
Sub 3h15



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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    The curse of old man hammy, TR:D

    I've torn mine a few times over the years, had two spectacular rips that ended my football days.

    Had the sports massage this morning, first for years. Unprompted he found the problem areas in my weakest hammy. Ironed my legs out good and proper and gave some good advice on how to sort out the weak areas. Very impressed, I'll make these a regular feature from now on as my legs are older and need more recovery care.

    Treating this as a recovery/taper week for the sub-40 10k attempt on Saturday. I'll go for a run tomorrow to see how the post-massage hamstrings feel and enter the race if things feel less tight.
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    Afternoon all.  I've had a skim-read over the last week's worth of posts after a lovely break in Jersey (slightly shorter than planned as bad weather meant cancelled ferries for our outward bound leg).  I didn't do a huge amount of running in Jersey, but got out for a couple of 6 milers and a very cautious 2 miler up and down some decent hills, plus a decent amount of walking each day.

    I note a mention of Wokingham: Speedy, it looks like they allow place transfers, if you're interested.  I entered and have now realised it clashes with an orchestra rehearsal, and I'd rather do the orchestra rehearsal and linked concert.  Let me know.

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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭
    Sounds like a good break Jools.

    Good to see you've rediscovered the delights of the sports massage G-D.  I'm always amazed when they find a sore spot that you weren't aware of.

    Hopefully good conditions at one of the two HMs TR so you can attack the time.  Good idea to keep the long run mileage down for a few weeks - 16 is plenty. 

    Tempo session early evening.  10K in 39:24 with 4K w/u and 3K w/d to give just over 10 miles for the day.  A bit of a mental battle over the last 4K, but got it done.
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    edited November 2021
    TR - hope the weather is okay for at least one of those HMs.
    GD - I'm such a wimp that I've never had a sports massage :)  I'm sure you will smash sub 40 if the conditions are reasonable and you are good to go.
    Jools - shame about your break being cut short, but sounds nice nonetheless.
    SBD - toughing out and winning a mental battle is all good prep, well done.
    Over the worst of the lurgy now. It wasn't particularly bad, but I will take the rest of this week off to recover properly - nothing to rush back for anyway!
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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭
    Full recovery sounds a sensible plan Gul.

    Managed to get out mid-day post rain in misty conditions.  12.5 miles starting at 8:15/m and decreasing to 7:20/m, an average of 7:35/m.  Heart rate nice and low at an average of 138.
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    10 miles yesterday (including 2 hills: very exciting!) and then a sports massage.  I always feel ridiculously groggy the day after a massage, and this morning was no exception.  I should probably have gone for a gentle swim, but lounged around in bed instead.  Oops!
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    You are super fit SBD. Nice place to be in winter training.

    GWS Gul. No rush.

    Sounds like a nice break in Jersey Jools.

    Have you raced at Goodwood before TR? Contemplating their HM as a marker before Tokyo.

    All EZ miles this week. Had a health scare needing investigation but thankfully all clear. Stress can play havoc with overall health so am using this week as a rest week and running as slowly as I can... 
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    OO, yes 3k sounds like utter torture!

    Couple of solid runs, SBD. As for the long run, if i could sit at 18 I would, however my maintenance long run is 15-16m so I can tell my wife I will be 2 hours. I also find that longer than 2 hours I have to put more into post run recovery just to make sure I am good for the next week. Two hours doesn't take too much from me and I can just have a stretch and a shower. Perhaps when the kids are a bit older I might progress there.

    How are you feeling about Sunday? I had my number on Monday. Conditions still look perfect. I had a strava search for a profile from 2018. Looks like it comes out smack on 10m and has about 70ft of elevation so utterly flat. I think that's about the elevation i record when I do a 10m tempo around the race course.

    Good luck with the sub 40 attempt, G-dawg. Should be nailed on for you.

    Gul, glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Session on Tuesday of 10 x 3m off 1 min, so pretty much 10 x 800m give or take. Seemed to hit all the paces but it seemed very hard. I am not sure if that is because i'm not so used to the sessions or because I was at the racecourse and the 2nd half of each rep was straight into a strong headwind. I've previously confused the impact of that with being flat or not as fit as i thought.

    Easy 8m yesterday lunchtime then spin last night. Pulling it right back in now ready for Sunday.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2021
    DT - i was on the 3min reps yday too, 12x3min/30sec.

    MsE - i run quite a few races there, but have done two of the Runthrough CV safe marathons and one 1/2 in the last yr and a bit.......its 30mins from home, you park in the field, walk accoss road, collect your number, run a lap wu, easy peasy......but, its out in the sticks so can be very cold and very windy. Both maras were affected by strong winds, the 1/2 i did in july was less windy but hot and humid, its a good surface and there's no tight corners, the TT CV races were tough and lonely, and theres other race distances on the course at the same time which gives you traffic to weave through.........I'll probably do the Feb 1/2 as its so easy for me. If you could guarantee a still day, and some folks to race it would be a rapido route for a marathon.
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    The idea was to have the Fizz look at my hammies on Tuesday, rest a couple of days and do thr exercises he gave me, go on a trial run and decide if I was fit enough to race that 10k Saturday. 

    Managed 8 miles on a rolling course today, just steady but had a few surprising bits of quality that had not been in evidence since before London. Good signs.

    Got home, hammies a bit tight but better than last week, let's book that race.
    Nope, entries closed.
    Despite the website saying last entries 11th Nov, I was expecting midnight not midday.

    So, I'll be putting a harder effort in at the XC league on Sunday instead and just do regular steady miles on Saturday.

    There are plenty of 10k races at Dorney, I'll book another there or somewhere else. Maybe it's for the best anyway...

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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭
    Bad news on the race G-D but there should be plenty of alternatives in the next few weeks.

    Good work on the reps TR.  Are you feeling in good shape for the up coming HMs?

    A couple of good sessions DT.  My home based children are now 16 and 17 (the oldest is now at University) so I can escape for 2.5 hrs without anyone complaining.  Did you get any more info on the cobblestones at Derby?  Do you think the course is OK for the Vaporfly's.  I'm not really feeling race ready - too much work stress at the moment - but will see how I feel on Sunday!

    Nice easy miles MsE.  Good news on the all clear.  Go easy on the stress.

    A long day yesterday followed by the Covid booster and a parents evening meant it was just after 8pm before I got chance to run.  Very tempted to slack off but managed to get my youngest to motivate me with some suitable verbal abuse.  7.5 recovery miles followed by some S&C and a few glasses of wine!  Feeling much better for having completed the session. 
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    That's a shame g-dawg! Your chance will come though.

    TR, your session sounds significantly more savage than mine!

    SBD, parents evening then an 8pm run, followed by s and c and still time for wine!! You must have been up late, or drank fast. I've had my quietest working week this week since August. My kids still need entraining, cooking for, homework help and so on.

    Any booster side effects?

    I'll be wearing my alphaflys, the cobbles can only go for so long and it'll be dry which will remove any slip on the surface. I have gone through about 15 strava uploads from the 2019 race of people around the 57-62 min mark and no one mentions the cobbles so even if they are problematic a Speedy found them, hopefully they aren't too bad.

    Weighed this morning, still a bit of holiday weight hanging on and post mara recovery so 2lb heavier than my last few races, however 13lb lighter than when I last ran this race 2 years ago now. 63.11 that day for my current pb.

    Easy 4m with strides over lunch then rest day tomorrow. I do like the 11am start (11.02 actually to allow for remembrance silence) on Sunday, particularly with a 75 min drive to get there.

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    Glad to hear you are ok, MsE.  (BTW, Mr. J and I went for dim sum at the restaurant you tried and it was great!)

    G-D: sorry to hear about the race entry situation.  Rather annoying, but as you say there are plenty of flat 10k options at Dorney.  Good luck with the XC.

    12 miles on an undulating route for me this morning.  It seems to have left the calves slightly tight, but they do need to (very gradually) get used to doing a bit more work again...!  Hopefully nothing that some stretching and rolling can't fix.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Plenty more races about Dawg,,theres even a 10k ar Goodwood in a few weeks.

    Well done for getting it done SBD, my booster is in 2 wks......not too excited for the 1/2's, i dont train for them so there's no mental investment, but best efforts on the day for sure. After we both did Abo 2019 ( i did 2.55) i ran 1.21 at Gosport 4 weeks later, if its as good weather then I'll hopefully be 1.21 or 2 this year, but who knows. Its a big race, i might make top 100 so theres lots of folks to chase. Just depends on the wind as its effectively 3 and a bit miles up the seafront and back, twice.

    DT - i bet you were running a lot quicker than me. My reps and jog recoveries comes out on the slow side of averaging mp, but it's an undulating first few miles.

    Hope you both go well Sunday, kick it hard and hang on for dear life.

    Had a day off work today, so went out for a longish run, did my recent total of 16m and added a bonus mile for 17m in total seeing as the rain had stopped, copped an absolute weather beating in the previous 16m.
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    Not as much as I should this week: I genuinely didn't have time on Monday due to work, I ran Tuesday and Wednesday and then had CNBAs yesterday.  But tomorrow is a new day, etc., so back to the gym it will be.  I do find it harder to motivate myself to go to the gym because even though music/YouTube makes it more tolerable, it's still not fun in the way running is.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2021
    Agreed, its defo harder to motivate for, especially if it requires a trip to the gym or pool. On the plus side, theres a lot of infro coming from Jess Stenson, Rose Harvey, Steph Davis, Jake Smith.........plus others as to how well they've run at marathon and half marathon off less miles and cross training in recent times.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Yes the pool is a lot of hassle but love it once I get going.
    Anyone entered Boston GFA? Today is your last chance...
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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭
    It would be nice to do Boston again but I need to tick off some of the other majors first.   Hopefully Berlin and NYC in 2022, Tokyo and Chicago in 2023.

    Hopefully you get good conditions for Gosport TR.  You should do some HM focused training some time and go for the Sub 1:20.

    Good Strava research DT.  I emailed the organisers asking about the course and received the following response:

    1) There are no cobblestones at Elvaston Castle, it is compacted gravel.

    2) There is a short grassed area in the approach to the gates at Elvaston Castle and then 100 metres of a grassed avenue with a track running alongside it.

    No booster side effects other than the sore arm but this was milder than the initial two jabs

    Had planned an interval session tonight, six sets of 1K with 500m jog recoveries. Managed only 4 reps at 3:42 but couldn't go any further so ran a few steady miles and then a 3K tempo at 3:56/K.   !0 miles in total with w/u and w/d, so not too bad.
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    Jools, the answer is Zwift.

    (Also, will try dim sum next time!)

    And, MsEtte3 has Covid. I tested negative but am feeling it is just a matter of time before I succumb. Waaahhhhhhh! :'(
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    Our house is not Zwift-friendly (early 1800s cottages have small rooms and once the furniture is in, there's really not enough room for a bike), and our garage is not attached to the house and has no electricity, so I am stuck with the best the gym has to offer.  I dragged myself there today and did 30 minutes on the bike and 40 minutes on the cross-trainer.  No music to distract me, either, as I hadn't noticed that my phone charger wasn't properly plugged in, and didn't have much juice left on the battery at the time I needed to leave.  Oops! My quads have definitely not done enough work what with a week on holiday and the best part of a week of apathy.  I really had better get back to it this coming week!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Blimey SBD, that friday night session sounds close to Sunday mornings race, no wonder your inner self was objecting.

    My legs felt ok after ydays 17m, so i backed it up with 18m today. Legs felt pretty good, good sign that.
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    That's a tough two days, TR.

    13 for me this morning in glorious sunshine (shorts and vest weather in mid-November.  I guess that's why COP is so important...).  40 miles for the week off 4 runs, plus 1 70 minute gym-based cardio session.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    59.14 today. Really didn't think I had sub 60 in me right now. 

    Speedy was right, the route and surface was great for 5m then You turn into Alvaston grounds and it starts as grass, then what speedy described as cobbles but probably not what SBD and I pictured, but was a dreadful surface. This then changed to loose gravel until about mile 9. The surfaces really were hard work. By the 9m marker I was hanging on but knew I had the best part of a minute banked so just needed to keep moving. Mile 10 at 6.08 was the only mile not to begin with a 5.

    Kept an eye out for SBD in start pen and hung around finish until about the 65 min runners were coming in. Hopefully it was a matter of me not spotting him as opposed any issue? 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Nice jools, building back up well. Vest ? I rarely wear a vest in the summer.

    Well run DT, sounds lije a strong run there. Sub 60 is a good benchmark to tick off, much tougher than sub3.

    Turbo intervals for me today.
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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭
    Well done DT - Sub 60 is brilliant.  The surface from 5m sounds far from ideal so you did well to keep on track.

    Slight crisis here with an impending UCAS application deadline on Tuesday so decided not to make the 2 hour trip to Derby.  Given the course and lack of race focus I don't think I've missed too much!

    So a steady 18 mile long run late afternoon at 7:29/m.  None of that sunshine that Jools enjoyed but pleasant conditions non the less.  Gives me 74 miles for the week, the third 70+ mile week in a row, so time for a cut back week.

    Back to back long runs is good going TR

    Hope MsEtte is OK and you manage to avoid catching it MsE
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    SEdanSEdan ✭✭✭
    G-Dawg / SBD / Joolska - I am so scared of a sports massage! Never had one. I don't like people touching me and the idea of it being 'hard' to get the 'knots' out is truly terrifying. Convince me I'm wrong??

    SBD - that is quite the Marathon schedule you are planning there!

    Back feeling strong after my couple of days off with lurgy. 41 miles for the week, with 20 min tempo on Wednesday and 2x1200,2x,1000,1x800 yesterday. Did my normal hilly LR route today but took it up to 13 miles, at a nice 9:14 comfortable pace with 735ft of climb (according to Strava). Bang on 2 hours (give or take 10 minutes).

    I've got a week of work next week, then traveling to Austin TX for Thanksgiving week off, where I shall partake in a Turkey trot 5 miles. Then 9 days later I have the 15k race in NYC with NYRR, so nice to get back into some racing. Then it is keep the motivation through the Christmas period for the inaugural Mark Twain Half Marathon in Connecticut on 1 May 2022 (maybe with a couple of small NYRR or similar races in the run up). Back in the UK for Christmas but looks like I'm not going to be able to fit in a parkrun - we'll see.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Poor week for me. 40 miles and 3 swims, but very slow parkrun and laboured Sunday run. I've narrowed the issue down to breathing. Every time I up the pace or hit an incline I struggle for breath and have to easy back. I guess it's some lung damage from Covid. Patience required.

    Well done DT, another PB and great run out.
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    Congratulations, DT.  Sub-60 is a great benchmark!

    30 minutes on the cross-trainer this morning (I've decided that I need to be realistic about weekday gym sessions, and aim for 30 minutes, then hang on for a bit longer if I can face it.  Watched the men's 10,000m from Tokyo again.  A sensible length race to fill a 30 minute session!).

    SEdan: I'm not a very tactile person, either, but have got used to sports massage over the years.  I guess my view is that it's not that different to being touched for the purposes of physiotherapy.  Plus I've had the same masseuse for years now, and I get on well with her and trust her.  The main benefit of regular massage is that your masseuse will often find a tight spot/imbalance before you've realised there's a problem.
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    PS: OO, I hope the breathing improves.  If it is post-viral stuff from Covid then hopefully time will be a healer!
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Hope the breathing issue sorts itself out soon, OO.
    Fantastic time, DT. With that difficult terrain, it sounds like an even quicker time is there if you want it, too. Nice.

    Missing to 10k was a blessing in the end. Went for a 12 miler on Saturday and the hamstrings were very tight. Worked on them later that day and yesterday morning.

    Yesterday was the Surrey XC League. This round was at Denbies wine estate. Plenty of mud and hills on a just over 5 mile circuit. 627ft of elevation had my lungs bursting at times and I had to be careful with the hamstrings. Great fun running for the team with no pressure for a time.
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