
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, you were right about it being unseasonably hot here. I was chatting briefly to a local yesterday and they said it’s hot this year. Beaches are busy which seems odd late October.  One of the Trotters here is a keen skier and he was saying there would usually be snow on the slopes that he goes to but there isn’t any yet. 

    There’s talk of Tenerife for the club trip next year (November) and Rome (March) in 2024. Nothing definite either way for me, but possibly I’d give Tenerife a miss, but I’d definitely be up for Rome. I don’t think anything is set in stone yet in any case.  

    Off to Monaco today - I used to be a big F1 fan, so looking forward to going. 
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    Big G - I'm not surprised the foot was sore after 24 miles, hopefully no worse this morning.

    Enjoy Monaco.

    I find race shirts are often disappointing and less than half of the ones I get I actually keep.

    It's been unseasonably warm too here and in UK but nothing like the temperatures you've had.

    No issue with water or energy drinks at Dublin marathon, plenty for everyone plus more.   Nice small bottles, easy to open, plenty of drink stations too.

    We had loads of snacks in the goody bags at number pick up.   Even I haven't managed to scoff them all.  Another goody bag at race finish, I gave away the Lucozade and 0% Carlsberg, but there were more snacks and chocolate.

    Haven't got my official race time, some runners had a text, I haven't.  Had a look at the website and can see they've had a problem uploading the results.

    Ballot for Dublin 2023 opens tomorrow for 48 hours but only to 2022 runners to reserve a place.  Then public ballot opens on 3rd November for remaining places.   Good for age only available for Irish residents.

    Just having coffee in bed before getting ready for my recovery run. :)
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    Well done fellow marathon nutters
    Me i merely went down to Chester Zoo to do anothe 10k. I say merely i er did manage to be about 3 mins faster than July's effort there. That's the one where i got home knackererd and promptly tested for positive for Covid.
    This time i parked myself a bit behind the 55 min pacer at the start and said to some nearby no idea how i'll do i'll see if i can keep him in sight. Manage that i did clocking 54:33 despite thinking i could do better if i was better rested etc as felt like i was limited on speed. ALL mile splits under 9 min a mile barely for a few but still ;) Even turned out to be 3 seconds faster thanthe one i did in May up here so seems i have improved a little ;)
    Ambled around Zoo for a bit then came home via the shop and another bottle of gin. Downside was the M56 being shut between J11 and J12 requiring detours in towards Runcorn and around on the north side with HUGE delays. As in 5 hour journeys both ways where as i can normally do it in 3 without much effort.
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    Keith - well done, you seem to be getting faster.
    My friend who lives in Chorley was doing the Chester Zoo 10k too.

    Recovery run done, out to the road with all the embassies.   If I was better at recognising the flags I would know which countries they all were.  

    As I got back to the hotel I had a chat to another runner just heading out for his recovery run.   He was first V45 yesterday in a time of 2:33.
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    Keith - Well done. Think there’s a runthrough race at Colchester zoo which is closer to me that I’ve wanted to try. 

    Shades - Hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Dublin. An acquaintance on Strava ran the race too so saw the elevation, it’s hillier than I thought. 

    5 miles earlier which is first run in a week so great to get out there. Still feeling under the weather but neck down is fine so will crack on. 
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    Rcouture - good to hear you're back training.

    Re Dublin, my Garmin calculated 671 feet, no real hills on the course, more gentle climbs.   A lot of downhill too, it felt like more downhill than uphill.  The course goes through Phoenix Park and past the back of Dublin Zoo, you can't usually see anything.   Every year there's a guy dressed in an animal costume at the zoo gate, not quite sure what animal he's supposed to be but makes us smile.

    My stomach has been a bit iffy today.  I even went to the chemist for some Imodium, probably explains why I didn't feel right yesterday.
    But it's done the trick, now looking to see what I can eat before my flight boards.😋

    At airport now, time to go home.  😭

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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Shades - Good to have an explanation for why you felt odd for no particular reason. Dodgy fish and chips the night before 😬? 

    By the way tried out the Novas today for the first time. To me they feel very similar to v2 but lighter which is all right to me. Will take the NB More v4 for first outing tomorrow. Can’t beat new shoe days 😍
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    edited November 2022
    Rcouture - I find the Nova 3's lighter too, they are, I weigh my shoes. 🤓  I also find there is a little more room in the toe box.
    I did my recovery run yesterday in my new Nova 2's, as you say can't beat new shoe days.   :)

    Home quite late last night, plane delayed by an hour plus torrential rain for the drive home didn't help.   Didn't sleep well either, my stomach was gurgling.   I don't think it was anything I'd eaten but a bug.   I remembered last night that on Wed/Thurs I'd had a bit of stomach cramping, I usually have a pretty strong stomach.   Probably the running and the pace on race day was just too much and set it off.

    Rest day today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    It’s a long day for me as if everything is on time with the flights I won’t get home until 11:30pm. It’s been lovely weather all weekend but it’s raining today so I’ve just paid a bit more for a 4pm checkout, as I’ve seen everything really and so will just relax in the hotel today, reading etc.  Need to leave for the airport at about 6ish. 

    Foot was quite sore yesterday but I enjoyed Monaco a lot. Strange place, lots of money everywhere. But we all got lunch from a supermarket so didn’t spend much really. We didn’t even stop for a drink as it was €20 a pint!  Train/tram travel really cheap though - €1 a trip in and around Nice (including airport transfer, which was only about 30mins to our hotel from the airport), and the train from Monaco back to Nice was €4.20 so can’t complain too much about that. 

    It’s been a great trip but I do want to go home. I much prefer an earlier flight on the last day just to get home on time, but I can’t do anything about that. 
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    Big G - worth paying for a late check out especially as it's raining and you know you have a long day ahead.  Need to rest the foot a bit too.   I think you'd have to expect the foot to be sore after your marathon.

    Even the hard core Trotters must have been put off by 20 Euro a pint!

    Took me nearly 2 hours to drive home from Bristol airport last night and I didn't stop on the way.  Rain was so heavy impossible to go at normal speed.   

    I'm on the sofa now with my stomach gurgling away, not feeling great, but not really ill either.   I've even given up coffee and resorted to drinking tea, not a good sign for me.  I am eating though not much.

    Luckily I have nothing planned today.
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    Well I slept like crap (more tenant issues...she won't pay this month's rent because she chose to move out for a while when there were mice about...bloody prima donna) so just five very slow miles this morning. Wet and windy.
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    Cal - how annoying.   You could visit and show her how to deal with mice.   ;). I take it your mice are long gone. 

    Or get the tenant a cat 🐱
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    Reminder... entries open for DD at 7pm tonight.

    Teignbridge Trotters website I guess.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RD is over here in Nice and she has to edit the Trotters page manually, probably whilst at the airport, to add the entry link.  Stressful!

    I’m not entering at the moment. If later I want a place I’ll try and get one off the reserve list. 
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    Big G  - November seems to have suddenly arrived and wasn't sure if you'd remembered about DD, especially as you were away.

    If I could knock another 7 minutes off my Barnstaple time then I'll be looking for a transfer place too.   Lots of work for me to do this winter.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Tempted by DD but looks like we may be away sadly. 

    5 miles earlier. Got drenched and this bug is persistent but felt pretty good otherwise. Tried More v4 and similar to Novas they’re a lighter version of previous ones which works for me. I’d highly recommend these although they can’t be used for anything aside from easy runs. Super soft but stable. Only downside is they’re low drop so not sure if great as an only trainer for folks who have achilles issues. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I'd have definitely got the layers check out,I hate late flights but sometimes there's no alternative.
    Shades-Looks like we're all the same on holding off on DD,I am tempted  to enter but I'll wait and see how the winter goes.There's a 6 hour race in Preston at the end of May that I'm looking at,think I could do that off marathon training?
    10 today,potentially not running tomorrow as the wind looks like 50-60mph so I'll extend all my other runs to get to the target miles.
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    Rcouture - I've tried the FFMORE shoes but too low a drop for me really so shan't replace mine.  Since I hurt my ankle back in May I find low drop put a bit too much pressure on that foot.

    Pencil DD on your calendar for 2024. 😃

     You'll have your GFA place in London by then, that will be about 6 weeks before DD so perfect timing.  DD is always on the Saturday so you can go off on your holidays on the Sunday 😉.

    Perhaps we can persuade Cal to run it that year too.😊

    Ian - an hour's race will be a new challenge and a new PB, is it on a track?  So 9-10 miles, you can race that and still do DD if you fancy it.

    BTW I see Paris won't be a flat course next year, that will be interesting.   No trouble for you though.

    We've just got another spell of wet and windy weather now.   I saw the seagulls arrive back on my neighbour's roof, usually an ominous sign of bad weather.

    I'm feeling much better now, just had a meal.  A decent night's sleep and I hope I'll be firing on all cylinders again 😃
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    Just received my invitation for a guaranteed place in Dublin 2023, which I won't take up.  I have at least two other trips to Irish races already planned for next year.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-It is a cycle pathway around UCLan uni,looks pretty flat from what I can see.It's a 6 hour race though,still a PB.
    I haven't heard anymore back about Paris,I was supposed to get an email but haven't heard,not too bothered as I haven't booked flights or anything so will wait and see.
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    edited November 2022
    Ian - a cycle path will be better than a track.  That sounds good fun, quite competitive I expect.

    I only heard that the Paris route was to follow an historic route.   A few moans from those that think every race should be flat 😂
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    41 DD entries in the first 19 minutes 😮
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    Had a good sleep and feel a lot better today.   Am taking another rest day to be sure but should be back running tomorrow.

    I did wake up and thought I'd enter DD, but haven't, just a moment of FOMO  ;)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    We were held a bit at Nice airport due to bad weather over the channel, but the flight itself okay, and I ended up walking through the front door at just gone midnight so we didn’t lose too much time. I slept well but I’m still tired now though. I have a podiatry appointment later today. 
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    Welcome home Big G, that's a long day

    Might be an interesting podiatry appointment.....don't forget to mention the marathon three days ago 🤣
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    Big G - Hope the podiatrist suggests no issues. 

    Shades - DD in 2024 is pencilled in

    5 miles earlier. Nothing to report really. No niggles and HR looks fine for the pace. RHR still very bad so this never ending bug means I’ll continue to take it easy with a rest day tomorrow. 
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    Rcouture said:

    Shades - DD in 2024 is pencilled in

    That's great news 😃

    That really is a nasty virus you've had.   At least it was after Chicago.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades/Big G-Just looking at DD entry list,does the ever present not need to enter? just noticed he's not on the list.
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