
Shades Marathon Training



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    Rcouture, I don't think I'd enjoy that much travel these days. Back when I was a games journo, I loved the trips to see games companies abroad, particularly in the US (I'd not been to the US before then, but I went over quite a few times for work). We'd often be well entertained, mind you, so it was fun. That was in my mid to late 20s, though...as an older adult I don't want to travel too often.
    Big G, I guess I have to wait until I'm 60 (and not get any slower!)

    Yesterday was an incredibly slow plod (13-14 minute pace...and amazingly no walk breaks, just very slow jogging). Took so long I canned it at 4 miles because I was getting bored and hungry.
    I did go out for a 9 miler today and did some hill repeats. There's a road that sits in a sort of valley so the roads leading off it are uphill. On one side the hills are shorter and steeper (6 to 7%) and on the other, they're longer and less steep (3 to 5%). I did the steep side first, then ran back doing the other side. Should have just gone home after that but instead I went back down the steeper side, which was a bit of a mistake as the fatigue really kicked in. I did 16 climbs in all - nothing blindingly fast but I'm trying to get my legs turning over a bit quicker. Probably too little too late at this stage, but hey ho.
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    Cal - When I was in my 20s doing this and getting by on 3 hours sleep it was great! Games journo really must have been a brilliant gig. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    One of the elite girls in our club got given a place for Paris next April,I was first in the queue so it looks like I'm getting a free place in that next year.It's the lead sponsors place so hoping there might be some freebies 🤣
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    edited September 2022
    Big G - how's the foot today, OK?

    I just checked the WAVA for my age group on that chart and it's way overstated, are you sure those WAVA calculations are right.   I checked two WAVA calculators, and that chart has WAVA % overstated by 5%.  I just checked one of the male groups too and that's higher by 4-5%, I tried on youngest and oldest in the group and still way out.

    Rcouture - I can see that the travel and all that goes with it has become a negative now that you have a young family (and are a marathon runner ;)).    At least now your trips are only most essential, and you do get a chance to run in different places.   Great run round Central Park.

    Ian - I think London are pretty efficient at notifying about the GFA entries.

    So is that Paris 2024 you'll have a place?

    8 hilly miles this morning, a little cooler but still fairly humid.   Saw another runner on my route, that's unusual through this hilly village, but this guy was running barefoot!   Never seen another runner out training barefoot before.

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    I've seen one or two barefooters but you have to have feet like leather to run like that in London. Frankly I wouldn't as I'd be worried about glass and stuff. I remember running in my Vibrams once and it was Autumn and the acorns were a bloody nightmare!

    8 miles for me too, though not hilly. Legs were heavy. I can't imagine why. :lol:
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-,No it's 2023,so hopefully that will be Tokyo,Paris and London in 7 weeks.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I’m not sure where the chap got the WAVA scores from in that table. Foot feels the same today as it did yesterday, so that’s encouraging, but I’m not running today. Next outing will either be Friday or Saturday.  If tomorrow it’ll be the same session as yesterday, but if Saturday it’ll be at parkrun, where I’ll start at the back and do a run/walk to the same time intervals around the course. 

    Ian, I think we’ll know by 7th Oct for London.  
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    Cal - when we had our Shadies trip up to Chester marathon there was a barefoot runner there.    Before the start he was going on and on about how shoes are unnecessary, and he runs well without them and never has sore feet.     We set off and I passed him at 6 miles, I think he finished well over an hour behind me....I'm guessing with sore feet ;)

    Ian - that's good, nice bunch of Spring marathons to look forward to.
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    Big G - great news on the foot.   Don't forget when you do run again to rotate your shoes, even more important when coming back from injury that you aren't running in the same brand and/or model each time.

    Those WAVA scores are way out.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I think regarding the WAVA the chap maybe used the 2010 tables?  I haven’t checked them all but below are 49 year old WAVAs for men and women, and they’re broadly in line with his table I posted earlier.

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    Big G  - how extraordinary, why on earth would he use such old stats unless he wanted to pretend his WAVA was way higher than it is.

    One of the calculators I use now shows a woman aged 49 would need to run 3:35 to achieve a WAVA score of 69.41.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I use the Howard Grubb tables for the Club Champs and for a 49yo woman on there’s it’s 66.47% for 3:48:45.
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    I've just run that through the calculator I use most and it comes out at 65.25% 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    For the club champs, it’s all automated, and all the age grading data is in a lookup table. So when I supply the race time for a runner, the software knows the age/gender of the runner, it has the distance of the race, and then it looks up the age grading from the Howard Grubb tables. I’ve only got tables for 2015 in the format the software understand and of course records have been broken since then.
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    The website I use is this one


    If you scroll down it details where stats come from, I did click on the link and there are 2020 tables.   However, I don't know if runbundle 's calculator uses 2020 stats.

    I like the runbundle website as can do reverse age grading too plus other calculators, weight/performance etc.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I did the 2nd session this morning from the NHS plan. 8x60/90 again, with about 10mins walking warmup/cool-down. No problems to report and it was a nice morning out there today, with the sky on the horizon over the sea very orange.
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    Big G - that's great news and sounds like you enjoyed it too.   

    Sky was lilac/pink here, fresh, only 9 degrees when I went out.

    8 miles this morning, I thought as it was fresher my run would feel easier, but it didn't, felt harder today.  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Trying to sneak this under the radar, but it appears I’ve entered Boston. They’ve taken the cash straight away but I don’t find out for a while if I’ve got a place. I got the refundable option as me toeing the start line does depend on many things, but if I get to April and I’m fit I know I’d regret not entering. So I’ve entered. 
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    Big G - whispers ...That's great news, I'm sure they'll confirm your place. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I was going to ask if you've decided.
    You are 100% in,I doubt there will be a cut off again this year.Pretty sure they only take the money once the place is done.
    Not jealous 😉
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, that’s interesting about the taking money only after it’s done on their side. I did register my Seville time a week or two ago and a few days afterwards they said it was verified, so maybe that sped things up?  Or was that the process when you entered, too?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    No I didn't get to verify mine,I remember on the release day something changed on my entry which meant I was in,then the next day the money cane out.
    With the current standards the biggest cut off has been 1:39,so you are very comfortably in.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Big G - Good news on Boston 

    8 miles for me yesterday then a 30 minute tempo today. Paces not great but was blustery and the hammy reared its head from the start and was on that crampy edge throughout so I slowed things down. It’s not actually painful strangely but just feels like the muscle is weak and about to cramp. Cool conditions and I was well hydrated so at least I know it’s not the recent heat. Odd how it was fine on my 20 miler at the weekend with MP which was only c.10s per mile slower than today’s pace. Anyway hoping the taper and some exercises given by my physio help it along. 12 miles including warmup and cooldown. 

    Early forecasts for Chicago looking great 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-I have just started looking at the weather,currently 30°,but down to drop by 10° over the next week.
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    Big G - enjoy the logistics planning for Boston.   :)

    Rcouture - are you home now?

    That pesky hamstring.

    Ian/Rcouture - that's promising re weather for Chicago.

    6 miles this morning for me.   Chance to wear my new winter top, which I bought in the summer, as it was 5 degrees with a 'feels like' of 3 degrees, but due to warm up a little which it did, kept my gloves on for the whole run though.   

    Ran past B & Q and not a seagull in sight, nor on the way back. 🥳

    Gym later
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    Incidentally, I've had an email from Brathay 10 in 10 looking for women to take part in the 2023 10 in 10. 

    If anyone is interested, I can let them have an application form.  :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I walked to parkrun (about 1.5 miles each way), and at the start of the event walked for the first 5mins before starting my run/walk ‘efforts’ and ended up doing 9x60/90, and then the final run into the finish was about 2mins. All efforts nice and easy. Felt ok although mild discomfort is generally still there, but not getting worse or better. I’m not 100% sure I’m doing the right thing but two podiatrists said it was safe to restart so I’ll give it some more time. I’m definitely very focused on all the strength and flexibility stuff, and if anything I’ve upped it by trying to do it a bit more often, whilst at the same trying not to overdo it!

    Although the plan said 8x60/90 I felt it was okay to do 10reps on this occasion.  The next 3 sessions are 6x90/120, so 9mins of running, with each rep slightly longer than what was in week 1. 

    Jumped on Zwift for a workout afterwards, which was enjoyable. 

    We are away in the van on Tuesday for about 6-7 days, but I am planning on continuing the run/walk stuff next week, hopefully with a Cornish parkrun thrown in for good measure. 

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    That's great news Big G. Hopefully the foot will behave itself.

    Rcouture, hammy may not like the colder weather (I know mine can get grumpy when it's cold). Hopefully just a minor hiccup though.

    Shades, good news about the seagull.

    Definitely colder today...for the first time since summer, the temp has gone below 20 in my room and, in fact, is hovering just above 17 at the moment. Quite a drop.

    Today's trip was courtesy of my friend Tunde, who has a car. I gave him a few options and he chose Hogmoor Inclosure, in Hampshire. It's an undulating woodland (pine) course on sandy trail. Some of it is hard packed stuff, but there are sections of pretty loose sand, and it's also rather undulating. Quite a tough course but also terrific fun. I was a bit stiff from the car journey and didn't have time for my usual 1 mile warm-up so went in pretty cold (literally, actually...had to bust out the full length leggings today - also the first time I've not worn shorts in ages). The result was a nice lot of descending splits: 9:41/9:12/8:52. 28:46 final time, which on current form is actually pretty decent on a course like this. I was expecting to be over 30. Oh and 1st in AG too (out of 9, so not like I was 1st of one lol)

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    Shades - Got back Thursday morning. Good news on the absent seagulls

    Cal - Great job taking the W in the AG. 

    Big G - Nice progress. Has someone advised you that the discomfort has to be at zero to be sure it won’t be aggravated? I was under the impression PF could be persistent at low levels for ages?

    6 miles earlier in gap between taxi service (currently ‘watching’ some diabolical toddler tennis 😵‍💫). HR looking really good. Last big one tomorrow with a slow 22 miler. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    European 24 hours champs in Verona today.  I would have mentioned it on here, but I ran with Nathan Flear a couple of times, including Sofia marathon. He won’t know me but he did a marathon/ultra as a training run and was really friendly, and explaining his ambitions of getting into the GB team. He’s in 37th at the moment. 
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