
Shades Marathon Training



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    Rcouture - I think the article was referring to newer runners perhaps that had a great race in their new shoes and continued to do all their running in them, thinking that they'd found the perfect shoe for everything.

    I know you rotate your shoes.

    Cal - that's good you've got a date for the phone consultation.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Enjoyed the Structures debut run,10 miles after work,annoyingly my watch charger seems to be playing up so will have to get another,luckily even with 19% left it will last a few more days until the new one arrives.
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    Ian - 10 miles is a decent session for new shoes, that was a good price, maybe stock up if you like them?

    You've got one of those watches with ultra long battery life..   I recharge my Garmin every day, doesn't need it, just habit when I recharge my phone. 

    8 miles this morning, sharp cold wind but not sub zero and quite pleasant especially when the sun came out.

    Gym later
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, the shoes sound good. I must say, my Garmin has excellent battery as well. I wear it 24/7 with all the features turned on, I use it on Zwift for HR, all the running I do, general faffing with it, using the maps etc, and I get easily 8 days. If I turned some of the features off I’d get more but I don’t want to hinder the watch really. 

    Torbay parkrun today. Although I have now done this course 93 times and by no means do I ‘race’ them all, my previous best time was a very annoying 20:01 from Aug 2017, but today I went around it in 19:42 (watch time), so I am very happy this morning. It is a flat course with 3 laps of a tarmac track (about 2.7 miles), but then an out and back section on a gravel/muddy path with a huge, muddy puddle in the middle. It was windy on the open/tarmac circuit, so I was pleased with that as it felt by no means flat out in just a bog-standard pair of New Balance 1080 V10 with nearly 450 miles on them. Lots of little signs that I am running well (Fetch Mile records whilst running to a low HR, various predictors giving me good times for races, I am a decent weight etc), but I just hope I am not peaking too early! 

    I’m pleased though - I know it’s only parkrun but that previous 20:01 was annoying so it was good to tick that one off. 
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    Big G - great running to get a course best and make that sub 20 too.    Good that you're seeing all those other little signs that you're in great shape.   Don't worry about peaking too early, you just have to go with it and at least you have a marathon next week to flex your muscles on. 

    Just as well you didn't enter that 10 miler, awful weather tomorrow morning for driving and running.

    I saw HA from the Trotters when I was out for my run today, we stopped and had a good natter.
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    Big G lol at having your 10 mile race decision made for you. re PF I’ve only know it to be heel and under the arch of foot too so no help there, it can have a knock on effect on ankle ligaments too thou… Well done on the parkrun! 

    Ian glad the new shoes had a good first outing, hope the charger comes quick and works well.  

    Shades I’m a nightmare with charging my watch, thankfully my watch can last a couple of weeks without needing to charge.

    Hi Steve! Manchester is a cracking marathon, worth the 2 year wait.

    cal good you could get out for a short run all wired up, any parkrun adventures this week? I prob won’t bother with an alternative is if I get rejected from London as have a busy 2022 already.

    Another busy week study load this week, passed another insurance exam, just one more exam and 2x 10,000 word assignments (one of which I’m half done) and that’s the diploma sorted, then just focus on the uni degree which should be complete April 2023! 

    Update from work is no update and still looking at options, couple of runs this week and a run to and from parkrun today (26:50) totalling 11 miles.  25 parkruns since my fall so felt had to go to panshanger.  May go to the final XC of our series tomorrow as it’s a home fixture. 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Managed to get a charger off amazon and arrived today so all good again.
    Yes the watch has a great charge,30 hours of full mode and it lasts at least that,I don't know how often I charge it,prob every 3 or 4 weeks.
    Going to take today as a rest day I think,crappy day on work so want to relax this afternoon.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah, I’m glad I’m not doing the 10-miler.  OH is off work tomorrow as well, so being out for 8-9hrs didn’t seem right, although she was fine with it. I am toying with the idea of getting rid of my Tavy 13 place and either going for a 10 or 20-mile local race on the same weekend (with hopes of a PB in mind) but the trouble is I do like Tavy 13, although it’s not a fast course for me. 

    Ian, good news about the cable. 

    Frustrating about your work situation, Robert. Well done on today’s run though.  I bet you’ll be glad when your studying is over. I remember when I did my MSc, I was working full time, and it was tough. I was lucky as well as my employer gave me some regular time off for it, but I was really pleased when it was all over.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Weekly weigh in,and I've lost 3lbs this week,nice start to my new regime.
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    Robert - you're doing so well with your studies and you can now see the end which must help.  And you're still getting some decent runs done too.

    Big G - Rogue Runs have a 20 mile race the day before Tavy, round the Shepperdine course.   You could run both, just gently round the Tavy course  ;)

    Ian - well done on the weight loss and getting the charger so promptly.
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    Cal - good luck for your 10k race tomorrow, hope you don't have our weather, heavy rain and 50mph winds  :'(
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    That's an excellent time, Big G - well done! Do you use the Chrome parkrun challenges extension? Because you're not far away from the Single Ton badge (no chance of me getting it with my tourism...I've got 43 runs at Tooting but no real interest in running there again, more than once in a blue moon, anyway).

    Rob, hope you have some work luck soon. How is Panshanger at the moment, in terms of mud and stuff? I'm now sat on 95 different parkruns so need 5 more to get my Cowell, and I've more or less exhausted London and London Plus venues (the only ones left are the new one at Southall and Aldenham, which is a bit of a mission without a car).

    Well done Ian...pass some of that weight loss my way, will you?

    Well it's a good job I wasn't wearing the monitor today, as my HR was in the high 180s for parkrun and probably would have scared the cardiologist (although I feel absolutely fine). Did South Oxhey (a very small parkrun up near Watford, which takes place in a big, sloping field with a lot of molehills). Did a mile warm-up as per usual, then the parkrun itself. A rather uninspiring 29:07, but on this kind of surface and terrain, that's par for the course at the moment. As there were only 44 runners, 13 of them women, that was good enough for 19th overall and fourth female. Still, I have no idea what's happened to my speed...it's just not coming back in the way I'd expect it to.
    Guess we'll see at the Winter 10K tomorrow. I did the Summer 10K (itself a postponed Winter 10K) back in September and ran 54:something - a time I'd have been disgusted with in 2019 but was fairly happy with on this occasion, but I'm half a stone heavier at the moment, which isn't ideal.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, good work on the weight loss!

    Cal, yes, I do have the Chrome extension and I am aware of all the challenges, but I don't particularly plan to tick any of them off, although I do know I am closing in on 100 at Torbay.  Previously I did purposefully make a trip to Bushy and did make a bit of a concerted effort to get to 20 different courses, but I don't really worry too much about it now.  There are even 3 newish courses within an easy drive from me, but I haven't made a plan to get to them yet, although I probably will at some point for a change of scenery.  Torbay is only 1.5miles from me and it is so easy logistically.  I was pleased to see that today's effort was by far my best age grading at any parkrun though, even though it wasn't an all-out effort.
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    Big G my employer gives me 2.5 days per module for exam study/ leave which gives me enough chance to cram as much into my head for the exam.  

    Ian great start with the weight loss! 

    Cal panshanger wasn’t too bad in terms of mud little bit in the first Km but easiest passer it’s more just like a few puddles on a single track. Other than 19th March I’m good for any date in March for JF or Panshanger, the new panshanger course is a run of two half’s, half uphill half downhill so a very nice finish.  Hope you have a good race tomorrow! 

    Although I’m not racing parkruns, todays run was my fastest since my fall and my 25th since said fall. 

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    Rob - Well done on the exam and fingers crossed for some clarity on the job soon

    Big G- Great parkrun. Still can’t believe I’ve yet to actually go and try one. Not that I’m in any shape to run fast right now. 

    Ian - That’s a lot of pounds lost in a week! 

    6 miles for me this morning. Quite windy so HR all over the shop but a nice run with minimal knee issues. Going to try 12-13 miles tomorrow though conditions look pretty dodgy. All being well, am going to add some hill reps next week as an initial weekly workout.  They seemed to help early in the last training block to build speed without being taxing on the body. 

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    Robert - that's fairly generous study leave, much better to cram it in as short as time as possible IMHO.

    10 miles for me today, I had hoped to do a little more but my legs are quite tired from the gym yesterday and we have some challenging weather today so 10 takes me up to 50 for the week.   I spent ages pondering what route to take, I did flat yesterday and didn't want to do that again neither did I want tough hills as my legs are glycogen depleted.   So opted on an undulating route (647ft) and luckily the 5 miles out were into the headwind which was strong and steady rain.  When I turned for home the same mile which was more or less flat I ran a minute faster than into the headwind, just shows how tiring a headwind can be.   Nearly got blown off my feet by a crosswind on a bridge but apart from that the wind was behind me for the rest of the run, rain very heavy for the last few miles.
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    As you know I'm not keen of using a foam roller, makes my muscles hurt and I don't feel any benefit.   Just saw this from a physio's post on FB, he had said OK to share.   I think if I need a physio I might try this one.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Parkruns are good fun, RCouture.  I have done 182 now, 29 locations.  You don't need to race them or necessarily even try to run fast though, and I race very few of mine.  Also, the courses are so different it is hard to compare across them.  I remember one time when I was running quite well I was very pleased to get under 22mins on a particular, hilly, off-road course as I had been scattering around 22-25mins depending on weather conditions.  They do feel very different to a proper race, and personally I do find it hard to think of them in the same way as races (parkrun are also very careful to not call them races).  Yesterday I finished 8th out of 230 and within about 100m I was running on my own as the front 7 went off and we all strung out.  In a race, I would have been running in a group I reckon.  I do know a few runners at Trotters who say parkrun totally changed/improved their running though; I think similar to Cal, they use it to push themselves hard once a week, and then these Trotters mainly run steady the rest of the week.  People can use the weekly events however they want tough ad hen I was injured one time and couldn't run, I walked them.  It is funny as whenever I go anywhere, one of the first things I do is check if there is a parkrun nearby, and I am mildly disappointed that Spain don't have any (I have done parkruns in Stockholm and Helsinki, but didn't turn up at Berlin partly due to the bad weather, which I do regret.  OH's sister lives in Netherlands and there is one near her, so that one is on the list).

    Miserable weather here.  Euurgh.   Decided for a rest day today instead of tomorrow :D  
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    Big G - not surprised you swapped your rest day, not your sort of weather  ;)

    I've just ordered a pair of NB 880's, will be interesting to see the difference between them and the 1080's.   First pair of shoes I've ordered this year (honest), I have retired two pairs recently and have 5 pairs that are very near the end of their life too.
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    Very interesting, Shades. I am lazy about foam rolling although I do enjoy gouging my butt with a hockey ball on occasion. 
    Nice 10. Two of my clubmates did Severn Bridge parkrun in winds yesterday - I think that would have scared me, honestly. Not a fan of wind at all.
    Rob - might be nice to meet up with you for my 100th different run. That'll either be on the 19th or 26th March depending on whether I go to Dulwich in a couple of weeks for a clubmate's 250th. Other than that, I'm pretty flexible.

    London Winter Run today. I wasn't feeling tip top yesterday afternoon/evening...bit spacey and tired, so I wasn't overly stoked about this one. However, I enjoyed its summer iteration in September so set out with three goals: 1) enjoy it, 2) try not to die and 3) try to get under 55 minutes if possible, but don't sweat it.
    I bumped into a clubmate at the start which was good because they keep you penned there for half an hour (why I don't know...but the previous race was the same) so it was good to have someone to chat to.
    She is one of the few clubmates slower than I am so I didn't run with her once we got going. I purposely avoided checking my watch, especially since I knew the buildings would throw the GPS out anyway, and ran on feel. Made a point of enjoying the sights (the route goes from Trafalgar Square into the City and then back), the various musical offerings on the route and high fiving the penguins. I felt like I was struggling a bit during mile 4 but then picked up again for the last mile and was able to push on at the finish. Time was 55:27 so a minute slower than the September race, but the extra half a stone I am carrying will have contributed to that. I am not too disappointed as, while that's a lot slower than my pre-pandemic times, it's not bad on my current form.
    Once again my heartrate (I was using my own strap today) was horrifying...started in the 160s and was up to 194 during my push for the finish. Not like I felt dizzy or sick or had any stabby chest pains, though.
    Another clubmate came past me at the finish - a guy I hadn't met before. He'd started in the wrong wave (he ran 40 minutes) so had someone to chat to on the way to the bag check, which seemed like an awfully long way from the finish.
    Anyway, medal is nice...the race is prohibitively expensive for a 10K, but they do good  bling.
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    Cal - lovely pic.   Your polar bear friend would have blown away down here in Devon today.  ;)

    That's a good result from you and sounds like you really enjoyed it too.

    Re the foam rolling pics, I won't be showing those to my Pilates instructor who is a foam roller devotee.  She'd probably just fine me 100 Burpees 😭
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    Hello! Haven’t had time to completely catch up on everything, as been avoiding the thread since last week. However quick scroll and the pic was hard to miss! Well done on the 10k Cal. 55 min 10k is still good going!

    I have less positive news - my appointment with the cardiologist was Wed. I’ve probably got long qt syndrome as my qt lengthens when I exercise. It doesn’t show up on a resting ecg which only shows the t wave inversions.

    Exercise test was pretty brutal - I managed 15+ mins which is apparently around 17 METs (if anyone uses those metrics!). No issues apart from the qt lengthening which puts me at risk for developing fatal arrhythmias. Apparently I shouldn’t run on my own anymore which is a shame as I find it very relaxing.

    Quite a lot to take in. Am having genetic testing to see if we can pin down more information. I will have to wear a special monitor when I run which sends ecg data to the hospital so that they can review it.

    20 miles for me today and tbh it was awful the whole way round. Not sure if my head was completely in it. I had to move my week around as I stayed in London following my appointment so did a marathon session along the Grand Union Canal on Friday which was around 15 miles and my legs felt it today.

    Gladstone parkrun yesterday - was meant to be an easy run but got a bit carried away and dropped a sub 7 mile on the last mile. Probs also felt that today 🙈
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    Bradders - that news about your heart condition must have been quite a lot to take in.   But it's obviously not stopped you running.

    So will you have to wear a monitor all the time or just while the hospital are testing you?

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    It’s not stopped me running (and the advice has not been to stop running so far) but it is on my mind, particularly when I get tired. I’m not sure what effect it will have racing when I have to try that bit harder.

    I will have to wear the monitor every time I run for the foreseeable future. I also need to be reviewed every 6 months so it’s not a case of being diagnosed and then discharged unfortunately :(
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    Yikes bradders. I have inverted t-waves as well, but not sure what is causing that. I'd definitely have trouble not running alone. Well done for getting out and doing your runs anyway. That's a hell of a time at Gladstone...that course is a bit of a beast.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Good running to get around your target time.
    Bradders-Bad news on the heart,hope it all works out for you.On a positive it's best to find out now rather than in the middle of nowhere all alone.
    14.5 for me today,was hoping to go more but I just had no power in my legs when it came to hills,bit annoying as I wanted to do a couple of hilly loops,anyway 39 for the week and 90mins of cycling is a productive week.
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    Cal - Great run and polar pic. What’s the course like? Looked quite wiggly on Strava. 

    Bradders - Sorry to hear about your health troubles. Do you have someone to run with regularly?

    Big G - Sensible choice of race day. Yes I will give parkrun a go eventually and I’d like to go with OH when she starts running again. 

    Shades - Nice 10 miles. Are the 880s meant to have less cushion? Of the 3 physios I’ve used, two thought foam rolling was great and effective and one thought it a complete waste of time. I mainly use it to keep the muscles around the ITB in check but who knows if that works. 

    12 miles for me along the river. One of those with schizophrenic wind direction. Knee was totally fine until about the last mile where ITB made its presence felt albeit just a feeling rather than pain. I’ll take that at this stage. Aerobic base still shocking and although I know it will come, I looked at my stats today and I’m basically at the point I was at 3 months into starting MAF back in 2020. My Garmin thinks I’d do a marathon in 1:30 hrs more than my last one 😀.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well done Cal, sounds like you enjoyed it out there today.

    Bradders, sorry to hear about your woes :(  Glad you can get out and run still, though.

    RCouture, nice 12-miler there.  It is funny as I always basically ignore the Garmin predictions but for me it is currently showing what I feel are very optimistic race predictions at the moment!  Even my RHR stats are apparently looking better than ever!

    Ian, that is a decent week from you.  Fingers crossed, you're on the up now.
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    Rcouture - couple of hairpin turns but it doesn't feel too wiggly, being on roads. And worth it for the architecture.
    Well done on getting 12 done on a windy day...I was lucky the weather wasn't too bad while I was racing. It's been raining all afternoon so could've been a lot worse.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Looking ahead to the taper week of the P&D plan, I am going to follow that this week, although rather than a rest day today, I will need to have that Friday instead.

    I did the 7-miles today, and enjoyable today.  Nice conditions out there this morning.  We are seeing some friends this afternoon going for a walk on Dartmoor and probably stop for coffee/cake somewhere.  Nothing too strenuous though.
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