
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, in the summer I think they go out quite often for rides on weekends.  But these winter Zwift sessions are on Monday evenings.  I won't be going out on the bike on the roads now that it's set up on the turbo (I only have one bike), but once Spring comes along it'll be back off the turbo and I'll cancel Zwift.  My Zwift set up is the most basic you can get - you can get decent kit that talks to Zwift so it knows if you're drafting (so it's easier to ride) and moves the front of the bike up if you're going up a hill etc.  Mine is just a straight forward turbo that I've had for a few years so I won't have any of that, but the speed/cadence sensor is cheap (£20) and will be fine for my needs.  I know the serious guys care a lot about their power stats, but I haven't got a power meter.  I did look around for one in the Black Friday deals but didn't get one.  When we moved house I nearly got rid of the turbo, but I'm glad I kept it now.

    Just had an advert pop up for Peloton.  I knew it was very expensive, but it’s even more than I thought as it’s £1750 for the bike and £39 per month, which does seem a lot to me.  I mean you can get a very decent road bike and a gym membership for less than that.  I've never tried it, but it's just a live-stream virtual class app really, isn't it, and you buy the bike from them too?
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Wow for peloton, need to sort my florist to make room for a turbo, I used to naturally get 50 miles a week on my commute but now I live so close to work I really can't see the point and I'm on the route for all the school traffic so busy. I did get out running this morning, walked Milo to the local lawn and did 10 laps/ 30 minutes, some dogs which I know Milo isn't keen arrived so we left as I hadn't took his ball as a distraction. I have no idea of distance.  I stayed on grass so felt safe. I'm planning gym tonight, I want to improve my strength. Think it's going to get warmer end of week. 
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    Big G - the Zwift sessions with your club will be ideal for you.

    That's an eye watering price for the Peloton bike.   I suppose it's the bike equivalent to a decent treadmill.

    Jelly - grass would certainly be the safest option this morning.

    Is Milo better now?

    Can't wait for that warmer weather later in the week.

    My hairdresser came to cut my hair today, she said 'please tell me you didn't run today with that ice'.  
    She was flagged down by another driver to warn her not to drive down a road as a sheet of ice.   She also saw school children falling over and clinging to walls to try and negotiate the ice.   Usually children have no fear of ice.

    At the moment doesn't look much better for tomorrow morning. ☹️
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, maybe it's that about Peloton.  I know nothing about them really but it just seemed pricey to me, although when I Googled another high end one I'm vaguely aware of (Wahoo Kickr), that was even more expensive!  I'm fine with my set up though - it's only for 2 or 3 months, all being well.
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    BigG: peloton really aren't worth the price. 

    Shades: that sounds dangerous with the ice. My sister said it was -1 by her and they were already gritting at 4pm. 

    I've been quite busy. Managed 13miles yesterday by accident (was planning on 10k and just kept going). Feel absolutely fine today and no soreness so I think the shorter speed stuff is working. At the moment, I'm going to shoot for my 5k at the end of December as I've been tracking my cycle and think I've found the sweet spot. Let's see. 

    B got me a Strava subscription for Dutch Christmas on Saturday so I've been geeking out at all the stats. 

    Hope everyone is doing well :-) 
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    shades - this time of year have to be flexible with the weather, hope it de iced tomorrow

    Cal I was only thinking earlier I’m not going to see the lights up London this year, I don’t usually go to see them but for some reason shopping, show, race I find myself in London over the festive period. Hope you get to run upto London again! 

    Jelly when we got tiger and smudge from the rejoining centre they said black cats are hard to rehome as some considering them evil and or bad luck, I wasn’t a cat person till we got our two a year ago.

    Ian home gym sounds awesome, hope the pf is staying away! 

    Big g that’s a hefty price tag for peloton, no wonder it can afford and need to advertise a lot! The monthly fee is a gym membership but I think I’d prefer to buy a decent bike if I had the money.

    Rcouture glad I’m not the only one out running in shorts when it’s cold, I struggle to wear anything other than t shirt and shorts, maybe a base layer sometimes.

    little running from me last week, managed 3 short runs and today is the first day of 16 week marathon plan, I’ll be loosely following my plan and hope that regular training will motivate me.

    had a decent score back for my last uni assignment which was pleasing however no news from work re the restructure.

    I marshalled at ATW event on Sunday, was at bovingdon drift race circuit, flat as they come was pretty foggy for most the time I was there but as the fog went was nice a nice venue.

    im at another event this weekend saffron Walden, it’s multi distance but the longest is a half, they are doing a marathon there in April and sure they’ll do it again so may consider it myself. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Emmy, regarding Dutch Xmas, OH's parents sent us over some chocolate letters and pepernoten. :D  

    Robert, well done on the assignment.  That's great news.  Some great pics there from the race too.

    Jelly, I don't class myself as a cat person, but OH has one (he's called Pim, he's 17 and now totally deaf), but I have grown attached to the little fella.

    MF, not sure if you're reading and apologies if I've missed something, but I hope all is okay with you and your son.
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    Emmy - rarely see a gritter around here and would only be on the A roads, most of which I can't run on as either dual carriageways or too dangerous for pedestrians.

    Your training is going well.   Are there plans for some Dutch marathons in the spring?

    Big G - what's pepernoten? 

    Robert - which marathon is your 16 week plan aiming for?

    Well done on the OU work.

    Are you expecting news of restructure now?    I thought it was next year and you'd just had an early warning.

    No run for me this morning, another heavy frost and we've had a little rain in the night and that's frozen again, doesn't look as bad as yesterday but not worth the risk as I've no idea how bad it is on any of my running routes.    However, hoping tonight will be a balmy 3 or 4 degrees so should be OK for a decent run tomorrow.   It's frustrating, feeling like I'm not getting past week one of my training plan, although there is no urgency right now.
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    They're Christmas cookies, Shades.
    Rob, I had an ex whose parents lived in Saffron Walden - lovely little town.
    Just sat here waiting for it to get light so I can go out. Yesterday I went to the gym - there was an older guy doing callisthenics and huffing and puffing which made me nervous as he must have been spraying aerosols everywhere (what annoyed me more was he didn't need to be in a gym at all for that routine, it was all bodyweight). Put my mask on and trust me, it's not easy to bench press with cloth over your nose and mouth. Gah.
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    edited December 2020
    Cal - it's a long wait on these dark mornings for daylight, isn't it?

    That's really annoying and unpleasant about that guy in the gym.    Fortunately at my gym we have designated areas for those that want to do bodyweight stuff and stretching etc.   Easy to move away and find another spot too if necessary although I've never had to.   I wouldn't wear a mask in the gym.

    Christmas cookies, yum, yum.   I had some stollen last night, very nice too.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, actually the ones we've got are Kruidnootjes, but OH tells me everyone calls them pepernoten   I hope that helps.  ;)  They've got a mild, mixed spice flavour to them and they're small (i.e., 10p-sized) cookies.  The Dutch do great snacks.

    Committee last night and we're restarting training tomorrow.  A change is that The Rec building is closed during the week because they're not doing "substantial meals" in the week.  They're put up a massive marquee at the back so we can meet in there with face coverings, but it means no loos or showers available.  There was a small amount of debate asking "is it worth it, if we're back in lockdown in January?" (it was more just a comment rather than a debate, really), but we're opening when we can and if we have to close again we obviously will do.  The demand is definitely there as I opened the booking system quite late last night and there are only small number of the 40 spots remaining this morning.
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    Big G - they sound tasty, won't last long with you I guess  ;)

    Good you're starting training again, no loos is a bit of a problem but as long as everyone is warned then that's the best you can do.

    I think if we have another lockdown it may not affect sports/training as even gyms and training are allowed in Tier 3 now, so much more emphasis on keeping fit and healthy going forward.    We'll just have to wait and see what damage the Xmas socialising does.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, for me no loos would be a problem.  Chair is on the committee there as well and he was saying they're opening weekends only, so presumably they're doing meals on weekends.
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    Big G - well if you drive up for training you'd have to stop at Sainsburys or somewhere similar on the way.  ;)

    Just did a review for the NB 1080's, first time I've been asked to do a review for Sports Direct.    Interestingly the review must be for the goods only, not to mention customer service etc and not to mention the price paid.   Anyway, happy to do a good review as they're lovely shoes.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Went out a bit later once the ice had gone and got 5.5 miles done in the sun.  Every thing felt pretty good, so I'm quite pleased.  Whisper it, but I appear to have turned a bit of a corner the last week or so.
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    Fingers crossed for you, Big G.
    6 easy for me this morning. Rather cold.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    Milo is much better that you Shades and the Christmas tree has been up 30 minutes and so far he's not interested in it so we can start putting decorations up the weekend and see how that goes, massive thing in our house.  He's high maintenance dog. We went for an hours run this morning Milo loved it and flat out now, no idea on mileage but even on the trails it was slippy. In places.  I made it to the gym last night you going to try and go there 2/3 times a week, it's a small friendly place and normally quiet. 
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    Big G - I do so hope you are right, you've had a very long injury recovery period to deal with.

    Ian - I hope your recovery is going well too.

    Cal  - are you going to run tomorrow morning before your evening race?

    Jelly - so glad to hear Milo is well again, that's a worry off your mind.

    I suppose Milo sees the Christmas tree as another toy to play with.

    Glad you're enjoying the gym, I'm booked in tomorrow.   Do you have to pre-book your gym sessions?

     I didn't go out (shopping) until the sun came out, it has warmed up a bit here now.   Am confident I can run tomorrow.
    Multiple accidents this morning on the black ice.

    I have today ordered 3 more pairs of winter tights as realised I don't have enough pairs when we have a cold spell.

    Lovely to see that 90 year old lady be the first to get the Covid vaccine this morning.   

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-That guy sounds so inconsiderate, some people are selfish unfortunate.
    big G-Glad you are on the road to recovery, have you looked at Kinomap? doesn't seem as good as the others but it's one I'm considering for when we get the treadmill for the amount of times I'll use it.
    Shades-I am feeling better, foot has only been a tiny bit sore each morning and gone within a couple of minutes then can't feel it all day, took today off as I needed to go in to work but hoping to run again tomorrow.
    Rob-Good news on the exam, hope your recovery keeps going the right way.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, no I haven't heard of Kinomap.  I'll have a look.  Good news yours seems to be feeling better, too.

    The speed/cadence sensor turned up today and I after I set it up I spent about 20mins just getting used to Zwift, and making sure things were calibrated.  Then I jumped into a 55-min race and I have to say, I really enjoyed it.  It was organised by the Trek cycling team, and there were a couple of their riders in there chatting away.  I think there were about 1000 riders in there.

    I'm not saying that I'll never go to a spinning class again, but I think using the turbo at home will definitely take priority over spinning now.
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    Shades expecting to be told any time, but won't be happening until the new year, the company have been good by giving us advanced warning but have said departments will hear as soon as things are decided which could be as soon as the end of the year, and having worked for the company for 7 years, they'll need to give me 7 weeks notice.  Dorney Lake Easter weekend is just 16 weeks away.  Hope you managed a run this evening.

    Cal you get alsorts at the gym, some people don't have any consideration for others.  Before lockdown there was a bloke spending 20 seconds on about 6 different machines, bouncing between them, no cleaning just up and next then repeat.

    Ian the foot sounds positive, I seem to get a bit of a sensation when I wake up by hardly feel anything after.

    Big G hope the recovery continues.

    Mince pies packs of 6 only 39p in aldi at the moment, bought a few packs, they aren't too bad for a cheap mince pie.  Not sure if I'll make it out for a run tonight but may make a trip to the gym just to get out the house.  
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    edited December 2020
    Ian - that's hopeful progress on your injury too.

    Big G - sounds like you really enjoyed that Zwift session.   Will give you another option re training.

    Robert - although it's not the news folk want pre Xmas, IMHO the sooner employees know then they can make plans or be reassured.    Sounds like you might be too expensive to get rid of  ;)   However, if the worst happens you should have at 7 weeks pay + redundancy.

    Didn't run last night, I don't really like running in the evening unless I'm doing doubles.

    I saw the mince pies in Aldi, great price, I did even consider buying them.   I don't mind the odd mince pie but not six so resisted.   

    Excited this morning as I got ready for my run, still cold 2 degrees but only a few of the cars in my road had a little frost even though everywhere is wet after the rain.   Set off for my run, all fine for the first 400m or so, then I come to the metal railway bridge, ice on the bridge but I wasn't surprised as that is often icy there.   Tiptoed over that ice and resumed running, all fine until I come to a junction to cross which is quite open and that was all iced over so had to stop, decided to change route as I knew my planned route would have more ice.   So headed off towards the roads at the edge of town, lots of tree cover here and managed another 400m before another big stretch of ice.   I was getting really fed up now so went home.   A massive 1.09 miles, this week so far has been a disaster for me training wise.   But tomorrow morning is forecast to be a balmy 8 degrees  B)

    Then my Garmin won't pick up my run via my phone, it hasn't for the last few runs even though all settings are correct.   I switched Bluetooth off and on on my phone and that did the trick, then I get a warning message from the NHS app because I'd done that  :#    All sorted now.

    Upside of my disastrous run is I'm home in time to book Pilates for Monday, 24 spaces snapped up in less than a minute.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That's frustrating, Shades.  Getting ready to go out and being hopeful of a reasonable run, and then having to abandon it.

    Robert, we went shopping at Aldi and I saw those.  But I've promised myself I'm not buying anything like that until closer to Xmas so I managed to resist.  My issue is if I buy a box, it'll probably go in a day.  If I buy two boxes, it'll take two days, and so on.  I did buy some mixed shelled nuts, but I consider that not too bad :)  

    I'm sticking to my "running every other day"-plan for now, so jumped on the bike for an hour again today.  Zwift has got a lot of workouts, based on power, and it's estimated my power so gave me work out which was warmup, then 3x(3-min quite hard, 3-min hard, 3-min very hard), cool down.  I did it on the Champs Elysees :)  I was worried my turbo was quite loud but OH said she hardly heard it; it's her day off today and I had started quite early, so didn't want to disturb her but she said it was fine.  I've cancelled my virtual classes now as I can't see me going to those in the next week.

    All being well I'll get out for a run tomorrow AM.
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    Big G - you must be the equivalent of having a giant hamster on his wheel  ;)   Glad you're enjoying it.

    A box of mince pies in a day  :o  that would be the end of keeping your weight constant  ;)

    I'm not too bothered about today's run as I know the forecast for the next couple of weeks is ice free.   Let's hope that doesn't change.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, ha ha, yeah that's true.  One thing that is very different to being on the bike outside is that there is no air to cool me down when on the turbo.  It was cold outside but I had the window wide open and I was still dripping after the ride.  I do have a fan so I've set that up for next time.  I actually wish I'd brought the bike in a month or so back, when I stopped riding it outside, as I think that would have been great through the second lockdown when I wasn't able to run much and the gym was closed.  Never mind, it's sorted now.

    Running is still my priority but as I'm not currently running as much as I'd like, this is a good substitute for me especially with the duathlon I've got planned.
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    I've been eating mince pies but I limit myself to one a day. I have to get the gluten free ones which are often more expensive and less fancy, but it's better than nothing.

    Big G - my Strava feed is bombarded with Zwift bike courses - my clubmates are mad for it. Looks quite fun actually.

    Shades, that is mega frustrating - glad it's getting a little warmer eh?

    Rob, I don't think I want to try Dorney again, honestly. What little I did of it was enough to teach me that I don't enjoy laps.

    So yes, I did do a little run this morning - just four miles, and I went as slowly as I could manage (which turned out to be really slow. Each mile was a little under 12 minute pace). Felt a bit odd but also strangely enjoyable - perhaps I've been going too fast all along. (Having said that, cadence was low and stride was super short, so I'm not sure it's good for my form to run that slowly).
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    Big G - it might have been too much for your injuries during lockdown at that time but should be useful too if we have another icy spell. 

    Cal - that's very disciplined of you with the mince pies.

    Good luck for tonight's race, hope you enjoy it.
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    Cal - Good luck for the race this evening. Which is it?

    6 miles today and yesterday so a slight taper from usual weekday 7. I was thinking about what time/pace to aim for with this half next weekend. My last half was 1:45 in February which was in windy but otherwise fair conditions and I remember thinking at the time that I hadn’t pushed myself that much. I know this course is twisty but otherwise flatish so I think I’d be happy with anything under 1:40 for a 5 minute PB. 

    I’ve heard that the hoka arahi 5 are coming out in the new year which I’m very excited about. The 4s are my main daily shoe and I can’t seem to find any other stability shoes with as nice a feel so hopefully these new ones are the business too. 
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    Rcouture - you should be on for a very good PB on Sunday.   Just think how much your training pace has improved since February.

    Maybe go out at a sub 1:40 pace and see how that feels.

    Re shoes, you obviously like the combination of cushioning and stability, there are more shoes of that type around now.   Have you looked for the NB equivalent, I have 2 pairs of NB shoes with amazing cushioning, certainly equal to Hoka. 
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