
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Keith, good to hear from you!  I haven't been up to that lake since March 2020, and not sure I will ever feel the need to go back at the moment!  Possibly if I feel like doing a quad at some point, but not next year, for me anyway.  

    Great news on the run, RCouture.  Well done.  You've been very patient, which I know from my own point of view is not always easy.

    Left here around 7:45am and got up to Dorset for around 9:45am, and managed to park in the school carpark, rather that on the grass field.  On the drive up, leaving home I could see the sun, but into Dorset it was torrential rain and strong winds, as forecast.  I got to the race, and after a bit of faffing including a warm up though, the race start was actually in the dry, although the strong winds stayed around all race.  Rain mainly stayed away, except the last mile or two of my race, when it come down again.

    Race started promptly at 11am, in the middle of a field, and we all legged it towards the farm gate, where everyone slowed dramatically to squeeze through, but we were soon on our way down the first hill.  To be totally honest, I had this feeling in the first mile or two that I was already overcooking it, which isn't a great sign, but I kept up with effort levels to see if that feeling would go.  Spoiler alert - it didn't really!  I am afraid I can't really say much about the course, except it was undulating and on country lanes.  The vast majority of people around me were in club kit (mainly Dorset-based clubs) and I do like those types of races.  Steve Way was there.

    I was running pretty well on the flatter sections, but people were going by me on the uphills, as is usual for me, and I was gasping, whilst slowing on the uphills.  I tried to dig in with some groups, but they just eased away on the uphills and then as we crested the top of the hill, I just couldn't catch them up again.  This happened 3 or 4 times.  At 10-miles I came over a bit queasy and just felt I needed some water, and fortunately there was a drink station not far from there.  I took a couple of cups and walked through the station and got going again, but my motivation had gone a bit by this time.

    I ended up finishing just under 1:34 on my watch.  Not entirely sure what to make of it, as I am obviously hoping for around 3:10-3:15 at the marathon, but based on today, that would be a challenge to say the least!  It wasn't that I was too tired at the start or anything like that, but it was tough conditions for me today.  I know we are all different but I much prefer a flatter course so I can get into a rhythm, and along with the wind, I wasn't able to do that today.  I was able to do HMP on the flatter bits, even a bit later on in the race, which I am taking some comfort from, but I am hoping Manchester isn't windy!  With a warm up and (very short!) cool down, that is 63 miles for the week.

    Afterwards, I had a bacon bap, coffee and a muffin, before driving back home, where Tigg was pleased to see me.   
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    Big G - I think you should be pleased with that time, considering the conditions and the course.   What was the total elevation?

    I know we think Devon has our fair share of hills but Dorset is in another league so lots of races over those undulations.

    Another good week for you.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Thats still a really good time,we all know how much wind takes out of us and that would have had a big effect.
    Rcouture-A good building week again,if you're thinking about cutting back it's probably the right thing to do.
    I cycled again,so that's 4x50 mins the last 4 days,and a 15m one day,gives me just over 3.5hrs of exercise this week,I'm trying to aim for 1 hour each day next week with hopefully some running in there.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, my watch had 945ft.  After a bit of nose through the Strava of a few other runners it is probably in the right ballpark as the few I randomly checked ranged from about 900ft to 1000ft.  So not ridiculously hilly, but combined with the wind, it was a tough day out.  My PB course, Torbay, was 575ft, with basically no wind that day.
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    Big G - as Ian says don't underestimate what a difference the wind can make.   Today the gusts were gale force.

     The nature of the course was probably less suited to you, than say Torbay, where the elevation is more of a rolling type.

    It's not that long ago that your time today would have been close to your previous PB?

    Ian - good, hope the pain is easing every day and you can do a little running this week.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, that is true. Before September my PB was 1:33:56 at Bideford (about 500ft I think). I’ll have to await official results but today’s effort will be very, very close to that as my watch time was....1:33:57!!
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    Big G - so potentially your 3rd fastest time.   On a course like that and with the strong winds, I'd say a good result.

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    Big G - what's the training plan for this week?

    8 miles today, cold and frosty but no ice.   So much brighter this morning I was able to do half of the run on the back roads.   :)   Tweaked my ankle half a mile from home and aching a bit now.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, below is the plan, but my week will look different to this (and possibly slightly less weekly mileage), especially if I do the 10-mile race on the Sunday.  It seems I am not really following the actual P&D plan(!), but running 6 days with a rest day a week, which is the P&D structure, seems to suit me I think.  I do prefer racing compared doing the sessions, and a 10-mile race would be a good test.  It is quite a drive again from here though, so I will decide if I am doing it in the next day or two, as I haven't entered it yet.

    1:33:57 is my official time from yesterday.  If I had twigged I was so close to my previous PB, I am sure I could have found an extra 2 secs!  ;)  

    Rest day today, but I am jumping on Zwift a bit later for an easy ride, and to complete their "Tour de Zwift" challenge.

    OH had a surprise call from her sister yesterday.  Her sister, partner and 2 kids will be coming over when her parents are here, which is really nice.  Just trying to find a nice place to eat for the 8 of us the evening they are all here.  My first thought was a decent seafood place in Torquay but that place is taking their annual holiday around then, which, to be fair, they do deserve!
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    Big G - quite a tough week, but I expect they all are.  I, too would prefer to race than do the sessions.

    I can't remember where the Wiltshire 10 mile race starts from, I suppose not far from the area that I went for their marathon.   Was a quick drive though for the distance.   I guess whether you go is weather dependent, don't want to go all that way and battle storm force winds.

    That's good about OH's sister etc visiting, I'm sure there are plenty of restaurants will be glad of the custom.
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    You're all tougher than me... I did not fancy the weather at all yesterday. I'd put up with it for a shorter run, but not for the 20 miler I had planned. So I went to the gym and did an hour on the spin bike (and a few half hearted glute/ham exercises, since by that point I was tired and soaked in sweat).

    So of course, that meant I had to do it today. Went as early as I could (around 5.15am) to minimise traffic and got lucky with a few road crossings. I did a similar route (King's Road/river) to last week but as I'd gone earlier, I hadn't realised Wandsworth Park has no lighting at all, so I had to slow down a fair bit as I couldn't see much at all. Nearly tripped on a stick and then scared another woman who was taking a photo of the river with her phone.
    It was lighter when I got to the bit with the church, so no worries about tripping over the coffee van cable. Unfortunately I had a bladder malfunction (as in my hydration bladder...not my actual bladder) but didn't realise until I got home and noticed my leggings and the bottom of my top were soaking wet. Ugh. I also have a nice red stripe across my chest...not sure if that was my HRM strap or my sports bra, but it's pretty sore either way.
    As for the HRM, readings seemed rather erratic, so not sure what was going on there. Perhaps it was a bit looser than usual which was why I got chaffing. I felt normal so pretty sure it was the monitor rather than my heart. Eh, technology!
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    Shades - Nice 8 miles. Hope the ankle isn’t anything. 

    Cal - Great run. You’re crushing it at the moment. 

    Big G - Good news re upcoming visits

    5 miles into work this morning. ITB faint towards the end of the run as usual. First time that HR suggested the rumblings of some fitness coming back. Nothing to get excited about though and very early days.  
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    Cal - I would have preferred yesterday's weather than today's frost.   But we're fortunate not having to work so we can choose when to run or not 😉

    Ouch to the chafing, that must be sore.  A loose HRM strap could certainly give inconsistent readings.

    Rcouture - ankle feels OK now.  Hope it was just a twinge, I do have a tendency to tweak ankle tendons at times.

    That's good news on the rumblings of fitness returning, you know it will happen.   I find that just comparing week on week isn't always helpful, but an average of the previous 4 weeks usually shows a much more encouraging trend.
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    Shades - Yes I’m not worried at all that it works over time and I’m quite happy to be patient with MAF. I’ve seen its effects first hand as well as with Big G.  I still even view Copenhagen in May as a nice bonus if I’m feeling good as opposed to something I have to target. For now… 😀. 

    I’ve been sensible and not asked for those Takumi sens as a present but rather a pair of invincibles. I feel like I didn’t give them enough of a go before returning them the first time around (maybe only 20 miles) and they will be much more useful for day to day stuff. 
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    No frost here, fortunately.

    Sounds promising, Rcouture. 
    I'm not sure what I'll use as a daily shoe once I get through my last pair of Epics. Maybe 1080s...I like a stretchy upper.
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    Rcouture - I meant to ask you if you'd bought the Adidas shoes, so that answers my question there.

    Cal - according to the internet 😲 the next release of the 1080's will be April, that's probably USA date, which should drop the price of the v11's.   There's not many of the v10 left, limited sizes.   The v10 are a snug fit, not sure about the v11's
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    Shades - no frost here either this morning, should have drove up country  ;)  I also though runthrough offer of 'cheaper' socks was a bit weird on the front page, least are are upfront rather than some races where you enter then 4 pages of things you can buy/ add to drive the cost up.

    Cal Ladybower sounds like a great race, and you know what to expect with runthrough although think this is their first ultra?  7am is a great time to start!  Hope the chaffing calms down!

    Ian hope the back is better

    Rcouture well done on double figures, hope the patience pays off

    Big G, congrats on the 5mile pb, a decent time and faster than your split on a 10k as well as an official pb!  Great effort yesterday, wind is a nightmare to contend with.

    Been hectic time with study and work recently, board meeting last week and still no news on whats happening.  Managed to get out for a couple of runs last week but not been overly motivated and did yesterdays half.

    Great Bentley Half
    There wasn't much appeal to enter other than it was a club champs race and I vowed to enter 6 races to qualify this season.  I thought long and hard over going or not but my mate was driving and I needed some miles.

    7am alarm, breakfast then made our way to deep East Essex for a 10:30 start, the weather was awful on the day down, torrential rain and wind battered the car and didn't look like it was going to stop.  We arrived at the finishing field where we parked and battled with the elements to the race HQ to pick up our numbers and drop bags off.  We send inside the call and met up with club mates, just before the start the rain stopped and the sun came out.  Made our way to the start and off we went.

    Training hasn't gone to plan lacking motivation, Easter I went 2:01, August 1:57 so plucked an arbitrary 1:55 target but would settle for anything sub 2 hours. 

    Similar to G's race the course was on village lanes, not a huge amount of elevation the biggest challenges came from a couple of flyovers.  Kept the target of 8:40-8:50 pace throughout the race, only mile 10 and 11 were just over 9 min miles before I got a 2nd wind. Talking of wind, there were long stretches where we seemed to battle against the elements, we had a few showers including some hail which wasn't pleasant.

    Finished in 1:55:41 fairly satisfied and gives me a marker to work from, feel a bit battered and bruised today.  Next half is a more undulating one in 4 weeks so a bit of work between now and then to see if I can make some gains. 

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    Robert - I don't like all the optional add-ons that races try and flog you when finalising a race entry, irritating.   But then unless I was a fan of RT's socks I wouldn't think about buying them when I had gone on the website to enter the race.

    Would you rather your employers made a final decision or are you happy just to wait and see for now?

    Nice race report and that's a great result, to set yourself a target time and make it despite the strong winds is good running.    You're very good at pacing yourself.

    6 miles this morning, gorgeous morning, mild and perfect conditions and the birds are singing their heads off.   Wore a pair of stability shoes to give my ankle a bit of extra support but not even a twinge, probably helped that I was out so early today I could run down the middle of most of the roads, so no uneven pavements.    I could run down the middle of the road I live in too as the road is closed due to a water main problem yesterday, there's a massive hole in the road, I expect they'll come back to sort it out today.  The water company sent me two of those automated spooky SMS messages on my landline, at least they keep you informed and didn't have to resort to false info on the Spotted page on FB. ;)

    Leg session at the gym later but first I have Pilates with that bloody foam roller  😭
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    Shades good news about the ankle, similar to the hole in the road, we have one but it's in a bridge, long debate who will fix it the bridge has now been closed which is annoying as on one of my running routes through a park.

    Re work just want to know, I'm impatient and waiting frustrates me! The company can't continue as it is so there are two option the first was run off the other is to transfer the risk to another insurer and become a broker.

    Would have thought any day now should start hearing london marathon ballots, would suit me getting a place as it's a local race and don't have an autumn road marathon booked yet.
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    Robert - I've just come back from the gym and they're not even working on refilling the holes, but have now opened the road with traffic lights so the traffic queues are even longer.

    Surely your bosses will make a decision soon.  ;)

    I have heard that week commencing the 21st Feb is when you'll hear about London ballot.   Good luck.

    Well apparently last week there were 22 in our Pilates class, only 11 turned up today, we think the foam roller put the others off.   Instructor said 'welcome to a whole new world of pain' and it was pretty painful, she was very kind to me and let me only do the minimum.   We then moved onto tennis ball in the piriformis, I don't mind that so much.   Then as she'd had an ITB problem in the last week we went on to find the trigger point with the ball in the ITB band on the hip and that was very painful.

    I did manage a leg session in the gym after but my legs are trashed, especially the quads.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-The fitness will soon be even better,just in time for Copenhagen.
    Rob-Great running getting a time around about your A goal,especially in that wind.
    Cal-Totally don't blame you for running Monday instead of Sunday,I'd have made the same decision.
    Back is still aching,but I've noticed the last few days I've stopped limping around and it's got slightly better so decided to go for a run today,initial plan was a couple of miles loop,but it seemed to ease so I ended running further,did 7 and the back felt good,could feel it aching but seemed to ease after a while.
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    That's great progress re your back, I guess it's just the getting going and not sure if it will make it hurt more.
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    I get those SMS messages for lots of things as I don't like using a mobile, Shades. I find them annoying, though. I mean, I know when I have an appointment - it's written on the wall calendar in front of me. I don't need reminding.
    Sounds like your class should be called foam rolling class. Never heard of such things in pilates.

    Rob...me too! But if (as I expect) I don't get in, I may have another stab at Chester. Haven't quite decided.
    Fab half...I've got Hampton Court in 2 weeks. I'd love to get under 2 again but my run of slow races in the Autumn has dented my confidence rather...not to mention my other issues.

    So I've now got a weird soreness in my lower abdomen. I noticed it yesterday after I got back from my run when I leaned against the sink to get water. It's tender to the touch but not that noticeable otherwise so I don't think it can be anything internal. Could be muscular I guess...maybe from the bike on Sunday as I did a few sprints in a forward (crouched) position. God knows. If it's not that then I have no idea. Doesn't feel like DOMS and there's no redness to suggest it's chaffing or anything. 

    Anyway, I did go to the gym today but only to do some light cardio - 20 mins on the bike to get blood in the legs (sat very upright...low resistance, low cadence) and 12 mins on the hand cycle thing. Did a little walking before and after.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Thats the thing now,see how it reacts.
    I've been geeking out on Boston videos the last week or so trying to get a handle on the course.
    It's a net downhill course but has some decent hills,the downhill looks dangerous,its a 300ft drop in 6 miles,so easy to go too fast,then net level for 10m with a few undulating bits,then the Newton Hills that wrecks lots of people's races,it's about 200ft of climb in 5 miles.I really want to pace that right as you then have a downhill again to the finish.
    I've found 1 video that shows the average % faster/slower than finish pace that people end up with so that could be a good tool.
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    Cal - I think I'd rather have a text than those messages on my landline which I then have to delete.  I've been at this address longer than I've had a mobile which is why they're using my landline number.

    Re Pilates, she likes to vary the class, we've just had 4 weeks with the yoga strap doing hip and hamstring stuff.  But we still do usual Pilates stuff as we did today, core work and balance etc.

    Is your pain in the same area that you might get a stitch, but doesn't feel like a stitch?   I've had a similar thing but only briefly when running, usually if I've not eaten before the run.

    Ian - it sounds like a strict pacing plan would be really useful at Boston just so you know what energy you need to save for later on.
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    No it's below my belly button but more on the left than right (so not worried about appendix or anything). I'm thinking it's most likely muscular but it's almost a burning sensation if I push it. It's very strange - never had anything like it before. The other option is some kind of inflammation in the colon but I'm sure that would feel different. I do suspect I may have IBS, though.
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    Cal - I've no idea what that is.   Could easily be muscular, a tweaked muscle.

    Rest day for me today, legs are tired after gym session and that bloody foam roller.  :#
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    Well I think I might have solved it...sort of... I did notice a very faint red mark yesterday but couldn't be sure it wasn't just from leaning on something or whatever. But this morning the area is now yellowish, so it seems to be a bruise. How I got a bruise there I have absolutely no idea. 
    I do also have a bit of constipation and bloating which probably exacerbated things...bought some prunes today to take care of that. :lol:

    Anyway, I only managed five miles today. I was hoping for double figures but apparently I need more than two days to recover from a 20 because my legs felt so rubbery I could barely control them. All things considered, I did well to get the five done.
    Hospital tomorrow to get fitted for the holster monitor thing so not sure if I'll fit a run in before that or not. Guess it depends what time I wake up.
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    Cal - good you've solved the mystery pain and it's just a bruise.

    Will you be able to go for your run when you're all wired up?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I took an unplanned rest day yesterday, and didn't event Zwift either, so I won't be getting the P&D mileage this week.  I had what felt like a cold coming on and just felt like a run would be pushing things unnecessarily so I canned it, even though I was sat there in my running stuff for most of the day!  It was a bit odd as I just couldn't get warm even though it wasn't particularly cold here yesterday.

    Anyway, it seems the restful day did me some good as after a decent night's sleep I felt much better today, RHR was totally normal and no cold seems to have emerged, so I went out for a 15-miler.  Quite hilly (1600ft), with a bit of trail mixed in, and I enjoyed it out there today, although overall it was slow, mainly as today I decided to just walk the hills.  Right foot is still causing a bit of a problem, so still trying to clear that at the moment.
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