
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Thanks to TS and Alehouse (again) for their input. TS asked the $64000 question of the specific purpose of the interval routine, and (this will not surprise you!) I'd have to admit to the 'showboating' option. As for Ale's times in the 1970s - 2.40 per km - well, my goodness!
    I'll play around with/tweak my format to see how it goes. Today's parkrun (22.00) was a bit disappointing, but I did outsprint someone and this is something I hardly ever manage, so perhaps it's working.  
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Managed 8miles this morning at 9:16 pace overall.I have entered a HM in late March so need to ramp up the mileage slowly.A nice bright morning here and no wind,just a bit icy in places.To use a TS phrase,the dappled sunlight made it hard to see at times.
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    simple  :)
    I knew John's motivation would be the flash stuff - just have to flush it out of him :)!

    Best not to think about those bygone days - as Mark Knopfler would have it "all the road running is in vain"
    I rewrote the some of the words fairly recently to reflect more completely on running - and it should serve as my epitaph!!

    failure  - I am trying the tough love coaching technique :) .
    Improving a sprint finish is very hard work if one hasn't got the basic fast twitch muscles to start with - or the energy reserves to utilise them because they have been exhausted by running above one's aerobic threshold for too long.
    It is easier to knock 10 secs off a 5K time than 0.10 sec off a 100m time

    Thanks for the heads up on the islands.  I had heard similar tales which is fine if that is what one wants - and sandy beaches, warm seas, blue skies and no distractions sound quite good just now!
    A good starting base to your HM training - 8 miles is a good introduction to longer distances

    I had some of Ray's sunshine early this morning but also a whole lot of back ice - in fact every surface was covered in it glistening on top of the black tarmac paths.  Cars were doing funny things on adjoining roads so I bailed out and made my way slowly home just managing to stay upright on several occasions!!

    and no - I am not going to talk about  entirely predictable football results - although the anti-NUFC brigade based upon the new ownership will no doubt be cackling about it in their particularly delusional and blinkered manner!!
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    8 miles sounds good, Ray

    Sorry to hear that you didn't have the weather for running, TS! I went to the fitness suite and watched the sleet through the window. Ran afterwards (7k) and managed to avoid even any rain. 

    Good move to concentrate on the league, Toon fans. I rather enjoyed the comment yesterday that the only thing that Cambridge should be beating Newcastle at is University Challenge. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    TS, I realise that after 40+ years as an educator, moaning about bloody students, that I am myself a slow and reluctant learner! The point you made about fast twitch muscles did resonate. I suppose only a muscle biopsy (thanks, but no thanks) would tell us our fast twitch v. slow twitch balance, but the fact that we have all gravitated towards long(ish) distance running might indicated that we are collectively pretty slow twitch?
    I've got naff-all explosive power (and never have) but decent local muscle endurance which I guess is a reasonable 'muscle profile' for 5k? And of course given that muscle = weight, I guess an absence of it is - all other things being equal (which of course they never are) - an advantage?
    Having waffled on inconsequentially, I suspect the quickest of quick fixes that most of us could use to improve performance would simply to shift a bit of weight? Personally, I've found that losing about 5 pounds has coincided with getting quicker - but as I did this at the same time as I invested in some decent running shoes (another quick fix, if a bit more expensive), then it's hard to know which of the two variable produce the outcome. 
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I have been running and training since high school and have tried about everything there is. I have found as I have aged that intervals, especially the short ones are high risk. The biggest bang for the buck and low risk seems to be tempo runs. These are runs at your anaerobic threshold for at least 5k. You need to prepare for them with pickups of one flavour or another and not do them too often. A good 5k race includes red lining for a big chunk of it and tempos get you close to that feeling.

    Very wise running on water covered ice is not a good idea at our age.

    Bad weather here for the last few days so I have been on the treadmill. Today was 5.4k listening to classical music. Harder to concentrate on the treadnmill compared to the rower so I think classical on the rower and pop on the treadmill.

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    you did well weatherwise!
    I think the last time the respective uni's competed against each other Newcastle came out on top against Fitzwilliam College - in fact they thrashed 'em :)

    aaahh supposition is the father of something

    I used to be a sprinter and indeed virtually all the sports I played were based upon speed.  However there are two types of fast twitch muscles, one of which can be trained to perform like slow twitch muscle through heavy training which I guess is what I did in transitioning.
    Still had a kick finish for showboating :)
    Weight loss is indeed a very good way of speeding up.  As Mick is fond of saying there aren't many heavyweights like me chugging around at my age!!

    sounds like you have your mood music sorted :)

    I am afraid caution reigns nowadays particularly with nursing my knee along.  Just not worth the risk of a twist or stumble.

    Ironically it is now mild and wet .................
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    Thanks Mick (like the idea of the 'more bang for your buck' approach) and TS. Thinking about the whole fast twitch/slow twitch thing I'll throw in the experiences of 2 of the all time great rowers. At their level, they were effectively competing in a 6 minute event (i.e. 2k). One of them (Cracknell) then turned himself into a sub 3 hour marathon runner, whereas the other (Steve Redgrave) was a 4-5 hour one. So Cracknell - unless he's some sort of total freak - did transform his body massively....and not just be dropping a couple of stone. 

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    I think the training regimes of the two were rather different despite both starting out with very high aerobic base levels.  
    I recall Cracknell was almost a skeleton compared to Redgrave - and of course he was much younger as well - but still a very impressive achievement.

    So I dismantled the vanity mirror and checked it out.  Took a photo of the LED constant output driver and looked for a replacement on the internet.
    Found one from the Chinese manufacturer but only if I ordered 120 at $6.90 each!!
    Sourced a UK equivalent for £10.99 and went back to check I could remove it from the rear face of the mirror as it was glued in place before ordering.

    As I poked around I came across a loose wire whose cable end was blackened.  Cut a new end to it and put it back securely into its correct terminal. 

    Worked perfectly again - result  :)

    I have to lay a Hash trail for tomorrow night - was going to do it this afternoon but got too busy so it's going to be a double day tomorrow!!
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    .........  well part one done 4.5 miles done in plenty :)

    Rest up now and do it all again at 1900.

    It would seem that Djokovic and Johnson share a passion for both tennis and lying - I do hope they both get chucked out of their respective stations very shortly!!
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Hope part two goes well.Johnson&Chums what chancers.LED drivers replace all the control gear in fluorescents depending what type you need,but I’m sure you know that.

    Had a Alehouse type run this morning as I got soaked.Once home and showered i decided to weigh myself and the result was not good.My weight has gone up to 12st 8lbs far to heavy for me at 5’9”.
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    holiday excess :)?
    you still have -3 stone on me!

    Rain the south - how dare it!!

    Yes - the mirror has two rows of LEDS illuminating from the rear face. 
    By the loud buzzing sound it was making before I dismantled it I had assumed that it was the control gear malfunctioning. 
     Just as well I found the loose wire before I went any further.  It must have just been hanging there for the last two years since manufacture slowly sliding out of the terminal block.
    Even my limited electrical skills  could tighten a screw properly! 

    I may need extra refreshment after this evening's run...

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    just a couple of 3 milers over the weekend here, day off yesterday, and a 3.5 today. Something longer tomorrow, all being well.
    Ray - the excess poundage doesn't seem to be slowing you down :)  
    TS - extra refreshments will be warranted after a double day - but will they also be doubled ? 
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    consistent days out can't be bad

    yes - extra refreshments were consumed and all liquid as well :)  
    A new blonde beer to me called Sleck Dust from the Great Newsome Brewery - very nice indeed after my further 3.5 miles under a starry, frosty night.

    Then a slow 3.2 miles this morning in 35:52 but with a low avHR 127 and a max of 150 on the usual hill

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    I ran Monday nothing yesterday as tired and ice today so no run. But I building up TBP workouts I am doing .Hopefully I can run if weather allows tomorrow.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    We had a bad day yesterday as well. It was -26c when I got up, not a day to be outside. Hope you got out.

    Impressed with the repair, you be buying a multimeter next.

    You will soon be joining me at over 13st at this rate.

    I ran with the boys today, 7k done in -3c with light covering of snow so slow and careful. No time for treats as had to get home as have a snooker game later.

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    hope you got out!

    a multimeter sounds far too complex for me :)
    One of the Hashers on Tuesday had just received an email from a relative in Quebec saying it was -26C there as well - you did well to see it recover to -3C for your run.
    Multi sports day as well!!

    Nice chill morning here but knees were reluctant to move so I edged round an abridged route of 2.5 miles with a bit less hill - in fact the last half mile was relatively flat and a leftover from the discussions with JB encouraged me, foolishly probably, to see if I could increase pace.
    Gradually ramped it up and peaked at a whole 8:40m/m pace - wow, not!!!
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2022
    Unfortunately i have tested positive for covid so have to isolate.Thankfully i feel okay apart from a bit of sneezing and tickly cough.
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    Hope that you recover quickly and that you continue to feel well, Ray! A pain as you were training well. Just don't rush back to things too quickly seems to be the message from others who have had similar symptoms. 

    Not too much to report here apart from just over half an hour the last three days, but slightly less today: had a day's work, spent most of the day on my feet, was getting dark so a shorter run was all I wanted. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    still some daily miles banked, TS, to follow double day (and Sleck Dust) on Tues . .   

    similar to alehouse this week, with another 3.5 for me today. 
    did WP get out?   
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    Sadly no running for me since Monday and all down to ice.I am starting to feel out of sorts.As good as TBP is  it is no substitute for running but the good news conditions look good for tomorrow!! I will wait till it is light to make sure no nasty icy patches left.

    Some good running going on as in getting out and running :)
    Well done TS,Alehouse and Dave.

    Ray Sorry to hear you have Covid hope the symptoms are not too bad for you.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    that's tough news.  As alehouse said be careful as the long term effects of what seems like a mild infection can be considerable.  Take care

    back into the breeding ground of infections :)?
    Perhaps you should organise a party or two!!
    Good that you managed to get out each day 

    ditto - regular is good :)!
    I do find if I miss my early morning slot for whatever reason I have difficulty fitting in a run later on - other than a Hash when there are other incentives on offer!
    Talking of Hash incentives next week's run is from the local Rooster's brewery events hall next to the actual brewery :)  :)

    sympathies on the ice - it was quite tough here as well this morning.

    Blindingly brilliant early morning low angle sunshine bouncing off icy pavements made seeing where I was going a bit of a lottery until I managed to turn a corner!

    3.2 miles done in 33 mins (10:34m/m)  - felt as though I had retained some of the slightly higher rhythm of yesterday's run latter stage despite the sometimes slippery conditions underfoot and left me feeling pathetically pleased with the effort!!
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    re the latest revelations about No10 Downing Street "parties" brings to mind that old saying - 
    " a fish rots from the head down"  :/
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    not good news, how long does it last?

    I strongly recommend Yaktraxs, they slip on to your trainers and you will soon forget they are there.

    For a 75 year old, 8 min miles is moving.
    Be careful of the backslip when running on ice, even a small amount can screw up your calves.

    -24c windchill this morning. I took the dog for her walk of course but I was wearing my heated mitts.
    5k on the rower today while listening to soft rock, really hits the groove on the rower.

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    Not too cold on the the Costa today. Just read that my local parkrun is, according to Athletics Week, the 17th fastest course in the country. Today there were many visitors who were rather rapid and perhaps they read the same article.
    I managed 20.42 with a WAVA of 82.53%, the latter a PB.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    pretty frosty, quite slippy, but runnable at the parkrun I attended - took it cautiously, though, and eked out 6 miles altogether.
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    Well done, JB: excellent WAVA, and time!

    And we'll done on your six with a parkrun, Birch.

    No parkrun here! Too cold. 1 degree late morning (yes, I know that's warm, Mick).7k with HR too high for the effort: is that due to the temperature, at least in part, I wonder? Nowhere near 8 minute miling!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    8:40 is nearer to 9:00 than 8:00 :)
    and it was only for the last 400m...

    -24C is a bit on the cold side for outdoor entertainment!!  The musical rower sounded much more appealing.

    well done - great WAVA result.
    I had a quick look at the parkrun gradings and was surprised to find that the Harrogate one was a lowly 417 given that it is fairly flat.  Must be all the corners that slow it up - 12no 90 degree bends in all.

    well done on scoring  a parkrun despite the slippiness! - and the extra miles

    it might have been all the layers you had on :)

    Hard frost here as well which has manifested itself into dense fog.

    Slightly nail chewing as the footie updates trickle in....

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    Mick: I will get some and hopefully that will mean no more nasty ice for me.

    I am happy to report 3.5 miles this morning in normal conditions 7 degrees and it felt good to be back out again. :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Do you boys play Wordle? it is a good brain workout some days are better than others for me.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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