
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    WP,hopefully you will reap the benefit of all those hilly miles.

    Dave,never realised your team have been away from the prem for so long.
    You have a talented son&daughter,my daughter is excellent at booking holidays.

    TS,high blood pressure is the one.Early signs are promising for your team I think you will be okay.

    Alehouse,excellent weekly mileage you just have to stay injury free.Another late goal is hard to take.

    Mick,major reconstruction is needed at White Hart Lane in the summer,or it’s farewell Conte.

    7miles yesterday trying to hide from the wind.
    Average pace 9:20
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    welcome back !! I can see the hills played havoc with your achilles.
    Stretches and easy work are in order!

    Sounds a good day's work by N in sunny Scunthorpe  :)
    Well done on avoiding a soaking.

    sounds like you got the worst of it again!

    Just a drizzle this morning as I ran to pick my car up from my son's house after we had an enjoyable afternoon of football and rugby watching aided by both the results and a few beers followed by dinner and a little wine and a walk home when it had actually stopped raining - or if it was I didn't notice!!

    Wordle in 4 today.  There was an article about whether it had got harder since being taken over by the New York Times 

    not sure myself but there have been some sneaky words recently!!
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    > @"Torque Steer" said:
    > WP
    > welcome back !! I can see the hills played havoc with your achilles.
    > Stretches and easy work are in order!
    > Dave
    > Sounds a good day's work by N in sunny Scunthorpe  :)
    > Well done on avoiding a soaking.
    > alehouse
    > sounds like you got the worst of it again!
    > Just a drizzle this morning as I ran to pick my car up from my son's house after we had an enjoyable afternoon of football and rugby watching aided by both the results and a few beers followed by dinner and a little wine and a walk home when it had actually stopped raining - or if it was I didn't notice!!
    > Wordle in 4 today.  There was an article about whether it had got harder since being taken over by the New York Times 
    > https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/feb/14/is-wordle-getting-harder-viral-game-tests-players-after-new-york-times-takeove
    > not sure myself but there have been some sneaky words recently!!

    My personal game… I use a new starter word every day. Still, I always try to keep 3 vowels in play on first word though.
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    about to embark on a trip to crawl under my son's floorboards after a discovery of wet rot and woodworm during some building work!!

    this is not a clue to Wordle which took 5 goes this morning.

    Hopefully my crawl will not dislodge/displace any more bits off me before the Hash this evening which is brewing up to be nice and stormy!!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    alehouse - yes, PB by 1:06 - reduced from 39:45 (Wilne) to 38:39. (8th place).
    More in line with the 5K times now !   
    Ray - holiday sounds a good idea right now :)  
    TS - sounds a lovely afternoon at your son's place . .    take care with the floor investigation - though I'm not sure I'd have the agility to venture under the floorboards !!

    Valieva -  "Grandad's medicine". makes a change from "contaminated meat", I suppose.
    3 miles uneventfully jogged yesterday. Lovely sunny day here (for now), so must head out soon. 
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    TS: Floorboard wandering stay safe.
    Ray: You need a holiday.
    Dave:Sunny day better make the most of it:-)

    Torrential rain and winds here but 5.5 miles all done same as yesterday and back to early starts 6am both mornings.Achilles is behaving itself thank goodness.

    I found when on holiday my fitness levels were not the same as previous holidays last one being 2020.I had to walk steep hill up from esplanade to hotel.So my cunning plan is to elevate my fitness levels  and go back and see the difference.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited February 2022
    Great time by your daughter - excellent progression.

    uneventful is fine for you!

    "Grandad's medicine" indeed!  Conjures up such a nice picture doesn't it - except for the fact that she would have been at a Russian training school full time and probably hasn't seen her g'pa for yonks never mind accidently drank from the same glass that had contained his medication without rinsing it out - if he had that medication in the first place!!

    And that's without the doctrine of athlete's strict liability for what goes into their body.

    It's not her fault, her coach/trainer/ nutritionist etc would have said - " here take this vitamin supplement tablet" and down it goes.  In a child...

    good miles in the bank - anything over 5 is very good.

    Only a brief wander under the floor needed fortunately - just about managed to fold myself in and out.

    hash last evening was just short of 5 miles - 4.97 miles in fact so it  left me knackered!
    Out this morning into a wall of air as the storm builds up. Warm but hard work for the 2 miles done with visible signs already of damage in terms of fallen trees and branches before the main storm hits later tonight.

    Wordle in 4 today - could have been 3 with the right guess for the first letter...
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    apologies - we must have xposted earlier.

    High blood pressure - hope the meds keep it under control.  I have the opposite - no need for meds fortunately.

    If you found it difficult to avoid the wind earlier in the week just wait until you go out over the next few days - although the soft south appears to be having it easier than oop here!
    Still some very good miles and a good pace to boot.
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    Sounds a good hash, TS!
    Wordle was a struggle: 5 goes. Strange as I did some of this yesterday!

    Just over 40 minutes this morning. 14 degrees when I set off, but by the time I had finished the wind had picked up and it had dropped a couple of degrees. Stayed dry for once. I note that we have ten days of precipitation forecast!

    Back to the decorating!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    TS, good two days running by you and it’s also very mild here.No running for me yesterday as i had to pick a friend up who had a pacemaker fitted at Barts hospital.A frustrating journey home which took almost 3hours for a 20mile max journey.Think we came across every road works and temporary traffic lights in existence.

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    Hi to all from your occasional south coast correspondent cum stalker. To the Magpie supporters, I hope you enjoy your signing from my club: Big Dan Burn. A player who never gave less than 100% and made the most of his talent.   A good signing but maybe you paid over the odds.

    Good to see all the regulars posting and running. (One usually is the pre-requisite of the other.) I'm still at it but only Parkruns.

    I've finally (after 35+ years of running) joined a club and it's great. Should have done it years ago. 

    Happy and healthy running to all!
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    joined a club?!
    In the words of Groucho Marks - " I wouldn't want to join a club that wanted me as a member"  :)  Enjoy.

    Haven't you heard - money doesn't matter when you are as rich as the Toon - or so the other 91 clubs plus the rest of the world would have you believe  :)

    I think we currently have a fair proportion of those self same roadworks and temporary lights around here plus the odd road blocked with fallen trees!

    Gale supposed to come tonight...
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    Interesting times, JB!

    Wordle was a disaster this morning: got 4 letters in the right place after 2; then there was a wide choice for the 5th letter...and I chose incorrectly four times. Frustrating failure! 

    And another 4o blustery but dry minutes banked; hailing now. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    6.5 miles this morning - shorts sported, but gilet over long sleeve top - and needed it, as short-lived, but v.wet, squall descended !  
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    We have a red storm alert for tomorrow so tomorrow will be a rest day!

    6 miles again today that is 3 days in a row and all at 6am I think my mojo is back.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    well done on remaining dry!

    not so well done on Wordle :/ 
     I managed it in four, should/could have been three after having the last four letters correct after two but chose the wrong first letter!!

    now that was brave - shorts indeed :)
    Good run despite that and the weather interludes.

    Batten down - for what we are about to receive - although the south appears so far to be going to get it worse, or is it just normal southern bias?

    Easyish 3 miles this morning, knee tender.  Stayed dry and not too windy but picking up now
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    WP,18 miles in three days is good going well done.

    Dave,nice 6miles run.I’ve not been brave enough for shorts yet.

    Alehouse,all these miles deposited will hopefully pay dividends.

    TS,not sure about this levelling up lark if we have a bit of bad weather 😀
    Hope the knee settles down with a bit of rest.

    Winds are starting to pick up here, hopefully not to damaging outcome.

    6 miles for me as well this morning at 8:40 pace.

    Wordle in five today.
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    yes, well done on that mini streak of longer runs - just don't make it too long although the weather has probably sorted that out already!

    that was pretty brisk over 6 miles - good workout.

    NO run today other than the school run!  I have g'kids staying as their parents are away on a birthday break so routine disturbed.  Hearing the rain and wind I was quite pleased and it's due to get worse

    Wordle in five today and just avoided going to six as I had used up all the groupings I could think of for the remaining letters - took far too long!!!
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    Thanks for you kind words :)

    Ray: That was nipping over 6 miles well done.

    TS:I also took five today for Wordle not done it since before holiday.Bet you are glad you are not running today!

    Well we are being battered to bits down here started at 6am and still going strong.It seems to come in waves before being battered again.We have power so all well so far!

    Treadmill 1.5 miler this morning first time on treadmill in 14 months and TBP.I just hope all is fine for a run outside tomorrow!

    Stay safe out there.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Wordle in six today thought I was going to blow it.

    Lots of things rattling here but all is okay so far.

    WP,Treadmill is the sensible choice today.

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    Wordle in six here also.

    So far weather not noticeably worse than usual here. Set off in the dry but within minutes there was sleet driving into my face. Soon turned to horizontal rain which was behind me on my return journey. Just over 6k logged.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    no run here - had to wait in this a.m. for GP call (no specific time given), plus admin tasks re Mum's flat sale. Too wild subsequently - pleased yesterday's 6.5 in the bank !   
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Love the description of the weather, no worse than usual.

    No big screen to watch while you treadie?

    A bit of a relapse for me so still no run. I'm up to strength today but major snow dump so comeback exercise consisted of 2hours outside in -13c shovelling and blowing. There were high winds as well so not too friendly. To make it worse,the FO installers made a mess at the end of the drive. Lots of rocks buried in the snow, turning the blower into a cannon. I will no doubt rediscover them in the summer when mowing the lawn.
    Wordle in 4 for me.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    tough outdoor session there, Mick!
    3.5 miles trundle on local roads for me.  
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    Mick:That was a tough outdoor work out for you.
    No the only big screen is in sitting room.

    Dave Well done on getting out  and running :)

    Saturday was long run day and I managed 8 miles bring me to my second 30+ week longest run in 9 months.Strangely legs were aching like mad and in bed.

    High winds so hopefully a short run today just to get legs ticking over.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    good to see you finally recovered - or at least fit enough for outdoor activities of the snow moving kind!

    Spurs would have given you  a lift yesterday :)

    well done for braving it!

    well trundled.

    hope you survived the onslaught of northern weather!!

    good going on kicking on your run distance
    I am sure there is no connection between tired legs and distance covered :)

    An interesting experience over the weekend

    Friday night brought the expected very high winds which managed ot blow down part of the fencing between the gardens.  Unfortunately the neighbouring house is unoccupied as it undergoes refurbishment ( 2+ years now!!) so it was left to me to clear the fence and associated thick ivy and climbing shrubs that festooned it from the other side as it was blocking my drive and had only just missed my car.

    I had only just finished chopping and sawing and bagging up the stuff to take to the tip when it started to snow - just managed to get the three trips in before the road became impassable.

    Woke up this morning and all snow had gone - replaced by more high winds and driving rain.
    Went out suitably attired with cap and hood up on my Gortex jacket and it promptly stopped raining after 50 yards!!

    did my miserable 3.2 miles on legs fatigued by all the climbing and cutting yesterday and 50 yards from home it started to pour down again!!

    Wordle in one yesterday :) Aid by my g'daughter asking me after she had five goes what word it could be given the three letters she had!!
    Took five this morning - only had one letter after three goes, three after four  with only two in the right place.....

    The good news about this stormy weather is that may bog down Russian preparations if it penetrates far enough into Europe - they will want cold, dry weather to harden up the ground.
    After 70 years it seems impossible to imagine full scale tank battles taking place on the same ground as WW2 but it's getting very serious over there.

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    Yes, good win for Spurs, and those who don't want to see Man City win the league!

    Sun came out for my run yesterday...briefly! Back to normal weather today: pouring rain and strong winds. Stayed out in it for just under 50 minutes to bring up 41.3k for the week. All rather slow. Could do with a 5k or parkrun to get a bit of a steer on current fitness. The thought of it does sound rather painful though!

    Talking of damage, my very heavy patio table took off on Friday; it no longer has a very thick glass top! It had been outside for over a decade without even being moved by the weather!

    Wordle in four today, probably more by luck than judgement. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - super stuff !! 8 a (very) nice number :)
    TS - blimey, giving Mick a run for his money with the outdoor cross training  . . .  good work getting the 3.2 in as well, today.  
    alehouse - bad luck with the table (but good luck you weren't in its path)  . . .   nice kilometrage.   
    7 sopping miles trudged for me (though I did do a few sets of strides at the end) - all around the "industrial loop".  River Don almost at top of the arches of a bridge; its still pouring here too (as I guess it is with TS and alehouse too).  

    I was at said location as N there - her birthday, but she "had" to get the session done before any cards and presents attended to !  That's my girl  ;)  
    Her brother came and kindly paced some of it :)    Off to her's for family birthday tea soon.
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    I don't mind City having one more year before the Toon juggernaut gets going :)

    You did well to stay out for 50 minutes!!

    I had put all the garden furniture apart from the table into the garage - the table moved about 4' but then got wedged in the corner of the wall around the patio otherwise it would have followed yours.

    now that is family loyalty and dedication:)
    7 miles swimming is excellent - enjoy the tea!
    And yes it is still lashing down here as well - there is even a forecast of a tornado in N. Yorks!!!

    If we think we have had it bad weatherwise this made me wince


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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    He obviously didn't listen to my advice on willie warmers.

    Well done to you all getting out in such conditions. I think you would all qualify for emigration to Canada.

    Yesterday was another day toiling in the snow. I managed to blow the shear bolts on a b!ock of ice so it was followed by half an hour working on frozen metal. All fixed and ready for the next storm.
    Today I managed a 5k row in the mancave and it felt really good despite the family complaining about my singing.
    Great spurs game and it was good to share it as we have family staying.

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