's ok!!

    very good long run - hope the recovery is no problem.

    A good rugby result and with an outstanding try scored by Jonny May. It makes one realise just how few long breaks are made nowadays in international rugby.  The increased fitness of all players just makes the space so much less.

    good news on getting out there.  Do you have any allergy/intolerance which could have set it off?

    I was tidying up my garage on Saturday and lifted a fairly heavy box.  Immediately felt my back spasm and thought - "ahhhh sh*t, it's gone again :'( !"

    My wife was half convinced it coincided too neatly with kick off in the rugby for it to be genuine but when I went for the painkillers I did get some sympathy.
    A couple of painful days but fortunately it did not develop into the total seizure that I used to get before my operation
    So light duties only and some relaxing walks to get the muscles relaxed again and even trotted a lamp post this morning 

    Four years since the op without a major problem...................

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I am sure that sitting in front of the tv isn't fun with back pain. Quick recovery is on its way with best wishes.

    Good to hear that you are on your way back.

    Heavy snow overnight so run with the boys turned into coffee and munchies. Lack of a treadmill is going to be a problem.
    Enjoyed the Spurs game in my man cave. The snooker table is scheduled to be reassembled in a couple of weeks so hopefully a snooker night with the boys can be planned. We are allowed small gatherings around here as the village has had zero covid cases so far.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    good couple of jaunts there, WP - pleased to hear tummy improved!  
    Mick, are the roads cleared sufficiently to allow running?   
    TS - how's the back?   
    rest day yesterday - as TS alludes, recovery the intention after the longer one on Sunday.
    Seems to have worked, as 4 miles this morning very enjoyable (partly my route - simply loops of my nearest park , with duck pond, bandstand & redbrick University building providing pleasant backdrop), and legs felt pretty strong.  Just need to get a bit faster !  
    Perhaps I should start thinking of an alehouse-esque multi step speeedwork plan (but give it a few more weeks of steady plodding, first)  🤔
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    The main problem is that the pavements had not been ploughed yet. Immediately after the storm, the road edges are still a bit difficult as the plough tends to leave black ice. A decade ago it would not bother us but now it is not worth the risk.

    Today it was beautiful, bright sun light, no wind. -2c, perfect! 6.5k around the village, lots of tourist about doing their Christmas shopping with enough snow around for it to feel like Christmas.

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    now what was I saying about winter tyres :)?
    Tourists eh - bringing all their bugs into town.  watch out, we had a very low infection rate here until the eat out scheme and then everyone came into town from surrounding  areas and guess what................. infection rates zoomed up.

    Everything to do with lockdown has become unavailable.  I have just bought some garden furniture s we couldn't get in during the summer - it is now stored in the garage in the space that I painfully cleared for it ready for next year.

    that's what we all say - just a bit faster :)  But a good show after your 10 miler.

    My back is much improved thanks - pain has gone and some light exercises have helped a bit.
    I may venture out tomorrow for a shamble - but not if we have Mick's weather!!
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    No rush for "speedwork" yet, Birch! Will send my 16 steps if you want: something to play around with!

    Yes, take care, Mick! Not worth any risk on ice. 

    Glad the back is improving, TS

    Good to hear of improvement, WP

    And there seems to have been a bit of improvement with my hips, but sticking at around half an hour a day for now. Think I have been neglecting the stretching since my biopsy four weeks ago: out of the habit and need to get back to it. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque: Yes  allergic to foods so back doing FODMAP for 4 weeks strange hardly any fruit or veggies.I cant eat dairy and it seems chickpeas, cauli, cabbage,apples,pears,plums etc

    Hope your back is okay? a nightmare when they go:-(

    No run yesterday too tired but today 6 very slow miles.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    light duties for you too :)

    that is a long list of allergens!  Surprised that wheat/gluten  did not make it as that is normally a predicator of stomach bloating

    I did venture out this morning but felt a bit of jarring in the spine so only trundled round for 1.5 miles - enough to reacquaint my legs with running!
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    ................  too many years blighted by my back problems prior to the op to consider pushing it - now how sensible is that :)??
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    Yes, gently does it with the back, TS! Having had two fractures in two years I know what it is like! Still feeling one of mine: a vicious circle with trying to strengthen which then causes discomfort etc etc.

    I think 6 miles is too far, WP! I would rather see 30 or 40 minutes on a consistent basis and build from there!

    A very slippery 40 minutes or so for me: not Mick's ice but liquid mud for a fair amount of the run. Pleasant autumnal afternoon with glimpses of the sun; this morning was foul torrential rain.

    Remind me to stretch somebody, please. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    prudent wearing of the sensible hat, alehouse & TS - and keep yours to hand, WP :)  
    busy day here, so going dark by time I was free to run - decided on exercises indoors instead; will get out earlyish tomorrow - I'll continue with the "steady eddie" approach for now, as alehouse advises but at some point may avail myself of the 16 point plan :)
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    Sounds very wise, Birch! The "plan" is just a starting point to adapt to your own needs. I had got to step 8, I think, but when I re-start it will be down a few steps. Nothing should be set in stone!

    Have just arranged to run with my M75 friend tomorrow. It will not be vest and shorts weather!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Liquid mud, no thanks, that is probably more slippery than ice.

    More snow this morning so run postponed until tomorrow. This lack of an indoor option is going to be a problem
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    Did you remember to stretch, alehouse?
    Popping back to say hello and admire the dedication and consistency of people on this thread.
    I am keeping up the not-a-parkruns but am getting so slow, and needing so much recovery time, that I can't consider myself as in any sense "training".
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    Torque I hope the back is easier today.Sensible hat for you :)

    Gluten is on the list along with lots of other things.

    Ale: I was sensible as I had run 5.75 so only an slight increase but will bare in mind what you have said.Did you stretch?

    Dave:16 point plan? i must have been asleep and missed that :)  good news on rest day and hope weather is kind today?

    Mick: No hope of a treadmill as yet?

    Rest day for me and with -2 I am pretty happy about that-sensible hat is worn.

    Columba good to see you :)

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Good to see you, Columba. Had a decent stretch before today's run. Must do it more often!

    WP: the 16 point plan refers to a "speedwork" plan that I wrote which I offered to Birch; all welcome to have a copy to adapt to their own needs. 
    re your own training, I would be looking at 30 and 40 minutes on alternate days to build consistency for 3 or 4 weeks, then gradually increase. 

    Ran with my M75 friend this morning, off road. 39 minutes, although unusually he turned off early. Started off under grey skies and 3 degrees; it soon warmed up, as did we, and by the end I was bathed in apricity. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Hi Columba
    good to "see" you  :)
    Maybe you need more running days to increase fitness and reduce  recovery time?  It is hard work though getting there!!

    I read that as a 16 pint plan  :)!!  There was a Finnish athlete who claimed he trained on beer which may be a route to follow............

    big change in weather for you - from 16C to snow. Pity about the lack of a running machine - and that you did you not bring your old one with you in the move,
    Looks like you will have to get exercise using your new snow blower!

    that's a fair range of foodstuffs to avoid!

    is "apricity" a new type of body lotion :)?

    Increased mileage hugely this morning - went from 1.5 miles to 2.1 miles!!
    Back a little better but my legs felt as though they had never run before! 
    However it was good to be out in frosty, crisp conditions.

    I had to seek additional sustenance in some lemon drizzle cake on my return............. :p  
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    That's a 40% increase in mileage, TS! And lately I know that legs-have-never-run-before feeling.

    And apricity should definitely be bottled.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    You're getting out, that's what counts. A lot of us are in the same situation where it's a question of managing expectations rather than setting new highs.

    I keep checking still no treadmills available. I have minimum criteria that needs to be met and the ones that are available do not meet it.

    Good to see you haven't given up.
    Yes I'm beginning to regret giving the old one up.

    I had a minor migraine this morning so no run for me. It happens very rarely but when it does I need a day to recover.
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