
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Sorry been MIA just been a busy week and not as productive as I would like.
    3 rest days due to tiredness and not feeling well.But back out today Boot camp and a 2.5 mile run still tired but hopefully getting there.
    Fresh week starts today last week was 18 miles so two weeks below par for mileage.It can only get better!

    Wordle in three today also.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    a good metric marathon there :)

    Footie results falling nicely for the Toon but a tough few weeks ahead with four consecutive away games...

    Just need the alternate (good!) Spurs to turn up for their forthcoming game against Everton!

    It seems the possession based game is taking a back seat for now

    a rest break is fine when you are not up to it - bit of a hard reset - Boot Camp and running :)

    I did a slow but pleasant 3.2 miles in bright sunshine and easing frost.
    Crocus out in huge drifts along with early daffodils on my route so it was  visually appealing and I was going so slow I could appreciate the view :)

    Wordle in three yesterday and today so the streak continues though I am getting a bit bored with it now
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Daffs out, yes please. Slow but pleasant suits me too.

    Nothing wrong with a few days off.

    Ran with the boys today, + note the +12c. It was more of a paddle than a run, melting snow everywhere but it does look like the cold is on the way out.
    I too am hoping that the good spurs turn up.

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    that was a big temperature swing - all of 26C in a couple of days.
    At least my puddles were warm!!

    Well the early daffodils were looking a bit droopy this morning as it went down to -6C overnight and coated everything with a hard frost.
    Pleasant plodding weather though as I did 2.5 miles easy running.

    Wordle in four over a hot choccie - a good way I suppose to start a day.

    Talking of hot choccie - I discovered a new flavour at the weekend - not chocolate laced with honey oaked rum  :):):)
    Had it after a walk around Harlow Carr Gardens in chill, dry conditions - most reviving!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Not so cold here, TS! Around zero, and then about 3 when I ran with my M76 neighbour. 

    Wordle reflected my run: a bit of a struggle. Wordle in 5; run in 61 minutes.

    Hope that your temperature stays up, Mick. And anything could happen in the Spurs game!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick: Big change in temps for you.

    TS: Sounds like the hot choccie warmed your cockles on your walk.

    I had to do a factory reset of Garmin as it had a fault last week and has not been right since .I did a few soft reset but did not help.

    4.5 miles this morning 2 degrees a little nippy but nice to be out.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Birch: any news from this side of the Pennines?
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    alehouse - good k's, and seems your legs did survive the tiredeness for you run today . . 
    WP - hope you are feeling better - a bootcamp/run double, backed up with 4.5, suggests you are . . . .
    Mick - nice to see you out with the boys in balmy conditions  . . .  
    TS - floral feast on the eyes sounds good - and interesting variety of hot choc !  
    3 miles on Sat here, then 3 more yesterday, as I ventured not too far from alehouse territory, as the Birch siblings were at Trafford 10K.  Happy days for both, and some excellent athletes at the sharp end.   Not been out yet today (I'm considering making Monday a regular rest day, and going out the other 6 days)
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I usually go and watch at Partington, Birch! Would have gone if I had known! Some very quick times, both male and female. And well done to yours!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    sounded like a good day out for the family on t'other side of the Pennines :)
    Was it raining?
    Good consistent running from you - trust you made it out yesterday as well?

    My Garmin HRM has stopped functioning - the built in obsolescence date must have arrived !1
    Nice perky 4.5 miles done by you

    looks like the "good" Spurs turned up last night :)

    It was so nice out this morning that I stepped out for a brief walk in the sun and hard frost - helped clear the head!

    Still took four for Wordle - only had one letter after two goes..
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    it didn't  rain TS !   hm, head needed clearing eh . . . . ?  Hash today? 

    I decided against a run yesterday, but another 3 today, inc 8 x 160m strideouts. Must get a longer one done soon - 2 weeks tomorrow since last double-digit.
    watched the game last night - was it "good " Spurs, or dreadful Everton?  Whatever, what a couple of finishes by Kane - especially the second one.  
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    no chemicals involved in the fuzzy head - only sleep deprivation :)

    Strides eh - I can nearly remember doing them ..

    A cold night last night for the Hash made even colder by a brisk wind but a good runout of 3.5 miles over some stiff river gorge paths 

    Walked this morning to the dentist for a deep clean and polish - the walk back was a little uncomfortable as the chill wind whistled through my newly scraped teeth!!

    Wordle in five today :/ - more fuzzy head issues!!
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    Garmin is fine after the factory reset :)

    TS:  Well done on Dentist bravery.The Hash sounds a good run out.

    3.5 miles for me as very tired and did not want to get out of bed so I see it as a positive.VO2 max has increased it had dropped 2 points when Garmin was playing up.
    I also had wordle in five I need to keep it till afternoon and brain is working better.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good that the Garmin is working again, WP! I found my run hard work  today as well: the wind was a pain! Legs also perhaps a little tired from pushing 4 x 30 seconds uphill during yesterday's plod. 

    Hash sounds good, as ever, TS! How many do you get running? And do not remind me about the dentist: root canal on the agenda next Monday.

    Spurs were good on Monday! Or Everton weren't.

    Wordle in five also, although only two yesterday!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - definitely a positive!!   
    TS - sounds a good workout on the terrain . . . 
    alehouse - similar here re run today - 5 miles, but "tinman" legs, which I attribute to yesterday's "strideouts" !  Lovely crisp sunny morning, though.  
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    I will have to try that reset as well
    You will feel better for getting out the door!

    ... but no rain?  You must have missed it :)

    There were 12 of us at the Hash and another three joined at the pub - missing for reasons of a torn achilles, heart surgery and CBA :)
    Ironically the guy with the torn achilles , who is in a walking boot, proudly displayed a photo of he and his wife in matching walking boots - she had fallen and broken three metatarsals in her foot - so they matched perfectly!

    Tinman legs -good description but still 5 miles is fine.

    Lovely morning here - warm breeze, sunny and the cherry trees in the garden were showing a pink blush against the clear blue sky as the blossom peaked out.

    Suitably inspired by this tale of runners

    I set out but the inspiration had not got to my knee which crumpled quite dramatically after 1.5 miles and I had to hobble home in the warm sunshine - so it wasn't all bad.

    Wordle in four - I had all the letters in three but all in the wrong place!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in 5: a struggle again, just like my run again. About 45 minutes  including 2 X 3 minutes at a quicker pace. I am sure the wind was against for the whole 45. Trying to throw in the odd quicker section without going full out.

    Will look at the article later, thanks TS. Shame the knee wasn't playing. Was 15 degrees this pm...but the wind gave a feels like 7. And no rain! 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    lyrical description of the garden, TS - I like it .  
    remarkable article - thanks for posting - imagine having to consider such things whilst out doing our thing (we can't) . . .   
    anyway, sorry to hear of the crumpling knee; hope its back in business tomorrow.
    4 miles this morning (legs improved) in beautiful spring-like conditions - no gloves, and felt slightly overdressed in long sleeve top with tshirt over it. Pleased  chose shorts not leggings.  Marathon mentee is calling by later on her way home from work, for a walk and catchup chat in local park, so a leg stretch in the pipeline :)  
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    What a good article and brave runner's!
    Hope knee settles down  for you.Was it the hash that upset it?

    Dave: Great job on your run and prospect of a walk with trainee later.

    Ale:15 degrees what no rain;-) that was warm 10 degrees this morning for us and that felt warm.

    No Boot camp today so 103 minute run 5.5 miles which was good all going in right direction .I just need to watch fatigue....no walk today as tired.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    nice to see all folk out running despite various obstacles to progress.

    Not quite up to the ones in the article though :)

    My knee was fine yesterday whilst walking to and from the dentist (apologies for reminding you of what's to come alehouse!)

    'fraid  lovely weather has largely disappeared - now cloudy and very windy - must have come over from alehouse's direction.

    Big night for the Toon away at S'ton followed by Sunday's away game at freshly sanctioned Chelsea, then Everton and Spurs all away.
    By the time that lot is finished they will either be safe or in the mire once more.

    I suppose the Spurs game is the only banker... :)
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    ... and another banker last night :)

    Tried a gentle stroll this morning on another pleasant dawn - that was enough!

    Wordle in four - could easily have exceeded the six as there were so many combinations available after four letters in the right place but a lucky guess got it.

    Rugby super Friday and Saturday -  I am getting spoilt!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Ditto re Wordle, TS!

    Decent win for The Foxes as well yesterday. 

    Just over 5k fairly easy today. Windy again, grey and 11 degrees. Rain forecast shortly.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - good jaunt there ! 
    TS - take it there is a sufficiency of pork pies in store . . .
    alehouse - rain here too, towards the end of my 5 miles this morn . Just light drizzle.
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    Dave: Nice run mileage:-)

    Ale: Rain here as well and jacket still on IOW.

    TS Nice few nights ahead:-)

    4 mile this morning in torrential rain, then a walk in same rain and just finished my version of boot camp.

    Chelsea looks in dire straits?
    Wordle in three this morning.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    good treble, WP !  
    trundled around another of our parkruns today (a flat one, for a change).  Did this with a previous "marathon mentee" of a few years back. Bumped into her during week (pushing her new grandson in his pram) :)  she said was just getting back to some fitness "jogging", so we agreed to do this parkrun and have a catchup. So a mile warmup preceded, and a 4 mile morning done and dusted. That's 5 days on a row for me !!   
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Well done on your streak, always good to run with an old friend.

    My planned run got lost today. We had a big dump of snow and out I go with my trusty snowblower to have it fail on me again. So today's exercise is shovelling a whole lot of snow in -10c and then walking the dog.
    I am now more pooped than if I ran, but that will suit for watching the big game.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Thought things were warming up, Mick! I managed to miss your big game, and the second half of the England rugby: uni cross country club AGM. Most inconvenient!
    Hopefully The Foxes will do Spurs a favour later. 

    Weather here seems almost constantly grey and windy.

    Today's 33 minutes post fitness suite brought up 43 k for the week, the highest since January 2021. The last 8 weeks have gone: 









    Sorry about the formatting! 

    Wordle in 4 today, 5 yesterday.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    so not spring yet!!

    well done and dusted - 5 days in a row is nearing Mr Consistency :)

    yup the Foxes appear to be getting out of their mini slump
    Pleased to hear your weather is returning to normal!!

    rain again - you are catching up with alehouse!
    Another tough double day for you.

    Well the most energetic thing I did yesterday was to do Wordle in four - three today after a gentle mile or so  so see how the knee was.
    It said it didn't like it much....

    Rugby was very strange - both Friday  and Saturday.
    Wales had a cunning plan to see off France and would have done so with a little luck
    England had a brainless start leading to an immediate red card and thereafter, despite huge efforts from the pack couldn't overcome that.

    ah well Super Sunday Soccer shortly - the newly enriched Toon take on the newly impoverished Chelsea ...
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    Rest day yesterday as did not feel right.

    Today boot camp cancelled so it had all the hallmark for a good run but no body said 2.6 miles so that is what I did. also similar distance for a walk for banana's.

    Rugby was strange indeed!!

    TS: Hope knee picks up again !
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Shame we are not local as you could explain the complexities of rugby. I tried watching the Wales game but it just appeared as the same thing over and over. I did play it at school but not by choice.

    5k row for me today as it was just too cold outside for a run, -19c wind chill and definitely NOT spring but it will come quickly when it comes.

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