
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    lovely pic, alehouse!  Is he named after the artist?  :)   
    Left leg - I do get stiffness/soreness/occasional weak feeling in the tendon(?) between shinbone & calf on outer side of leg. Left calf also bigger than right, and has been for some years - a pair of tracksuit bottoms is snug on left calf, loose on right !   

    weather and  errands dictated 8am start today, but a light breeze and overcast, so fairly pleasant;  just a 3 mile trundle.   
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    delightful picture  - proud moment :)!

    It is a sorry state when the newly borne baby has more hair than the g'pa - definite sign of ageing!!

    well done on fitting in your runs - and Wordle.

    you must have done a lot of bend running in the past but to be that noticeable in size difference perhaps indicates something going on - don't know what!

    Pleasant out there early on today as well but now it is sunny and blowing a gale.
    Usual 2 mile walk done - passed a bloke on the big hill who promptly broke into a run to overtake me - I didn't respond  :/

    Wordle in four today - there has been quite a string of tricky ones recently.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Who is a proud Grandpa then, but doesn't it make you feel old? I have a 26 year old granddaughter so I have to accept being old.

    Keep up the good work.

    Totally screwed up my consults. The first one got cancelled and the second one, I managed to arrive exactly 2 months early.
    My lesion removal is now Monday and I have a chest x-ray on Wednesday.
    I am still confident that I will return to running despite the lack of insight from the medical profession. I do seem to be gradually improving.

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    Alehouse, what a lovely picture.

    Thanks for the feedback. Just to add that the hamstring behaved itself and took me to a 20.50 today. Should have been a bit quicker as I ran the 1st km in silly fast 4.01 and then wilted in the heat.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I'm way behind you, JB! Well done today. 

    Around 24:45 for me at my nearest parkrun. Results not up yet. Always struggle there as it has a couple of hills in it, twice. Splits were 5:22 (hills), 5:00, 4:58 (hills), 4:50, 4:34. Didn't really get going until 3k when the hills are out of the way. Worth about a minute compared with the flat local courses.

    Wordle: four. An inspired guess!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    really good going - for a lurker :)
    Your hamstring did well to withstand the first 400m fast and then pull you round the remainder of the distance despite the heat.  Sounds like it is in good nick now.

    very good for a grandpa :)

    no heat here and in fact yesterday we almost had  a local cyclone as the wind was so strong swirling around stripping leaves off trees and generally being unpleasant.  Today coolish already and much gardening done.

    Wordle in five - I was stuck after four with only an "a" in the right place and a floating vowel and nearly every letter combo used up.  Finally dawned but no inspiration just slogging through the limited combos.

    Off to watch Leicester v Saracens now - should be worth a beer or two!!!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Rest day yesterday as very tired after the Theatre the night before.
    This morning just under 5 miles legs are like lead for first 3 miles of every run!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    TS, thanks. That was a proper game of rugby!
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    what were you doing at the theatre - a knees up :)?

    5 miles good!

    up and on early!

    yes it was definitely a three tins of Brewdog IPA game :)

    Limited tactics from Leicester (and Sarries) but they were good enough to keep Sarries away from the try line.
    Still a bit too much seeking contact from both sides rather than trying to avoid it but that's the influence of rugby league defensive organisations on teams - not much space at the edges.
    Despite losing I thought Farrell had a really good game and his offloads out of the tackle were of League quality so there is good and bad in that influence

    Usual couple of miles in some discomfort on a cool and breezy morning.

    Off oop north shortly for the week - Bamburgh in Northumberland - same hotel as we stayed in last year.  Hope it is as good.  May pack a waterproof though!

    Wordle in three today.  As I am not taking my laptop I will break my streak which is a shame.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS: Have a good holiday always best to pack waterproof :)

    Theatre we were watching a play :D

    6.5 miles this morning as tapering for Friday again 3 miles to get legs working! but I think faster than last week so progress and Vo2 max has increased a point!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Splendid parkrunning, alehouse, JB . . . 
    TS - Bamburgh;  I'm envious  . . .  
    WP - good work showing the "lead legs" who is boss !  
    wordle fail yesterday - i.e. didn't even reach 6 attempts - completely stuck before then!  
    3 miles easy yesterday, and 8am start today for a 10 miler on the flat around the industrial loop, as N trained.  Nice way to spend Fathers Day morning :)  32 miles for the week. I think the alehouse might sound its siren call this afternoon . . . .     
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    TS, interesting insights on the game. Terrific ending. Not a big Sarries fan here!

    Dave, that's a solid week's running. More than I could handle.

    WP, good to improve that VO2 figure.

    I followed up the Saturday 5k (smooth surface, flat, fast course) with a beast of a XC 5k on Sunday.
    OK you expect the rutted tracks and the hills but on a course with 4 perfect km markers you don't expect the 'last km' to be 1.65km adding 3 minutes to your time. This was an utterly pointless addition  to an existing course which had the sole effect of making a lot of runners rather grumpy, including your correspondent.

    No matter. Even my rather limp 26.52 won the old git category in a course record: my only one.*

    *students of shooting fish in a barrel will note that there was also a 10k event which attracts the stronger competitors!
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    Been scanning all your messages - good to see you are all still hanging in there and alehouse has become a grand dad! Beautiful photo. I'm like Mick - my eldest grand daughter is 25!

    I've mainly been walking but throwing in the odd Parkrun and long run.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good to hear from you, NZC! Must be winter on your side of the world! Just seems like it here most of the time (although it was 22 today, compared with 13 at the weekend!). 

    A bit of a pain re the course, JB! Hope the record helped with the grumpiness! My children wanted me to be known as grumpa. Can't think why. 

    Just over 40 minutes today with my M77 neighbour. 45 km last week. 

    Birch: do any of the Birch runners intend to pop over The Pennines for a Sale Sizzler in the near future?

    Wordle in five. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Alehouse  - yes only 6 degrees today - very cold for Auckland. Sounds like you are getting in some decent longer runs with your older neighbour. You must be pleased with your parkrun results - whatever you are doing is working. I'd love one of those sub 5 min kms!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, that is cold for Auckland, NZC! In one way I am quite pleased with this week's parkrun...but I have to remind myself that just over three years ago I ran just under 2 minutes quicker on the same course. Would like to up the training but the legs are not too keen. Or my breathing for that matter. 

    30 minutes today:  15:30 out, 14:30 back, covering slightly more ground in the second half. Takes a long time to get going these days. 
    Long stretch later. 

    Wordle in four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    greetings to NZC !
    nice couple of runs, alehouse; pleasing "out & back"  . . .   
    Sizzler - not been mentioned . . . .    
    planned rest yesterday (yoga last evening), unplanned one today. Was assisting this morn on a care home outing, as my Mum was included; failed to run early as intended due to faffing and "just ano cup of tea" type prevaricating !  Went this afternoon, but combination of heat, crowded park, and tired legs (3 hours on feet pushing wheelchair) meant I abandoned!
    maybe half mile done  :)   ah, well . . .   
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave:Sounds like you needed the rest day as on pushing duties and not easy pushing wheelchair for 3 hours. No club night on Monday for me came down with a bad heat related headache. Yesterday 5.5 miles and it felt better not so much lead legs. Bad night with heat and hardly any sleep so I for see another rest day unless I perk up.Also hayfever is bad at the moment and heat .
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Just over 6k with the middle four km being progressive: trying out new shoes! Felt good but have put them back in the box for now: have plenty of other pairs on the go. 

    Hope that you perked up, WP. Race on Friday?

    And trust that you got something done today, Birch!

    Wordle in two!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Ale:    Glad new shoes felt good on there maiden voyage.

    Luckily I perked up by 9am and ran 3 miles.Then this morning same 3 miles which was a lot slower as Achilles was stiff.
    Yes race tomorrow night...eeek first one since 2019!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Good luck.

    That's shorts weather still.

    I'm still in recovery mode but looking forward to starting to run again.
    Very impressive scar.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    What a horrible photo, Mick! Hope you heal quickly and everything has been successful.

    23 at the end of my hour's run today. Just not used to it. Legs, especially hips, were tired after yesterday. Gardening with cricket on the radio: currently 28.

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Oh Mick that is an awfully nasty photo hope everything is okay and they got all they needed .have a good recovery.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Mick !!   what the others have said  . . . .   
    WP - well done getting out there for the 2 x 3milers.  Have a good race tomorrow !
    alehouse -  nice hour's work on tired legs and in heat.  Thanks, yes, managed 3 miles yesterday afternoon - (v.hot) - loops in park, with 8 x 150m "strideouts". Drained me!  
    Lucky today;  didn't get out until 2pm - bus up to edge of city, then tarmac & trails & finally parks back home for 11 miles. Lucky in that the sun was strong this morn, but when I got out, cloud cover had arrived, so although warm, not too bad . . .    happy to achieve this week's double digit ahead of the weekend!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    4 miles in warm, overcast conditions this morn.  Legs reasonable.  
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited June 2022
    11 + 4 sounds decent, Birch!

    Any news, WP?!

    Hope that you are continuing to make progress, Mick. 

    And I notice a parkrun from NZC! About 14 degrees and breezy for my outing, which I was glad of compared with the 28 of mid-week. 

     I had been chatting with one of my friends in the week, in the alehouse, and we decided to go to a parkrun that he had not been to before. Then our best laid plans were thwarted as the one that we had decided upon was off due to an event. I had quite fancied that one as it is largely flat and I don't seem to do hills too well at present. So we went to another that he hasn't done: Heaton Park, North Manchester. It is not flat. Have run the Northern 6 stage and National Vets relays there.
    Arrived in good time and we did a couple of kms warm up before the off. I had run there before, twice, the last time in 2014 with Dr Hill on the day of his 50 years of running every day. Ron did cross my mind a few times before, during and after. And today's course was totally different. 
    I lined up behind the 26 and 27 minute pacers and decided initially to hang on to the 26 minute guy. He was running with a buggy and commentated all the way: " take it easy on the hill, don't push too hard, run hard off the top, shorten your stride, relax your shoulders etc etc"
    One short lap which included half of the hill that we completed in full later: first km in 5:10 which included the half-hill and lots of congestion. 4:58 for the next which was downhill or flat. Then onto the main hill itself: a 5:33 km tells the story. "Once you get to the lions push on" (stone lions outside the hall). I left my talkative companion and pushed on as instructed: 4:31 for the next km before a final km of 4:43. Tired for the last km plus it was largely on stony ground. 24:50 officially, with a WAVA a little better than my previous best at this venue. 

    Meanwhile my friend, (who only runs once a week, at parkrun, but plays squash at least four times a week, plus an hour a week at least on the exercise bike) disappeared into the distance to clock 22:55, with which he was disappointed: last week he ran 21:45 on a flat course. Not bad for someone who is 72 in a couple of weeks. I think the squash playing must have something to do with it. Anyway he said that of the nearly 300 parkruns he has done, that was one of the harder ones, so I will accept his opinion on that as it makes my time sound better. 

    Wordle in four both yesterday and today.

    Now to watch the test. 

    Edit: 162nd, but 32nd on age grading. Mr Squash was 8th on age grading.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Well done, alehouse - good to read a "race" report, too!   Nice memories of Dr Ron . . .
    Pleasant 6.3 miles with two chums this morning, followed by breakfast al-fresco at mine.
    Cricket here also.  
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    Mick, my goodness, that photo. Best wishes from your fellow Essex graduate! 

    Ale, well done. Your 72 year old pal is remarkable.

    As was the VW85 lady who ran 41 mins at my local parkrun yesterday!

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Lovely to see a race report Ale,Great race and nice to have the memories of Ron Hill.

    No race for me as Achilles was too painful and i know right decision  even if frustrating.Dewi Griffiths was presenting prizes and started race.

    No running for 2 days so today was about the Achilles and took 4 miles for it to ease.More stretching is needed.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hard luck missing race, WP.

    7.7 this morn, in segments whilst watching event.  32 miles for week.
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